VB.NET and SQL Server Express application deployment - sql-server

I have developed an application using VB.NET and used SQL SERVER Express as the database back end.
The application has 5 user profiles.(Each user profile provides different services).
Deployment reqiurements :
The application is to be deployed on a LAN with 10-20 machines.
Any user profile can be accessed from any machine.
Any changes to the database entries should be reflected on all machines.
I am confused about how I should achieve this deployment. According to my research :
1.The database should be deployed on one machine . This machine will acts as the database server .
My problem(s) :
I am familiar with accessing databases on local machine but how to access a remote database?.
Is the connection string the only thing that needs to be addressed or are there any other issues too?
Do I need to install SQL SERVER on all machines or only on the server machine ?
Do I have to deal with concurrency issues (multiple users accessing/modifying same data simultaneously) or is it handled by the database engine?
2.The application can be deployed in 2 ways :
i. Storing the executable on a shared network drive on the server.Providing shortcut on desktop of each machine.
ii. Storing the executable itself on each machine.
My Problem(s) :
How does approach 1 work ? (One instance of an executable running on multiple machines ? :s)
In approach 2 , will the changes in database entries be reflected on all machines appropriately?
In approach 2, if there are changes to the application , is there any method to update it on all machines ? ( Other than redeploying it on each machine )
Which approach is preferable?
Do I need to install the .NET framework all machines?
Will I have to make any other system changes ( firewall,security,permissions) ?
If given a choice to install the operating system on each machine ,which version of windows is preferable for such an application environment ?
This is my first time deploying a multi-user database application on a network.I'll be very grateful for any suggestions/advice,references,etc.

Question 1: You will need to create SQL Server 'roles' for each of your 'profiles'. A given user will be assigned one or more or those 'roles'. Each of your tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers will need to be assigned one or more roles. This is a messy business, this is why DBAs get paid lots of money to lounge around most of the time (I'm kidding, don't vote me down).
Question 2: If you 'remote in' to a server, you'll get the server screens, which are quite a bit duller than the workstation presentation. Read up on 'One Click', this gives you the ability to detect an updated application on a host, and automatically deploy the update to the user's machine. This gets rid of the rather messy business of running around to 20 machine installing upgrades every time you fix something.

As you have hands-on access to all the machines your task is comparatively simpler.
Install SQL Express on your chosen db server. You should disable the 'hide advanced options' in the installer; this will allow you to enable TCP/IP and the SQL Browser service; also you may want mixed-mode authentication - depends on your app and whether the network is domain or peer-to-peer. The connection string will need to be modified as you are aware; also the default configuration of Windows firewall on the server will block access to the db engine - you will need to open exceptions in the firewall for the browser service and SQL server itself. Open these as exceptions for the exes, not as port numbers etc. Alternatively, if you have a firewall between your server and the outside world, you may decide to just turn off the firewall on the server, at least on a temporary basis while you get it working.
No, you don't need to install any SQL Server components on the workstations.
Concurrency issues should be handled by your application. I don't want to be rude but if you are not aware of this maybe you are not yet ready for deploying your app to production. Exactly what needs to be done about concurrency depends on both the requirements of your application and the data access technology you are using. If your application will be used mostly to enter new records and then just read them later, you may get away without too much concurrency-handling code; it's the scenario where users are simultaneously editing existing records where the problems arise - but you need to have at least basic handling in place.
Re where to locate the client exe - either of your suggestions can work. Simplest is local installation on each machine using an .msi file; you can place a master copy of the msi on the server. You can do stuff with login scripts, group policies, etc, or indeed clickonce. To keep it simple at this stage I would just install from an .msi onto each machine - sounds like you have enough complexity do get your head around already.
One copy of the exe on the server can be handled in a more sophisticated manner by Terminal Server Citrix, etc.
Either way assuming your app works correctly, yes all changes will be made against the same db and visisble to all workstations.
Yes you will need .net framework on all machines - however, it may very well already be there. Different versions of Windows came with different versions of the Fx built-in and or updated via Windows Update; also of course it depends which ver you built your exe against.
Right I hope there is something helpful in that lot. Good luck.


