Angular UI Select2, why does ng-model get set as JSON string? - angularjs

I'm using angular-ui's select2 for a fairly simple dropdown. It's backed by a static array of data sitting on my controller's scope. In my controller I have a function that gets called on ng-change of the dropdown so that I can perform some actions when the value changes.
However, what I'm finding is that the ng-model's property gets set as a JSON string rather than an actual javascript object, which makes it impossible to use dot notation to grab properties off of that model.
Here's the function that handles the value of the dropdown getting changed:
$scope.roleTypeChanged = function() {
console.log('selectedType is: ', $scope.adminModel.selectedType);
// this ends up being undefined because $scope.adminModel.selectedType is a
// JSON string, rather than a js object:
console.log('selectedType.typeCode is: ', $scope.adminModel.selectedType.typeCode);
Here's a plunker of my full example:
I've never seen a property that's bound to ng-model do this before, however I'm also fairly new to Angular so it's likely that I'm just doing something wrong here. I can certainly do something like $.parseJSON() to convert the JSON string back to an object, but I'd rather not unless I have to.
Thanks for any help!

You need to use ng-options on your select if you want to have object values. Actually creating the options yourself using an ng-repeat will only allow you to have string values for the various options:
<select ui-select2
data-placeholder="Select Role Type" ng-options="type.displayName for type in adminModel.roleTypes">
<option value=""></option>

Thanks Karl!
I have struggled a day with this
as a note for others having similar problems as I did,
when using an ng-model not accessible and defined in the controller/directive I solved it like this.
//country.Model has Code and Name nodes
* HTML *
name="country" data-ng-model="country.Model"
data-ng-change="countryChanged(country.Model)" <!--only for test, log to console-->
data-ng-options="country as CodeAndName(country) for country in countries"
data-placeholder="{{placeholderText(country.Model, '- - Select Country - -')}}" >
<option value=""></option>
* JS *
function controller($scope, $q, $location, $routeParams) {
$scope.countryChanged = function(item) { // for test
console.log('selectedType is: ', item);
//returns the item or the text if no item is selected
$scope.placeholderText = function (item, text){
if (item == undefined)
return text;
return $scope.CodeAndName(item);
// returns a string for code and name of the item, used to set the placeholder text
$scope.CodeAndName = function (item) {
if (item == undefined)
return '';
return item.Code + ' - ' + item.Name;


Angular ng-options ONLY works when ng-repeat operates on same model

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC page that uses a dropdown which currently uses the ng-repeat tag. I'm working to solve the problem where the dropdown does not correctly select the current model value when the page loads so I switched the dropdown to use ng-options.
My new dropdown looks like this:
<select id="one" ng-model="data.CommandProvider"
ng-options="item.ident as item.ProviderName for item in providers">
When the page loads my new select displays as a large empty rectangle. It's approximately the width and height to match the three items it should contain but it's not a dropdown. No options and no dropdown button.
However, when I follow the new dropdown with the old dropdown like so:
<select id="one" ng-model="data.CommandProvider"
ng-options="item.ident as item.ProviderName for item in providers">
<select id="two" ng-model="data.CommandProvider">
<option ng-repeat="opt in providers track by opt.ident"
BOTH dropdowns load their options correctly but NEITHER dropdown correctly displays the current value of the model.
If the page only contains the old dropdown based on ng-repeat that dropdown displays correctly.
I don't understand what could cause such behavior in ng-options and what would cause the dropdowns to never correctly represent the model on page load?
ADDED: So the previous author had mismatched HTML tags and that was causing the error with the new dropdown - why it didn't break the original I don't know. That being said the new dropdown STILL does not display the value of the model when the page is loaded.
So after working this problem for too long this is the solution that worked for me:
There are three http requests in play: one for each select input and one for the model data and whenever the model data returned before the select data one or both of the select would be out of sync with the model. My solution was to synchronize the data requests.
The select inputs:
<select ng-model="data.Connection">
<option ng-repeat="opt in connections track by opt.ident" value="{{opt.ident}}">{{opt.ConnectionName}}</option>
<select id="two" ng-model="data.CommandProvider">
<option ng-repeat="opt in providers track by opt.ident" value="{{opt.ident}}">{{opt.ProviderName}}</option>
The javascript:
// connection and provider data variables
// function to retrieve connection dropdown data
$scope.getConnections = function () {
{}, function (data) {
$scope.connections = data;
// function to retrieve the provider dropdown data
$scope.getProviders = function () {
{}, function (data) {
$scope.providers = data;
// retrieve the primary page data
$scope.getCommandData = function () {
{Id: #ViewBag.ID},
function (data) {
$ = data;
// retrieves data from the core api
$scope.getApiData = function (alias, params, successFn, errorFn = null) {
var qdata = { SqlAlias: alias, SqlParameters: params };
if (errorFn == null) {
$'/api/request', qdata).success(successFn);
} else {
$'/api/request', qdata).success(successFn).error(errorFn);
// function to request the data for the page
$scope.init = function () {
// set a watch on the connections variable to fire when the data
// returns from the server - this requests the Providers information.
$scope.$watch('connections', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
if (newValue == undefined || newValue == null)
}, true);
// set a watch function on the providers variable to fire when the data
// returns from the server - this requests the primary data for the Command.
$scope.$watch('providers', function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
if (newValue == undefined || newValue == null)
}, true);
// initialize the page logic and data
As you can see my use of $scope.$watch forces the data requests to be synchronous rather than asynchronous and using this method insures the two select inputs are correct every time the web page loads.
Feel free to comment on my coding here as there may be better ways to address this problem - just keep in mind that I have only been working with JavaScript and Angular for about a month.

