Check which ids in id list already exist in NDB (python) - google-app-engine

I have a list of entities I'm loading into my front-end. If I don't these entities yet in my NDB, I load them from another data source. If I do have them in my NDB, I obviously load them from there.
Instead of querying for every key separately to test whether it exists, I'd like to query for the whole list (for efficiency reasons) and find out what IDs exist in the NDB and what don't.
It could return a list of booleans, but any other practical solution is welcome.
Thanks already for your help!

How about doing a ndb.get_multi() with your list, and then comparing the results with your original list to find what you need to retrieve from the other data source? Something like this perhaps...
list_of_ids = [1,2,3 ... ]
# You have to use the keys to query using get_multi() (this is assuming that
# your list of ids are also the key ids in NDB)
keys_list = [ndb.key('DB_Kind', x) for x in list_of_ids]
results = ndb.get_multi(keys_list)
results = [x for x in results if x is not None] # Get rid of any Nones
result_keys = [ for x in results]
diff = list(set(list_of_ids) - set(result_keys)) # Get the difference in the lists
# Diff should now have a list of ids that weren't in NDB, and results should have
# a list of the entities that were in NDB.
I can't vouch for the performance of this, but it should be more efficient then querying for each entity one at a time. In my experience using ndb.get_multi() is a huge performance booster, since it cuts down on a huge amount of RPCs. You could likely tweak the code that I posted above, but perhaps it will at least point you in the right direction.


Quickly update django model objects from pandas dataframe

I have a Django model that records transactions. I need to update only some of the fields (two) of some of the transactions.
In order to update, the user is asked to provide additional data and I use pandas to make calculations using this extra data.
I use the output from the pandas script to update the original model like this:
for i in df.tnsx_uuid:
t = Transactions.objects.get(tnsx_uuid=i)
t.start_bal = df.loc[df.tnsx_uuid==i].start_bal.values[0]
t.end_bal = df.loc[df.tnsx_uuid==i].end_bal.values[0]
this is very slow. What is the best way to do this?
after some more research, I found bulk_update and changed the code to:
transactions = Transactions.objects.select_for_update()\
.filter(tnsx_uuid__in=list(df.tnsx_uuid)).only('start_bal', 'end_bal')
for t in transactions:
i = t.tnsx_uuid
t.start_bal = df.loc[df.tnsx_uuid==i].start_bal.values[0]
t.end_bal = df.loc[df.tnsx_uuid==i].end_bal.values[0]
Transactions.objects.bulk_update(transactions, ['start_bal', 'end_bal'])
this has approximately halved the time required.
How can I improve performance further?
I have been looking for the answer to this question and haven't found any authoritative, idiomatic solutions. So, here's what I've settled on for my own use:
transaction = Transactions.objects.filter(tnsx_uuid__in=list(df.tnsx_uuid))
# Build a DataFrame of Django model instances
trans_df = pd.DataFrame([{'tnsx_uuid': t.tnsx_uuid, 'object': t} for t in transactions])
# Join the Django instances to the main DataFrame on the index
df = df.join(trans_df.set_index('tnsx_uuid'))
for obj, start_bal, end_bal in zip(df['object'], df['start_bal'], df['end_bal']):
obj.start_bal = start_bal
obj.end_bal = send_bal
Transactions.objects.bulk_update(df['object'], ['start_bal', 'end_bal'])
I don't know how DataFrame.loc[] is implemented but it could be slow if it needs to search the whole DataFrame for each use rather than just do a hash lookup. For that reason and to just simply things by doing a single iteration loop, I pulled all of the model instances into df and then used the recommendation from a Stackoverflow answer on iterating over a DataFrames to loop over the zipped columns of interest.
I looked at the documentation for select_for_update in Django and it isn't apparent to me that it offers a performance improvement, but you may be using it to lock the transaction and make all of the changes atomically. Per the documentation, bulk_update should be faster than saving each object individually.
In my case, I'm only updating 3500 items. I did some timing of the various steps and came up with the following:
3.05 s to query and build the DataFrame
2.79 ms to join the instances to df
5.79 ms to run the for loop and update the instances
1.21 s to bulk_update the changes
So, I think you would need to profile your code to see what is actually taking time, but it is likely a Django issue rather than a Pandas issue.
I kind of face the same issue (almost same quantity of records 3500~), and I will like to add:
bulk_update seems to be a lot worse in performance than a
bulk_create, in my case deleting objects was allowed, so
instead of bulk_updating, I delete all objects, and then recreate them.
I used the same approach as you (thanks for the idea), but with some modifications:
a) I create the dataframe from the query itself:
all_objects_values = all_objects.values('id', 'date', 'amount')
self.df_values = pd.DataFrame.from_records(all_objects_values )
b) Then I create the column of objects without iterating (I make sure these are ordered):
self.df_values['object'] = list(all_objects)
c) For updating object values (after operations made in my dataframe), I iterate rows(not sure about performance difference):
for index, row in self.df_values.iterrows():
row['object'].amount= row['amount']
d) At the end, I re-create all objects:
In my case, the most time consuming was the bulk update, so re-creating objects solved it for me (from 19 seconds with bulk_update to 10 seconds with delete + bulk_create)
In your case, using my approach may improve the time for all other operations.

