CakePHP has a global function called h. It's a convenience method for htmlspecialchars. CakePHP also has a utility called Sanitize, which has a method called html. Here is part of its description:
This method prepares user-submitted data for display inside HTML. This
is especially useful if you don’t want users to be able to break your
layouts or insert images or scripts inside of your HTML pages.
When should each be used? Is one better than the other?
Sanitize::html() is more versatile: it lets you strip the HTML completely (via remove option), and lets you specify the how it handles quoting.
See the source code:
h(): calls htmlspecialchars()
Sanitize::html(): calls htmlentities()
For discussion on differences, see: htmlentities() vs. htmlspecialchars()
This is for CakePHP 3.0
I want to encapsulate some nontrivial php logic to be called (reused) several times within one .ctp file for one controller action. I'm trying to figure out the most elegant way of doing it.
I have a few thoughts, none of which seem very elegant:
$this in the CTP file execution context is class View. Put methods on the View class to call as $this->function() within the .ctp file. This seems like the wrong division of labor, especially since helpers seem designed for this. Plus the functions would be exposed to all ctp files.
Create a helper. This seems like the "best" way to go, but that helper is always loaded and exposed to all .ctp files, which seems like it violates containment since the logic is only relevant to one action's view. In the absence of a better solution, this is the route I'm taking.
Create a subclass of View for this element/model and put the logic there, to be accessed as in (1). This seems like the most elegant solution, but it appears that subclassing View is intended for alternate media (eg PDF), and I can't see how to direct Cake to use that class when manufacturing the view for a given controller's action.
Shove the function inline in the .ctp file. I'm not even sure if this will work correctly, and it seems ugly to put functions in a .ctp file.
Any advice?
Well, you're not explaining what kind of super complex logic you want to use there so I would say go for 3). It is very well possible, you can load helpers in a view files:
You can also checkout view cells. But again, you're not explaining what problem exactly you try to solve it's hard to recommend anything specific. So I would say it's a helper or a view cell.
Angular novice here.
I have a REST API of my own creation that supplies data (data that has been sourced from a 3rd party and undergone very little transformation). The "heaviest" endpoint returns over 100 key-value pairs in JSON.
I also have a template that I made by hand that has places for all of this data to go. The thing is, a lot of the data my API returns must undergo light transformations before being stuck in the template.
For example:
a string must have underscores replaced with spaces
an ID must be resolved to both a string and an image (both retrievable from REST API) that get placed in different parts of the template.
This has to be done multiple times per page; the endpoint returns an array, with each entry containing the 100+ key-val pairs.
But I am unsure of how to handle the transforms that need to occur between API and page display. Should I write a controller that grabs this data from an Angular service (that in turn talks to my REST api), and then generates strings (to be placed in the template) that get placed in $scope properties? And then write a directive for each $scope element that I want to be placed in the page, and fill in my template with those directive?
It seems strange to write things this way since I'm not sure how that's different from just using curly braces to directly reference the $scope properties. Should I move more of my work into the directive code and trim down the controller, or what?
In short, I am uncertain of how to apportion the workloads and data among the tools Angular provides. I realize there are a lot of options here, but nothing I've read so far jumps out at me for how to organize this properly. If it seems like there's something I'm missing, feel free to just tell me to hit the books again, or read more on a certain subject of the framework.
I have a method (the function in the controller, am I terming that correctly?) and view that I want to use in every controller on my site. Is there a way to make the method global across all controllers and the view .ctp file generic as well? I'd rather not have to copy-paste it everywhere.
This seems like something that should be obvious, so if I'm just searching for the wrong terms, let me know.
Shared/Common Controller Code:
What you've described is a "Component":
Components are packages of logic that are shared between controllers.
If you find yourself wanting to copy and paste things between
controllers, you might consider wrapping some functionality in a
Shared/Common View Code:
As far as the View is concerned, there are a few options. If you want the entire view, you can just specify which view to render: $this->render('TestView/index');
Or, if you want a small chunk of code, you can try an Element.
All together:
If you find yourself creating a lot of the different "parts" (View, Controller/Component, Model/Behavior)...etc, all for the same general purposes (ie cropping a photo), you could think about creating a Plugin.
