Is there a proper way of comparing two char-arrays if they aren't equal by length?
How to check which character isn't equal?
strcmp seems to give me only bigger or lesser number, not the position of unequal character.
For example, strings:
/home/jjjj/ and
Should return 12
Using strlen() and strstr() you can achieves this in a two-step approach:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char str1[] = "this is a long string";
char str2[] = "long";
char * ss = NULL;
char * sg = NULL;
size_t size1 = strlen(str1)
size_t size2 = strlen(str2);
size_t size_ss = 0;
/* step 1: determine which of the two strings tobe compared it the smaller/greater one. */
if (size1 > size2)
size_ss = size2;
ss = str2;
sg = str1;
size_ss = size1;
ss = str1;
sg = str2;
/* step 2: find out where the smaller string is located in the greater one, if ever... */
char * p = strstr(sg, ss);
if (p)
printf("'%s' is the same as '%s' from character %zu to character %zu.\n",
sg, ss, p - sg, p - sg + size_ss);
/* printf("The strings are 100%% differently!\n"); */ /* changed as per Jonathan's comment. */
printf("'%s' does not appear in '%s'.\n", ss, sg);
This solution does not take into account that the shorter string could appear more than once in the longer string. It always notifies about the first occurrence.
There isn't a standard C function that returns the first point of discrepancy between two strings.
It wouldn't be hard to create one; take a version of strcmp() from a text book and modify it so that returns the offset of the strings at the point where the result is 'interesting'. If the strings are equal, that will be the offset of the null terminator ('\0'); otherwise, it will be the offset where the two strings are different.
Maybe something like this:
const char* strcmp_plusplus (const char* str1, const char* str2)
const char* result = NULL; // return NULL if equal
while(*str1 != '\0')
if(*str1 != *str2)
result = str1; // point at where in str1 they are different
return result;
Note that we won't have to check if str2 is \0, because the C standard allows us to read one element beyond an array without invoking undefined behavior. If str2 ends before str1, the function will return a pointer to str1's null termination.
This function attempts to do it all at once. Since a function can only return one value, one of the resulting values (the difference) has to be passed back to the caller via a pointer to it.
#include <stdio.h>
size_t lead_cmp( const char * one, const char * two, int *result);
size_t lead_cmp( const char * one, const char * two, int *result)
size_t pos;
for(pos=0; one[pos] && two[pos]; pos++) {
if (one[pos] != two[pos]) break;
*result = one[pos] - two[pos];
return pos;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
size_t len;
int diff;
len = lead_cmp (argv[1], argv[2], &diff );
printf( "Pos=%zu, Rc=%d\n", len, diff);
return 0;
$ ./a.out /home/jjjj/ /home/jjjj/kkkk/
Pos=11, Rc=-107
The found position is 11, not 12, since C uses 0-based indexing.
It returns the number of matching characters: the length of the common prefix.
I need ideas for a recursive code that deletes a specific char in a string, and move all the other sting chars together
for Example :
"the weather is cloudy"
the entered char is 'e':
result :
"th wathr is cloudy"
I really don't have any idea how to start, thanks for the help.
#include <stdio.h>
void remove_impl(char* s, char c, char* d) {
if (*s != c) {
*d++ = *s;
if (*s != '\0') {
remove_impl(++s, c, d);
void remove(char* s, char c) {
remove_impl(s, c, s);
int main() {
char s[] = "the weather is cloudy";
remove(s, 'e');
How it works? Consider remove_impl. s is the original string, c is the character to be deleted from s, d is the resulting string, into which the characters of s, not equal to c, are written. Recursively iterates through the characters of s. If the next character is not equal to c, then it is written in d. The recursion stop point is the condition of checking that the end of s is reached. Since it is necessary to modify the source string, the wrapper is implemented (remove) in which as d, the original string (s) is passed.
An easy way to do it is to loop over the string and add any letter that doesn't match the unwanted letter.
