C - How can this simple transaction() function be completely free of deadlocks? - c

So I have this basic transaction() function written in C:
void transaction (Account from, Account to, double amount) {
mutex lock1, lock2;
lock1 = get_lock(from);
lock2 = get_lock(to);
withdraw(from, amount);
deposit(to, amount);
release (lock1);
It's to my understanding that the function is mostly deadlock-free since the function locks one account and then the other (instead of locking one, making changes, and then locking another). However, if this function was called simultaneously by these two calls:
transaction (savings_account, checking_account, 500);
transaction (checking_account, savings_account, 300);
I am told that this would result in a deadlock. How can I edit this function so that it's completely free of deadlocks?

You need to create a total ordering of objects (Account objects, in this case) and then always lock them in the same order, according to that total ordering. You can decide what order to lock them in, but the simple thing would be to first lock the one that comes first in the total ordering, then the other.
For example, let's say each account has an account number, which is a unique* integer. (* meaning no two accounts have the same number) Then you could always lock the one with the smaller account number first. Using your example:
void transaction (Account from, Account to, double amount)
mutex first_lock, second_lock;
if (acct_no(from) < acct_no(to))
first_lock = get_lock(from);
second_lock = get_lock(to);
assert(acct_no(to) < acct_no(from)); // total ordering, so == is not possible!
assert(acct_no(to) != acct_no(from)); // this assert is essentially equivalent
first_lock = get_lock(to);
second_lock = get_lock(from);
withdraw(from, amount);
deposit(to, amount);
So following this example, if checking_account has account no. 1 and savings_account has account no. 2, transaction (savings_account, checking_account, 500); will lock checking_account first and then savings_account, and transaction (checking_account, savings_account, 300); will also lock checking_account first and then savings_account.
If you don't have account numbers (say your working with class Foo instead of class Account) then you need to find something else to establish a total ordering. If each object has a name, as a string, then you can do an alphabetic comparison to determine which string is "less". Or you can use any other type that is comparable for > and <.
However, it is very important that the values be unique for each and every object! If two objects have the same value in whichever field you're testing, then they in the same spot in the ordering. If that can happen, then it is a "partial ordering" not a "total ordering" and it is important to have a total ordering for this locking application.
If necessary, you can make up a "key value" that is an arbitrary number that doesn't mean anything, but is guaranteed unique for each object of that type. Assign a new, unique value to each object when it is created.
Another alternative is to keep all the objects of that type in some kind of list. Then their list position serves to put them in a total ordering. (Frankly, the "key value" approach is better, but some applications may be keeping the objects in a list already for application logic purposes so you can leverage the existing list in that case.) However, take care that you don't end up taking O(n) time (instead of O(1) like the other approaches*) to determine which one comes first in the total ordering when you use this approach.
(* If you're using a string to determine total ordering, then it's not really O(1), but it's linear with the length of the strings and constant w.r.t. the number of objects that hold those strings... However, depending on your application, the string length may be much more reasonably bounded than the numer of objects.)

The problem you are trying to solve is called the dining philosophers problem, it is a well known concurrency problem.
In your case the naive solution would be to change acquire to receive 2 parameters(to and from) and only return when it can get both locks at the same time and to not get any lock if it can't have both (because that's the situation when the deadlock may occur, when get 1 lock and wait for the other). Read about the dining philosophers problem and you'll understand why.
Hope it helps!


Equivalent of DataSet groupBy/withPartitioner for DataStream

Previously with a DataSet I could do a .groupBy(...) followed by a .withPartitioner(...) to create groups such that one group (known to be much, much bigger than all the others) would be assigned to its own slot, and the other groups would be distributed among the remaining slots.
In switching to a DataStream, I don't see any straightforward way to do the same thing. If I dig into .keyBy(...), I see it using a PartitionTransformation with a KeyGroupStreamPartitioner, which is promising - but PartitionTransformation is an internal-use only class (or so the annotation says).
What's the recommended approach with a DataStream for achieving the same result?
With DataStream it's not as straightforward. You can implement a custom Partitioner that you use with partitionCustom, but then you do not have a KeyedStream, and so can not use keyed state or timers.
Another solution is to do a two-step, local/global aggregation, e.g.,
And in some cases, the first level of random keying isn't necessary (if the keys are already well distributed among the source partitions).
In principle, given a priori knowledge of the hot keys, you should be able to somehow implement a KeySelector that does a good job of balancing the load among the task slots. I believe one or two people have actually done this (by brute force searching for a suitable mapping from original keys to actual keys), but I don't have a reference implementation at hand.
As David noted, you can sometimes do the double-keyBy trick (initially using a random key) to reduce the impact of key skew. In my case that wasn't viable, as I'm processing records in each group using a large deep learning network with significant memory requirements, which means having all models loaded at the same time for the first grouping.
I re-used a technique I'd gotten to work with an older version of Flink, where you decide which sub-task (operator index) should get each record, and then calculate a key that Flink will assign to the target sub-task. The code, which calculates an Integer key, looks something like:
public static Integer makeKeyForOperatorIndex(int maxParallelism, int parallelism,
int operatorIndex) {
for (int i = 0; i < maxParallelism * 2; i++) {
Integer key = new Integer(i);
int index = KeyGroupRangeAssignment.assignKeyToParallelOperator(
i, maxParallelism, parallelism);
if (index == operatorIndex) {
return key;
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Unable to find key for target operator index %d (max parallelism = %d, parallelism = %d",
operatorIndex, maxParallelism, parallelism));
But note this is very fragile, as it depends on internal Flink implementation details.