Side note:
Side note: Usually, I've heard the functions in Controllers referred to as "actions", and the functions in Models called "methods". They're all really methods (a function within a class/object), but - that's how they're commonly referred to.
You can put the method in AppController and make only one view.
You will use $this->render('/myview.ctp');
Got a webapp I'm building in Angular.
This app walks a user to authorizing accounts, presenting specific instructions based on the users choices.
I've implemented this as HTML that is shown or hidden based on values in the model, so for 3 different choices, I have 3 different sets of HTML sections that are similar but with different texts.
In the spirit of DRY, I should instead have one set of HTML sections, and instead switch the text based on the values of the model. This means putting text data inside the model, including small snippets of markup, like anchor and strong tags.
Does putting presentation data into the controller violate the principals of Angular?
There are quite a number of options to avoid repeating code depending on what you are looking to do. The following ideas are things I would consider and use when they make sense (I placed these from simple to complex, so you probably can skip the first few):
ng-bind -- Put it on a span/div. Simple & works to bind the model to the display
ng-switch, ng-if, ng-hide, ng-show -- Work to conditionally show an element
custom directive -- use this when you want to alter the behavior of an element or if you want to alter the dom based on a template. If you use "ng-transclude" the contents of the element you template will be included in the result. This can be very elegant but it works best when you have a single format. I can provide examples but angular's documentation also has excellent examples.
service -- I generally use this just to provide data only. This could be via a restful api and $resource or via $http calls. Either way, I wouldn't recommend doing much more than load/save data here.
$scope method -- In other words:
$scope.myMethod = function(x,y,z) { /* code making decisions based on the model */ }
Then you can call this method from one of the previous either via a prebuilt directive (ng-show, etc) or via a custom directive that manipulates the dom for how you expect it to be.
ng-bind-html -- Last option I know to suggest is to use this directive combined with the $sce service to bind whatever you want to the DOM. If you are binding something with angular code in it - make sure to use the $compile service as well. I generally don't favor this approach except as a last resort because it makes it harder to find where elements in the DOM are coming from and it can make debugging + testing a real pain. That said, these tools wouldn't exist if people didn't need them.
I'm sure that this isn't complete and maybe others have suggestions but that is where I would start. Best of luck!
I would put the text data in a separate angular service. This article gives an example:
Then if you decided at some point to move it to some other storage, your service would still be the single access point for the rest of the app.
I have a question concerning the performance, reliability, and best practice method of using Extjs's update() method, versus directly updating the innerHTML of the dom of an Ext element.
Consider the two statements:'element-id').dom.innerHTML = 'Welcome, Dude!';
and'').update('Welcome, Dude!', false);
I don't need to eval() any script, and I'm certain that update() takes into consideration any browser quirks.
Also, does anyone know if using:'element-id').dom.innerHTML
is the same as
Browser and platform compatibility are important, and if the two are fundamentally the same, then ditching Ext.element.dom.innerHTML altogether for update() would probably be my best solution.
Thanks in advance for your help,
If you do not need to load scripts dynamically into your updated html or process a callback after the update, then the two methods you've outlined are equivalent. The bulk of the code in update() adds the script loading and callback capabilities. Internally, it simply sets the innerHTML to do the content replacement. returns a plain DOM node, so yes, it is equivalent to the result of getElementById() in terms of the node it points to. The only subtlety to understand is the difference between and Ext.get(). returns a shared instance of the node wrapper object (a flyweight). As such, that instance might later point to a different node behind the scenes if any other code calls, including internal Ext code. As such, the result of a call to should only be used for atomic operations and not reused as a long-lived object. Ext.get().dom on the other hand returns a new, unique object instance, and in that sense, would be more like getElementById().
I think you answered your own question: "Browser and platform compatibility are important, and if the two are fundamentally the same, then ditching Ext.element.dom.innerHTML altogether for update() would probably be my best solution." JS libraries are intended (in part) to abstract browser differences; update is an example.
#bmoeskau wrote above, update() provides additional functionality that you don't need right for your current problem. Nevertheless, update is a good choice.