TreeView Issue with expanding non-selected item - wpf

I have an application with a treeview and a textbox:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="550" Width="525">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<TreeView Width="500" Height="500" Name="TestTreeView">
<TextBox Grid.Row="1"></TextBox>
In the constructor for the application I generate 1000 items, each with 1 sub-item and add it to the TreeView:
public MainWindow()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem();
item.Header = "Hey there " + i.ToString();
TreeViewItem subItem = new TreeViewItem();
subItem.Header = "Hi there";
In my scenario, I select the second item of the TreeView, then click into the TextBox to take focus away from the TreeView. I then scroll down the TreeView with my mouse, bringing the selected item out of the viewport. I then expand another item without selecting it. My expected result is that my scroll stays in its current position, however instead it scrolls the selected item back into view, causing me to lose the item I was expanding.
This doesn't occur if the TreeView already has the focus. If I were to select an item, then scroll down and expand another item this behaviour of jumping back to the selected item won't happen.
Is this normal behaviour? If I perform these same selection steps in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio, for instance, I don't get this kind of behaviour. Is there some way to tell it not to scroll back to the selected item like this?
I understand that I can simply set the e.Handled of the RequestBringIntoView to true, however the sample I'm giving is just a simple explanation of my problem. This is an example of an issue with a TreeView I'm using in a much bigger application where I do want the item brought into view under certain conditions.

The issue is related to the logical scope concept called FocusScope.
What you want is to set IsFocusScope for your TreeView to true:
<TreeView Width="500" Height="500" Name="TestTreeView" FocusManager.IsFocusScope="true">
Here is an article about it
Here is the .net 4.5 doc for it:
As it explains it better than I can and which may be more up to date then the codeproject article


Combobox Dropdown event triggers parent window Z index to change

I have a problem with a WPF business line application prototype that I do not know where to start to debug.
My Master Window (A) opens a "dialog" window using Dialog.Show(). The child window (B) has a combobox on it.
When the combobox is clicked (to expand and to show all the options) the entire second window (B) is hidden except the dropdownlist appearing from the combobox. The combobox isn't there, the window isn't there. Nothing is there except the dropdownlist and the master window behind it. If I click the master window then focus is once again set to window B and it shows as it should (because I set the Owner of window B to be window A).
To make it more interesting this bug is not consistent. It appears maybe 1 of 20 times I use the application, and when it starts appearing it can appear several times in a row and then stop happening again.
Possibly related is the fact that I think I have the same bug some times with MessageBoxes. When using MessageBox.Show() (Win forms msgbox) from a viewmodel when only the master window (A) is showing the box occationally appears behind the master window making it invisible for the user.
My application is using GalaSoft MvvmLight (if that could have anything to do with it) and quite a few telerik components. Other than that I am not sure what data to provide. I don't think anyone can tell me the source of the problem based on this information, but where would you start looking for the problem?
Update :
Good news! I have isolated the problem and found the combination of prerequisites for the phenomena to occur:
a) A component showing a PDF file is currently open anywhere withing the application.
b) A telerik component has been undocked and redocked.
I will include the code below, but I think the issue is buried deep within the RadDocking or WebBrowser component.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void OpenWindowClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var w = new TestWindow { Owner = this, DataContext = new TestViewModel()};
<Window xmlns=""
Title="MainWindow" Height="750" Width="925">
<RowDefinition Height="200"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<telerikDocking:RadDocking Grid.Row="0">
<telerikDocking:RadPane Header="I make bugs combined with a webbrowser showing a pdf document">
<TextBlock Text="1. Drag me and dock on the same or another location"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Click="OpenWindowClick" Content="2. Open window" Height="50" Margin="0,20"/>
<WebBrowser Grid.Row="2" Source=""/>
TestWindow :
public partial class TestWindow : Window
public TestWindow()
<Window x:Class="TelerikGridDockingVsBrowserVsWindowBug.TestWindow"
Title="TestWindow" Height="150" Width="300">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<TextBlock> 3. Click on the combobox.</TextBlock>
<ComboBox Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Options}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedOption}" Height="50"></ComboBox>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="2"> This window will then disappear behind its owner</TextBlock>
TestWindow ViewModel:
public class TestViewModel
public List<string> Options { get; set; }
public string SelectedOption { get; set; }
public TestViewModel()
Options = new List<string> { "String1", "String2" };
SelectedOption = Options.First();
I have an open ticket with Telerik about this, so I will update here if I find out anything.
I have been in your situation before... you have an unexplained problem... it doesn't make any sense... you've tried everything that you can think of... in a last ditch effort to fix the problem, you throw it out to all the experienced users here... then nothing... no responses... no help.
The thing is that if you can't find and fix the problem with all of your code right in front of you, then how can we fix it without any code?
All I can suggest is for you to try to locate exactly where the problem originates. You can do this by commenting out sections of code and then running your solution to see if that has removed the problem or whether it still exists. The fact that your problem only occurs infrequently will make this stage even more tricky.
However, with perseverance, you should be able to narrow down where the problem arises. Once you have managed to exclude enough of your code, the last step is to see if you re-create it in a much smaller new WPF project. If you manage to get to this stage, please come back and show your reduced code... then, we may be able to help you further.