what does worst case big omega(n) means?

If Big-Omega is the lower bound then what does it mean to have a worst case time complexity of Big-Omega(n).
From the book "data structures and algorithms with python" by Michael T. Goodrich:
consider a dynamic array that doubles it size when the element reaches its capacity.
this is from the book:
"we fully explored the append method. In the worst case, it requires
Ω(n) time because the underlying array is resized, but it uses O(1)time in the amortized sense"
The parameterized version, pop(k), removes the element that is at index k < n
of a list, shifting all subsequent elements leftward to fill the gap that results from
the removal. The efficiency of this operation is O(n−k), as the amount of shifting
depends upon the choice of index k. Note well that this
implies that pop(0) is the most expensive call, using Ω(n) time.
how is "Ω(n)" describes the most expensive time?
The number inside the parenthesis is the number of operations you must do to actually carry out the operation, always expressed as a function of the number of items you are dealing with. You never worry about just how hard those operations are, only the total number of them.
If the array is full and has to be resized you need to copy all the elements into the new array. One operation per item in the array, thus an O(n) runtime. However, most of the time you just do one operation for an O(1) runtime.
Common values are:
O(1): One operation only, such as adding it to the list when the list isn't full.
O(log n): This typically occurs when you have a binary search or the like to find your target. Note that the base of the log isn't specified as the difference is just a constant and you always ignore constants.
O(n): One operation per item in your dataset. For example, unsorted search.
O(n log n): Commonly seen in good sort routines where you have to process every item but can divide and conquer as you go.
O(n^2): Usually encountered when you must consider every interaction of two items in your dataset and have no way to organize it. For example a routine I wrote long ago to find near-duplicate pictures. (Exact duplicates would be handled by making a dictionary of hashes and testing whether the hash existed and thus be O(n)--the two passes is a constant and discarded, you wouldn't say O(2n).)
O(n^3): By the time you're getting this high you consider it very carefully. Now you're looking at three-way interactions of items in your dataset.
Higher orders can exist but you need to consider carefully what's it's going to do. I have shipped production code that was O(n^8) but with very heavy pruning of paths and even then it took 12 hours to run. Had the nature of the data not been conductive to such pruning I wouldn't have written it at all--the code would still be running.
You will occasionally encounter even nastier stuff which needs careful consideration of whether it's going to be tolerable or not. For large datasets they're impossible:
O(2^n): Real world example: Attempting to prune paths so as to retain a minimum spanning tree--I computed all possible trees and kept the cheapest. Several experiments showed n never going above 10, I thought I was ok--until a different seed produced n = 22. I rewrote the routine for not-always-perfect answer that was O(n^2) instead.
O(n!): I don't know any examples. It blows up horribly fast.

What is a good algorithm to check whether or not a number exist in multiple sets without searching them all?

