From the laravel documentation: Database Transaction.
It says that:
DB::transaction(function() {
DB::table('users')->update(array('votes' => 1));
Here, 1 is explicitly entered to update the users...
I tried this using a variable,
$id = 3;
DB::transaction(function() {
It throws an error:
Undefined variable: id
I also tried to place to $id as a parameter like this:
$id = 3;
DB::transaction(function($id) {
DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $id)->get();
Still, an error:
Object of class Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection could not be converted to string
Have I done anything wrong? Please advise. Thanks...
The use keyword is what you need:
$id = 3;
DB::transaction(function($id) use ($id) {
DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $id)->get();
For PHP 7 (untested, edited as requested by the answer below):
$id = 3;
DB::transaction(function() use ($id) {
DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $id)->get();
In PHP 7 the syntax has changed:
$id = 3;
DB::transaction(function () use ($id) {
DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $id)->get();
To answer #CaptainHypertext question of
If you alter $id inside the closure, will it affect the $id outside?
This method worked for me:
$id = 3;
$transactionResult = DB::transaction(function($id) use ($id) {
$request_id = DB::table('requests')->insertGetId([
'company_id' => $company->$id,
return $request_id ;
Controller :
function index()
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url','common'));
'header' => $this->load->view('frontend/assets/header', '', TRUE),
'footer' => $this->load->view('frontend/assets/footer', '', TRUE),
$item= $this->input->get('products', TRUE);
$item_id =$this->db->query('select id from item where slug=(".$item.")');
$data['products'] = $this->productsdisplay->getAllProduct();
$data['ads'] = $this->productsdisplay->getAllAds();
Model :
function getAllCategories($item_id)
$this->db->order_by("category_name", "ASC");
$query = $this->db->where('product_type',$item_id);
$query = $this->db->get('category');
return $query->result();
I am not able to understand how to solve this error. Please help me regarding the issue.
I am a beginner in CI.
The query which gets $item_id is wrong. It should be changed as follows
$item_id =$this->db->query('select id from item where slug='.$item);
I use audit-stash plugin which works fine with all my tables. But I have a particular function in which the user selects rows with checkboxes, and then changes a specific field to all of them. The table audits contains a fields called "primary_key" which seems not working for such case.
in my Controller, function, I put this:
$data = $this->request->data;
if($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put']))
$ids = $this->request->data('');
$room_id = $this->request->data('room_id');
['room_id ' => $room_id ],
['id IN' => $ids]
in my table, I used this:
I was told that there is no way around this for audit-stash, because updateAll bypasses model callbacks by directly sending a query to the database.
I was suggested to update records one by one if I need to keep the log.
How can I transform my updateAll() code into a Save() loop ?
This try did not work for me, using save() and saveMany() :
$data = $this->request->data;
if($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put']))
$ids = $this->request->data('');
$asset_status_id = $this->request->data('asset_status_id');
foreach($ids as $id) {
['asset_status_id ' => $asset_status_id ]
thanks in advance.
Actually you don't have to call get($id) for every id. This get the entity from the table and causes a lot of useless queries
if($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put']))
$ids = $this->request->data('');
$asset_status_id = $this->request->data('asset_status_id');
$assetsAssignationsTable = TableRegistry::get('AssetsAssignations');
foreach($ids as $id) {
$assetsAssignation = $assetsAssignationsTable->newEntity(); // returns an empty entity
$assetsAssignation->id = $id; // assign the id to the entity
$assetsAssignation->asset_status_id = $asset_status_id;
Thanks to Greg, this code worked for me:
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
if($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put']))
$ids = $this->request->data('');
$asset_status_id = $this->request->data('asset_status_id');
$assetsAssignationsTable = TableRegistry::get('AssetsAssignations');
foreach($ids as $id) {
$assetsAssignation = $assetsAssignationsTable->get($id); // Return assetsAssignation with id
$assetsAssignation->asset_status_id = $asset_status_id;
I'am trying to fetch a session variable if the user is a guest. The variable is called "cart" and is set like this:
$product = new Collection((object) [
'product_id' => $request->pId,
'amount' => $request->amount,
'variations' => $variations
Session::push('cart', $product);
Then I later fetch it:
$cartProducts = ShoppingCartItem::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
$cartProducts = Session::get('cart');
foreach($cartProducts as $product){
$totalAmount += $product->amount;
$totalPrice += (PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product->product->id, $product->amount));
The problem here is that dd($product) still outputs an array (the session variable array I assume) which means that for example $product->amount does not exist.