NDB Queries Exceeding GAE Soft Private Memory Limit

I currently have a an application running in the Google App Engine Standard Environment, which, among other things, contains a large database of weather data and a frontend endpoint that generates graph of this data. The database lives in Google Cloud Datastore, and the Python Flask application accesses it via the NDB library.
My issue is as follows: when I try to generate graphs for WeatherData spanning more than about a week (the data is stored for every 5 minutes), my application exceeds GAE's soft private memory limit and crashes. However, stored in each of my WeatherData entities are the relevant fields that I want to graph, in addition to a very large json string containing forecast data that I do not need for this graphing application. So, the part of the WeatherData entities that is causing my application to exceed the soft private memory limit is not even needed in this application.
My question is thus as follows: is there any way to query only certain properties in the entity, such as can be done for specific columns in a SQL-style query? Again, I don't need the entire forecast json string for graphing, only a few other fields stored in the entity. The other approach I tried to run was to only fetch a couple of entities out at a time and split the query into multiple API calls, but it ended up taking so long that the page would time out and I couldn't get it to work properly.
Below is my code for how it is currently implemented and breaking. Any input is much appreciated:
wDataCsv = 'Time,' + ','.join(wData.keys())
qry = WeatherData.time_ordered_query(ndb.Key('Location', loc),start=start_date,end=end_date)
for acct in qry.fetch():
d = [acct.time.strftime(date_string)]
for attr in wData.keys():
wDataCsv += '\\n' + ','.join(d)
# Children Entity - log of a weather at parent location
class WeatherData(ndb.Model):
# model for data to save
# Function for querying data below a given ancestor between two optional
# times
def time_ordered_query(cls, ancestor_key, start=None, end=None):
return cls.query(cls.time>=start, cls.time<=end,ancestor=ancestor_key).order(-cls.time)
EDIT: I tried the iterative page fetching strategy described in the link from the answer below. My code was updated to the following:
wDataCsv = 'Time,' + ','.join(wData.keys())
qry = WeatherData.time_ordered_query(ndb.Key('Location', loc),start=start_date,end=end_date)
cursor = None
while True:
fetched, next_cursor, more = qry.fetch_page(FETCHNUM, start_cursor=cursor)
if fetched:
for acct in fetched:
d = [acct.time.strftime(date_string)]
for attr in wData.keys():
wDataCsv += '\\n' + ','.join(d)
if more and next_cursor:
cursor = next_cursor
where FETCHNUM=500. In this case, I am still exceeding the soft private memory limit for queries of the same length as before, and the query takes much, much longer to run. I suspect the problem may be with Python's garbage collector not deleting the already used information that is re-referenced, but even when I include gc.collect() I see no improvement there.
Following the advice below, I fixed the problem using Projection Queries. Rather than have a separate projection for each custom query, I simply ran the same projection each time: namely querying all properties of the entity excluding the JSON string. While this is not ideal as it still pulls gratuitous information from the database each time, generating individual queries of each specific query is not scalable due to the exponential growth of necessary indices. For this application, as each additional property is negligible additional memory (aside form that json string), it works!
You can use projection queries to fetch only the properties of interest from each entity. Watch out for the limitations, though. And this still can't scale indefinitely.
You can split your queries across multiple requests (more scalable), but use bigger chunks, not just a couple (you can fetch 500 at a time) and cursors. Check out examples in How to delete all the entries from google datastore?
You can bump your instance class to one with more memory (if not done already).
You can prepare intermediate results (also in the datastore) from the big entities ahead of time and use these intermediate pre-computed values in the final stage.
Finally you could try to create and store just portions of the graphs and just stitch them together in the end (only if it comes down to that, I'm not sure how exactly it would be done, I imagine it wouldn't be trivial).

Query given keys

I would like to accomplish some sort of hybrid solution between ndb.get_multi() and Query().
I have a set of keys, that I can use with:
entities = ndb.get_multi(keys)
I would like to query, filter, and order these entities using Query() or some more efficient way than doing all myself in the Python code manually.
How do people go about doing this? I want something like this:
query = Entity.gql('WHERE __key__ in :1 AND prop1 = :2 ORDER BY prop2', keys, 'hello')
entities = query.fetch()
The above code works just fine, but it seems like fetch() never uses values from cache, whereas ndb.get_multi() does. Am I correct about this? If not, is the gql+fetch method much worse than get_multi+manual processing?
There are no way to use a query on already fetched properties, unless you will write it by yourself, but all this stuff can be easily done with built-in python filters. Note that its more efficient to run a query if you have a big dataset, rather than get_multi hundreds of keys to get only 5 entities.
entities = ndb.get_multi(keys)
# filtering
entities = [e for e in entities if e.prop1 == 'bla' and e.prop2 > 3]
#sorting by multiple properties
entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda x: (x.prop1, x.prop2))
UPDATE: And yes, cache is only used when you receive your entity by key, it is not used when you query for entities.

