Old Join Syntax multiple tables - sql-server

I'm trying to join four tables together using the old inner join syntax in sql server 2008 and can't figure it out, I keep getting a cartesian product. I've tried multiple different ways but still get repeating results.
where's my error?
,TC.strFirstName + ',' + TC.strLastName AS strCustomer
TCustomers AS TC
,TCustomerOrders AS TCO
,TCustomerOrderItems AS TCOI
,TItems AS TI
TC.intCustomerID = TCOI.intCustomerID
AND TCO.intOrderIndex = TCOI.intOrderIndex
AND TCOI.intItemID = TI.intItemID

i don't know your tables but it looks strange to read WHERE
TC.intCustomerID = TCOI.intCustomerID for the first table, i guess it should be WHERE
TC.intCustomerID = TCO.intCustomerID ?
If TCustomers (TC) contains all your customers and TCustomerOrders (TCO) your orders, i guess the order is linked to a customer?
Your query looks to link directly the customer to the order's items, which might be wrong if the order has more than one item.
By the way, why is the customer ID stored in the TCustomerOrderItems table?
I might be totally wrong, you should give some sample datas as others said though


SQL SUM() function with parameters returned by query for each row

First of all, sorry for that weird title. Here is the thing:
I work for a online shop, which sells products on amazon. Since we sell sets of different items, it happens that we send the same item within multiple sets to amazon fba. To give out the total sum of one item in all sets, I wrote the following query:
AS [total]
FROM [amazon_fba]
FROM [tArtikel]
FROM [tStueckliste]
WHERE [kArtikel] = (SELECT
FROM [tArtikel]
WHERE [cHAN] = 12345)) [bar]
ON [tArtikel].[kStueckliste] = [bar].[kStueckliste]) [foo]
ON [amazon_fba].[cSellerSKU] = [foo].[cArtNr]
The cHAN=12345 part is just used to pick one specific item for which we want to know the total number of items. This query itself works fine, so this is not the problem.
However, I also know that all products that are part of sets have [tArtikel].[kStueckliste]=0, which -in theory- makes identifying them pretty easy. Which got me to the idea, that I could use this query to instantly generate a list of all these products with their respective total, like:
kArtikel | total
01234 | 23
56789 | 42
So basically I needed something like
foreach (
select [kArtikel]
from [tArtikel]
where [tArtikel].[kStueckliste]=0
) do (
< the query I made >
Thus I tried the following statement:
AS [total]
FROM [amazon_fba]
FROM [tArtikel]
FROM [tStueckliste]
FROM [tArtikel]
WHERE [tArtikel].[tStueckliste] = 0) [baz]
ON [tStueckliste].[kArtikel] = [baz].[kArtikel]) [bar]
ON [tArtikel].[kStueckliste] = [bar].[kStueckliste]) [foo]
ON [amazon_fba].[cSellerSKU] = [foo].[cArtNr]
This did not -as I hoped- return a list of sums, but instead gave me the total sum of all sums I wanted to create.
Since I am pretty new to SQL (about two weeks in maybe), I have neither any idea what to do, nor where my mistake is, NOR what phrasing I should use to google my way around -thus that wierd Title of this post. So if anyone could help me with that and/or point me into the right direction I'd be really happy :)
I write MySQL rather than SQL but I believe it's very similar other than a few functions and syntaxes. Here's what I think should work for you:
select am.cArtNr, sum(am.nQuantity) as total
from amazon_fba am
join tArtikel ar on ar.cArtNr=am.cArtNr
join tStueckliste st on st.kStueckliste=ar.kStueckliste
where ar.kStueckliste=0
group by am.cArtNr;
Adding the group by will do the split out by articles, but reducing the number of brackets (in this instance derived tables) will speed up the query provided you're using indexes. Again, this is how I would do it in MySQL, and the only other query language I have experience in is BigQuery which won't help here.

