Drupal 7 Bamboo theme maintenance mode - drupal-7

I am trying to make a custom maintenance page for Bamboo theme in Drupal 7.
I already follow some tips I have found in internet, but they don't work.
The site is in maintenance mode, but with a layout totally different from the rest of the theme (it is a simple logo with the message "site in maintenance ..."
In the theme there isn't a template named maintenance-page.tpl.php in root theme directory neither in subdirectory templates.
I created a new file copied from html.tpl.php in both directory, but without success.
Some advice? What should I do?
Thanks in advance,Mauro

You can copy the maintenance-page.tpl.php from Bartik (default
Drupal theme) and paste it to you theme folder
Customize the new file maintenance-page.tpl.php


Gatsby: Apply new theme to starter

I'm new to Gatsby and I started a project using a starter, Gatsby-starter-ghost. The starter comes with the Casper theme, and now I want to replace Casper with a new theme or build a custom theme.
I can't figure out how to replace Casper or even find where it is in the project folders. There is a lot of documentation available on Gatsby themes and starters but I can barely find any documentation for gatsby-starter-ghost. I've dug through the node_modules and src folders and can't even find where the Casper theme is located. If I install a new theme with npm and put the plugin in the gatsby-config file it breaks my project and I get GraphQL errors galore. I've read that themes should usually be in the content folder, but my content folder contains nothing but two empty folders.
Here is my project structure:
How do I replace the theme in the gatsby-ghost-starter?
Gatsby Themes use a concept called 'shadowing'. You can replace any of the default files for the theme by placing a file with the same path and name in your content folder. This is probably why your folder doesn't have any theme files, the starter is just using all the defaults.
That said, looking at gatsby-starter-ghost, it doesn't look like it's using a Gatsby Theme at all, so shadowing doesn't apply.
If you look at gatsby-starter-ghost/src/components/common/, it has various files which define the components that are being used. Most notably, Layout.js is setting out the base structure for every page, and imports a CSS file from ../../styles/app.css.
This CSS, those common components, as well as the various template files in src/templates are what is defining the HTML structure of the pages, and the CSS that those use. If you adjust those, you should be able to change the design to suit your needs.
Start by looking at app.css and adjusting it a bit, see how far that takes you. But you may need to update the components if you want to introduce new classes or change the HTML structure.

Why is Hugo serving blank pages?

I am building a personal website using Hugo Static Page Generator, but when I do hugo serve, I am no longer seeing a page, but simply a blank page at localhost:1313.
I deleted everything and did a fresh install. But still, Hugo is serving blank pages.
In the blank page, I see the Favicon of the previous site draft I had, even though I deleted everything from the previous theme. I cleared the browser in Chrome and tried a different browser too, but it's still not working.
Not sure what information I can provide, as there are no error messages. How can I fix this?
The problem is likely to be the theme - it is either missing or broken. Hugo does not come with any default/fallback theme if you fail to provide a working one.
Debugging guide:
Check the themes folder, and follow the quickstart.
Try using another, simpler theme.
It may only be a question of configuring the theme, you may read the hugo theme documentation too.
Please verify your config.toml file points to right theme.
If following Quick start tutorial, you might have forgot to run
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
I ran into the same issue after following the hugo getting-started / quickstart guide but instead of using an existing theme i created a very basic theme:
Install hugo i picked install hugo on windows
Create a New Site hugo new site quickstart
Add a Theme
cloning a theme (for example the ananke-theme ) is easier <-- this is what the quickstart does and what i left out
instead you can create a theme with hugo new theme [your-theme-name] which adds a theme skeleton inside your site-folder for example C:\Hugo\Sites\example.com (see the screenshot)
Add Some Content hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
Start the server hugo server -D --watch --verbose
After you created a theme files and folders should be under Sites/example.com/themes/your-theme-name/. Since most of the generated files are (nearly) empty you have to edit a few of them before the quickstart sample is working.
Based on develop a Theme for Hugo i edited /themes/your-theme-name/layouts/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <body>
{{ range first 10 .Data.Pages }}
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div>{{- .Content -}}</div>
{{ end }}
</body> </html>
Basic information about hugo taken from develop a Theme for Hugo
Hugo configuration files (TOML, YAML or JSON) are located in the root of your site
Hugo default: Markdown inside content/,
content files contain metadata (frontmatter) and text (/markdown) --> html to public/,
example frontmatter attributes: date, title, description, categories, tags
templates under themes/ (or layouts/)
three types of templates: single, list, partials
theme templates under /themes/your-theme-name/ and then under /layouts/ for index.html and under /layouts/_default/list.html and /layouts/_default/single.html
HTML files will be written to the public/ directory.
You may want to read the hugo theme documentation.
I had the same problem when I cloned my blog from Github but didn't include themes submodules. Including submodules solved my problem:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/username/your-blog
It could be potentially an issue with the config.toml in the Hugo project directory.
I recently ran into a similar issue where I was seeing only a blank page while trying to create a custom theme with the Hugo and all you have to do is tell Hugo where to find your initial HTML page to render on the browser.
If you are trying to install a theme OR creating a custom theme, go to config.toml in the base directory and specify the theme name as given below:
theme = "${theme_name}"
If you are using the default/custom theme, the theme name will be same as the folder name under themes folder in the project directory.