This is the output from dd($product):
You can either access the values using get():
foreach ($cartProducts as $product) {
$totalAmount += $product->get('amount');
$totalPrice += PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product->get('product_id'), $product->get('amount'));
or as an array:
foreach ($cartProducts as $product) {
$totalAmount += $product['amount'];
$totalPrice += PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product['product_id'], $product['amount']);
or you could use sum() on the collection instead of using foreach:
$cartProducts = collect(Session::get('cart'));
$totalAmount = $cartProducts->sum('amount');
$totalPrice = $cartProducts->sum(function ($product) {
return PriceHelper::getProductPrice($product['product_id'], $product['amount']);
For a quick fix if you need $product to be an object you could do something like:
$cartProducts = collect(Session::get('cart'))->map(function ($item) {
return (object)$item->toArray();
Hope this helps!
I am using this method in my model to get a count result from my database:
function members($group_id)
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(group_id) FROM member');
return $query;
And in my controller there is this method:
function total_members ()
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->Member_model->members($group_id);
echo $members;
And am getting this weird error which says:
Severity: 4096
Message: Object of class CI_DB_mysqli_result could not be converted to string
Filename: controllers/Payment.php
You need to return a result set which requires another call. In this case I suggest row(). Try these revised functions.
function members($group_id)
$this->db->where('group_id', $group_id);
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(group_id) as count FROM member');
return $query->row();
function total_members()
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->Member_model->members($group_id);
echo $members->count;
Learn about the different kinds of result sets here
Try this
function members($group_id) {
return $this->db->get_where('member', array('group_id' => $group_id))->num_rows();
function total_members() {
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->member_model->members($group_id);
In codeigniter there is num_rows() to count the rows. For more information check the documentation .
How do I list all the controllers/actions on my site? Configure::listObjects('model') doesnt seem to exist anymore. I am trying to write a function to generate/add to the ACO's in my ACL setup. Thanks.
So here is what I did. In my Resource Controller:
Include the reflection class/method libraries
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
To get the controllers:
public function getControllers() {
$files = scandir('../src/Controller/');
$results = [];
$ignoreList = [
foreach($files as $file){
if(!in_array($file, $ignoreList)) {
$controller = explode('.', $file)[0];
array_push($results, str_replace('Controller', '', $controller));
return $results;
And now for the actions:
public function getActions($controllerName) {
$className = 'App\\Controller\\'.$controllerName.'Controller';
$class = new ReflectionClass($className);
$actions = $class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
$results = [$controllerName => []];
$ignoreList = ['beforeFilter', 'afterFilter', 'initialize'];
foreach($actions as $action){
if($action->class == $className && !in_array($action->name, $ignoreList)){
array_push($results[$controllerName], $action->name);
return $results;
Finally, to tie them boths together:
public function getResources(){
$controllers = $this->getControllers();
$resources = [];
foreach($controllers as $controller){
$actions = $this->getActions($controller);
array_push($resources, $actions);
return $resources;
I hope that helps some people.
It doesn't look like anything similar to this is still available in Cake3, nor is it still needed because of the namespaces I think.
So in short you can try to do this:
Read all controllers from the app level controller folder
Read all plugin controller folders (Get the plugin folder via Plugin::path())
Iterate over the controllers you've collected in the previous steps (You'll need to use App::uses())
Use reflections to get the public methods from each controller
I am using CakePHP 3.x and had problems with the function "getActions"
The correct syntax for "ReflectionClass" and "ReflectionMethod" is:
public function getActions($controllerName) {
$className = 'App\\Controller\\'.$controllerName.'Controller';
$class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
$actions = $class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
$results = [$controllerName => []];
$ignoreList = ['beforeFilter', 'afterFilter', 'initialize'];
foreach($actions as $action){
if($action->class == $className && !in_array($action->name, $ignoreList)){
array_push($results[$controllerName], $action->name);
return $results;
Warning for "\" before ReflectionClass and ReflectionMethod.