SQL Server pulling data from multiple tables

I'm having a problem trying to pull a specific data from two tables. According to the textbook its:
Select *
From terra..retailsales and terra..retailaccount
Where retailaccountid in retailsales = 2345678
Get date range from = 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2015
However, when running the code it produces an syntax error within the in. Yet to me the whole code looks wrong. Can someone help me. I would like to get this to work in order to do my assignment. It's driving me nuts! I contacted the prof and he said that the code in the book is correct, but I think he's wrong.
Can someone help?
The code you provided is not TSQL - actually looks more like some kind of pseudocode.
Just guessing at your column names here, but if I've got it right your query should look something like this:-
SELECT * FROM terra..retailsales
WHERE retailaccountid = 2345678
AND [date range] BETWEEN '20140301' AND '20150630'
Not sure where the 2nd table comes into this though.
You can JOIN two table, like this:
FROM terra..retailsales RS
INNER JOIN terra..retailaccount RC
ON RS.retailaccountid = RC.ID
WHERE RS.retailaccountid = 2345678
AND [date] BETWEEN '20140301' AND '20150630'
Your provided code is very confusing. I see the [terra..retailsales] table, but have no idea what your other table is. Are you sure you need to get your data from two tables?
What is the syntax error you're receiving? Can you paste the exact code you're trying in a code block? Not much of that makes any sense.
In order to pull data from two tables, you could union those tables in a CTE (common table expression), throw them both into a temp table, or join them in a select statement. If the format of both tables is identical, then why do you have two of them?
You're missing the column name where you want to compare a [date] to "3/01/2014 to 6/30/2015". You can use getDate() to return the current time.
Select *
FROM [terra..retailsales]
Where [retailaccountid] = 2345678
AND [<DateColumn>] BETWEEN '3/01/2014' AND '6/30/2015'
You don't need to re-specify your table name again in line "Where retailaccountid in retailsales = 2345678". It will just assume that the retailaccountid is from retailsales.

SQL Server - Count the number of times the contents of a specified field repeat in a table

What's the best way to 'SELECT' a 'DISTINCT' list of a field from a table / view (with 'WHERE' criteria) and alongside that count the number of times that that field content repeats in the table / view?
In other words, I have an initial view that looks a bit like this:
I'd like a single SQL query to filter it (SELECT...WHERE...) so that we are only considering records where [ORDER COMPLETE] = False and [PERSONAL] = Null...
...and then create a distinct list of names with counts of the number of times each name appears in the previous table:
*Displaying the [ORDER COMPLETE] and [PERSONAL] fields is redundant by this point and could be dropped to simplify.
I can do the steps individually as above, but struggling to get a single query to do it all... any help appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
This should just be the following
SELECT dbo.tblPerson.Person,
COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) AS Count
FROM dbo.tblPerson
INNER JOIN dbo.tblNotifications ON dbo.tblPerson.PersonID = dbo.tblNotifications.AddresseeID
WHERE dbo.tblNotifications.Complete = 'False'
AND dbo.tblNotifications.Personal IS NULL
GROUP BY dbo.tblPerson.Person
ORDER BY COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) DESC
You don't need your DISTINCT or TOP 100 PERCENT,
Here is a simplified fiddle
Well I got downvoted into oblivion (probably for displaying the full extent of my own ignorance!), but just in case someone from the future experiences the same problem as me and stumbles across this question while Googling (or whatever verb you use for "searching all digitised human knowledge" in the distant future), here's some sanitised code of the query I managed to get to work in the end - thanks to Mark Sinkinson's snippet for helping me realise the obvious...
SELECT DISTINCT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblPerson.Person, COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) AS CountPerson
FROM dbo.tblPerson INNER JOIN
dbo.tblNotifications ON dbo.tblPerson.PersonID = dbo.tblNotifications.AddresseeID
WHERE (dbo.tblNotifications.Complete = 'False') AND (dbo.tblNotifications.Personal IS NULL)
GROUP BY dbo.tblPerson.Person