Let's say you have multiple databases in 3 zones. Zone A, B, and C. Each zone in different geographical location. At the same time, you have an application that will route username and password based on the geographical location of the user. For example, user A will be redirected to database in Zone A. User B Zone B and so on.
Now, let's say user A moves to a zone B. The application query zone B and won't find anything. Querying zone A and zone C might take some time due to zones are far away, and will have to query all the databases in all zones.
My Question
How can you verify if a string/number exists in multiple sets?
How can you verify a row exist in the database before even sending a query?
My Algorithm
This is not perfect, but will give you some idea what I'm trying to do
If we have the database with the following 3 users
We take the hash of all 3 users, and look for the next prime number if the hash is not prime.
sum = hash(foo).nextPrime() * hash(bar).nextPrime() * hash(foobar).nextPrime()
That sum is shared between all zones. If I want to check foo, I can just take the hash of foo, and look for the next prime, then take the gcd(foo,sum). If it's not equal to one. It means foo exist in some database. If it equal to one, it means foo doesn't exist at all. If I want to add a new username. I can simply do sum = sum * hash(newUserName).nextPrime().
Sum will grow to a point that will be just faster to query all databases.
Do you know a similar algorithm to solve this problem?
One data structure suitable for this application is a Bloom filter.
A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which allows you test whether an item is already in a set. If the test returning false then the item is definitely not in the set (0% false negatives), if true then it may be in the set, but is not guaranteed to be (false positives are possible).
The filter is implemented as a bit array with m bits and a set of k hash functions. To add an item to the array (e.g. a username), hash the item using each of the hash functions and then take the modulo m of each hash value to compute the indexes to set in the bit array. To test if an item is in the set, compute all the hashes and indexes and check that all of the corresponding bits in the array are set to 1. If any of them are zero them the item is definitely not in the set, if all are 1 then the item is most likely in the set, but there is a small chance it may not be, the percentage of false positives can be reduced by using a larger m.
To implement the k hash functions, it is possible to just use the same hashing algorithm (e.g. CRC32, MD5 etc) but append different salts to the username string for each before passing to the hash function, effectively creating "new" hash functions for each salt. For a given m and n (number of elements being added), the optimal number of hash functions is k = (m / n) ln 2
For your application, the Bloom filter bit array would be shared across all zones A B C etc. When a user attempts to login, you could first check in the database of the local zone, and if present then log them in as normal. If not present in the local database, check the Bloom filter and if the result is negative then you know for sure that they don't exist in another zone. If positive, then you still need to check the databases in the other zones (because of the possibility of a false positive), but presumably this isn't a big issue because you would be contacting the other zones in any case to transfer the user's data in the case that it was a true positive.
One down-side of using a Bloom filter is that it is difficult (though not impossible) to remove elements from the set once they have been added.

Finding users who load more than 10% of the network

I need to improve a working solution for this problem :
A system gets messages from users in the network.
Every time a user posts a message, we increase the total counter (totCounter) and the user's messages counter (userMessagesCounter) for this user. For that, we have a hash map with users(keys) and userMessagesCounter(values).
Therefore, to get the users who sent more than 10% messages in the network, All we do is iterating over the hash table, checking for each user if (userMessagesCounter / totCounter) > 0.1 , and if so, we add the user key to an ArrayList. At the end we return this list.
This takes O(n) cause we iterate over all the users.
I need to improve this system making it run the fastest I can.
What I thought about was this fact : there couldn't be more than 10 users with more than 10% load (cause then we have more than 100%).
Therefore, I can make an array of size 10 and updating it when a message arrives. The problem is when a new message arrives, this array information might not be valid anymore and I need to recheck all the array elements for each message that arrives.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem in O(10) (which is like O(1) actually) using the idea I came up with ?
Thanks a lot.
You are looking for frequent mining algorithm, that looks for an item that repeats theta (in your case theta=0.1) of the times in the collection.
An approach to handle it using 1/theta space in linear time was proposed by Karp-Papadimitriou-Shanker: A Simple Algorithm for Finding Frequent
Elements in Streams and Bags
1. PF = ∅
2. foreach element e∈S {
3. if PF.hasKey(e) { // increase counter
4. PF.value(e)++ // of existing elements
5. }
6. Else {
7. PF.insert(e,1) // insert new element
8. If |PF|== 1/θ { // but if PF is full
9. Foreach key ∈ PF {
10. PF.value(k)-- // decrease all counters
11. if PF.value(k) == 0 { // and remove
12. PF.remove(k) // elements at 0
13. } } } } }
14. Output PF
Pseudo code taken from lecture notes in Tehcnion's big data course
In here, your "stream" is the messages sent, and when you are looking for the users with frequent messages - check the current candidates in PF, which is O(1) for the constant theta=0.1.
This algorithm yields 1/theta (10 in your case) candidates for being "frequent", but it has False Positives - it means it might point something as "possibly frequent", while it isn't - but that shouldn't be hard for you, as you can simply verify it,
I think I see a nearly O(1) solution here:
Maintain a dictionary that has the list of users and their message count.
You have a list of the 10% users. These are links to the dictionary records, not local copies.
When you get a message you look up that user and increment their message count. This is O(1) as it's a dictionary. If the count is less than 10%, exit.
If this user is already in the 10% list, exit. This is O(4) if the list is sorted by user, O(10) otherwise.
Add this user to the 10% list.
Purge the list of any users that are no longer 10% users. O(10) at the worst.
Upon a request for the list:
Purge the list of any users that are no longer 10% users. Again, O(10) at the worst--this is the same routine as above.
return a copy of the list.

