Adding WebAPI to Composite-C1 - c1-cms

I am really impressed with CompositeC1 and the ability to add data types on the fly, reference other data types with a foreign key relationship, etc. The built in functions are also really handy.
Ideally, I could create a separate Web API project that would be able to use all of the functions that are generated on the fly in CompositeC1 and expose them out as REST services.
Should I do this as a separate project referencing the dll's in CompositeC1's bin directory? Those dll's are regenerated each time a custom data type is altered... would that cause an issue?

I just wrote a post tonight that I think answer the question.
I make an API by tapping into the C1 System and get my data from there. No need to worry about dlls being generated and such.
But you can create your own API in a seperate dll also. You can see from my post the basic steps of getting an API up and running.
You could get a problem if you make a WebAPI that exposes something that a user deletes in the console, then your dll breaks? The idea with my project is to make it dynamic expose types configured from within the console. So if someone deletes a type, then it also get removed from my API.


2SXC/DNN - Delete ADAM Files in Entity

We're designing a system for a client where they are allowing authenticated users to upload images. We've created an API to upload the files but the client only wants the latest file and delete all previous ones so that there would only ever be one.
We've looked through the docs and can't come across a way for ADAM to handle this in both 2SXC and DNN's file system.
Internally when deleting images we see API calls like the following to the internal 2SXC API, but we're wondering if this is exposed somewhere within the public API?
We could probably use the same endpoint above, but we'd likely run into permission issues or changes to the APIs that could be problematic.
Thank you for any advice you can give! Perhaps #iJungleBoy can provide some thoughts on this.
As a solution from a completely different direction, if you are on the later release of 2sxc (v12.8+, v13+), and comfortable programming in C#, you might consider doing this as a "cleanup" from a Dnn Scheduled Task. This can be done with a relatively easy setup. We have a Gist in place that we use as a starter. You simply put the code in the /App_Code folder then setup a normal Dnn Scheduled Task. NOTE that you can scroll down to the first comment on the Gist to see a screenshot of a complete working setup.
Accuraty's AccuTasks template on GitHub Gists
There are two more key things to note:
You need to install Dnn's CodeDom 3.6 because the example uses the later versions C#'s string interpolation - OR remove the few $"ASL2021 - {this.GetType().Name}, Task Scheduled Email", bits or convert to string.Format() or something.
Since your task's code is NOT running in a (2sxc) module, if needed, you'll do stuff like this: 2sxc Docs - Use 2sxc Instance or App Data from External C# Code
So, if you are comfortable writing code that "finds and deletes stuff older than NN days" - this might be the way to go.

Environment variable as custom metadata type in Salesforce

I am trying to represent environment variables in the Salesforce codebase and came across Custom Metadata Types. So based on which Sandbox I am in, I want to vary the baseURL of an external service that I am hitting from my apex class. I want to avoid hard coding anything in the class, and hence trying to find out an environment variable like solution.
How would you represent the URL as a custom metadata type? Also, how can I access it in the class? What happens when a qa sandbox is refreshed from prod? Do they custom metadata type records get overridden?
How are you calling that external service? If it's truly a base url you might be better of using "named credential" for it. It'll abstract the base url away for you, include authentication or certificate if you have to present any...
Failing that - custom metadata might be a poor choice. They're kind of dictionary objects, you can add more (but not from apex) but if you deploy stuff using Git/Ant/SFDX CLI rather than changesets it'd become bit pain, you'd need different custom metadata value for sandbox vs prod. Kinda defeats the purpose.
You might be better off using custom setting instead (hierarchy is enabled by default, list you'd have to flip a checkbox in setup. List is useful if you need key-value kind of pairs, similar to custom metadata):
And you can modify them with Apex too. Which means that in ideal world you could have a "postcopy" class running as soon as sandbox is refreshed that overwrites the custom setting with the non-prod value. For named credential I don't think you can pull it off, you'd need a mini deployment that changes it or manual step (have you seen ?)