Here's a demonstration:
char *source = "the weather is cloudy";
int source_len = strlen(source);
char *target = (char *)calloc(source_len, sizeof(char));
int target_len = 0;
char to_remove = 'e';
for(int i = 0; i < source_len; i++)
if(source[i] != to_remove)
target[target_len++] = source[i];
puts(target); // Output "th wathr is cloudy" in the console
My turn to make a proposal ! I add a assert test and use existing functions (strchr and strcpy).
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
int removeChar(char *str, char chr)
assert(str != 0); // Always control entry !
char *str_pnt = strchr(str, chr);
if (str_pnt) {
strcpy(str_pnt, str_pnt+1);
removeChar(str_pnt, chr);
void main (void)
char str[] = "the weather is cloudy";
char char_to_delete = 'e';
removeChar(str, char_to_delete);
This can be done in many ways. What i am thinking right now is store not Allowed char array which going to filter which char should show or not. Something like following..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Global Scope variable declaration
int notAllowedChar[128] = {0}; // 0 for allowed , 1 for not allowed
char inputString[100];
void recursion(int pos, int len) {
if( pos >= len ) {
printf("\n"); // new line
if( notAllowedChar[inputString[pos]]) {// not printing
recursion( pos + 1 , len );
else {
printf("%c", inputString[pos]);
recursion( pos + 1 , len );
int main() {
gets(inputString); // taking input String
printf("Enter not allowed chars:: "); // here we can even run a loop for all of them
char notAllowed;
scanf("%c", ¬Allowed);
notAllowedChar[notAllowed] = 1;
int len = strlen(inputString);
recursion( 0 , len );
How this work
Lets say we have a simple string "Hello world"
and we want l should be removed from final string, so final output will be "Heo word"
Here "Hello world" length is 11 chars
before calling recursion function we make sure 'l' index which is 108 ascii values link 1 in notAllowedChar array.
now we are calling recursion method with ( 0 , 11 ) value , In recursion method we are having mainly 2 logical if operation, first one is for base case where we will terminate our recursion call when pos is equal or more than 11. and if its not true , we will do the second logical operation if current char is printable or not. This is simply just checking where this char is in notAllowedChar list or not. Every time we increase pos value + 1 and doing a recursion call, and finally when pos is equal or more than 11 , which means we have taken all our decision about printing char or not our recursion will terminate. I tried assign variable with meaningful name. If you still not understand how this work you should go with simple recursion simulation basic ( search in youtube ) and also you should try to manually debug how value is changing in recursion local scope. This may take time but it will be worthy to understand. All the very best.
#include <stdio.h>
* Returns the number of removed chars.
* Base case: if the current char is the null char (end of the string)
* If the char should be deleted return 1 + no of chars removed in the remaining string.
* If it's a some other char simply return the number of chars removed in the remaining string
int removeCAfterwardsAndCount(char* s,char c){
if((*s) == '\0'){
return 0;
if((*s) == c){
int noOfChars = removeCAfterwardsAndCount(s+1,c);// s+1 means the remaining string
s[noOfChars] = *s; // move the current char (*s) noOfChars locations ahead
return noOfChars +1; // means this char is removed... some other char should be copied here...
int noOfChars = removeCAfterwardsAndCount(s+1,c);
s[noOfChars ] = *s;
return noOfChars ; // means this char is intact ...
int main()
char s[] = "Arifullah Jan";
int totalRemoved = removeCAfterwardsAndCount(s,'a');
char *newS = &s[totalRemoved]; // the start of the string should now be originalPointer + total Number of chars removed
return 0;
Test Code Here
To avoid moving the chars using loops. I am just moving the chars forward which creates empty space in the start of the string. newS pointer is just a new pointer of the same string to eliminate the empty/garbage string.