Multi join issue

*EDIT** Thanks for all the input, and sorry for late reply. I have been away during the weekend without access to internet. I realized from the answers that I needed to provide more information, so people could understand the problem more throughly so here it comes:
I am migrating an old database design to a new design. The old one is a mess and very confusing ( I haven't been involved in the old design ). I've attached a picture of the relevent part of the old design below:
The table called Item will exist in the new design as well, and it got all columns that I need in the new design as well except one and it is here my problem begin. I need the column which I named 'neededProp' to be associated( with associated I mean like a column in the new Item table in the new design) with each new migrated row from Item.
So for a particular eid in table Environment there can be n entries in table Item. The "corresponding" set exists in table Room. The only way to know which rows that are associated in Item and Room are with the help of the columns "itemId" and "objectId" in the respective table. So for example for a particular eid there might be 100 entries in Item and Room and their "itemId" and "objectId" can be values from 1 to 100, so that column is only unique for a particular eid ( or baseSeq which it is called in table BaseFile).
Basically you can say that the tables Environment and BaseFile reminds of each other and the tables Item and Room reminds of each other. The difference is that some tables lack some columns and other may have some extra. I have no idea why it is designed like this from the beginning.
My question is if someone can help me with creating a query so that I can be able to find out the proper "neededProp" for each row in the Item-table so I can get that data into the new design?
*OLD-PART**This might be a trivial question but I can't get it to work as I want. I want to join a few tables as in the sql-statement below. If I start like this and run this query
select * from Environment e
join items ei on e.eid = ei.eid
I get like 400000 rows which is what I want. However if I add one more line so it looks like this:
select * from Environment e
join items ei on e.eid= ei.eid
left join Room r on e.roomnr = r.roomobjectnr
I get an insane amount of rows so there must be some multiplication going on. I want to get the same amount of rows ( like 400000 in this case ) even after joining the third table. Is that possible somehow? Maybe like creating a temporary view with the first 2 rows.
I am using MSSQL server.
So without knowing what data you have in your second query it's very difficult to say exactly how to write this out, and you're likely having a problem where there's an additional column that you are joining to in Rooms that perhaps you have forgotten such as something indicating a facility or hallway perhaps where you have multiple 'Room 1' entries as an example.
However, to answer your question regarding another way to write this out without using a temp table I've crufted up the below as an example of using a common table expression which will only return one record per source row.
;WITH cte_EnvironmentItems AS (
FROM Environment E
INNER JOIN Items I ON I.eid = E.eid
), cte_RankedRoom AS (
FROM cte_EnvironmentItems E
LEFT JOIN cte_RankedRoom R ON E.roomnr = R.roomobjectnr
AND R.RN = 1
btw,do you want column from room table.if no then
select * from Environment e
join items ei on e.eid= ei.eid
where e.roomnr in (select r.roomobjectnr from Room r )
select * from Environment e
join items ei on e.eid= ei.eid
left join (select distinct roomobjectnr from Room) r on e.roomnr = r.roomobjectnr

Detecting multiple records associated with a table

I have a SQL Server 2008 database that has two tables. These two tables are CoreGroup and CoreGroupMember. Please note, I did not setup these tables. Regardless, the table structure is:
I need to determine how many CoreGroup records are associated with a CoreGroupMember with a specific MemberName. There is one catch that is really throwing me for a loop though. Some CoreGroup records only have one member associated with them. I need to retrieve the CoreGroup records that have multiple CoreGroupMember records where at least one of the records has the specific MemberName. I can't seem to figure out the multiple record part. Can someone please help me?
Thank you!
I'll take a stab at it hoping I've understood the requirements correctly. First, I use a cte to find all groups with multiple members, then use that result set to find groups with your specific member.
with cteMultipleMembers as (
select cg.ID, COUNT(*) as MemberCount
from CoreGroup cg
inner join CoreGroupMember cgm
on cg.ID = cgm.CoreGroupID
group by cg.ID
having COUNT(*) > 1
select mm.ID
from cteMultipleMembers mm
inner join CoreGroupMember cgm
on mm.ID = cgm.CoreGroupID
and cgm.MemberName = #YourMemberName