UI elements obscured from UIAutomation by UserControl

I have an automation client that uses the AutomationElement.FromPoint method to get the AutomationElement under the cursor:
AutomationElement element = AutomationElement.FromPoint(point);
Typically this works great, but I keep running into a problem with certain WPF applications. The problem occurs when there is a UserControl on the same UI level as another important UI element.
For example:
<Window x:Class="wpfTestApp.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" xmlns:c="clr-namespace:wpfTestApp">
<c:NameList x:Key="NameListData"/>
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource NameListData}}"
Height="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" Name="listBox1"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="153" >
<UserControl Name="exampleUserControl">
<TextBlock Visibility="Hidden">Loading...</TextBlock>
When I attempt to point to any of the listbox items (or even the listbox itself), all I get is the "exampleUserControl".
I know that there are other methods for obtaining AutomationElements that don't depend on location, but in this case that is my only option, since we are trying to get the element under the cursor. The problem is, in this case, the important element (i.e. the listbox items) are covered up by this unimportant item ("exampleUserControl" containing "Loading..." text).
Is there any alternative to the FromPoint method, or some way that I can get it to ignore such elements?
There are several methods can find/search the Element.
You can find these interfaces on the MSDN
For instance:
AutomationElement.FindFirst -
AutomationElement.FindAll -
// Sample: Find the first Element and the classname = ""SciCalc"
AutomationElement calcRoot = AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "SciCalc"));
"AutomationElement.RootElement" is the parent of all the currently opened windows and controls.
For improve the performance you can find the target window first and then scan the controls on the AutomationElement of the Target window.
For instance: You can find and create the target WPF window via "AutomationElement.FindFirst" or "AutomationElement.FromHandle" first and search you listbox on the target window.
The clean solution to your problem is to set Visibility="Hidden" to the UserControl instead of the TextBlock

