Forcing Object Data Source To Reinstantiate - mobile

I am using the XPages Mobile Controls with an Object data source (Java Class which is NOT a managed bean) tied to View scope on a second app page. I have resetContent on the second page set to true. So I would have assumed the Object Data Source would be destroyed and recreated every time I transitioned to the second page.
When I transition to the second page the first time, the createObject() method is invoked as expected. If I transition to the second page using a button AND set forceFullRefresh to true the createObject() method is invoked. If, however I have a Rounded List Item with a moveTo specified for the second page the createObject() method does not get invoked. Instead the object remains set to the last value it was using when that application page was last accessed.
Is there a way to force the createObject() method to be invoked every time I transition to the page?

Another way is to call the refresh method of the datasource in SSJS.
Assumning you have only one datasource on the page, you can access the ObjectDataSource from the view:
var = view.getData().get(0);
This executes the createObject method binding and reinstantiate the datasource.

The solution turned out to be to move the object data source from view scope to request scope. This is possible because I do not have the need for any partial refreshes on that page until the details are ready to be submitted.


Controller returning un rendered view

I am facing an issue with my controllers refs and the returned object being invalid. And by invalid it returning me an object that says it has not been rendered even though i am in the process of using it.
In my controller I have a ref defined as the following.
refs : [ {
ref : 'selectDeltaView',
selector : '[itemId=selectDeltaView]'
and later in my controller I access this view using the created accessor
What is strange is that the first time this view is presented, inside of an Ext.Window it works just fine. However, on the second launch the view I get back is not rendered.
this.getSeletDeltaView().rendered === false
Reading the documentation over at Sencha it seems that this simply passes my selector to the Ext.ComponentQuery.query function. However, if I call Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[itemId=selectDeltaView]') I get an array with a single element of which rendered is true.
Am i missing something? Why is my controllers reference returning me invalid data.
Some additional details not mentioned in the original post. My initial assumption was that my view was not being destroyed. However, I have log statements in my ondestory and beforedestory events and can confirm that on closing the window my view is being destroyed.
What is the most confusing is that if refs simply use Ext.ComponentQuery.query, why does Ext.ComponentQuery.query only return one view when the window is re-opened and it returns the correct view. I understand from the question below that refs will catch the view, but that view no longer exist.. or shouldn't.. If the view is destroyed, can I force the controller to clear its catch?
The controllers reference is cached after the first evaluation.
What happens is this:
You open your view a first time.
getSeletDeltaView() finds that view, and stores a reference to it in the reference lookup cache.
You close the view, but you do not destroy it completely.
You open the view a second time, but it is a different instance.
getSeletDeltaView() finds the first view, that is no longer rendered, but still exists, because it was not destroyed. You cannot use this reference, because it point to the wrong view.
Make sure to destroy() your view, when you hide it. You can also use autoDestroy as a property. Usually, autoDestroy is true by default.

Where to put a function to create a pdf

I have an application which deals with projects evolving according to a process defined by a series of status transitions. I have a button to set a project to the next status. The button calls a function in the ProjectsController. This function calls another function in the Project model, where I search for the correct transition, depending on the current status, the user_group and some other parameter, and set the new status. After everything successfully accomplished, I return to the original page with 'return $this->redirect($this->referer());' from the controller.
Some of the transitions have side effects. One is to create a PDF, save it on the server and add a new entry to the 'documents' table referenced to the current project.
Problem: where should I put the function to create the PDF? I would like to put it to the Model. But I need some View Files to first render a html page and then convert it to the PDF. I could put it to the Controller. But then I have a controller function which should not be called directly an doesn't render a view.
The functions all work, but where to put them? Is there another possibility? Would it be possible to use a component?
Implement it as PdfView that will render any (pdf) view for you as Pdf. There is already a plugin that does this, search for CakePdf on Github.
A component is clearly the wrong place. A Pdf is output, so it's a kind of view. Model gets you the data, controller sets it, view renders it.

AngularJS: ng-model not getting applied on Controller instantiation

I am creating a web app planner using Angular and I am having some difficulties with a <select> box that is not changing value based on the variable denoted with ng-model.
My architecture is as follows:
I am using ui-router which gives me different view states, one for each page of my planner. The root HTML page has a Controller called MainController. This is where I set up my JSON model, $scope.Master = {} that I want to use throughout the planner. All pages of the planner should inherit this model and continue to modify/add to it.
I then have my 4 pages of the planner like:
Start -> Accounts -> Settings -> Review
Each page has its own Controller that gets instantiated every time I visit the page. On the Start page, I have a <select> box that has ng-model="$scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount" that gets populated dynamically using the StartController (therefore it gets populated every time I come to the Start page).
This <select> works great on the first time to the page, but if I go to Accounts and then come back, the select box is back to the default value, "Please select an account", instead of the selected account that is in the $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount model that is bound to the <select> box
I thought I could just do something like $scope.$apply or something in order to re-apply the binding to the DOM object, but that just gave me an error saying it is already digesting.
How can I apply the binding to the <select> box after the page has been loaded 2 or more times?
This is probably because every time you go back to your original page, a new controller is instantiated since it was removed from the DOM when you left it originally. Thus $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount. To save this, you can either
Use a service / factory singleton on the main app to save this value!
Save $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount as a global variable$rootScope
Put that controller on the outside
Im real sorry... I realized I was populating the <select> using ng-repeat instead of ng-options no idea how I managed that... That was the problem

AngularJS - using Angular UI router - how to fetch the next content via AJAX without removing the current content

I'm using Angular UI router in my app. This is what I'm doing.
A main view contains a child view and a div container for "pagination"
By default, initially, a first set of contents is loaded
When a user clicks on "next page", next set of contents is loaded (with the URL also being changed to /content/2 (where 2 indicates the next page number)
All is working well, but each time the contents are loaded, it goes "blank" before it loads. So it seems like it's reloading the view (which is obvious).
What I would like to do is reload the content without having that "blank" page. How can I achieve this?
At first thought, I think you could you the same approach as infinite-scroll, which is what I'm using. So you make a GET request to the server to get new content and push it to the list on clicking 'next'. However, since the URL changes also. This will cause the controller to be reloaded. You can actually bypass this by setting reloadOnSearch to false.

Show custom pop up warning message when user changes any value (text box/LOV) on page

I have requirement to show custom pop up warning message when user changes any value (text box/LOV) on page and close tab/cancel button by mistake.
Option I tried are:
a) Within application we are using a complex task flow/RegionModel for 7 different scenario's. Also requirement is to display custom message - Hence could not use approach "unsaveddatawarning"
b) Second option I tried was to have custom region controller:
CustomRegionController implements RegionController
Inside validateRegion(RegionContext regionContext) thought to find if page data is dirty
DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
DCDataControl cDataControl = dcBindings.getDataControl();
boolean dirtyFlag = cDataControl.isTransactionModified();
In both scenario it always gives true (seems due to common set of VO/View Link application module always gets dirty when data is being rendered on page load).
Last option I am left with is to invoke valueChangeListener for each element (textbaox, LOV, Check box). I do not like this option at all. Please suggest if there can be better way to handle this scenario.
Why is using a value change listener a problem? Have each input component call the same VCL method in the backing bean. If necessary you can get the component id from the vcl event object.
