Embedding Dart into application - c

I am just experimenting , but want to use Dart as a scripting language for a high performance simulation application I've been working on.(think games)
Basically use Dart in lieu of Lua
I have found old resources, but I have heard the are out of date - and haven't really found any tutorials on how to actually utilize them.
found resources:

I couldn't find any good article on this, only this discussion thread in Dart group. However, there are working demos in the Dart's source code.
Take a look at DartHost implementation in some of these projects - this should give you some idea about how to do it.


chatbot with artificial intelligence

I am new to programming and would like to create a chatbot(I know a little about arithmetic, statistic, linear algebra but no knowledge yet in ML/DL/AI theory. And as I'm starting, I haven't done any projects yet. But the final goal I set myself is to be able to create a chatbot with artificial intelligence. But after some research, I saw that it will take me quite a long time.
So I set myself an intermediate level. One just to create a chatbot that can send and reply to messages automatically. To this end, the programming languages ​​that have been recommended to me are: Python, Ruby, PhP, Java... but (in view of my final objective : creating a chatbot with AI) I would like to know which programming language will be more useful and more appropriate for me?
[RE]: Given my situation, I haven't started a project yet (I'm looking for the right language to be able to get started). Yes, I know I'm repeating myself but that's why I can't present a community-specific problem. Besides since I just learned that my question is a matter of opinion and that it does not respect the rules of the platform, I humbly ask the moderators to remove it.
Thanks !
Hey that’s an interesting project to do.
As you are more focused on the artificial intelligence I would stick with the biggest and most common ML language:
Python - this is currently the biggest Machine Learning language and allows you to use open source tensorflow for your ML models.
I think what you will find interesting and challenging, once you go into more complex sentences is dealing with natural language processing, Python has the nltk (Natural Language Toolkit) that’s a good place to start and learn from.
Once you have gotten a possible basic python console chat system working you might want to show it off in a nicer presented way so more so you could wrap it in a simple python api and call upon it using a small JavaScript web browser chat application. Although your more interested in the first part so I’d suggest go with python.
I’d start off by trying to make the ai respond to predefined strings and then go from there. It’s worth nothing there is a number of open-source GitHub projects that have ML and Natural Language Processing bots so have a little look around for inspiration. https://github.com/topics/chatbot
Also fyi if your writing a report on this doing detailed investigative work in what tooling and language to use is an important part of your report and you should gather information and sources about usage etc and then reason as to why.
Hope this points you in the correct direction and good luck 👍

Codename One online compiler and runner

On the web there are several free tools to include a Java compiler and runner in a blog.
They could be useful inside teaching articles targeted to beginners. The most useful tools are the ones in which the sample code can be modified by the blog reader.
Of course these kind of tools makes sense only for simple examples.
Sometimes, in the free time, I like blogging about programming. Does it exist or could it exist an online Codename One compiler and runner that can be included in a blog?
Thank you
This is something on our to-do list but it doesn't exist yet. We have most of the tools in place so implementing this using the JavaScript port would be relatively simple.

Template based C / C++ code generation

Any suggestion for template base code generator for C / C++ specifically to generate repetitive code generation? (Not UML / MATLAB model based or other advanced stuff). For a newbie in this field any good generic tutorial (not tool based)?
I came across GNU Autogen looks good but looks like it needs a steep learning curve. I would prefer some plug-in for eclipse like IDE, easy to use and most importantly good tutorials.
The basic concept of code generation is simple enough - and people's needs are varied enough - that there are quite a few options out there.
Boost.Preprocessor is a library of functions built on top of the standard C / C++ preprocessor that makes it much easier to use the preprocessor to do code generation. It's not as flexible as other options, and figuring out preprocessor errors can be tricky, but the fact that it uses only standard language features greatly simplifies using it and integrating it into your builds.
If you know Python, there's Cog.
Some of Google's projects use Pump.
There are many general-purpose templating solutions (Python's Genshi, eRuby, etc.). These are often designed for generating HTML and XML but also work for code.
It's also easy enough to hack something together in the scripting language of your choice.
Without knowing more about what your needs are and what tools you're comfortable with, I can't give a more specific recommendation.
I'm not familiar with anything that provides an Eclipse plugin.
If you know Python, then Cog could be considered as light-weight solution: http://www.python.org/about/success/cog/
Look at my answer for a similar question for Java classes using M2T-JET, an eclipse based, lightweight templating generator. JET is language agnostic and you can see from the example that it's fairly easy to use.
I appreciate using Lua for this task, with something like Templet or one of another myriad of Lua-based preprocessors. The benefit of using Lua over something like Python is that you can, if necessary, include the source code to your template processor and a basic Lua installation along with whatever it is you are shipping. You may then add the compilation of Lua and subsequent template files to the build process as usual.
I would advise not using Python-based solutions for one reason: juggling various pythons to satisfy every developer's use of a completely different yet incompatible version is annoying. If you choose to use a language which you can't embed in your trees, you'll want to make sure pre-computed versions are available.
Late to the party but I would recommend Codeworker Its the only tool I found that does everything the above tools do and more. It has the Python Cog like functionality for embedded generation, it has the template based generation like Templet or Pump. And it has the rather useful feature of protected areas so you can customise your code as needed and re-generate.
I have used it for generating all the boiler plate c++ code as well as configuration for projects like SQL, config, javascript etc.

