refreshToken is null - google-app-engine

I used DREdit app's Oauth code to get accessToken and refreshToken for my app and i am getting the accessToken but refreshToken is coming null always.
I tried to print the values in the code which comes like below
authorization URL:
This code already has access_type=offline which I found not having in the url was the cause in some cases. Please advise what else could be wrong here.
The log prints as follows on appEngine
[s~sakshumweb-hrd/3.368699522239285323].<stdout>: Code:4/XQ1sR1Pu5VHDqGbG9iJO10bXVCCE.Qn-L1XwrBVYaEnp6UAPFm0EmSoCXfwI
W 2013-07-10 20:20:16.294 <init>: Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
I 2013-07-10 20:20:16.536
[s~sakshumweb-hrd/3.368699522239285323].<stdout>: id:113470899999229420779
I 2013-07-10 20:20:17.936
[s~sakshumweb-hrd/3.368699522239285323].<stdout>: access token:ya29.AHES6ZSP7MXaaUhMz4RO7Jm3Zkh_s1zUxJyzW_6IvfADaQ
I 2013-07-10 20:20:17.936
[s~sakshumweb-hrd/3.368699522239285323].<stdout>: refresh token:null

Refresh tokens are only issued on the initial authorization (whenever the consent screen is shown.) If you find you're in a state where you don't have a saved refresh token for a user, you can ask for reauthorization with the added query parameter prompt=consent. The user will be asked to re-authorize and a new refresh token will be generated.

After your link you get authorization code. For instance:
&client_id=[your id]
&scope=[access scopes]
then if in future you are going to have access to drive you need refresh token (you can every time request auth token - redirecting to google and etc... but it's not good way. after first usage, you should save Credentials in Database with User UID (for instance, it may be mail). So if you need to have access to the drive in the feature you do this:
static Credential exchangeCode(String authorizationCode)
throws CodeExchangeException {
try {
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = getFlow();
GoogleTokenResponse response =
return flow.createAndStoreCredential(response, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);
throw new CodeExchangeException(null);
As I guess you also want to get url of the file which is in the Google Drive. when you get files - thee the documentation, then you will find download methids in object. read documentations


How to decode access token from Microsoft OAuth2

I am building a web application using CakePHP 4.1.
And it has authorization from Microsoft Active Directory(OAuth2).
What I am going to do is to decode the access token and redirect to Microsoft login page when it is expired.
So I can get token from authorization like this.'
I tried to decode using firebase/jwt, but I am not sure what should be $key.
JWT::decode($accessToken, $key, array('RS256'))
I can get the decoded result if I enter the token in
I don't have any special claims, so $key should be plain.
And I want to know if there is another way to decode jwt.
Firebase JWT only supports decoding with signature validation, so a key is always required.
You can manually decode the token, it's just JSON as base64, however without validation there's no way to know whether the information hasn't been forged, so I wouldn't trust any information obtained that way, not even the expiration time.
Usually OAuth APIs return an expiration time in the response for access token requests (and so does Microsofts Identity Platform API), which your app can store alongside the token and use for checking for possible token expiration.
Refreshing upon receiving invalid token errors from the API is usually an option too, then you don't need to care about the expiration time yourself at all.
I would certainly suggest any of those options over trusting arbitrary client data.
That being said, if you still want the unvalidated expiration time from the token, just do what Firebase JWT does internally:
$tks = \explode('.', $accessToken);
if (\count($tks) != 3) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Wrong number of segments');
list($headb64, $bodyb64, $cryptob64) = $tks;
if (null === ($header = JWT::jsonDecode(JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($headb64)))) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid header encoding');
if (null === $payload = JWT::jsonDecode(JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($bodyb64))) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid claims encoding');
if (false === ($sig = JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($cryptob64))) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid signature encoding');

How can I log the generated Access Token in Identity Server 4?