#include <stdio.h>
void RemoveChar(char* str, char chr) {
char *str_old = str;
char *str_new = str;
while (*str_old)
*str_new = *str_old++;
str_new += (*str_new != chr);
*str_new = '\0'; }
int main() {
char string[] = "the weather is cloudy";
RemoveChar(string, 'e');
printf("'%s'\n", string);
return 0; }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char *remove_char(char *str, int c)
char *pos;
char *wrk = str;
while((pos = strchr(wrk, c)))
strcpy(pos, pos + 1);
wrk = pos;
return str;
int main()
char str[] = "Hello World";
printf(remove_char(str, 'l'));
return 0;
Or faster but mode difficult to understand version:
char *remove_char(char *str, int c)
char *pos = str;
char *wrk = str;
if(*wrk == c)
*pos++ = *wrk++;
*pos = 0;
return str;
Both require the string to be writable (so you cant pass the pointer to the string literal for example)
char* str =
differing the text, because that was the lecture thing\
the text has been changed\
I know!\
the text has been changed\
i deeply thinking about this for hours but can`t figure it out..
with using only stdio.h
string.h is not allowed, but using only basic things..
how can I get string length? someone please help me.
the goal is to find frequency of input pattern in a given string
ex) ha => 2, di => 1..
help me.
As for length of string, the implementation of strlen isn't very complicated.
All you should do is to loop over the string until you find a \0 (end of string) and count the number of times you looped.
unsigned int mystrlen(const char* str)
unsigned int length = 0;
while (*str != 0)
return length;
This could be shortened into
unsigned int len = 0;
for (; str[len]; len++);
A string in pure C is just a pointer to a memory.
IF the last element is 0, then you can use strlen or whatever checks for that.
But if that is not the case you need to memorize the length in a variable.
So if it is 0-terminated just loop to the first element that is 0 (not '0') and thats the end. If you counted the elements you have the string-length.
This works for some test input string, but i higly recommend to check it with more cases.
Suppose we have implemented strstr().
Is a C library function from string.h Library
char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
This function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the source string haystack.
The terminating \0 characters are not compared.
source: TutorialsPoint
(with some edition)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned int Neostrlen(const char* str)
unsigned int length = 0;
while (*str != 0)
return length;
int BluePIXYstrlen(char* str)
int len = 0;
sscanf(str, "%*[^0]%n", &len);
return len;
int Jeanfransvastrlen(char* str)
int i;
for (i=0;str[i];i++);
return i;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
//is it true, no need to malloc????
char* str =
I have a pen, I have a apple\
Uh! Apple-Pen!\
I have a pen, I have pineapple\
Uh! Pineapple-Pen!\
Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen\
Uh! Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen\
printf("len: %d\n", Jeanfransvastrlen(str));
printf("len: %d\n", Neostrlen(str));
printf("len: %d\n", BluePIXYstrlen(str));
printf("sss:%s\n\n\n", str);
char * search = "have";//search for this substring
int lenSr= Neostrlen(search);
printf("lenSr: %d\n", lenSr);
char * ret;
ret = strstr(str, search);
int count = 0;
while (ret){
//printf("The substring is: %s\n\n\n\n", ret);
for (int i=0;i<lenSr;i++){
printf("%c", ret[i]);
printf("\nEnd sub\n");
for (int i=0;i<lenSr;i++){
ret = strstr(ret, search);
printf("count: %d\n", count);
return 0;
For only using stdio.h you can substitute all strstr() with this version of mystrstr() adopted from leetcode
char* mystrstr(char *str, const char *target) {
if (!*target) {
return str;
char *p1 = (char*)str;
while (*p1) {
char *p1Begin = p1, *p2 = (char*)target;
while (*p1 && *p2 && *p1 == *p2) {
if (!*p2){
return p1Begin;
p1 = p1Begin + 1;
return NULL;
I removed const from first first argument of mystrstr() because of I want to change it later, and this is the only changed i have made on original code.
This version is sensitive to Uppercase and lowercase letters in string,
for example Apple is differ from apple.
As chux said in comments my code return substrings of "ababa" from source
"aba" only {aba} not more. and this is because i change string pointer inside while in last for.
Try to implement your version of strstr(), and strlen()
I need to extract substrings that are between Strings I know.
I have something like char string = "abcdefg";
I know what I need is between "c" and "f", then my return should be "de".
