How to trigger a directive when updating a model in AngularJS? - angularjs

I found a good solution for inline editing content in angular js that is created by running ng-repeat on a model:
To expand on that solution I added a button to the page that has a ng-click directive as so:
<button ng-click="addCategory()" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" type="button">
<i class="icon-white icon-plus"></i> Add Category
The addCategory function is defined in my controller:
$scope.addCategory = function(){
var newCategory = {id:0, name:"Category Name"};
The goal here is to allow the user to add a new record and automatically trigger the inline-edit directive once the view is updated with the new row. How can I trigger the inline-edit directive in such a manner?

One technique that i've used is to have a boolean change values and have a $watch on it inside the directive that needs to be triggered.
myApp.directive('myDirective', function () {
return function (scope, element, attr) {
scope.$watch('someValue', function (val) {
if (val)
// allow edit
// hide edit
Then in your controller you'd set $scope.someValue = true; in your ng-click for the button.
I've gone a bit further with the above answer. I've made something more along the lines with what you're after.
Here's the plunk for it:
This is the new directive:
.directive('editCar', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
var template = '<span class="car-edit">'+
'<input type="text" ng-model="" />' +
'<button ng-click="someValue = false" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button></span>';
scope.$watch('someValue', function (val) {
if (val) {
It replaces the <edit-car></edit-car> element with the above template. The save button adds the values to an array called editedCars. I've left in some dummy code for submitting the entire thing using $

I have one possible solution for you: (I worked on the original plunk as you mentioned.)
My idea is
Add "editMode" property to TODO model
Instead of passing in just todo.title to directive's scope, passing in the whole TODO object, which is inline-edit="todo" in index.html
In inline-edit.html, change every editMode to model.editMode (and every model to model.title to display title correctly)
In your controller's add method, create new object with editMode = true, e.g.
var newTodo = {id:0, name:"TODO Name", editMode: true};


How to make custom directive with dialog box template using Angular JS?

I need to show a confirmation box on different pages. So i have decided to create a custom directive for performing this task. I have a html template for confirmation box.There are two buttons and some text in this template. One button is for cancelling the dialog box and one for submitting it. So the functionality will be different for each page when we click on submit button. I have couple of questions regarding this issue.
How to create this kind of directive to show a dialog box on some condition?
How to pass text from my controller to this template?
How to override the "Submit" button functionality.
I had similar requirement where I wanted a custom modal pop-up to alert the user to continue with his actions such as delete, modify etc..,
So I wrote a custom directive. Below is the code.
'use strict';
angular.module('mainApp').directive('confirm', ['$log','$uibModal', function($log,$uibModal){
var link = function($scope,elem,attr){
var modalInstance = ${
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/shared/_confirm_modal.html',
controller: 'confirmDirectiveCtrl',
size: 'sm'
,backdrop: 'static' //disables modal closing by click on the backdrop.
,resolve: {
requiredVerbose: function(){
var requiredVerbose = {
modalTitle : attr.modalTitle
,message : attr.message
,confirmVerbose : attr.confirmVerbose
,cancelVerbose : attr.cancelVerbose
} ;
return requiredVerbose;
}, function(){
restrict : 'A'
,scope : {
confirmFn : '&'
,cancelFn : '&'
,compile : function compile(elem,attr){
if(attr.confirmType && attr.confirmType=='delete')
attr.modalTitle = 'Warning';
attr.confirmVerbose = 'Delete';
attr.cancelVerbose = 'No';
attr.message = 'Are you sure, you want to delete?'
if(!attr.modalTitle){attr.modalTitle = 'Warning'}
if(!attr.confirmVerbose){attr.confirmVerbose = 'Ok'}
if(!attr.cancelVerbose){attr.cancelVerbose = 'cancel'}
if(!attr.message){attr.message = 'Are you sure?'}
post : link
angular.module('mainApp').controller('confirmDirectiveCtrl', ['$scope','$uibModalInstance','requiredVerbose',
function($scope,$uibModalInstance, requiredVerbose){
$scope.modalTitle= requiredVerbose.modalTitle;
$scope.message = requiredVerbose.message;
$scope.confirmVerbose = requiredVerbose.confirmVerbose;
$scope.cancelVerbose= requiredVerbose.cancelVerbose;
$scope.ok = function(){
$scope.cancel = function(){
To answer your questions,
This is attribute type directive. And the element on which you add this directive tag is bound to onclick function which generates the required popup.
How to pass text?
You can pass the required text through attributes. I wanted this directive to work only for two kinds of alerts and hence had only two different sets of texts. If you want custom texts everytime, you can pass them to directive through attrs.
How to override the submit functionality?
You can pass your custom submit and cancel to this directive and bind them to the popup submit and cancel functions. The above code does the same.
Edit :
HTML template and explanation:
Below is an example describing on how you can use this directive.
<i class="fa fa-trash-o"
The above template is an trash icon. The attributes are
directive name : confirm
confirm-fn : The function that should be called after user seleting ok/submit etc..,
confirm-type : This attribute defines what type of popup you want to show. In my case, I often use 'delete' type and hence wrote the required verbose related to it. By default, I already defined the verbose(title, message, ok-button, cancel-button).
If you want your custom messages add them in the attributes. Below is one such example.
<i class="fa fa-trash-o"
modal-title="My Modal"
message="How are you doing?"
cancel-verbose="Just Fine">
I hope, this helps
You can create a directive like below to handle both submit & cancel at any page for different functionalities in any controller. I've created an isolated scope directive but you can use change it according to your need by creating child scope scope : true; or bindToController:true (controller specific)
app.directive('confirm', ['$log', '$modal' ,'$parse','$timeout','factory', function($log, $modal,$parse,$timeout,factory) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template:'<button type="button" class="btn form-btn" '+
'ng-click="openModal()" ng-disabled="disable" >'+
replace: true,
transclude: false,
scope: {
name :'=name', //can set button name ..basically u can send a text
disable :'=disable' //set as an attribute in HTML to disable button
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.buttonName = $;
$scope.openModal= function() {
$scope.modal = ${
templateUrl: 'customConfirmModal.html',
persist: true,
backdrop: 'static'
$scope.cancel = function(){
$scope.submit= function(){
factory.customSubmitCall($scope);//call the factory method which will call different functions depending on the need..
Create a factory to contain different functions which can be called at any controller by injecting factory.
app.factory('factory', ['$http','$rootScope','$filter',function($http,$rootScope,$filter){
factory.customSubmitCall = function ($scope){
if($ ==1){ //check on which page you are performing action
$scope.pageOneSubmit(); //page specific function in that controller..
return factory;
In your HTML
<confirm name="Confirm" disable="disable"> </confirm>

