Amazon MWS - How can we update the inventory on Amazon instantly? - amazon-mws

I was wondering if there is any way to update inventory instantly on Amazon by using MWS.
We are having the issue, when getting an out of stock order from Amazon side. Actually we are updating the inventory hourly for example at 9:05, 10:05, 11:05, etc but using this approach for number of times we get an out of stock order. I can explain it as suppose there is a product having quantity 1 at our end and this quantity has been updated at Amazon but just after the updating the inventory at 10:20 on our side it gets ordered & goes out of stock but it is still showing in stock on Amazon and as a result of which customers are able to place order this product. When we import this order at our end we find this product as out of stock & we need to cancel this order & it affects performance & ratings. Therefore we want to prevent by using some approach which can provide to update inventory instantly.
We use the _POST_INVENTORY_AVAILABILITY_DATA_ feed type when updating inventory.
Additionally we are using PHP language.
Any suggestion & solution will be appreciated.

The answer is astonishingly simple: If you're running out of stock, don't wait for the next update cycle (the wall clock hitting *:05 again), but send an inventory update right away. Since you're posting the inventory, it is your choice when to do it.
Just a side note: You probably will need to limit those updates in some way so that you don't send inventory updates more often than about every 5 minutes, otherwise they'll queue up (in my testing at least). Queued inventory updates won't do you any good.


How can we bring currencies to record level

Can you please explain how can we bring the manage currencies to record level. It was changing daily so can you please explain how it was being changed and how is it used in record level.
Your question is poorly worded. An opportunity that's worth €1000 and nobody edits it will still be worth €1000 tomorrow. What can change daily is currency exchange rate to $, £...
You can enable currency management (if not done already) which causes CurrencyIsoCode picklist to appear in every table. And then -if you really need to keep info what the price was at specific point in time - you can add support for "dated currency rates" on top of that. There are some considerations that out of the box the exchange rate recalculates only on Opportunity & related object. For your custom objects you'll need to write a nightly (hourly?) batch for example.
Once you're sure that dated rates is what you need (because maybe you need just the basic version with 1 current exchange rate) look into an integration that would periodically contact some currency exchange info server and write to either CurrencyType or DatedConversionRate

What storage mechanism can I use to store the data related to user interaction of my website for a day

I store information about which items were accessed. That's it initially. I will store the id and type of item that were accessed. For example in a relational table it would be.
id type view
1 dairy product 100
2 meat 88
Later on, in the end of the day, I will transfer this data to the actual table of the product.
id name view
1 Cheesy paradise 100
This is a web site, I don't want to update the table everytime the user visits a product. Because the products are in relational database and it would be very unprofessional. I want to make a service in Nodejs that when the user visits a product and stay for 5 secs and roll the page to the bottom I increment a high speed storage and in the end of the day I updated the related products in "one go".
I will handle only 300 visits in diferent products a day. But, of course, I want to my system to grow and it will handle keeping track of 1 thousand of products per minute, for example. In my mind when I though about this feature I thought about using Mongo. But I don't know it seems so much for this simple task. What tecnology can fit this situation better?
I would recommend MongoDB, since you are mostly "dumping" data into a database. That also allows you in the future to dump more information then you will now, no matter what kind of documents you dump now. Mongo is totally fine for a "dump" database structure.