WPF: Handling Modal Dialogs

I found a nice solution on this webiste
But had to do some changes to get it integrated into my code. Along the way I get some small problems mostly because there are certain parts of the code I'm not getting completely.
How I did it was to bind the ModalDialogManager to a MainWindow property of the Type IDialogViewModel. I then have a WindowsManager class that handles putting the right instance inside this property. One such is EditDialogViewModel that exposes a EditableViewModel to this DialogManager. I set the EditDialog view as a DataTemplate for this EditDialogViewModel but when I show it the new window only shows a part of it.
Here is the View:
<ResourceDictionary Source="EditDataTemplates.xaml" />
<RowDefinition Height="7*" />
<RowDefinition Height="2*" />
<RowDefinition Height="1*" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=ViewModel}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=ViewModel.Error}" />
<UniformGrid Grid.Row="2" Columns="2">
<Button Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" />
<Button Command="{Binding CancelCommand}" />
But the new Dialog window only shows the ContentControl bound to the ViewModel property of EditDialogViewModel (it holds the ViewModel being edited).
My guess is it has something to do with this code in the ModelDialogManager:
void Show()
if (_window != null) Close();
Window w = new Window();
_window = w;
w.Closing += w_Closing;
w.Owner = GetParentWindow(this);
w.DataContext = this.DataContext;
w.SetBinding(Window.ContentProperty, ""); //This code here does something I don't fully understand
w.Title = Title;
w.Icon = Icon;
w.Height = DialogHeight;
w.Width = DialogWidth;
w.ResizeMode = DialogResizeMode;
He is applying the binding there but I guess it's only the first ContentControl that gets bound or something. It's quite tricky.
Another problem is that the mouse just doesn't work inside the Modal Dialog. I can tab into the textboxes but not click into them.
Is there a way to fix this or a better method to handle Modal Dialog boxes in WPF?
Ok I'm going to admit it. I'm a huge idiot. This was so simple I just couldn't see it. I had set Height and Width on the UserControl to a fixed value while I was still messing around with it being a Window. So in actuality it was showing the whole thing, there just wasn't room. I have no idea why the mouse didn't work at that point but now it works perfectly.
Answering "a better method to handle Modal Dialog boxes in WPF?" there is a new control called Child Window in the WPF Extended Toolkit that addresses your Modal Dialog pains.

Wpf Xbap TreeView VirtualizingStackPanel bug?

I have a TreeView with VirtualizingStackPanel on. The TreeView has a "Level 1" TreeViewItem, and I bind this TreeViewItem to a 10k items list. Each children is also another TreeViewItem.
Virtualization works well, and the performance is great, but there is a big issue. Let's say I am at the top of the page and press Ctrl-End to get to the bottom, browser goes blank. It will reappear if I scroll the mouse a bit or resize the browser.
Another big issue is: when i scroll very fast to the middle or the bottom of the tree. let's say I stop at item number 5000. Then I can't expand the child treeviewitem, the browser just
shows nothing until I scroll or resize a bit.
Any help is very much appreciated. Below is the sample xaml & code:
<Page x:Class="WpfBrowserApplication3.Page1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"
Title="Page1" DataContext="{StaticResource _mainViewModel}">
<s:SingleToCollectionConverter x:Key="_collectionConverter"></s:SingleToCollectionConverter>
<DataTemplate x:Key="_level2Template">
<TreeViewItem Header="{Binding Order}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Order: "></TextBlock>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Order}"></TextBox>
<TreeView VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Standard">
<TreeViewItem Header="Level 1" ItemsSource="{Binding Level2List}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource _level2Template}"></TreeViewItem>
public class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
Level2List = new List<Level2>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
Level2List.Add(new Level2(i));
public List<Level2> Level2List { get; set; }
public class Level2
public Level2(int order)
Order = order;
public int Order { get; set; }
I use Visual Studio 2010 with .Net 4. Plus I did notice if I set the Height & Width for the TreeViewItem under _level2Template, the issue is gone. But setting the Height is not an option in my case, cause the Height varies in the real Application.
Updated: It seems quite obvious to me that this issue happened because the height of the child treeviewitem may vary. Perhaps that's the reason why VirtualizingStackPanel is not turned on by default in TreeView, but it is turned on by default in DataGrid & ListBox. Needless to say the Height of a datagrid or listbox item is usually unchanged.
Updated: I downloaded a free trial of telerik RadTreeView and tested the virtualization. This problem does not appear at all in telerik radtreeview. May test the telerik one a little more then probably go with it then.
Found this: TreeView Virtualization
Same issue, and no solution for TreeView. Only way around is to use the ListBox instead of TreeView as suggested in
Pretty sure this is TreeView bug. I have tried Telerik RadTreeView and it also has its own bug when turn on Virtulization. I will change to use ListBox instead.

New to WPF - What Control to Use / Getting Started?