Azure VM availability, mirroring

Apologies for the noob question, I've never dealt with failover before.
Currently we have a single hardware server running Windows Server, SQL Server, ASP.NET and a single (very large) web application. We are considering migrating this to an Azure VM.
I see in the SLA that Microsoft will only guarantee 99.95% availability if I am running more than one instance of an Azure VM, to allow for failure and reboots etc.
Does this mean I therefore would have two servers to manage and maintain? For example, two versions of SQL with a database on each, and two sets of ASP.NET application files? If correct, this puts the price up dramatically.
I assume there is no way to 'mirror' one server across to the other to reduce this workload?
Also, our hardware server has 25,000 uploaded files on it. Would we need to put these on a VHD then 'link' them to whichever live server was running, or does Azure do this automatically? Or do they have to be mirrored from the live server to the failover server?
Any pointers would be appreciated. I've already read all the Azure documentation but it hasn't really made things much clearer...
Seems like you have multiple topics you should look after.
Let's start with the database. The easiest thing would be, if you could migrate your sql server into the sql azure one. Than you would not have no need to maintain it and to maintain the machines you should use.
This would you give the advantage, that you central component can be used by 1 to many applications.
Second one are you uploaded files. I assume that your application allows to upload files for sharing or something else. The best thing would be, if you could just write these files into the windows azure blobstorage. Often this means you have to rewrite a connector, but this would centralize another component.
For the first step you could make them available and clients can download it with the help of a link. If not you could load the files from their and deliver them to the customer.
If you don't want to rewrite your component, you should have to use the VHD. One VHD can only have one lease. So only one instance can be used. A common way I have seen is that if the application is starting, it is trying to "recover" the lease. (try-and-error like)
Last but not least your ASP.NET application. If you have such an application I would have a look into cloud instances. Try not to consider the VMs, because than you have to do all the management. VMs are the IaaS. With a .NET application should easily be able to convert it and deploy instances.
Than you have not to think about failover and so on. Just deploy 2 instances and the load-balancer will do the rest.
If you are able to "outsource" the SQL server, you could minimize your machine for the ASP.net application. Try to use scale-out and not scale-up. This means use more smaller nodes, than one big one. (if possible)
If you are really going the VM way, you have to manage all the stuff by yourself and yes than you need 2 vms. You are also need 3 vms, because you have no auto-loadbalancer and if you only have 2 just one machine can have the port 80 exported.

Database synchronization

Recently my clients have asked me if they can use they’re application remotely, disconnected from the local network and the company server.
One solution is to place the database in the cloud, but a connection to the database, and the cloud and an internet connection must be always available.
There not always the case.
So my question is - Is there any database sync system, or a synchronization library so that I can work disconnected with local database and when I connect synchronize the changes I have made and receive changes others have made?
The application is under Windows (7/xp) ( for now )
It's in Delphi 2007 win32
All client need to have Read/Write access
All Clients have internet connection, but not always ON
Security is not critical, but the Sync service should encrypt the communication
When in the presence of the companies network the system should sync and use the Server Database and not the local one.
You have a host of issues with thinking about such a solution. First, there are lots of possible solutions, such as:
Using database replication within a database, to mimic every update (like a "hot" backup)
Building an application to copy the database periodically (every night)
Using a third-party tool (which is what you are asking, I think)
With replication services, the connection does not have to always be up. Changes to the database are logged when the connection is not available and then applied when they can be sent.
However, there are lots of other issues when you leave a corporate network. What about security of the data and access rights? Do you have other options, such as making it easier to access the database from within the network? Do the users need only read-access to the database or read-write access? Would both versions need to be accessed at the same time. Would there be updates to both at the same time?
You may have other options that are more secure than just moving a database to the cloud.
I believe RemObjects DataAbstract allows offline mode and synchronization by using what they call Briefcases. All your other requirements (security, encrypted connections, etc.) are also covered.
This is not a drop-in replacement, thought, and may need extensive rewrite/refactoring of your application. There are lots of upsides, thought; business rules can/should be enforced on the server (real security), scriptable business rules, multiplatform architecture, etc.
There are some products available in the Java world (SymmetricDS lgpl license) - apart from actually being a working system it is documents how it achieved synchronization. Connects to any db with jdbc support. . There is a pro version but the user guide (downloadable pdf) gives you the db schema plus rules on push pull syncing. Useful if you want to build your own.
Btw there is a data replication so tag that would help.
One possibility that is free is the Microsoft Sync Framework: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync/bb736753.aspx
It may be possible for you to use it, but you would need to provid some more detail about your application and operating environment to be sure.
IS it possible to share a database like .mdb and work fine? i try but sometimes the file where the databse is changes from DB to DB1 i use delphi Xe4 and Google Drive .