Crossover function for genetic

I am writing a Time table generator in java, using AI approaches to satisfy the hard constraints and help find an optimal solution. So far I have implemented and Iterative construction (a most-constrained first heuristic) and Simulated Annealing, and I'm in the process of implementing a genetic algorithm.
Some info on the problem, and how I represent it then :
I have a set of events, rooms , features (that events require and rooms satisfy), students and slots
The problem consists in assigning to each event a slot and a room, such that no student is required to attend two events in one slot, all the rooms assigned fulfill the necessary requirements.
I have a grading function that for each set if assignments grades the soft constraint violations, thus the point is to minimize this.
The way I am implementing the GA is I start with a population generated by the iterative construction (which can leave events unassigned) and then do the normal steps: evaluate, select, cross, mutate and keep the best. Rinse and repeat.
My problem is that my solution appears to improve too little. No matter what I do, the populations tends to a random fitness and is stuck there. Note that this fitness always differ, but nevertheless a lower limit will appear.
I suspect that the problem is in my crossover function, and here is the logic behind it:
Two assignments are randomly chosen to be crossed. Lets call them assignments A and B. For all of B's events do the following procedure (the order B's events are selected is random):
Get the corresponding event in A and compare the assignment. 3 different situations might happen.
If only one of them is unassigned and if it is possible to replicate
the other assignment on the child, this assignment is chosen.
If both of them are assigned, but only one of them creates no
conflicts when assigning to the child, that one is chosen.
If both of them are assigned and none create conflict, on of
them is randomly chosen.
In any other case, the event is left unassigned.
This creates a child with some of the parent's assignments, some of the mother's, so it seems to me it is a valid function. Moreover, it does not break any hard constraints.
As for mutation, I am using the neighboring function of my SA to give me another assignment based on on of the children, and then replacing that child.
So again. With this setup, initial population of 100, the GA runs and always tends to stabilize at some random (high) fitness value. Can someone give me a pointer as to what could I possibly be doing wrong?
Edit: Formatting and clear some things
I think GA only makes sense if part of the solution (part of the vector) has a significance as a stand alone part of the solution, so that the crossover function integrates valid parts of a solution between two solution vectors. Much like a certain part of a DNA sequence controls or affects a specific aspect of the individual - eye color is one gene for example. In this problem however the different parts of the solution vector affect each other making the crossover almost meaningless. This results (my guess) in the algorithm converging on a single solution rather quickly with the different crossovers and mutations having only a negative affect on the fitness.
I dont believe GA is the right tool for this problem.
If you could please provide the original problem statement, I will be able to give you a better solution. Here is my answer for the present moment.
A genetic algorithm is not the best tool to satisfy hard constraints. This is an assigment problem that can be solved using integer program, a special case of a linear program.
Linear programs allow users to minimize or maximize some goal modeled by an objective function (grading function). The objective function is defined by the sum of individual decisions (or decision variables) and the value or contribution to the objective function. Linear programs allow for your decision variables to be decimal values, but integer programs force the decision variables to be integer values.
So, what are your decisions? Your decisions are to assign students to slots. And these slots have features which events require and rooms satisfy.
In your case, you want to maximize the number of students that are assigned to a slot.
You also have constraints. In your case, a student may only attend at most one event.
The website below provides a good tutorial on how to model integer programs.
For a java specific implementation, use the link below.
SolverFactory factory = new SolverFactoryLpSolve(); // use lp_solve
factory.setParameter(Solver.VERBOSE, 0);
factory.setParameter(Solver.TIMEOUT, 100); // set timeout to 100 seconds
* Constructing a Problem:
* Maximize: 143x+60y
* Subject to:
* 120x+210y <= 15000
* 110x+30y <= 4000
* x+y <= 75
* With x,y being integers
Problem problem = new Problem();
Linear linear = new Linear();
linear.add(143, "x");
linear.add(60, "y");
problem.setObjective(linear, OptType.MAX);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(120, "x");
linear.add(210, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 15000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(110, "x");
linear.add(30, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 4000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(1, "x");
linear.add(1, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 75);
problem.setVarType("x", Integer.class);
problem.setVarType("y", Integer.class);
Solver solver = factory.get(); // you should use this solver only once for one problem
Result result = solver.solve(problem);
* Extend the problem with x <= 16 and solve it again
problem.setVarUpperBound("x", 16);
solver = factory.get();
result = solver.solve(problem);
// Results in the following output:
// Objective: 6266.0 {y=52, x=22}