Angularjs - get selected item text of select without ng-option

I have a dropdownlist -
<select ng-model="contact.type" id="select_{{$index}}" ng-change="changedValue()" class="searchCriteria">
<option>Policy Number</option>
<option>Insured Name</option>
I want to get the selected item using angularjs. So far I have tried
$scope.changedValue = function () {
alert($(".searchCriteria option:selected").html());
among other things. But each time the alert shows "undefined". How do I get the selected option text?
You can just use the $scope variable,
$scope.changedValue = function () {

Null model in select in Angular template

I have a databound <select> element in an angular app. To bind it I am using:
<select id="AllKeyValuePairsInput" size="4" style="width:500px; height: 175px;" ng-options='item.key as (item.key + ": " + item.value) for item in data.availableOptions' ng-model="selected">
In my controller I have the following code, that according to the Angular documentation should remove that initial dirty model:
$scope.selected = $[0];
But I still see an empty entry appearing first in the select. I have it up and running in JSFiddle at
I'd be most grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction. One last point, it's the first bit of Angular I've ever written, so please don't hate me!!!! ;-)
This is how loadInitialData should look, note the change in the default value:
$scope.loadInitialData = function() {
var initialData = [{"key":"Maximum length","value":"200mm"},{"key":"Maximum width","value":"5000mm"}]
angular.forEach(initialData, function(object, index) {
$scope.keyValuePairs.push({ key: object.key, value: object.value});
$scope.selected = $scope.keyValuePairs[0].key; // THIS IS THE CHANGE I MADE
I've set the default value using the key property and not the element itself because your ngOptions define that the value of each option is item.key

Get selected option in ngOptions with protractor

How can I get the object associated to the selected option inside within a dropdown (select)?
Here's my html:
<select ng-model="selSeason" ng-options="season as for season in seasons"></select>
Every season is an object with several properties and I'd need to get the object associated to the selected object (and not only its text or value).
I know ng-repeat has something like (to select name of the 5th season):
element(by.repeater('season in seasons').row(4).column('name'));
Is there something similar for by.options() selector?
You can use by.options with evaluate():
var seasonNames = element.all(by.options('season in seasons')).evaluate("");
seasonNames.then(function (values) {
console.log(values); // array of season names is printed
You can also filter out the selected option with filter():
var selectedSeasonName = element.all(by.options('season in seasons')).filter(function (option) {
return option.getAttribute("selected").then(function (selected) {
return selected;
selectedSeasonName.then(function (value) {
console.log(value); // selected season name is printed
What you are looking for is the custom by.selectedOption locator.
For a better description, read this:
I ended up evaluating not the selected option but the ng-model associated to the select:
<select ng-model="selSeason" ng-options="season as for season in seasons"></select>
Your binding looks good, you can read all the properties easily by using your ng-model variable 'selSeason', see this example
<select ng-model="user"
ng-options="x as for x in users track by"
<option value="">-- Choose User --</option>
var id = $;
var name = $;
var role = $scope.user.role
For more detail check this

angularjs : select with different (key, value) not working properly

I am trying to load angular "select" with the following code
<select class="span11" ng-model="user.countryOfResidence" ng-options="c.option as c.value for c in countries" required>
Its loads the data into the select but the default selected value is empty.
my countries array is
$scope.countries = [{option:'TL', value:'TIMOR-LESTE'},
{option:'TK', value:'TOKELAU'},
{option:'TJ', value:'TAJIKISTAN'},
{option:'TH', value:'THAILAND'},
{option:'TG', value:'TOGO'},];
if i change 'TL' to 'TIMOR-LESTE', (same string for "option" and "value") it works fine. Can any one kindly tell me what is the problem with my code.
user object is
$scope.user = {
countryOfResidence : $scope.countries[0].value
A select populated with ng-options will set the ng-model field to what is specified as the value, not the option
In the example you've given, you're setting user.countryOfResidence to countries[0].value, which in this case is 'TIMOR-LESTE', but the value key is 'TL', so it won't select it by default.
For better readability, I always like to structure my select options with 'label' and 'value' keys, like so:
// Controller
$scope.countries = [
{value:'TL', label:'TIMOR-LESTE'},
{value:'TK', label:'TOKELAU'},
{value:'TJ', label:'TAJIKISTAN'},
{value:'TH', label:'THAILAND'},
{value:'TG', label:'TOGO'}
$scope.user = {
countryOfResidence: $scope.countries[0].value
// View
<select class="span11" ng-model="user.countryOfResidence" ng-options="c.value as c.label for c in countries" required=""></select>
