Using array for MySQL Select Statement - arrays

Apologies in advance if i use the wrong definition of a word...I am using SimpleCart to pass $.Post variables to a PHP page. If i print the array i get
Array ( [currency] => CAD [shipping] => 0 [tax] => 1.69 [taxRate] => 0.13 [itemCount] => 3 [item_name_1] => Dinner Plate [item_quantity_1] => 1 [item_price_1] => 5 [item_options_1] => code: 110 [item_name_2] => Side Plate [item_quantity_2] => 1 [item_price_2] => 4 [item_options_2] => code: 125 [item_name_3] => Mixing Bowl [item_quantity_3] => 1 [item_price_3] => 4 [item_options_3] => code: 66 )
What I am struggling with (and going around in circles) is a method to do the following..
Explode the [item_options] variable to strip out the CODE: part of the value and just leave the numeric section.
concatenate these values into a string so i can use a SELECT statement to only pull records that have an ID passed in the [item.options].
I understand how to explode a single parameter, but cannot work out how to loop through the array, explode the key and create the value i need for the SQL.
Any help or pointers to relevant tutorials would be much appreciated

$codes = array();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { // Loop through the $_POST array
if (preg_match('/^item_options_/', $key)) { // And validate the value
$item_arr = explode(' ', $value);
$item_id = $item_arr[1]; // Get the ID number from the value
if (is_numeric($item_id)) { // Validate it
$codes[] = $item_id; // Add it to the array we're building
$codes_string = implode(', ', $codes); // Concatenate them into a string that can be used in a SQL IN clause
$sql = "SELECT * from table WHERE id IN ($codes_string)"; // Build the SQL


Converting SQL Server query containing GROUP BY into NHibernate LINQ

I'm basically trying to retrieve a paged list of unique GUIDs, sorted by (row) creation date.
I've been able to draft a SQL Server query that seems to work for me based on this answer, but now I have to translate that into LINQ.
SELECT TOP 15 payment.ClientRef,
FROM PaymentTransactionState payment
INNER JOIN OrderState orderstate ON payment.ClientRef = orderstate.ClientRef
WHERE orderstate.UserId = 2 AND
payment.PaymentState IN (
GROUP BY payment.ClientRef
ORDER BY MAX(payment.CreatedDateUtc) DESC,
Problem is, I can't apply GroupBy on an IQueryOver, I'm probably missing the appropiate syntax:
.JoinAlias(orderState => orderState.OrderStateEntity, () => orderStateRow)
.Where(() => orderStateRow.UserId == customer.UserId)
.WhereRestrictionOn(payment => payment.PaymentState).IsIn(paymentStates)
.GroupBy(pts => pts.ClientRef)
.OrderBy(payment => payment.CreatedDateUtc).Desc
I could probably do the group by in query syntax, but I'm not so sure about the Skip & Take bit.
I would try like this:
var query = db.PaymentTransactionState
.Where( pts => pts.OrderState.UserId == 2 &&
new string[] {"Rejected", "Authorized"}.Contains(pts.PaymentState) )
.GroupBy( pts => pts.ClientRef )
.OrderByDescending( pts => pts.Max( p => p.CreatedDateUtc))
.ThenBy( p => p.Key )
So here's what worked for me: basically I had to use SelectList instead of GroupBy; SelectGroup, SelectMax & TransformUsing were easy to tackle once I found that;
PaymentRow paymentAlias = null;
OrderStateRow orderStateRow = null;
var transactionStateRows = session
.QueryOver<PaymentRow >()
.JoinAlias(orderState => orderState.OrderStateEntity, () => orderStateRow)
.Where(() => orderStateRow.UserId == customer.UserId)
.WhereRestrictionOn(payment => payment.PaymentState).IsIn(paymentStates)
.SelectList(list => list
.SelectGroup(payment => payment.ClientRef).WithAlias(() => paymentAlias.ClientRef)
.SelectMax(payment => payment.CreatedDateUtc).WithAlias(() => paymentAlias.CreatedDateUtc))
.TransformUsing(Transformers.AliasToBean<PaymentRow >())
.OrderBy(payment => payment.CreatedDateUtc).Desc
I'll leave this here in case someone might find my travails useful in the future. Thank you for your replies.