I would like to know how we can log the generated Refresh & AccessToken in IdentityServer 4.
Currently, we've got the custom implementation about the JwtAccessToken and we writes it + userId/name to the central logging system whenever it generates a new Access token. For Apis (we've more than 10), it always writes all incoming requests + JwtToken to the same logging system. So, we can easily trace what the user had done and see the logs/values at that particular time.
Now, we are going to replace that custom security implementation with IDSV4 and we couldn't find out a way to log the generated token in IDSV4.
We know that we can get the Access Token in .Net App by using await HttpContext.GetAccessTokenAsync(). But we don't want to manually send a log from all our apps (.Net, Spas, Apis (Client Credentials)) which are going to integrate with IDSV. We want to manage that AccessToken logging in a central place as we did before.
I looked at the IDSV4 sourcecode TokenEndpoint.cs Line120, LogTokens()
if (response.IdentityToken != null)
_logger.LogTrace("Identity token issued for {clientId} / {subjectId}: {token}", clientId, subjectId, response.IdentityToken);
if (response.RefreshToken != null)
_logger.LogTrace("Refresh token issued for {clientId} / {subjectId}: {token}", clientId, subjectId, response.RefreshToken);
if (response.AccessToken != null)
_logger.LogTrace("Access token issued for {clientId} / {subjectId}: {token}", clientId, subjectId, response.AccessToken);
Actually, they write the TraceLogs for the actual tokens. But we don't want to update the log level to Trace because it'll flood our logging system.
So, I would like to know whether it's possible to implement a feature to write a generated tokens to a log whenever IDSV4 issues an AccessToken. Is there anyway to intercept these tokens after the generation?
Or do we have to manually log AccessTokens whenever it's generated or refreshed in all our clients?
Thanks to sellotape for giving me an idea for DI. The following is the correct class to intercept the generated Token:
public class CustomTokenResponseGenerator : TokenResponseGenerator
public CustomTokenResponseGenerator(ISystemClock clock, ITokenService tokenService, IRefreshTokenService refreshTokenService, IResourceStore resources, IClientStore clients, ILogger<TokenResponseGenerator> logger) : base(clock, tokenService, refreshTokenService, resources, clients, logger)
public override async Task<TokenResponse> ProcessAsync(TokenRequestValidationResult request)
var result = await base.ProcessAsync(request);
// write custom loggings here
return result;
After that you can replace default class from IDSV4 with your custom class
services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<ITokenResponseGenerator, CustomTokenResponseGenerator>());
There are many places to hook in for this; one is to create your own implementation of ITokenService by deriving from DefaultTokenService.
Override CreateAccessTokenAsync() and have it do:
Token result = await base.CreateAccessTokenAsync(request);
// Your logging goes here...
return result;
Swap in your version in your DI container at Startup (make sure it's after the default one has already been added):
services.Replace<ITokenService, MyTokenService>();
... and you should be ready.
As an aside, you should really log hashes of your tokens and not the tokens themselves. You can still match requests and actions to users based on the hash, but then at least nobody will be able to use the logging data to impersonate any of your users.