Amazon MWS determine if product is in BuyBox

I am integrating MWS Amazon API. For importing product I need one important field like whether the seller product is buybox winner or not. I need to set flag in our DB.
I have check all the possible API of product in Amazon scratchpad but not get luck how to get this information.
The winner of the buy box can (and does) change very frequently, depending on the number of sellers for the product. The best way to get up-to-the-minute notifications of a product's buy box status is to subscribe to the AnyOfferChangedNotification:
You can use those notifications to update your database. Another option is the Products API which has a GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN operation which will tell you if your ASIN is currently in the buy box.
Look for IsBuyBoxWinner.
While the question is old, it could still be useful to someone having a right answer about the product api solution.
In the product api there is GetLowestPricedOffersForSKU (slightly different from GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN ) which has, in addition to the information "IsBuyBoxWinner", the information "MyOffer". The two values combined can tell if you have the buybox.
Keep in mind that the api call limits for both are very strict (200 requests max per hours) so in the case of a very high number of offers the subscription to "AnyOfferChangedNotification" is the only real option. It requires further developing to consume those notifications though, so it is by no means simple to develop.
One thing to consider is that the AnyOfferChangedNotification is not a service that can push to the SQS queue that is a FIFO(First one first-out) style buffer. You can only push to a standard - random order sqs queue. I thought I was being smart when I set up two threads in my application, one to download the messages and one to process them. However when you download messages from download these messages you can get messages from anywhere in the SQS queue. To be successful you need to at least
Download all the messages to your local cache/buffer/db until amazon returns 'there are no more messages'
Run your process off of that local buffer that was built and current as the time you got the last 'no more message' returned from amazon
It is not clear from amazons documentation but I had a concern that I have not proven yet but worth looking in to. If an asin reprices two or three times quickly it is not clear if the messages could come in to queue out of order (or any one messages could be delayed). By 'out of order' I mean for one sku/asin it is not clear if you can get a message with a more recent 'Time of Offer Change' before one with an older 'Time of Offer Change' If so that could create a situation where 1)you have a ASIN that reprices at 12:00:00 and again at 12:00:01(Time of Offer Change time). 2) At 12:01:00 you poll the queue and the later 12:00:01 price change is there but not ther earlier one from 12:00:00. 3)You iterate the sqs queue until you clear it and then you do your thing(reprice or send messages or whatever). Then on the next pass you poll the queue again and you get this earlier AnyOfferChangeNotification. I added logic in my code to track the 'Time of Offer Change' for any asin/sku and alarm if it rolls backwards.
Other things to consider.
1)If you go out of stock on a ASIN/SKU you stop getting messages 2)You dont start getting messages on ASIN/SKU until you ship the item in for the first time, just adding it to FBA inventory is not enough. If you need pricing to update that earlier (or when you go out of stock) you also need to poll GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN

Finding unique products (never seen before by a user) in a datastore sorted by a dynamically changing value (i.e. product rating)