Which server platform to choose: SQL Azure or Hosted SQL Server for new project

We're getting ready to build a new platform for our current system. Currently we install sql server express locally to all our clients and all their data is stored there. While the process works pretty good, it's still a pain to add columns/tables etc. We also want to have our data available outside of the local install. So we're moving to a central web based sql database and creating a web based application. Our new application will be a Silverlight 5, wcf ria services, mvvm, entity framework application
We've decided that either a web hosted sql server database or sql azure database are the way to go. However, I have no idea why I would choose one over the other. The limitations of azure don't seem to apply to us, but our application will be run on our current shared web host. Is it better to host the application on the same server as the database? Do we even know with shared web hosting that the server is on the same location as the app? There's also the marketing advantage of being 'in the cloud' which our clients love when we drop that word (they have no idea about anything technical, it's just a buzzword for them). I'm not too worried about the cost as I think both will ultimately be about the equivalent of each other.
I feel like I may be completely overthinking this and either will work, however I'd like to try and get the best solution for us and don't want to choose without getting some feedback.
In case it helps, our application is mostly dashboard/informational data. Mostly financial and trending data. It's almost entirely read only. Sometimes the data can get fairly large and we would be sending upwards of 50,000 rows of data to the application.
Thanks for any help/insight you can provide for me!
The main concerns I would have with using a SQL Azure DB from an application on your current shared web host would be
The effect of network latency: Depending on location, every time you do a DB round trip from your application to the SQL Azure DB you will incur a 50-100ms delay. If your application does lots of round trips, this will mount up. Often, if an application has been designed to work with a DB on the LAN (you use of local client DBs suggests this) the they tend to get "chatty" since network delays are very small on the LAN. You may find your application slows down significantly.
Security: You will have to open up the SQL Azure firewall to the IP address(es) that your application presents when querying. Depending on your host, it may be that this IP address is shared between several tenants. This would be a vulnerability.
If neither of these is a problem, then SQL Azure will provide a much lower management overhead (e.g. no need to patch etc.) and will give you very high reliability, especially in terms of the risk of data loss.

Is it 'ok' to develop with a DEV database residing on the same SQL server as the live production app?