CompactToken validation failed 80049228

Some users are getting this error back when trying to sign in using Microsoft Sign In in order to access mail via MS Graph. I've had both corporate users and personal ( users both showing this error number but it works fine for most users.
This is the call:
This is the error returned:
Code: InvalidAuthenticationToken
Message: CompactToken validation failed with reason code: 80049228
Any pointers? Where can I find a reference to this error number?
This means the token expired and it need to be refreshed. If you want to refresh it without user interaction you'll need a refresh_token which is returned when you obtain a token initially.
Here is how you can refresh it:
function refreshTokenIfNeeded(tokenObj){
let accessToken = oauth2.accessToken.create(tokenObj);
const { token } = accessToken;
const expirationTimeInSeconds = token.expires_at.getTime() / 1000;
const expirationWindowStart = expirationTimeInSeconds - EXPIRATION_WINDOW_IN_SECONDS;
const nowInSeconds = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000;
const shouldRefresh = nowInSeconds >= expirationWindowStart;
let promise = Promise.resolve(accessToken)
if (shouldRefresh) {
console.log("outlook365: token expired, refreshing...")
promise = accessToken.refresh()
return promise
Where tokenObj is the token object you store in your database.
Make sure it also has expires_at or otherwise oauth2.accessToken.create() will create it and calculate from the current moment in time.
More details can be found in this tutorial and in this github repo (this is where the code above was taken from)
Found a Solution To This
In my case, I was refreshing the token before using the access_token with Microsoft Graph API even once.
Once you successfully call You will get a refresh_token and an access_token, my guess is that you have been refreshing the token before using the first access token from the URL mentioned above.
Steps to Fix:
Call as you did before
Copy the access_token from the response and use it at least once with your Microsoft Graph API
Now you can copy the refresh_token (or once the access_token is expired) and exchange for a new access token
Enjoy your API integration
Smile :)
Microsoft Authentication (Tokens) Docs - Including Refresh Token
OneDrive Refresh Token Answer

Quickbooks Authorization error

i have got Access token from "" using rest api in apex. when i pass the response to the authorizaiton url as shown below
i get this error
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: no_such_database
Message: Application not found by appToken
Any kind of help will be much appriciable
I am not sure if you figured it out but the URL for authorization actually seems different from documentation :
I used this url for authorization and it worked.
Instead of old user authorization link ( ) use the new link (
After generating the request token and secret , redirect to the new link. This will lead to the user authorization pages. Once authorized it will redirect back to our callback url.
Code Example :
$userAuthUrl = "";
$signedUrl = "{$userAuthUrl}?oauth_callback={$callBackUrl}&oauth_consumer_key={$consumerKey}&oauth_nonce={$nonce_random}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp={$timestamp}&oauth_token={$reqToken}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature={$signature}";
Authorized URL is not correct.
It should be like -
Here oauth_token is actually request_token (not request_secret) which you get as part of the first call OAuth1.0a flow.
Please refer this sample Java code which shows all the 3 steps required to generate accessToken and accessSecret (OAuth1.0a).

CodeNameOne Google Plus OAuth2

Could anyone please help me with authenticating to Google Plus using OAuth2? I am able to get the authentication window to display, login and confirm my application with my account, but for some reason the action event is never fired. I get a screen saying Please copy this code, switch to your application and paste it there.
How do i get the action event to fire?
Thanks in advance.
My code is as follows:
Hi Shai, thanks for the response, my code for the authentication is as follows:
Oauth2 auth2 = new Oauth2("", "Client_Id", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob or http://localhost", "openid", "", "Client_Secret");
auth2.showAuthentication(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if (evt.getSource() instanceof String) {
String token = (String) evt.getSource();
String expires = Oauth2.getExpires();
System.out.println("recived a token " + token + " which expires on " + expires);
//store token for future queries.
} else {
Exception err = (Exception) evt.getSource();
err.printStackTrace();"Error", "An error occurred while logging in: " + err, "OK", null);
The "auth2.showAuthentication" works well, and allows you to pass through for the user to authorize the application but then once the user authorizes the application the "actionlistener" is never called, I never hit the callback. How can i force the callback to fire to return the token?
I have been struggling with the same issue. I finally found out that the problem lies in the setup of the WebBrowser inside Oauth2.createLoginComponent(): the onStart() handler waits for a URL starting with your supplied redirect URI, but this URL never appears. The final Google page, the one that brings the token, has a URL starting with "", not with the redirect URI.
According to Google's documentation the token will be supplied inside the page title, but this appears not to be the case with the native browser in CodeName One. I therefore ended up scraping the HTML document for an input with id="code", whose value is the token we're looking for. The scraping has to take place after the page has been loaded, i.e. in the onLoad() event, not in onStart().
Hope this helps, it worked for me.