I know the strncpy() function but do not know how to apply it in the middle of a string.
Thank you.
Here's a full, working example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char string[] = "abcdefg";
char from[] = "c";
char to[] = "f";
char *first = strstr(string, from);
if (first == NULL) {
first = &string[0];
} else {
first += strlen(from);
char *last = strstr(first, to);
if (last == NULL) {
last = &string[strlen(string)];
char *sub = calloc(strlen(string) + 1, sizeof(char));
strncpy(sub, first, last - first);
printf("%s\n", sub);
return 0;
You can check it at this ideone.
Now, the explanation:
char string[] = "abcdefg";
char from[] = "c";
char to[] = "f";
Declarations of strings: main string to be checked, beginning delimiter, ending delimiter. Note these are arrays as well, so from and to could be, for example, cd and fg, respectively.
char *first = strstr(string, from);
Find occurence of the beginning delimiter in the main string. Note that it finds the first occurence - if you need to find the last one (for example, if you had the string abcabc, and you wanted a substring from the second a), it might need to be different.
if (first == NULL) {
first = &string[0];
} else {
first += strlen(from);
Handle situation, in which the first delimiter doesn't appear in the string. In such a case, we will make a substring from the beginning of the entire string. If it does appear, however, we move the pointer by length of from string, as we need to extract the substring beginning after the first delimiter (correction thanks to #dau_sama).
Depending on your specifications, this may or may not be needed, or another result might be expected.
char *last = strstr(first, to);
Find occurence of the ending delimiter in the main string. Note that it finds the first occurence.
As noted by #dau_sama, it's better to search for ending delimiter from the first, not from beginning of the entire string. This prevents situations, in which to would appear earlier than from.
if (last == NULL) {
last = &string[strlen(string)];
Handle situation, in which the second delimiter doesn't appear in the string. In such a case, we will make a substring until end of the string, so we get a pointer to the last character.
Again, depending on your specifications, this may or may not be needed, or another result might be expected.
char *sub = calloc(last - first + 1, sizeof(char));
strncpy(sub, first, last - first);
Allocate sufficient memory and extract substring based on pointers found earlier. We copy last - first (length of the substring) characters beginning from first character.
printf("%s\n", sub);
Here's the result.
I hope it does present the problem with enough details. Depending on your exact specifications, you may need to alter this somehow. For example, if you needed to find all substrings, and not just the first one, you may want to make a loop for finding first and last.
TY guys, worked using the form below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *between_substring(char *str, char from, char to){
while(*str && *str != from)
if(*str == '\0')
return NULL;
char *ret = malloc(strlen(str)+1);
char *p = ret;
while(*str && *str != to){
*p++ = *str++;//To the end if `to` do not exist
*p = 0;
return ret;
int main (void){
char source[] = "abcdefg";
char *target;
target = between(source, 'c', 'f');
printf("%s", source);
printf("%s", target);
return 0;
Since people seemed to not understand my approach in the comments, here's a quick hacked together stub.
