jQuery + PHP - Croopzoom - IE not draggable - internet-explorer-7

I'm riding a picture editor for my CMS
It works perfectly in all browsers I've tried but Internet Explorer fails.
Failure IE10, in version 8 and 7 also.
What happens is that the selection area is NOT draggable.
The red border can be dragged, but what is the area no. Why could that be?
Also, movement of dragg and drop is not "clean" ... it costs a little.
Here the link:
Any idea?
Thanks to all!!

I added this CSS to the element of "drag and drop".
You must have "background" because otherwise, Internet Explorer does not launch events for that object
(this is my logic, what I understand).
This is the CSS applied in order to "drag and drop":


How to set GtkSpinButton margin in GTK2?

I'm working on GtkSpinButton (GTK2/GTK3) to make another control. (DateTime).
As part of the task, I need to add a button 'next to' the GtkSpinButton to influence the content in GtkSpinButton. (when you click it, a calendar pops out).
However, when I add a button next to the control, it is not visible or parts of it are cut off.
To solve this in GTK3, I added margin on the right:
gtk_widget_set_margin_end(.., buttonSize) #since 3.12
gtk_widget_set_margin_right(.., buttonSize) #since 3.0
This works nicely.
However, I'm struggling to find something equivalent in gtk2.
Is there a margin in gtk2?
The equivalent in GTK2 is GtkAlignment and its various padding properties.

When does the UINavigationBar shadow show? (iOS 6)

I am using a navigation bar with a custom background image. When I wanted to add a custom shadow image, I was surprised to find that even the default shadow image is not visible.
iOS 6 introduced an automatic drop shadow on UINavigationBars, which I expected to see. The example project from http://www.raywenderlich.com/21703/user-interface-customization-in-ios-6 demonstrates this.
However, creating a new project from Xcode’s Master-Detail template does not show the shadow.
When exactly is the shadow shown, and when is it not?
IOS 6 automatic drop shadow is shown by default. If you want to disable/hide this shadow you can try this:
[[UINavigationBar appearance]setShadowImage:[[UIImage alloc] init]];
What I have noticed is that, if I copy/paste a viewController from one project to a new one, the UINavigationBar shadow (sometimes) it's not shown. Replacing the copied viewController with a new one solves the problem... (maybe your case)
I had the same problem on a project upgraded from iOS5, but only on navigation controllers inserted in the pre-iOS6 Xcode versions. Removing them and replacing them with new ones in the most recent version of Xcode (4.6) fixed the problem.
The workaround, which I found half a year later, is actually embarrassingly simple:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.clipsToBounds = NO;
This said, I still believe this is a bug with how Xcode 4.4/4.5 configures navigation bars in storyboards. But at least now we know how to work around it. Cheers!
In addition to Yang's answer, you can create a category to have a global fix like this
#interface UINavigationBar (JTDropShadowFix)
#implementation UINavigationBar (JTDropShadowFix)
- (void)awakeFromNib {
self.clipsToBounds = NO;
If you're looking for a solution without hacking around with the category methods, you can also get to a blog post that talks about how to use a UINavigationController subclass to achieve the same fix.
to add some context: i just took my 1-year-old app Cocktailicious and embedded the root UINavigationView in a UITabBarController. after that the old UINavigationBar had the property Clip Subviews checked in interface builder.
in the embedding process i also added a second navigation controller for a new tab in the tab bar. surprisingly, this controller came with Clip Subviews unchecked. feels like an xcode issue.

UIToolbar at the bottom not working in Retina 4 simulator

I know it sounds a bit odd but perhaps someone has experienced the same too.
If I have a UIToolbar placed at the bottom of a Retina 4 sized xib (548 size) it does not work in the simulator (buttons show no reaction). However if I place it a bit higher (not sure where the threshold is) they work again. ???
My problematic xib looks like this:
As mentioned elsewhere (e.g. iPhone 5 (4") bottom toolbar not responding ) the problem is that even though your view is the full height, the underlying UIWindow isn't, and the underlying UIWindow is involved in your view getting touch events.
If you have a file name something like "MainWindow.xib" in your project:
Open it in Interface Builder.
Select "Window" from the list of objects on the left side.
In the Attributes Inspector pane, click the "Full Screen at Launch" checkbox.
UI elements at the bottom of the screen should now work.
I found the problem being the UIWindow. (perhaps it is only a problem with older projects) As long as the window object it set to the 480 size actions falling out of its size (which can happen on Retina 4) are not recognized.

Silverlight 5 - PivotViewer Details Pane Disappears on a touch screen

We've got a fairly basic implementation of the PivotViewer that we've put on a HP touch screen PC. Everything works as expected - and on the left hand pane you can select options, clear options etc.
The problem is when you select a card, the right hand pane is displayed as expected, but if you choose an item from this right hand pane (although this action works and the screen animates to show the new results) the next time you select an item the right hand pane is blank.
You get this behaviour even when you use the mouse on the touch screen.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
This same implementation works fine on every other PC - just not the touch screen where it is to be deployed!!
Although other samples I downloaded gave the same behaviour on the touch screen I found that a sample showing a custom details pane sorted things out.
I downloaded the sample from here:
It worked much better on the touch screen anyway as I made big buttons on my custom pane, rather than the hyperlinks that were there before.

Shell Integration Library WindowChrome with Drop Shadow

Ive been googling this alot but can't find any working solution. Im using Shell Integration Library to cerate custom Window Chrome and I also need drop shadows for this window. Some say setting GlassFrameThickness to -1 do the trick but its not working for me. And Jeremiah Morrill suggested using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea. Ive tried that and it works, sort of. The shadows looks ok but when the window is shown it is first shown as a glass-frame and then a second later the real content is superimposed. This causes to much flickering for me. Is there any way to get rid of this flickering or is there any better way using only Shell Integration Library?
I had a similar problem where it wouldn't display any shadow when using a custom chrome. It worked fine when using the glass.
I got a shadow by setting GlassFrameThickness="0,0,0,1". The glass didn't show and I got the shadow.
Be warned, the shadow is a simple RECT to Windows, so if you have a funky chrome with transparencies it may look funny.
Also if you support the maximized state be aware the you'll need to set a margin on your top-level panel element of "8,8,8,8" when in maximized mode. All other modes should be "0,0,0,0".
To alimbada, the WindowStyle defaults to None on custom chrome.
The Shell Integration Library uses DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea, plus handling of several Window messages to get the effects. If you're using the full window rect (i.e. no rounded corners) then setting it to (0,0,0,1) as suggested will give you the drop shadows as you want. If you want to simulate the rounded corners of Aero, then setting it to (8,8,8,8) will extend the glass frame enough that the corners also stay rounded, and then you're responsible for not drawing over the corners of the rectangle. The shape of the drop shadow doesn't change regardless of the glass frame thickness.
The flashing you're seeing when setting the thickness to -1 still exists even when not fully extending the glass frame. What's happening is the window is getting shown while the content is still compositing. What you can do is simplify the default UI so it displays quicker (or you can stage it, bringing in a simnple background first and then replacing it with something usable), or you can create and show the window off-screen, and then move it to the desired start location once the content has been rendered. The easy way to detect when it's probably ready is to invoke a DispatchTimer with Priority=Loaded. That should only get invoked once the basic first layout has been completed.