Retrofitting "alert()" on delete buttons

I have an angular application which contains several delete buttons somewhat like this:
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="delete($index)">x</button>
Now as we are nearing production deployment and I want delete buttons to behave nicely and "alert()" the user before actually deleting the object.
How can I retro-fit this feature in all the delete buttons through a directive. I would like to have a directive called "ask":
<button ask class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click="delete($index)">x</button>
which I can use to affect the behaviour of any button.
Somehow I am not able to think through this
app.directive("ask", function() {
return function(scope, elems, attrs) {
// what to do here:
// 1. shall I change the elems.attr("ng-click")
// 2. or scope.attrs("ngClick")
Please guide me with the best practice and some code samples. Also note that the ng-click callback of all the delete buttons are different and the application already makes extensive use of isolate scope and child scope directives.
Try this implementation
.module('test', [])
.directive('ask', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {ask: '#', onAsk: '&'},
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.on('click', function(e) {
if(confirm(attrs.ask)) {
.controller('ItemsCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [1,2,3,4,5];
$scope["delete"] = function(index) {
$scope.items.splice(index, 1);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="test" ng-controller="ItemsCtrl">
<ul><li ng-repeat="item in items track by $index">{{item}}
<button ask="Are you sure you want to delete item?" on-ask="delete($index)">x</button>
You can build a directive for this and in template of directive have button element and the ng-click event.
Pass index and delete function as inputs to this directive.
app.directive("deleteFruit", function(){
// You can also pass one more binding if you want to have a specific alert message
index: '#', delete:'&'
template:'<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="deleteFruit()">x</button>',
link: function(scope){
scope.deleteFruit = function(){
// When user clicks, first call the alert function then use the promise returned by dialog and check whether user wants to delete or not
// If user wants to delete then go a head and call delete function on main controller
// if(userSelectedOption){
// scope.delete(scope.index);
// }
MainCtrl HTML
<delete-fruit delete="delete(index)" index={{$index}}></delete-fruit>

Modifying a directive to 'watch' a ctrl property?

I have a directive which checks if they click submit on a form. If so, it adds the 'submitted' class. This allows me to style the form inputs as red only when they have submitted a form (I hate having it red in real-time as they're typing).
'use strict';
app.directive('formSubmitted', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'form',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
ctrl.$submitted = false;
element.on('submit', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
ctrl.$submitted = true;
The problem is 'resetting' a form once it has been submitted successfully... I need to remove the submitted class from inside the controller. I have tried a lot of ways to do this without success... as in this pseudo-code...
What I am thinking is instead of doing that from the controller (which doesn't work anyway), that I try to make the 'submitted' class mirror the $submitted property on ctrl... This way I could do...
$scope.myForm.$submitted = false and the class would update appropriately.
I have no idea even where to begin with though, and googling isn't helping...
A simple approach I have used in situations like this is leveraging the Angular ngClass directive and binding to a property on the controller that maintains whether the state is submitted or not. Something like so:
<button ng-click="isSubmitted = !isSubmitted">Submit</button>
<form ng-class="{submitted: isSubmitted}">
You can use the ng-class directive:
<form name="myForm" ng-class="{submitted: $submitted}">
See the doc here:
Within the controller handling the form submission, you certainly have a submit function:
$scope.submit = function (form) {
$scope.$submitted = true;
if (form.$invalid) {
// Actually send data to backend, eventually receiving a promise
promiseFormBackend = MyService.sendForm();
promiseFromBackend.then(function () {
$scope.$submitted = false: // resetting the form class

How do I use an Angular directive to show a dialog?