been trying to solve this problem for a week and couldn't come up with any solutions in all my research so I thought I'd ask you all.
I have a "Product" table and a "productSent" table, here's a quick scheme to help explain:
class Product(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty();
rating = ndb.IntegerProperty
class productSent(ndb.Model): <--- the key name here is md5(Product Key+UUID)
pId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Product)
uuId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=userData)
action = ndb.StringProperty()
date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
My goal is to show users the highest rated product that they've never seen before--fast. So to keep track of the products users have seen, I use the productSent table. I created this table instead of using Cursors because every time the rating order changes, there's a possibility that the cursor skips the new higher ranking product. An example: assume the user has seen products 1-24 in the db. Next, 5 users liked product #25, making it the #10 product in the database--I'm worried that the product will never be shown again to the user (and possibly mess things up on a higher scale).
The problem with the way I'm doing it right now is that, once the user has blown past the first 1,000 products, it really starts slowing down the query performance. Because I'm literally pulling 1,000+ results, checking if they've been sent by querying against the productSent table (doing a keyName lookup to speed things up) and going through the loop until 15 new ones have been detected.
One solution I thought of was to add a repeated property (listProperty) to the Product table of all the users who have seen a product. Or if I don't want to have inequality filters I could put a repeated property of all the users who haven't seen a product. That way when I query I can dynamically take those out. But I'm afraid of what happens when I have 1,000+ users:
a) I'll go through the roof on the limit of repeated properties in one entity.
b) The index size will increase size costs
Has anyone dealt with this problem before (I'm sure someone has!) Any tips on the best way to structure it?
Okay, so had another idea. In order to minimize the changes that take place when a rating (number of likes) changes, I could have a secondary column that only has 3 possible values: positive, neutral, negative. And sort by that? Ofcourse for items that have a rating of 0 and get a 'like' (making them a positive) would still have a chance of being out of order or skipped by the cursor--but it'd be less likely. What do y'all think?
Sounds like the inverse, productNotSent would work well here. Every time you add a new product, you would add a new productNotSent entity for each user. When the user wants to see the highest rated product they have not seen, you will only have to query over the productNotSent entities that match that user. If you put the rating directly on the productNotSent you could speed the query up even more, since you will only have to query against one Model.
Another idea would be to limit the number of productNotSent entities per user. So each user only has ~100 of these entities at a time. This would mean your query would be constant for each user, regardless of the number of products or users you have. The creation of new productNotSent entities would become more complex, though. You'd have to have a cron job or something that "tops up" a user's collection of productNotSent entities when they use some up. You also may want to double-check that products rated higher than those already within the user's set of productNotSent entities get pushed in there. These are a little more difficult and well require some design trade-offs.
Hope this helps!
I do not know your expected volumes and exact issues (only did a quick perusal of your question), but you may consider using Json TextProperty storage as part of your plan. Create dictionaries/lists and store them in records by json.dump()ing them to a TextProperty. When the client calls, simply send the TextProperties to the client, and figure everything out on the client side once you JSON.parse() them. We have done some very large array/object processing in JS this way, and it is very fast (particularly indexed arrays). When the user clicks on something, send a transaction back to update their record. Set up some pull or push queue processes to handle your overall product listing updates, major customer rec updates, etc.
One downside is higher bandwidth going out of you app, but I think this cost will be minimal given potential processing savings on GAE. If you structure this right, you may be able to use get_by_id() to replace all or most of your planned indices and queries. We have found json.loads() and json.dumps() to be very fast inside the app, but we only use simple dictionary/list structures.This approach will be, though, a big, big quantum measure lower than your planned use of queries. The other potential issue is that very large objects may run into soft memory limits. Be sure that your Json objects are fairly simple+lightweight to avoid this (e.g. do no include product description, sub-objects, etc. in the Json item, just the basics such as product number). HTH, -stevep

is there any stock management design pattern?