Search entries in Go GAE datastore using partial string as a filter

I have a set of entries in the datastore and I would like to search/retrieve them as user types query. If I have full string it's easy:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Products").Filter("Name =", name).Limit(20)
but I have no idea how to do it with partial string, please help.
q := datastore.NewQuery("Products").Filter("Name >", name).Limit(20)
There is no like operation on app engine but instead you can use '<' and '>'
'moguz' > 'moguzalp'
EDIT: GAH! I just realized that your question is Go-specific. My code below is for Python. Apologies. I'm also familiar with the Go runtime, and I can work on translating to Python to Go later on. However, if the principles described are enough to get you moving in the right direction, let me know and I wont' bother.
Such an operation is not directly supported on the AppEngine datastore, so you'll have to roll your own functionality to meet this need. Here's a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head possible solution:
class StringIndex(db.Model):
matches = db.StringListProperty()
def GetMatchesFor(cls, query):
found_index = cls.get_by_key_name(query[:3])
if found_index is not None:
if query in found_index.matches:
# Since we only query on the first the characters,
# we have to roll through the result set to find all
# of the strings that matach query. We keep the
# list sorted, so this is not hard.
all_matches = []
looking_at = found_index.matches.index(query)
matches_len = len(foundIndex.matches)
while start_at < matches_len and found_index.matches[looking_at].startswith(query):
looking_at += 1
return all_matches
return None
def AddMatch(cls, match) {
# We index off of the first 3 characters only
index_key = match[:3]
index = cls.get_or_insert(index_key, list(match))
if match not in index.matches:
# The index entity was not newly created, so
# we will have to add the match and save the entity.
To use this model, you would need to call the AddMatch method every time that you add an entity that would potentially be searched on. In your example, you have a Product model and users will be searching on it's Name. In your Product class, you might have a method AddNewProduct that creates a new entity and puts it into the datastore. You would add to that method StringIndex.AddMatch(new_product_name).
Then, in your request handler that gets called from your AJAXy search box, you would use StringIndex.GetMatchesFor(name) to see all of the stored products that begin with the string in name, and you return those values as JSON or whatever.
What's happening inside the code is that the first three characters of the name are used for the key_name of an entity that contains a list of strings, all of the stored names that begin with those three characters. Using three (as opposed to some other number) is absolutely arbitrary. The correct number for your system is dependent on the amount of data that you are indexing. There is a limit to the number of strings that can be stored in a StringListProperty, but you also want to balance the number of StringIndex entities that are in your datastore. A little bit of math with give you a reasonable number of characters to work with.
If the number of keywords is limited you could consider adding an indexed list property of partial search strings.
Note that you are limited to 5000 indexes per entity, and 1MB for the total entity size.
But you could also wait for Cloud SQL and Full Text Search API to be avaiable for the Go runtime.

Co-occurrence of words in documents with Google big table

Given document-D1: containing words (w1,w2,w3)
and document D2 and words (w2,w3..)
and document Dn and words ( w1,w2, wn)
Can I structure my data in big table to answer the questions like:
which words occur most frequently with w1,
or which words occur most frequently with w1 and w2.
What I am trying to achieve is to find the third word Wx (suggestion) which ocures most frequently in documents togehter with given words W1 and W2
I know the solution in SQL, but is it possible with google-big table?
I know I would have to build my indices by myself, the question is how should I structure them to avoid index explosion
The only way to do this that I'm aware of is to index all 3-tuples of words, with their counts. Your kind would look something like this:
class Tuple(db.Model):
words = db.StringListProperty()
count = db.IntegerProperty()
Then, you need to insert or update the appropriate tuple entity for each set of 3 unique words in your text. Eg, the string "the king is dead" would result in the tuples (the, king, is), (the, king, dead), (the, is, dead), (king, is, dead)... This obviously results in an exponential explosion in entries, but I'm not aware of any way around that for what you want to do.
To find the suggestions, you'd do something like this:
q = Tuple.all().filter('word =', w1).filter('word =', w2).order('-count')
In the broader sense of recommendation algorithms, however, there is a lot of research into more efficient ways to do this. It's an open question, as evidenced by the existence of the Netflix challenge.
Using list-properties and merge-join is the best way to answer set membership questions in Google App Engine: Building Scalable, Complex Apps on App Engine.
You could setup your model as follows:
class Document(db.Model):
word = db.StringListProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
doc.word = ["google", "app", "engine"]
Then it would be easy to query for co-occurrence. For example, which documents have the words google and engine?
results = db.GqlQuery(
"SELECT * FROM Documents "
"WHERE word = 'google'"
" and word = 'engine'")
docs = [ for d in results]
There are some limitations, though. From the presentation:
Index writes are done in parallel on
Bigtable Fast-- e.g., update a list
property of 1000 items with 1000 row
writes simultaneously! Scales linearly
with number of items Limited to 5000
indexed properties per entity
But queries must unpackage all result
entities When list size > ~100, reads
are too expensive! Slow in wall-clock
time Costs too much CPU
You could also create a model of words and save in the StringListProperty only their keys, but depending on the size of your documents even that would not be feasible.
There is nothing inherent to the AppEngine datastore that will help you with this problem. You will need to index the words in the documents programatically.