What is the correct way to configure App.Config files when using wcf services

Let's say that I have a simple WPF or Winforms solution. To that solution I add a new project (based on a class library template , which I then reference in the main project) which is intended to be a data layer containing an entity framework data model. When I create the data model in the new project the connection string that it uses gets added to the app.config file of the main project in the solution.
Now let us say that I want to add two more projects to the solution (both of which will again be based on class libraries) to contain details of WCF services that I wish to use. In each case I add the WCF service by using the ADD Service Reference option from the right click context menu of the projects.
Unlike the data model project though the bindings for the service model get added to the local projects app.config file ass opposed to the app.config file of the main start-up project.
Should I simply copy those bindings to the start-up project's app.config file, or should I copy and then delete, or in fact should I be doing something completely different. Thus far trying combination of the first two suggestions I get error messages connected with endpoint configuration, however my knowledge of WCF is not really sufficiently good to fully understand the MSDN articles that the error list points me to.
Note that if the service references are added to the main project I get no errors whatsoever, so I figure this must be a configuration problem of some description.
Would anyone be able to provide the correct procedure for adding projects that essentially contain no more than a WCF service reference to an existing visual studio solution.
The screenshot below shows my main app.cofig file after having copied over the bindings configurations from the two service contracts. I'm not sure whether I should have commented out the bit that I did or not, I had thought that by doing so I might get rid of the blue squiggly underlines telling me the following (which I must admit to not understanding):
Warning The 'contract' attribute is invalid - The value 'ErsLiveService.IERSAPIService' is invalid according to its datatype 'clientContractType' - The Enumeration constraint failed.
You're likely getting the blue squigglies because the namespace ErsTestService is defined within the project in which you created the service reference. If the root namespace of that project is MyServiceReferenceProject then try changing the namespace to MyServiceReferenceProject.ErsTestService.IERSAPIService.

Using Skue or similar frameworks to build REST API on google-app-engine

Searching for ways to build REST APIs, I found skue ( However there is not much information on the site. My plan is to build a rest api as follows strictly:
Models << Business logics << Restful Resources.
What this means is: the models are access exclusively by the business logic; the restful resources interface is the only layer a client has direct access to. I am specifying all this to avoid people suggesting using the appengine-rest-server.
My question is: has anyone ever successfully used Skue? If so do you have any examples you would not mind sharing? GET and POST would be sufficient, but more is welcomed. If not Skue, are there any frameworks out there that allow building such rest-apis on top of the google-app-engine?
I'm the author of Skuë. Skuë means "mouse" in Bribrí which is the language of an indigenous group of people of Costa Rica, my Country.
I know there isn't enough information on the site: (
For developers that want to use it on their own projects. I'm sorry for that I just haven't had the time to do a proper documentation since this is just a side project and not my daily work.
However, I'm willing to help you out with ramping up so you will be able to use it. The first thing to notice is the small example that it's part of the source code. Go to the site then click on Source -> Browse and then expand the "app" branch.
The code inside of the "app" folder represents your own API implementation. The package "skue" contains the actual implementation of the library so basically you just create your Python project for Google App Engine and includes the skuë package directly into it.
Now overwrite your file with the content of the downloaded on Skuë project.
The most important part of that file is where you put your own routes to your resources implementations: Notice here the use of the "ContactResource".
('/contacts/(.*)', ContactResource)
API_DOC = [ ('/', ApiDocumentationResource) ]
Browse to the contact resource implementation.
There are a lot of things going on under the hood there.. but the idea is for you to not worry about those.
You need to inherit from the proper Resource parent class depending on the kind of resource you want to create, there are four basic types:
DocumentResource: A document resource is a singular concept that is akin to an object instance or database record.
CollectionResource: A collection resource is a server-managed directory of resources. Clients may propose new resources to be added to a collection. However, it is up to the collection to choose to create a new resource, or not.
StoreResource: A store is a client-managed resource repository. A store resource lets an API client put resources in, get them back out, and decide when to delete them.
ControllerResource: A controller resource models a procedural concept. Controller resources are like exe- cutable functions, with parameters and return values; inputs and outputs.
Like a traditional web application’s use of HTML forms, a REST API relies on controller resources to perform application-specific actions that cannot be logically mapped to one of the standard methods (create, retrieve, update, and delete, also known as CRUD).
Now take a look at the "describe_resource" implementation on ContactResource example. When you inherit from the basic resource types described above the next step is to programmatically describe your resource to the outside world using that method. The underlying Skuë implementation uses that method to validate require parameters and also to self describe the endpoints when you perform an OPTIONS request on them.
And the final step is for you to implement the methods (CRUD) that you want to handle for your resource.
Again with the ContactResource example, that resource handles the creation, update and read of Contact items.
I hope this helps you at least to understand how to start using the library. I will create better tutorials in the future, though.
In the meantime you can contact me via email: and I will send you a more elaborated example or even something that matches your requirements.
Important Note: Currently the Skuë project only supports responses in JSON format. If you plan to use another format you will need to create the proper classes to handle it.
Greetings from Costa Rica.
I haven't used skue, but what you're looking for sounds like a good fit for Google Cloud Endpoints. See my previous answers on the subject for more details.