Using Angular, I'm trying to create a directive that will be placed on a button that will launch a search dialog. There are multiple instances of the search button, but obviously I only want a single instance of the dialog. The dialog should be built from a template URL and have it's own controller, but when the user selects an item, the directive will be used to set the value.
Any ideas on how to create the dialog with it's own controller from the directive?
Here's what I've go so far (basically just the directive)...
Here is the html from the above plkr...
Here is the code from the above plkr...
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
var person = {}; = 'World';
$scope.person = person;
$scope.setPerson = function(newPerson) {
person = newPerson;
$scope.person = person;
app.directive('myFind', function () {
var $dlg; // holds the reference to the dialog. Only 1 per app.
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
if (!$dlg) {
//todo: create the dialog from a template.
$dlg = true;
el.bind('click', function () {
//todo: use the dialog box to search.
// This is just test data to show what I'm trying to accomplish.
alert('Find Person');
var foundPerson = {}; = 'Brian';
scope.$apply(function () {
This is as far as I've gotten. I can't quite figure out how to create the dialog using a template inside the directive so it only occurs once and then assign it a controller. I think I can assign the controller inside the template, but first I need to figure out how to load the template and call our custom jQuery plugin to generate the dialog (we have our own look & feel for dialogs).
So I believe the question is, how do I load a template inside of a directive? However, if there is a different way of thinking about this problem, I would be interested in that as well.
I will show you how to do it using bootstrap-ui. (you can modify it easily, if it does not suit your needs).
Here is a skeleton of the template. You can normally bound to any properties and functions that are on directive's scope:
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
... // e.g. <div class="button" ng-click=cancel()></div>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
Here is how to create/declare directive in your module:
.directive("searchDialog", function ($modal) {
return {
controller: SearchDialogCtrl,
scope : {
searchDialog: '=' // here you will set two-way data bind with a property from the parent scope
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.on("click", function (event) { // when button is clicked we show the dialog
scope.modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'views/search.dialog.tpl.html',
scope: scope // this will pass the isoleted scope of search-dialog to the angular-ui modal
Then controller may look something like that:
function SearchDialogCtrl(dep1, dep2) {
$scope.cancel = function() {
$scope.modalInstance.close(); // the same instance that was created in element.on('click',...)
// you can call it from the template: search.dialog.tpl.html
$scope.someFunction = function () { ... }
// it can bind to it in the search.dialog.tpl.html
// this will be two-way bound with some property from the parent field (look below)
// if you want to perform some action on it just use $scope.$watch
Then it your mark-up you can just use it like that:
<div class="buttonClass" search-dialog="myFieldFromScope">search</div>
I recommend this plugin:
Demo here:
Create a dialog declaratively; and it works with existing controllers. The content of the dialog can be styled however you like.

Using ng-click vs bind within link function of Angular Directive

In the link function, is there a more "Angular" way to bind a function to a click event?
Right now, I'm doing...
myApp.directive('clickme', function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.clickingCallback = function() {alert('clicked!')};
element.bind('click', scope.clickingCallback);
} });
Is this the Angular way of doing it or is it an ugly hack? Perhaps I shouldn't be so concerned, but I'm new to this framework and would like to know the "correct" way of doing things, especially as the framework moves forward.
You may use a controller in directive:
angular.module('app', [])
.directive('appClick', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
template: '<button ng-click="click()">Click me</button> Clicked {{clicked}} times',
controller: function($scope, $element){
$scope.clicked = 0;
$ = function(){
Demo on plunkr
More about directives in Angular guide. And very helpfull for me was videos from official Angular blog post About those directives.
I think it is fine because I've seen many people doing this way.
If you are just defining the event handler within the directive,
you do not have to define it on the scope, though.
Following would be fine.
myApp.directive('clickme', function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
var clickingCallback = function() {
element.bind('click', clickingCallback);
Shouldn't it simply be:
<button ng-click="clickingCallback()">Click me<button>
Why do you want to write a new directive just to map your click event to a callback on your scope ? ng-click already does that for you.
You should use the controller in the directive and ng-click in the template html, as suggested previous responses. However, if you need to do DOM manipulation upon the event(click), such as on click of the button, you want to change the color of the button or so, then use the Link function and use the element to manipulate the dom.
If all you want to do is show some value on an HTML element or any such non-dom manipulative task, then you may not need a directive, and can directly use the controller.
In this case, no need for a directive. This does the job :
<button ng-click="count = count + 1" ng-init="count=0">
count: {{count}}
return function(scope,element,attrs){
<<call the Controller function>>
this will act as onclick events on the attribute clickme