const char* string = "abcdefg";
const char* b = "c";
const char* e = "f";
//look for the first pattern
const char* begin = strstr(string, b);
return NULL;
//look for the end pattern
const char* end = strstr(begin, e);
return NULL;
end -= strlen(e);
char result[MAXLENGTH];
strncpy(result, begin, end-begin);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *between(const char *str, char from, char to){
while(*str && *str != from)
if(*str == '\0')
return NULL;
char *ret = malloc(strlen(str)+1);
char *p = ret;
while(*str && *str != to){
*p++ = *str++;//To the end if `to` do not exist
*p = 0;
return ret;
int main(void){
const char* string = "abcdefg";
char *substr = between(string, 'c', 'f');
return 0;
I am trying to implement a strnstr function into C (strstr but it checks the length), for some reason it doesn't work (output is always no):
#include <stdio.h>
char *searchingFor = "stackdummy";
char *in = "la da\ndoo a da\nnow here comes the stack\nok there it was.\n";
char *strnstr(char *s1, char *s2, int length) {
if(s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return NULL;
printf("searching \n\n\"%s\"\n for %.*s\n", s1, length, s2);
char *ss1 = malloc(strlen(s1) + 1);
strcpy(ss1, s1);
char *ss2 = malloc(length + 1);
strncpy(ss2, s2, length);
char *result = strstr(ss1, ss2);
return result;
int main(void) {
printf("found: %s\n", strnstr(in, searchingFor, 5) ? "yes" : "no");
printf("found: %s\n", strnstr(in, searchingFor, 5) ? "yes" : "no");
printf("found: %s\n", strnstr(in, searchingFor, 5) ? "yes" : "no");
return 0;
The implementation provided by Chris Dodd has the following disadvantages:
It defeats the purpose of strnstr in that the while condition uses the unbounded string function strchr
It depends on haystack being NULL terminated, which is a deviation from the usual implementation of strnstr, for example as provided by GNU-Darwin
The call to strchr is an unnecessary function call when strchar is not inlined
Returns haystack instead of NULL when len is zero, a deviation from the accepted strstr semantics
Returns an empty string instead of haystack when needle has length of zero
The following implementation remedies the above problems without becoming as difficult to read as the GNU-Darwin implementation, and is Creative Commons licensed:
#include <string.h>
char *strnstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t len)
int i;
size_t needle_len;
if (0 == (needle_len = strnlen(needle, len)))
return (char *)haystack;
for (i=0; i<=(int)(len-needle_len); i++)
if ((haystack[0] == needle[0]) &&
(0 == strncmp(haystack, needle, needle_len)))
return (char *)haystack;
return NULL;
How about:
char *strnstr(char *haystack, char *needle, size_t len) {
if (len == 0) return haystack; /* degenerate edge case */
while (haystack = strchr(haystack, needle[0])) {
if (!strncmp(haystack, needle, len)) return haystack;
haystack++; }
return 0;
If you want haystack to not be null terminated, you'll need two length args:
char *memmem(char *haystack, size_t hlen, char *needle, size_t nlen) {
if (nlen == 0) return haystack; /* degenerate edge case */
if (hlen < nlen) return 0; /* another degenerate edge case */
char *hlimit = haystack + hlen - nlen + 1;
while (haystack = memchr(haystack, needle[0], hlimit-haystack)) {
if (!memcmp(haystack, needle, nlen)) return haystack;
haystack++; }
return 0;
which is available in GNU libc, though older versions are broken.
The strnstr function is not defined in the C Standard, it is available on BSD and some other systems as an extension.
Here is the man page on OS/X:
strstr, strcasestr, strnstr -- locate a substring in a string
Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
#include <string.h>
char *strnstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t len);
The strnstr() function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string needle in the string haystack, where not more
than len characters are searched. Characters that appear after a '\0' character are not searched. Since the strnstr() function
is a FreeBSD specific API, it should only be used when portability is not a concern.
If needle is an empty string, haystack is returned; if needle occurs nowhere in haystack, NULL is returned; otherwise a pointer
to the first character of the first occurrence of needle is returned.
The following sets the pointer ptr to the "Bar Baz" portion of largestring:
const char *largestring = "Foo Bar Baz";
const char *smallstring = "Bar";
char *ptr;
ptr = strstr(largestring, smallstring);
The following sets the pointer ptr to NULL, because only the first 4 characters of largestring are searched:
const char *largestring = "Foo Bar Baz";
const char *smallstring = "Bar";
char *ptr;
ptr = strnstr(largestring, smallstring, 4);
This specification is not concise enough, (the man page for the linux kernel version is even more imprecise), yet the example on BSD systems (notably above here) is clear: len is the maximum number of bytes to consider in haystack, not needle, which is just a regular null terminated C string.