Sometimes we have upwards to 4-6 people either RDPed looking at data in SQL Management Studio, or hitting the server with LINQpad, Toad, etc from various locations while developing in mostly ASP.NET and Flex with WebOrb. Is this bad? Bad in the sense that we are trying to keep our live production app stable and as lag free as possible for global users?
i don't think i'd do that. if it was just me, then sure:) but if there's a bunch of people god only knows what queries they might run. we always use a test server for such things.
best regards,
Best practice would be separate servers. Next best, separate instances on same server. Next best, separate databases on a instance.
However, I wouldn't be letting any developers RDP into a production SQL Server (or production anything), regardless of choice of segregation mechanism. Use a separate terminal server with tools and everything there.
You can have dev and prod db on the same instance. Just make sure the permission are setup so that developers cannot touch the prod db. The negative is a long running query in dev will impact prod.
In SQL SERVER 2005 a better solution is to have a dev "instance" and a prod "instance".
Then is someone mis-behaves on the dev instance you and just bring down that insance.
In SQL server 2008 you can setup up CPU usage plans which can help throttle how much resources can be used. You should investigate that.
It depends on a lot of variables. It's generally better to have them on different servers. This is really depending on how you use sql server. If you just have databases, don't use a lot of the management tools, like nightly processes to alter data and other jobs you might be OK. You are running a real risk of having bleed over code from developing on the dev database to the production one though. It's safer to have them separated out, especially for the small amount of money needed to create a dev instance of sql server.
I find this a poor practice for several reasons:
First suppose one of your devs messes up and does something that ends up taking all of the processing power of your server. Oops prod is down for no good reason.
Second, devs could easliy change the wrong database. Oops prod is down for no good reason. At least you can avoid this by not giving any production rights to devs (which you should be doing anyway as a best practice.)
Third, if the database is the on the same server it has to have a different name, this can make moving things to prod difficult and error prone. I think it also means it will be less likely that you deploy correctly through source controlled scripts. If you choses to copy objects from one database to the other, then you can have issues with that as well. First if there is data in the object already, you may accidentally wipe it out (hope you have a backup) or you may move the new table structure but miss things like the PKs and FKS and default values and triggers and constraints and indexes or the wizard might take much longer to do the move because in the background it is creating and populating a new table and then droping the old and renaming the new one rather than using alter table. Oops prod is down or seriously slowed for no good reason.
I tend to agree with the "separate servers" folks, although with my company we actually do most of our day to day development work on our local machines -- so we have SQL Server installed locally. This can be a pain, of course, if you're developing reporting or something that needs production data. In that scenario, developers here usually get a subset of production data exported to work with.
For acceptance testing vs. deployment though, we do use separate instances.
Developers probably shouldn't have production access UNLESS they're also the ones who do application deployments (as can be the case with small teams like the one I'm in). If you do end up using separate DBs on the same server, I would at least lock down RDP access and grant access to each development DB on an individual basis. That's how it works here -- I don't have admin rights to any of our servers at this time, and can only admin databases for applications that belong specifically to my team.
It depends how much you value your live service. I know I wouldn't trust me and my fat hands running SQL on the same hardware as a live application.
Even if the application is not business critical, and the app is not data-bound, you can set up a development environment on an unused desktop machine, so why wouldn't you do that instead of take the risk?
The set up I use is typically DEV database on a local instance of SQL Server (Development Version for me, but Express would probably also work), a QA database on a test instance of SQL Server. In our environment, this is located on a virtual instance of W2K3 -- soon to be W2K8. Production databases live either on dedicated instances of SQL server or on one of various clustered instances. We don't mix PROD/QA/DEV at all. I use RedGate SQL Compare to synchronize schemas between the various systems, including different developer instances of the database.
It will be 'OK' as much as the team don't had any administrator privileges over the server (either SQL or Windows), and their user log-ins just grant access to potentially destroy just the development database and it's associated files, having denied access to production databases
For other application testing reasons, we created a copy of our production server (which is a virtual server) on a separate domain. This allowed the Windows Server Name, SQL Serer Name, Database name to be exactly the same (lots of settings on 3rd party apps require this level of configuration to get different processes to work.). Now we can rebuild a test environment by creating an exact virtual image of our production server.
I was sceptical about running SQL Server on a virtual machine, but it has given our small company a lot of flexibility. We like to think our databases are critical, but it is for internal uses and having some down time would just have workers shift their lunch hour.

