ADF Table Editable Field Issue - oracle-adf

I am updating an application written in ADF In almost all of my screens, i have ADF Tables with editable fields and every table has a row selector enabled.
I have a problem where if a user clicks in an editable field, of a table row that isnt yet selected, the field row selector appears to fire off and then the browser loses the focus on the field that the user intended to select.
Per my example screen above, the 2nd table row is currently selected. However, if i click inside any editable field in row 3 (like End Date), browser sets the focus on the field. But then the Table Row Selection listener invokes immediately after, and then takes the focus off the field i originally clicked. This happens on any editable field type.
The most annoying thing is when i update a checkbox of a table row (not selected), the value is immediately overwritten back with its original value.
Currently, the only way to get around this problem, is the user first selects the table row, then updates the field data.
Any experience with this issue? I'm thinking about a client listener or value change listener but wanted to see what your thoughts are.
Update 01:
I set "immediate" property to "true" for the table, still get the same results. I applied immediate=true to the parent Panel Boxes, same results.
Update 02:
The table's Iterator' and Binding's ChangeEventPolicy was set to default (none). But i set it to none anyways. Same results..
Update 03:
Removed validators, same result.

Does your selection listener still retains "#{}"? this is used to set the currently selected row as current row, if you have removed this then it means that even when you select the row by clicking on a field, the model still has previous row selected in its iterator.


Another Checkbox gets Focus when I hover over the checkbox present in below Table Row

I am facing an issue inside a React App.
On clicking a button, a new Table row gets generated which contains a Checkbox as well. I have three such rows present on my Screen.
When I am trying to select the Checkbox present on Third or Second row, the Checkbox present on the First Row gets Focused and also gets checked.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, what does this issue mean and what can be the potential cause for this.
PS: I am New to Frontend!!

Write conflict on updating form checkbox with multi-table view as recordsouce

I have created a form with a View as recordsource, this view combines 1 table and another view (with 2 tables in it).
When the checkbox is clicked a validation happens in the Access code that checks if the records checkbox may be updated, if this is not the case then the checkbox value should change back to 0/false.
First I tried to do this simply in the click event of the checkbox and then setting the checkbox value = false when it does not validate. This however gives a write conflict. Next I tried it with a Me.Dirty = false in front of it, this also doesn't help (still getting the write conflict). The checkbox.undo gives the same result.
Then I thought to do it in the before update and use a simple cancel=true, this however causes the focus not to change (it keeps the focus on the same record and never moves from it).
The Timestamp is usually what I use to ignore write conflict messages, I included the timestamp of the main table but this doesn't work (probably because the view is multiple-table based).
Some additional info:
The view is created in the SQL server and is linked to Access
The primary keys of the view (so it is editable) are set by executing a CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement
Any ideas how I can get this to work?
Fixed it by using a button to set the checkbox bound field to checked/unchecked and making the checkbox itself invisible. This seems to work (better).

ADF: List of Values Update Multiple Fields

I have an LOV added to my view object which updates 6 fields - done all through the LOV wizard in JDeveloper. It works perfectly fine when test running the application module - all fields update with the proper values after selecting a value from the LOV. However in my JSPX form, the only the field that gets updated is the one that the LOV is attached or is initiated on.
On my form, i only display 2 out of the 6 fields - the field which initiates the LOV and another editable field that the LOV is supposed to update. The part where this gets interesting is that the 4 other fields in my view object that i dont put in my form, are updated successfully by the LOV! But the one additional editable field that i left in my form, isnt updated.
Why is that?
I could just write a method in my View object Row Implementation class to update that editable field manually, but i feel like theres something more straight forward via declarative approach.
Thank you!
I needed to update two settings on my 2nd field of the form.
Removed the default bindings on the "Required" attribute and set it to "false".
Set "ShowRequired" to true
After that, I saved my changes and re-ran my application and the field updated properly!
I hope others find this helpful!

ExtJS 4 - How to avoid grid column value becoming null when column editor is combo-box?

I have a column in a grid with editor as combo-box.
When the grid is loaded then all the column values get displayed properly.
The issue is, when user clicks at the column (having combobox as editor) to edit it then the column value becomes null as shown in the attached screenshot.
I understand that the value becomes null as the store of combobox has not been loaded yet.
I can not use autoLoad true due to the heavy amount of data present in the combobox store. Moreover, even if I use autoLoad:true for the store with paging in it, then that too safeguards only those values which are present in the first page and not all.
Thus, how can I maintain the value in grid column when that value is not present in the store of combobox used as editor for the column?
Could anyone guide at this?
PS: I am using ExtJS Ver 4.0.2a
I have been able to find a solution for this.
It has more to do with the version of ExtJs. If we upgrade to 4.0.7 and then use forceSelection:false for a combobox then things work fine as expected. That is, the combo-box accepts a value which doesn't exist in its store and doesn't set the current value to null.
Hope this helps someone else too looking for something similar.
I would suggest having the grid record contain both that columns value, as well as display value. If the combo store lookup is unable to find a matching value (because that combo store hasn't been loaded yet), then revert to showing the display value stored with the grid record.
You might also need to have the afteredit event on the grid update that grid records display value after that column is edited for a particular row.

Set value for ExtJS.form.ComboBox

I have an Ext.grid.EditorGriPanel which has an combobox editor in its columnModel (the store of combox has just only 2 items: enabled/disabled). When a new blank row is inserted to grid, I want the combobox in that column have to be set to a default value (enabled), and the dropdown is not expanded.
I've tried to use
to get the combobox editor and set "enabled" value for it, but it did not work. Another way is using grid.colModel.columns[2].getCellEditor(rowIndex), but it returns an EditorGrid (I was so surprised because the ExtJS 3.3.1 API doesn't have this component).
Could you please help me on this problem?
Thank you so much!
When a new blank row is inserted to
grid, I want the combobox in that
column have to be set to a default
value (enabled), and the dropdown is
not expanded.
When the new record is inserted to the grid's store, the value of your column (in the record) needs to be set to "enabled". I'm not sure if you are doing it like this currently? In other words, the value must not be set to the editor of the column. Set it directly in the record.
(Also, you can define default values to be used for all records using the recordType property of the store - see ExtJS API documentation for more details - but this is optional.)
Finally, note that the combobox will not be displayed immediately after the row is added. The combobox is displayed only when you start editing that particular cell - this is the way EditorGrid works in ExtJS. But at least you should get the new row to immediately display the correct value ("enabled") with this advice.