SilverStripe 3.1 loop associative array

In SilverStripe 3.1 I have a function that loops through an array and outputs its contents.
The output it gives me is:
Layout: John
Strategy: John
Management: Martin
In this example John has more than one job.
I would like to group the jobs if a person has more than one job.
This is my desired Output:
Layout and Strategy: John
Management: Martin
//$InfoFieldArray = array('Layout' => 'John', 'Strategy' => 'John', 'Management' => 'Martin');
public function createInfoFields($InfoFieldArray){
$Info = ArrayList::create();
foreach($InfoFieldArray as $key => $value ){
$fields = new ArrayData(array('FieldName' => $key, 'Value' => $value));
return $Info;
How do I alter my function to achieve my desired output?
One possible solution to that is by restructuring the data before adding it to the ArrayList.
public function createInfoFields($InfoFieldArray)
$info = array();
foreach ($InfoFieldArray as $job => $person)
if (!isset($info[$person]))
$info[$person] = array();
$info[$person][] = $job;
$result = ArrayList::create();
foreach ($info as $person => $jobs)
$fields = new ArrayData(array('FieldName' => implode(' and ', $jobs), 'Value' => $person));
return $result;
What I have done is go over the array of jobs and the person assigned and flipped it the other way around, so I have an array of people with a list of jobs. This allows me to then just call implode in PHP, joining the various jobs by the word and.
There are some potential drawbacks, if there are two people named "John", they will be treated as one as I am using the name as the array key.
Also, if there are three jobs for a person, it will list it like "Layout and Strategy and Management". To avoid that, we need to modify the second foreach loop in my code to something like this:
foreach ($info as $person => $jobs)
$jobString = null;
if (count($jobs) > 1)
$jobString = implode(', ', array_slice($jobs, 0, -1)) . ' and ' . array_pop($jobs);
$jobString = $jobs[0];
$fields = new ArrayData(array('FieldName' => $jobString, 'Value' => $person));
When there is more than 1 job for a person, we want to implode (glue together) the array pieces for the $jobs array however we don't want the last element at this point. Once array is glued together, we append with with and along with the last item.

codeigniter update table row with new data array where

I have a database record with a uniqueID/PrimaryKe (OrderNumber)
I want to update the record with new data for that same PrimaryKey, OrderNumber.
My Controller is:
$data = array(
'CustomerName' => $this->input->post('customer'),
'CustomerAccountCode' => $this->input->post('accountcode'),
'PeriodStart' => substr($this->input->post('period'), 0,10),
'OrderUnitOfMeasure' => $this->input->post('buom'),
'CreditLimit' => $this->input->post('creditlimit'),
'BalanceBeforeOrder' => $this->input->post('currentbalance'),
'BalanceAfterOrder' => $this->input->post('newbalance'),
'OrderLines' => $this->input->post('orderlines'),
'TotalCost' => $this->input->post('grandtotal'),
'AverageDiscount' => $this->input->post('avediscount'),
'TotalCubes' => $this->input->post('grandtotalcubes'),
'TreatedCubes' => $this->input->post('grandtotaltreatedcubes'),
'SpecialComments' => $this->input->post('specialcomments'),
'CustomerReference' => $this->input->post('customerref'),
'ordernumber' => $this->input->post('ordernumber')
My model is:
function update_order_data($q){
$this->db->where('CustomerOrderID', 'OrderNumber'); //ordernumber being post input ordernumber in array
$query = $this->db->update('Customer_Order_Summary');
So what I want is :
update 'Customer_Order_Summary'
set 'CustomerName'="$this->input->post('customer')",
set 'CustomerAccountCode'="$this->input->post('accountcode')",
//rest of set statements for each column and corresponding post
where 'CustomerOrderID'='OrderNumberInArray'//(post value)
This update statement is not working, any pointers would be appreciated.
Thanks as always,
Remove 'ordernumber' from your $data array and pass it separately
The query should be like
function update_order_data($key,$q){
$this->db->where('CustomerOrderID', $key);
$query = $this->db->update('Customer_Order_Summary',$q);
function update_order_data($q)
$this->db->where('CustomerOrderID', $q['OrderNumber']);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
Note: Usually, in update functions, I have 2 arguments eg:
function update_something($pk,$data)
$this->db->where('primary_key', $pk);
return $this->db->affected_rows();