What is the correct way to solve the ambiguous reference issue in WCF services?

Project Structure
I have a silverlight project SLProj, that references a silverlight class library project called ServiceClients. ServiceClients has two wcf service references, Svc1.svc and Svc2.svc. Both Svc1.svc and Svc2.svc are in two different WCF projects which use the same set of DataContracts which are again in a different class library project called MyDataContracts.dll.
Problem description
Now in my ServiceClients project I get an ambiguous reference issue when I need to use a datacontract class which is present in both the service references. If this were a winforms or webforms project, I could reference the MyDataContracts.dll and reuse the common types. But since, this MyDataContracts.dll was built using a non silverlight class library, it can't be referenced in the silverlight project
I am not sure if this below is the best method to go about taking care of this issue. Can anybody let me know if there is a cleaner way to solve this problem, or is this the best way we have so far?
create a single service reference.
click the 'show all files' button in the solution explorer
drill into the service reference and find Reference.svcmap and open it
find the MetadataSources section
add a second line to include the address to your second service. for example:
MetadataSource Address="http://address1.svc" Protocol="http" SourceId="1"
MetadataSource Address="http://address2.svc" Protocol="http" SourceId="2"
save, close, and update service reference.
Use Automapper
Map the DataContracts with AutoMapper.
You will have to invest some time in understanding AutoMapper and reworking your application. Also AutoMapper adds overhead because all data objects will be mapped. But first you will have a clean solution without hacks and second you gain a decoupled and simple data object layer just for your client. Once done you can forget the mapping but you stay flexible for future changes.
If you never have worked with Automapper it's important to play around with it before starting. Automapper is special and needs some time to familiarise with it.
So there. These are the rough steps:
1. Create a subdirectory and sub-namespace Data and copy the DataContracts. Remove the attributes and properties your client doesn't need because these mapped classes live only in your client. You can also change some types or flatten some complex properties.
2. Create an AutoMapperInit.cs like described at Automapper (read the Getting Started Guide). Use the conflicting references like this:
using ref1 = YourProjectServiceReference1;
using ref2 = YourProjectServiceReference2;
3. Wrap the service client like this:
Example GetExample() {
return AutoMapper.Map<ref1.Example, Example>(ref1.YourService.GetExample());
The wrapper also needs the same using directives as in step 2.
4. In this wrapper add a static initializer like this (assuming your wrapper class is called Wrapper):
static Wrapper() {
5. Omit service references in the client and use using YourClient.Data;, the namespace you created in step 1.
Your client is now decoupled from the service and you don't have conflicts anymore.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with AutoMapper. I just used it in a project with a similar problem and am happy with it and wanted to share my experience.
Your workaround is actually quite OK. We've used it in several projects like this with 3 service references. It is actually a workaround for the IDE which for some reason only allows to select one service to create a service reference at a time.
Another thing you could try-out is to multi-target your shared contract to .NET and Silverlight, using the same codebase. Details on how to do such thing is described in Might be more work but feel less hacky.