We want to design an e-commerce application, and we are mental about consitent stock numbers. We don't want our customers finding out, after they have bought an item, that that item is out of stock, that's a big thing here. The average order here has about 60 different items, which will makes things even trickier.
Let's imagine these two scenarios:
1st Scenario:
1) Customer C1 opens the online store and find a product he/she wants to buy;
2) That product is shown as "in stock" (but the current stock is 1);
3) Customer C1 puts 1 item in the basket;
4) Customer C2 gets into the website and select the same item (put in the basket), which is still marked as "in stock" (stock is still 1);
5) Customer C1 goes to checkout and confirms his purchase and the application decreases the current stock for that item to 0;
6) Customer C2 keeps buying items, let's say 35 other distinct items (it took 20 minutes to customer c2 to select the items he wanted);
7) Customer C2 goes to checkout and confirms this purchase, but now, the first item he bought is no longer available (and we CAN NOT sell it);
8) The application warns customer C2 that the first item is no longer available and that he has to check his basket;
9) Customer C2 gets pissed and close the browser without buying anything.
2nd scenario (but I think it is unnecessarily complex and buggy):
1) Customer C1 opens the online store and find a product he/she wants to buy;
2) That product is shown as "in stock" (but the current stock is 1);
3) Customer C1 puts 1 item in the basket (and the application decreases the current stock for that item to 0);
4) Customer C2 gets into the website and see the item he/she wanted is out of stock;
5) Customer C2 leaves the website;
6) Customer C1 keeps buying items (the stock decreases for it of these items);
7) Customer C1 closes the browser;
8) Every now and then some batch routine kicks in to remove the items which had decreased the stock but didn't get bought/confirmed.
We have just a few distinct products, but we have been selling about 30.000.000 items by phone, some products get sold as much as 2.000.000 every day, so the concurrency in the row responsible for the stock of that product might get many updates at the same time, so it's important we get a good performance.
Those are usual scenario, but is there any design pattern which gives the user a better experience while keeping the stock numbers consistent and yet yield a great application performance?
Any help will be much appreciated.
First off, taking a step back, do you really need to solve the inventory management problem on the front end? Since you're selling large volumes of a relatively small set of products, it should be relatively easy to manage your inventory so that you are never out of stock or, if you are, it doesn't prevent you from fulfilling orders. There is a great deal of literature and examples that deal with calculating safety stock which requires just a bit of statistics to follow. It would make far more sense to me to focus your attention on giving the company the tools (if it doesn't already have them) to manage their inventory to prevent stock-out situations rather than trying to prevent them from happening in the sales portal.
That being said, I'm not quite sure that I follow your problem with the two scenarios you outline. Even if the database performance was flawless, if you have only 1 of item A in stock and you can't sell an item if it's not in stock, then one of the two customers, by definition, one of the two potential customers is going to lose out. If in the first scenario C2 is going to go away without buying anything if any of his 35 items are not in stock (which seems unlikely if he spent 20 minutes filling his cart), there is nothing you can do in the database to prevent that. Your interface could potentially have some AJAX that alerts them while they're shopping that one of the items in their cart is out of stock much like StackExchange notifies you while you're entering an answer that someone else has entered an answer. It's not at all clear to me, that telling C2 about the problem earlier is going to be beneficial-- if he's going to leave if he can't buy all 35 items in one transaction, he's going to leave no matter when you tell him that C1 bought the item. Realistically, there is no way to design the system so as not to disappoint one of the two customers in that case.
It might help if you can explain a bit more about why your application and your customers are so sensitive to stock-out situations. Most customers and most retailers are relatively accustomed to the fact that sometimes after placing an order they get notified that the retailer isn't going to be able to fulfill the order as quickly as they had expected and are given the option to cancel that part of their order, the whole order (assuming the remaining items haven't shipped yet), or to wait for the item to come back in to stock. Assuming that you do something to notify customers while they're browsing that inventory is relatively low (i.e. Amazon will tell you "N items in stock" if you're looking at an item for which they only have a handful of stock left), most customers are reasonably understanding 20 minutes when they get to the checkout and are told that the item is now out of stock since they knew in advance that they needed to order quickly. And most retailers are comfortable that even if they run out of stock of most popular items, they can still satisfy more requests than they have inventory in hand because they undoubtedly have new inventory arriving in the next day or two or they can rush an order for new inventory.
Your 1st scenario is what most companies do, and that's why stock management systems have the concept of a back order.
Your 2nd scenario is more beneficial to the customer, but will reduce your sales somewhat, as well as be more complicated to manage.
This really isn't a database decision. This is a management decision on how you want to handle your inventory.
Most relational databases supported with sufficient hardware can handle 2 million changes a day.
You could try to find out how other online retailers do it, and emulate them. For example, when Amazon is almost out of a product, they'll often display a notice saying, "Only n left in stock!" Try to find a product like that, then add it to your cart in one browser and use a different browser to see what happens to the inventory.
I am with Justin and Gilbert. This is more about logistics than front-end. There is also the amazon solution of saying "I want all these things shipped in the same packet", (i.e. that will take longer, as all the bits have to wait for the slowest one) or "send them separately, as soon as they are available". Basically, you give yourself time to restock.
I think the most infuriating scenario is booking airline/ferry tickets, and when you get to the paying part, they either time out, do "not have that price available anymore" or some such nonsense. Particularly annoying, as i is not exactly buying cruise boat propellers..
You could do a kan-ban routine, where you basically say that when you have 10 (or whatever) left of something, it is shown as "1 item remaining" in front end. That means that customerA and customerB buying at the same time both gets their stuff. And then the warning goes to procurement within the company: "we are "out" of objectN".
I would be interested in knowing what kind of stuff your client is selling, that most customer buys 60 objects.