Perl <TMPL_LOOP> issue

I am working on a Perl script, but I am having an issue I can't really overcome. Here is my code:
my #rowses = ();
while ( #list = $sth->fetchrow_array())
%row = ();
if($list[30] == 1)
%row = (
cod_cliente => $list[1],
rag_soc => $list[2],
p_iva => $list[11],
IDanagrafica => $list[0],
tabella => $tab,
IDanagraficaE => $list[0],
tabellaE => $tab,
checkbox => "checked",
$LOL = \%row;
print $cgi->p($LOL);
%row = (
cod_cliente => $list[1],
rag_soc => $list[2],
p_iva => $list[11],
IDanagrafica => $list[0],
tabella => $tab,
IDanagraficaE => $list[0],
tabellaE => $tab,
checkbox => "",
$LOL = \%row;
print $cgi->p($LOL);
push (#rowses, \%row);
$template->param(table => \#rowses);
$template->param(tab => $tab);
When I try to print, for debugging, the reference to a row ($LOL), it prints nothing, and when I print the reference at #rowses, it is an array full of all the same hash, the last one the fetched by from the statement.
The weird is, if I print a hash row per time, without referencing it, it prints them well, and all of them.
I am doing that for passing the array reference, containing all the hashes, to a TMPL_LOOP, and print them; but it print a long list of only the last row fetched.
Thanks in advance to everyone who will help me.
Your %row is the same variable for each iteration of the while loop. You store just the reference to it in #rowses, which means if you change %row, all the references point to the changed hash. You should define a new %row for each iteration of the loop, e.g. by using
my %row;
indead of
%row = ();
Why $LOL is not printed: If the first argument to p is a hash reference, it is interpreted as the attributes of the <p>.

Search for hash in an array by value

I have a function which extracts Excel data into an array of hashes like so:
sub set_exceldata {
my $excel_file_or = '.\Excel\ORDERS.csv';
if (-e $excel_file_or) {
open (EXCEL_OR, $excel_file_or) || die("\n can't open $excel_file_or: $!\n");
while () {
my ( $id, $date, $product, $batchid, $address, $cost ) = split ",";
my %a = ( id => $id
, date => $date
, product => $product
, batchid => $batchid
, address => $address
, cost => $cost
push ( #array_data_or, \%a );
close EXCEL_OR;
Populating the array of hashes is fine. However, the difficult part is searching for a particular item (hash) in the array. I can't seem to locate items that might have an id or 21, or a batchid of 15, or a cost > $20 etc.
How would I go about implementing such a search facility?
Thanks to all,
With the power of grep
my #matching_items = grep {
$_->{id} == 21
} #array_data_or;
If you know there will be only one item returned you can just do this:
my ($item) = grep {
$_->{id} == 21
} #array_data_or;
(Untested, and I haven't written one of these in a while, but this should work)
If you're sure that the search always returns only one occurence or if you're interested in only the first match then you could use the 'first' subroutine found in List::Util
use List::Util;
my %matching_hash = %{ first { $_->{id} == 21 } #array_data_or };
I enclosed the subroutine call in the %{ } block to ensure that the RHS evaluates to a hash.