I'm a WPF n0ob and I'm struggling with selecting the appropriate control to get the layout I want.
What I'm trying to do is draw a bunch of squares (virtual post-it notes) onto the screen. Each note is going to be a decent size (~150 pixels or so) and there could be hundreds of these notes. I want the whole thing to be scrollable so that you can resize the window however you like and the whole thing should be zoomable.
I've done this and it works.
But what I've done seems awfully wrong....
In the code, I'm dynamically creating post it notes and adding them to a giant canvas. I'm manually doing the math to determine where to place each note and how big the canvas should be. I added some labels at the top and had to go back and add a 'Y Offset' value to push all the squares down. I actually generate three different canvas controls and then add each one of them to a stack panel that is inside of a ScrollViewer. I added a scroll bar and set the the stack panel to zoom in and out as you adjust the bar.
It 'works', but I feel like I'm really not using WPF the way it's meant to be used. I tried achieving the same thing with a grid, but the grid didn't seem to want to size itself appropriately.
Can someone tell me a 'better' way to achieve the same look?
Here's my Xaml code - as you can see; there isn't much to it....
<Window x:Class="Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<RowDefinition Height="25" />
<RowDefinition />
<Slider x:Name="ZoomSlider" Minimum="0.01" Value="1" Maximum="2" Margin="0,0,0,6" />
<ScrollViewer x:Name="MyScroller" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center">
<StackPanel x:Name="TicketsGrid" Background="White" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
And then here is what I'm doing in code (ugly!!!)
For Each myWorkItem As WorkItem In myWorkItems
Dim newRect As New Border
newRect.Width = TicketSizeX
newRect.Height = TicketSizeY
If myWorkItem.State.ToUpper.Contains("HOLD") Then
newRect.Background = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Purple)
newRect.Background = New SolidColorBrush(Color)
End If
newRect.CornerRadius = New System.Windows.CornerRadius(5)
newRect.BorderThickness = New System.Windows.Thickness(1)
newRect.BorderBrush = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
Dim myPanel As New StackPanel
newRect.Child = myPanel
Dim lblTitle As New Label
lblTitle.Content = myWorkItem.Id
lblTitle.FontWeight = System.Windows.FontWeights.Bold
Dim lblDesc As New TextBlock
lblDesc.Text = myWorkItem.Title
lblDesc.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap
newRect.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, CType(((TicketCount Mod TicketsXPerUser) * TicketStepX) + (xOffset * TicketStepX * TicketsXPerUser), Double))
newRect.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, CType(((Math.Floor((TicketCount / TicketsXPerUser)) * TicketStepY)) + NameLabelHeight, Double))
TicketCount += 1
MyCanvas.Width = (TicketStepX * TicketsXPerUser) * myTFS.SharedCodeTeam.Count
MyCanvas.Height = (CType(((Math.Floor((MaxTicket / TicketsXPerUser)) + 1) * TicketStepY), Double))
ScrollViewer with an ItemsControl inside.
Bind the ItemsSource property of the ItemsControl to an ObservableCollection<PostIt> (where PostIt is a plain old CLR object with all the info that goes on the post it).
Add a DataTemplate to the ItemsTemplate property of the ItemsControl
Add controls to the DataTemplate and bind them directly to an instance of PostIt
Add PostIt instances to the ObservableCollection<PostIt> in your code.
The ScrollViewer handles all scrolling. That's all you need.
The ItemsControl is designed to bind against a collection. For each instance in the collection, it figures out what DataTemplate to use, creates a copy of the template, sets the root's DataContext to the instance it pulled from the collection, and adds the template to itself. It does this for each instance found in the collection.
In your codebehind, all you need to do is create a bunch of PostIts and add them to the collection. No godawful construction of UI elements like you're doing. Urgh.
If you can grasp this concept, you are a step away from understanding MVVM, the Model-View-Controller pattern in WPF. Read about it, try it out. Its a very simple way of making very complex applications with complex UI but with a minimum of code (and none of that crap you're doing currently).