Performance problems with SQL Server Management Studio

I'm running Sql Server Management Studio 2008 on a decent machine. Even if it is the only thing open with no other connections to the database, anything that has to do with the Database Diagram or simple schema changes in a designer take up to 10 minutes to complete and SQL Management Studio is unresponsive during that time. The same SQL code takes less than a second. This entirely defeats the purpose of the designers and diagramers.
System Information
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6700 # 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 6142MB RAM
Please tell me this isn't a WOW64 problem; if it is, I love MS, but step up your 64-bit support in development tools.
Is there anything I can do to get the performance anywhere near acceptable?
I've got version 10.0.1600.22 of SQL Server Management Studio installed. Is this not the latest release? I'm sure I installed it from an MSDN CD and I pretty much rely on Windows Update these days. Is there any place I can quickly see what the latest release version number is for tools like this?
Every time I go to open a database diagram I get the message "This database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?" I say yes every time. Is this part of the problem? Also, if I press the copy icon, I get the message "Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made." Database corruption?
I'm running in a similar environment and not having that problem.
As with any performance problem, you'll have to analyze it a bit - just saying "it takes 10 minutes" give no information on the reason it takes so long, so no information you can use to solve the problem.
Here are some tools to play around with. I'd have mentioned them originally, but "play around" is all I've learned to do with them. I'd recommend you try learning a little about them, which I have not done. http://technet.microsoft.com is a good source on performance issues.
Start with Task Manager, believe it or not. It's been enhanced in Vista and Server 2008, and now has a better Performance tab, and a Services tab. Be sure to click "Show processes from all users", or you'll miss nasty things done by services.
The bottom of the Performance tab has a "Resource Monitor" button. Click it, watch it, learn what it can do for you.
The Resource Monitor is actually part of a larger "Reliability and Performance Monitor" tool in Administrative Tools. Try it. It even includes the new version of perfmon, which will be more useful when you have a better idea what counters to look at.
I will also suggest the Process Explorer and Process Monitor tools from Sysinternals. See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx.
Do your simple schema changes possibly mean that you're reordering the columns of a table?
In that case, what SQL Management Studio does behind the scenes is create a new table, move all the data from the old table to the newly created table, and then drop the old table.
Thus, if you reorder columns on a table with lots of data, lots of indices or both, you CAN incur a massive amount of "reorganization" work without really realizing it.
Can you try connecting your SQL Management Studio to a different instance of SQL Server or, better, an instance on a remote machine (and try to make similar changes)?
Are there any entries in the System or Application Event Logs (or SQL logs for that matter)? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server on your machine? What version of SQL Server (database) are you running?
Lastly, can you open the Activity Monitor successfully? Right click on the server (machine name) - top of the three in the object explorer window - and click on 'Activity Monitor'.
Do you have problems with other software on your machine or only with SQL Server & Management Studio?
When you open SSMS it attempts to validate itself with Microsoft. You can speed this process by performing the second of the recommendations at the following link.
Also, are you using the registered servers feature? If so SSMS will attempt to validate all of these.
It seems as though it was a network configuration problem. Never trust a developer (myself) to setup a haphazard domain at his office.
I had my DNS server on my computer pointed to my ISP's (default because the wireless router we're using provided by the ISP doesn't allow me to override the DNS server to my own) instead of my DNS server here, so I have to remember to configure it manually on each computer, which I forgot for this particular computer.
I only discovered it when I tried to connect for the first time to a remote SQL Server instance form this PC. It was trying to resolve to an actual sub-domain of mycompany.com instead of my DNS server's authority of COMPUTERNAME.corp.mycompany.com
I can't say why this was an issue for the designers in SQL Server but not anything else, but my only hypothesis is that when I established a connection to my own computer locally using the computer name instead of "." or "localhost", SQL queries executed immediately, knowing it was local, but the designers still waited for a timeout from the external IP address before trying the local one.
Whatever the explanation is, changing my DNS server for my network card on the local machine to my DNS server's IP made it all work very quickly.
I had a similar issue with mine. Turned out to be some interference with the biometrics login service running on my laptop. Disabled the service and now it works.