Your function does not work for multiple reasons:
the semantics are incorrect as you consider length to limit s2 instead of s1
in your approach, duplicating s1 is useless and counter-productive: result, if non NULL, will point into the allocated copy that is freed before returning from the function, hence accessing the string pointed to by the return value will have undefined behavior.
strncpy does not null terminate the destination array if the source string has at least length characters before its own null terminator. You must set ss2[length] = '\0'; for your approach to work, but again, the real strnstr() function operates differently.
using malloc() and free() is probably not what you are expected to do, and failing to test for potential allocation failure is a mistake.
Here is a corrected version:
char *strnstr(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
// simplistic algorithm with O(n2) worst case
size_t i, len;
char c = *s2;
if (c == '\0')
return (char *)s1;
for (len = strlen(s2); len <= n; n--, s1++) {
if (*s1 == c) {
for (i = 1;; i++) {
if (i == len)
return (char *)s1;
if (s1[i] != s2[i])
return NULL;
I'm stuck at yet another C problem. How can I concatenate two strings with the second string being inserted before the first string?
This is what I came up with. Unfortunately I'm stuck at all these pointer to chars, char arrays et cetera.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
char* output;
int i;
for(i = 9; i > 0; i--)
unsigned int value = (unsigned int)i;
char buffer[20];
sprintf(buffer, "%u", value);
// strcat(ouput, buffer); // append before the string.
// first loop: 9
// second loop: 89
// third loop: 789
printf("%s", output);
How must I correct my code to make it work? I guess I have to somehow set the output variable to empty. When do I need fixed widths for the char array or the pointer? 20 was just a random guess from me.
I'm very confused, as your posted code has absolutely nothing to do with the problem you state. (Well, they both use strings, but that's about it)
char* src = "Hello, ";
char* dest = "World!";
char* temp;
temp = malloc(strlen(src) +strlen(dest) + 1);
strcpy(temp, src);
strcat(temp, dest);
dest = temp;
Unless dest is a fixed buffer of adequate size for the combined string. If so, then replace the last line with:
strcpy(dest, temp);
Now, if you want to specifically build the list of digits backwards, let's try a different tack:
char buffer[10];
buffer[9] = '\0'; // null terminate our string.
char* output;
int i;
for(i = 9; i > 0; i--)
// this is a fast way of saying, sprintf("%u", i);
// works only for single digits
char d = (char)('0' + i);
buffer[i-1] = d;
output = &buffer[i-1];
printf("%s", output);
Usually, you should just avoid the situation to start with. The most obvious solution for your example would be to simply count upward to start with. When that's not suitable, a recursive solution to reverse the order in which the string is built can still allow you to generate the string from beginning to end:
int build_string(int value, char *string) {
char temp[10];
if (value > -1)
build_string(value-1, string);
sprintf(temp, "%d", value); // use snprintf if available.
strcat(string, temp);
return string;
int main() {
char result[20] = {0};
build_string(9, result);
printf("%s", result);
return 0;
You can append the integer at the end of the string as:
int i;
char buffer[20];
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sprintf(buffer+i, "%u", i);
printf("%s", buffer); // prints 0123456789
For your stated problem (insert one string in front of another), this code will do the job - but has no error checking. It assumes there is enough space in the target buffer for the existing string and the new prefix:
/* Insert string t in front of string s in string s */
char *strinsert(char *s, const char *t)
char *p = s + strlen(s);
char *q = p + strlen(t);
char *r = s;
while (p >= s)
*q-- = *p--;
while (*t)
*s++ = *t++;
What it does is copy the existing string up by the correct number of places so that there is space for the new string at the beginning.
Assuming that the destination buffer is big enough and that the source and destination do not overlap:
// not sure what order to put the params - the usual C way is destination
// followed by source, but it's also potentially confusing that the result of
// prepend(foo,bar) is "<bar><foo>".
char* prepend(char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src) {
size_t len = strlen(src);
memmove(dest + len, dest, strlen(dest));
return memcpy(dest, src, len);
If the buffers may overlap (for example, if src is the second half of dest), this approach doesn't work.
If the destination buffer is not big enough, then someone has to allocate new memory for the result, in which case the question of which is the "source" and which the "destination" disappears - they're both "source" and neither is "destination".