XBMC/Xbmcswift - Movie/TV-Show metadata - database

Is there a way for xbmcswift to automatically provide metadata for video items?
I know this is possible using a sqlite database, but is there a way to do this automatically without using a database/sqlite?
Possibly from websites like http://www.thetvdb.com/ and http://www.themoviedb.org/ ?

In short: No.
xbmcswift is just a wrapper for the XBMC add-on api and the api doesn't provide a possibility to interact with scraper add-ons.
However, there is the "script.module.metahandler" add-on you could use (by requiring it via addon.xml) to retrieve data from thetvdb and themoviedb - but it slows down extremely your add-on.


How to automatically save received pdf files from gmail into a database?

I would like to know if this scenario would be possible in any programming language combined with any database technology.
I would like to automatically save received pdf files that are attached in emails into a database. Is this possible? Is there any library or framework available to do so?
Yes, I would recommend using Google Apps Script for this. The approach you should follow is to use the GmailApp class (Documentation here) to get the messages you need, you can use methods like getInboxThreads() (Documentation), to retrieve the messages.
After you've found the message and retrieved the attachment (which you can do withgetAttachments() (Documentation)), you can use the JDBC Service to connect with external databases. The specifics here depend a lot on what database you want to connect with, but the documentation will lead you in the right direction.

Use some kind of database in webextension firefox

Suppose i want to create some firefox extension like scrapBook and for storing scraped data use database like sqlite (what was possible in addon-sdk) is there any way to do this? The best solution for me is store information in sqlite. This addon, i plane to use myself, so don't have any security limitations, but still there must be a way to do it, as according to oficial documentation (or maybe i not look well) there is only IndexedDB with some size limitations.

Is it possible to add or change intents/entities/dialog externally through restful API for watson conversation

Im wondering ,if there is a way where we can add Intents/Entities/Dialogues through the Restful service as this will allow my application to be extremely dynamic adding its own entities/intents through interactions with the user.Can someone let me know is this possible or not?
Kind regards harish
Yes this is possible using the Workspace API. Example:
From what you described, be aware that modifying intents+entities will trigger a retraining event. Changing a dialog tree live can possibly cause users interactions to reset.
Also the workspace API is currently free to use, but is rate limited. So good for updating a workspace, but not in a live interaction environment.

Salesforce: script to create custom object and fields

Is there a way to create custom objects and fields by using script or IDE ?
Salesforce is very easy to use, however, it's so time-consuming to create so many fields on Web interface. So, just wonder if there's ways to use script or IDE to create objects and fields in Salesforce?
You're looking for the Metadata API, or already developed tools which use the metadata api.
Though using it directly will still require some developement, which may not save you much time. you get metadata in XML, but would still need to process it to what you want to achieve.
Somewhat also depend on the nature of what you want to do. I for instance had a requirement today for 150 custom labels based on an input file. Was much faster to generate metadata XML than to ever do that in the web interface. Deployed the metadata using the force.com IDE.

Automating Salesforce Security Checks

I need to create some automated method for checking certain security settings within a given Salesforce org(s). The four big ones are:
IP Restrictions within each profile
Mobile User setting disabled
Mobile Lite disabled
Chatter Disabled
I think the first two can be accomplished through the API (SOQL to get all profiles and check loginIpRanges[] length >0 and SOQL to get all users and check isMobileUser property for each one), but I can't find anything in the API for the other two and wonder if I would have to screen scrape it.
Any suggestions on the best approach to accomplish this? A local Python or other script that connects remotely via the API and a screen scraper or Selenium script for the non-API items? An Apex or VisualForce page that is installed within each org?
I am new to Salesforce and Apex, so before I start down one road and doing it within Salesforce vs via the API I would really appreciate any guidance.
Thank you!
I think you'll have to take a mixed approach to solving this, perhaps wrapped up in some larger python script.
Use the metadata API to get all of the Profile objects and parse for loginIPRanges. You can use Apache ANT and the Force.com migration tool commands to do this. You can also get the SecuritySettings from the same API and method and get a lot of the things in the Security Health Check, if you need them. The results will be returned in XML, which you can easily parse in your python script.
Use the API and a SOQL query to check for the isMobileUser permission, use python to parse/output results. Beatbox is a good library for connecting to the standard API.
For the last two, I think you'll need to go with some screen scraping/browser automation and parsing. Hopefully someone has a better answer for this, as I'm not familiar enough to help with how to accomplish this aspect. The screens are in standard locations so it should be repeatable as long as future updates don't move things.
Ideally you'll be able to combine these into one large script that fires off beatbox, then fires off ant/migration tool, and some browser automation script.