Guide to scala.io and simple IO for Scala 2.9?

Does anybody have a guide to this, containing code samples, tips and an outline of the different IO approaches?
I have checked out the the API documentation. There are also some basic examples with scala.io.Source in Programming in Scala.
There are some pretty basic questions already answered here on SO.
I'm looking for something more in depth.
Alternatively, any tips on exactly which bits of the API documentation to focus on and which Java libraries? I'm familiar with System.IO in .NET land, but not so much Java.
Scala's standard library is currently pretty limited for I/O, so you'll probably want to dig into Java's libraries. Oracle's Basic I/O tutorial, covering java.nio, looks like a reasonable starting point.
A while ago there was some discussion about a community driven redesign of Scala I/O called scala-io, but I'm not sure the official status. The mailing list hasn't seen much recent activity, but the code in Github is being actively developed (incubator mailing list and Github project). In his answer, hishadow gave a link to scala-io documentation.
My tip is to look also at tools Path,File and Directory.
They have little sugar (that everyone has in their little utils library) like:
val writer = File("/my/file").bufferedWriter
Then have a look at Process like here
There is an in-development IO library with documentation available at http://jesseeichar.github.com/scala-io/. Included are examples for different usages.
The source repository is at https://github.com/jesseeichar/scala-io.
I recommend looking at java.nio.
Due to technical limitations of the underlying Java platform implementing IO in Scala wasn't a good idea.
This has changed with Java 7, which provides good Java APIs for everything related to file management.
There are some thoughts about an IO library for Scala, but no decision about that yet.
The author of scala-IO, Jesse Eichar, has recently began a series of articles about using Scala-IO on his blog: here's the 'getting started' entry.

Java ME tips for Java EE developer

I am used to programming in Java EE but right now I am being assigned to Java ME project. From what I am reading all those ME restrictions are quite painful. Do you have any tips on how to deal with such a crude language? Are there are any good libraries which might give a higher level of abstraction?
I am also looking for tips about developing tools or strategies e.g. tools like maven (I mean tools without which you can't imagine working). Are there are tools/approaches which you must know about in Java ME?
There are so many things to discuss here, you could write a book or two about the topic!
First of all, realize that "Java ME" is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of Java environments, some very limited compared to Java SE, some nearly as capable. However, when most people use the term they're really referring to the limited side of things -- the CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) and the MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile). So let's assume that's where you're going.
The biggest problem you're going to face as a J2EE developer is the sheer LACK of APIs in a MIDP environment. Also missing language features -- no enums, no generics. Basically you're dealing with a subset of Java 1.3, which is a huge step back for you. The collections classes aren't there, for example, so you end up using the old-style Vector and Hashtable classes a lot. Or you end up using device-specific API extensions at the cost of portability.
The good news is that the NetBeans tools is pretty good for MIDP development, they've put in a lot of good features. You can also use Eclipse, there are some good plugins for that. The tool support is there, including ant tasks and so on.
There's lot of material on the web to get started with Java ME. Read some of my Java ME overview material (which still refers to Java ME as J2ME). Then figure out what platforms you're targeting. If you're doing BlackBerry stuff, for example, you'll want to learn and use the BlackBerry APIs and not MIDP.
There's definitely a learning curve, but you'll adapt quickly enough.