// Objective: 5828.0 {y=59, x=16}
I would start by measuring what's going on directly. For example, what fraction of the assignments are falling under your "any other case" catch-all and therefore doing nothing?
Also, while we can't really tell from the information given, it doesn't seem any of your moves can do a "swap", which may be a problem. If a schedule is tightly constrained, then once you find something feasible, it's likely that you won't be able to just move a class from room A to room B, as room B will be in use. You'd need to consider ways of moving a class from A to B along with moving a class from B to A.
You can also sometimes improve things by allowing constraints to be violated. Instead of forbidding crossover from ever violating a constraint, you can allow it, but penalize the fitness in proportion to the "badness" of the violation.
Finally, it's possible that your other operators are the problem as well. If your selection and replacement operators are too aggressive, you can converge very quickly to something that's only slightly better than where you started. Once you converge, it's very difficult for mutations alone to kick you back out into a productive search.
I think there is nothing wrong with GA for this problem, some people just hate Genetic Algorithms no matter what.
Here is what I would check:
First you mention that your GA stabilizes at a random "High" fitness value, but isn't this a good thing? Does "high" fitness correspond to good or bad in your case? It is possible you are favoring "High" fitness in one part of your code and "Low" fitness in another thus causing the seemingly random result.
I think you want to be a bit more careful about the logic behind your crossover operation. Basically there are many situations for all 3 cases where making any of those choices would not cause an increase in fitness at all of the crossed-over individual, but you are still using a "resource" (an assignment that could potentially be used for another class/student/etc.) I realize that a GA traditionally will make assignments via crossover that cause worse behavior, but you are already performing a bit of computation in the crossover phase anyway, why not choose one that actually will improve fitness or maybe don't cross at all?
Optional Comment to Consider : Although your iterative construction approach is quite interesting, this may cause you to have an overly complex Gene representation that could be causing problems with your crossover. Is it possible to model a single individual solution as an array (or 2D array) of bits or integers? Even if the array turns out to be very long, it may be worth it use a more simple crossover procedure. I recommend Googling "ga gene representation time tabling" you may find an approach that you like more and can more easily scale to many individuals (100 is a rather small population size for a GA, but I understand you are still testing, also how many generations?).
One final note, I am not sure what language you are working in but if it is Java and you don't NEED to code the GA by hand I would recommend taking a look at ECJ. Maybe even if you have to code by hand, it could help you develop your representation or breeding pipeline.
Newcomers to GA can make any of a number of standard mistakes:
In general, when doing crossover, make sure that the child has some chance of inheriting that which made the parent or parents winner(s) in the first place. In other words, choose a genome representation where the "gene" fragments of the genome have meaningful mappings to the problem statement. A common mistake is to encode everything as a bitvector and then, in crossover, to split the bitvector at random places, splitting up the good thing the bitvector represented and thereby destroying the thing that made the individual float to the top as a good candidate. A vector of (limited) integers is likely to be a better choice, where integers can be replaced by mutation but not by crossover. Not preserving something (doesn't have to be 100%, but it has to be some aspect) of what made parents winners means you are essentially doing random search, which will perform no better than linear search.
In general, use much less mutation than you might think. Mutation is there mainly to keep some diversity in the population. If your initial population doesn't contain anything with a fractional advantage, then your population is too small for the problem at hand and a high mutation rate will, in general, not help.
In this specific case, your crossover function is too complicated. Do not ever put constraints aimed at keeping all solutions valid into the crossover. Instead the crossover function should be free to generate invalid solutions and it is the job of the goal function to somewhat (not totally) penalize the invalid solutions. If your GA works, then the final answers will not contain any invalid assignments, provided 100% valid assignments are at all possible. Insisting on validity in the crossover prevents valid solutions from taking shortcuts through invalid solutions to other and better valid solutions.
I would recommend anyone who thinks they have written a poorly performing GA to conduct the following test: Run the GA a few times, and note the number of generations it took to reach an acceptable result. Then replace the winner selection step and goal function (whatever you use - tournament, ranking, etc) with a random choice, and run it again. If you still converge roughly at the same speed as with the real evaluator/goal function then you didn't actually have a functioning GA. Many people who say GAs don't work have made some mistake in their code which means the GA converges as slowly as random search which is enough to turn anyone off from the technique.