Drupal subtheme won't load css, regions, or page.tpl.php

I've just migrated my Drupal 7 live site to a fresh dev site and the default theme is only partially loading. Database, code, and files are fresh copies. Everything (content, links, etc) is good except for the theme.
The theme is listed under Appearance and is correctly set to default. The theme's image loads on the Appearance page, the name and info are loaded from the subtheme's .info file, and the parent theme's css is loading (zurb_foundation).
But the subtheme's custom css, regions, and favicon as defined in the subtheme.info are not loading. It's odd, like half the theme is working and half is not.
Attempted fixes include rebuilding the theme registry, switching themes back and forth, drush cc all, checking directory permissions.
Any clues?
I don't know why it broke, but I know the fix now.
Duplicate the theme folder. Rename the theme's info file. Load this as a new theme. Problem solved.
The contents of the theme directory are exactly the same, but the new name allows it to load correctly.
I know this is an older post, but the same happened to me recently.
The Live-Server used a different PHP Version (5.3.X). Switching to PHP 5.4 solved the problem immediately.

Croogo Theme issue in localhost [Windows]

I am using Croogo CMS in my Cakephp website, its working fine in server and all linux machines but it’s not working properly in windows machine. Please find below issue what I am facing in my local host
PHP Version:5.3.13
Croogo Version: 1.4.3
OS: Windows 7 - 32 bit
Goal: I want to use my Cakephp default layout instead of croogo theme layout and css and js from croogo theme
Cakephp Layout location:
Croogo Theme Layout
Now problem is css and images point to this directory theme/[MyTheme]/css/style.css. But this folder structure is not available, so I am getting below error
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://localentrust.dev/theme/[MyTheme]/css/style.css"
Please guide me to solve this issue. Thanks!
probably u have permissions issues, there is no logical reason for your css to not be displayed, the other thing i see is that your default view is not under Layouts folder, and your js and css folders should be under webroot folder. greetings

Can't get CKEditor to work Drupal 7

I have set it up in the libraries folder, WYSIWYG is under modules. Both are enabled, I have set users, cleared my cache and browser cache, set WYSIWYG profiles, selected CKEditor for Full HTML, added buttons and it's not just there when I go to edit??
I'm lost spent quite a bit of time on this now - any suggestions would be great
I installed CKEditor module, CKEditor library, and then had to hack the CKEditor library folder by creating new subdirectories with the appropriate files (it was looking for the skin and language files in the wrong directory within the CKEditor library folder)...
I'm using the latest version of everything - why is this happening? I would have thought since this happened to me its happening to everyone else as well!
If anyone else has this problem, ensure you have these files in your /modules/ckeditor/ckeditor/ folder: "lang/en-gb.js" "skins/kama/images/sprites.png" "skins/kama/editor.css" "skins/kama/icons.png"
All these files are just in the root folder by default for some reason.
