Can I use local storage for a mobile HTML5 webapp as a fallback when user loses internet access? - mobile

I'm making a mobile HTML5 webapp and I'm wondering if I can use local storage to enable users to still use the app when they lose internet access.
The basic idea would be that when they have wi-fi / 3G they download the HTML and data, but when they lose internet access they can at least access the last version with old cached data (with a warning that data may not be up to date until they get internet access again).
Is this possible with local storage ?

Certainly. One of the purposes with localStorage is to enable offline applications.
you can check (see here for details):
to see if you are online or offline, or simply:
window.addEventListener("offline", offlineFunc, false)
window.addEventListener("online", onlineFunc, false)
and if offline you serve the stored content from localStorage by updating the page partially.
Another way of doing this is to use a cache manifest.
Here you can define which files shall be available if browser become offline, and which require network and so forth.
See here for details on that:
Besides from localStorage you can also use IndexedDB which also allow you to store Blobs (or files) (File API is coming, currently only for Chrome).


Cache busting with versioning does not seem to work

I am currently using versioning to bust cache. I used to generate different file name with date or version. However, it breaks google cached page because google look for the old file name.
I have a webpack setup for the chunking.
output.filename = '[name].js?v=' + hash
output.chunkFilename = '[name].js?v=' + hash
And I can see that browser requesting file with v=xxx correctly
However, sometimes I need to ask my customer to open up dev tool and click clear cache and hard refresh because normal refresh does not work somehow.
I also use Cloudflare cdn and it does have cache policy.
Cloudflare response headers.
cache-control: max-age=31536000
cf-bgj: minify
cf-cache-status: HIT
cf-polished: origSize=9873
How to make sure browser and cloudflare purge all the js and css files when the new code is pushed ?
Do not know what to do when normal refresh does not work.
On Cloudflare there are several ways to control the behavior of the cache
Understanding the Cloudflare CDN (general rules)
Cache level (can be configured to consider or ignore the querystring)
Page Rules (useful to fine tune caching behavior based on URL patterns)
Origin Cache Control (to control the behavior based on the cache headers returned by your origin server)
You also have various options (depending on the plan) for proactively purging certain resources with Cache Purge (both from the dashboard or via APIs).
It is worth reviewing the above settings (in particular cache levels and page rules) to verify that the querystring is being considered part of the cache key used to retrieve the data. In particular, the header cf-cache-status: HIT indicates that the requested resource was fetched from the CDN cached copy.

CDN serving private images / videos

I would like to know how do CDNs serve private data - images / videos. I came across this stackoverflow answer but this seems to be Amazon CloudFront specific answer.
As a popular example case lets say the problem in question is serving contents inside of facebook. So there is access controlled stuff at an individual user level and also at a group of users level. Besides, there is some publicly accessible data.
All logic of what can be served to whom resides on the server!
The first request to CDN will go to application server and gets validated for access rights. But there is a catch - keep this in mind:
Assume that first request is successful and after that, anyone will be able to access the image with that CDN URL. I tested this with Facebook user uploaded restricted image and it was accessible with the CDN URL by others too even after me logging out. So, the image will be accessible till the CDN cache expiry time.
I believe this should work - all requests first come to the main application server. After determining whether access is allowed or not, a redirect to the CDN server or access-denied error can be shown.
Each CDN working differently, so unless you specify which CDN you are looking for its hard to tell.

HTML5 Database Use without Server

Is it possible to use a local database file with html5 without using a server. I would like to create a small application that depends on information from a small database. I do not want to host a server just to pull information. Is it possible to create a database file and pull information from the local files ?
Depends on the following:
The type of application you want to build:
Normal website with some data being pulled from a local storage;
Special purpose hosted website / application with data generated by the user;
Special purpose local application with a dedicated platform (a particular browser) and with access to the browser's non-web API -- in order to access the browser's own persistent storage methods (file storage, SQLite etc.);
Special purpose local application with a dedicated environment -- in order to deploy the application with a local web server and database;
Available options:
Indexed DB
Web Storage
XML files used for storing data and XSLT stylesheets for translating the data into HTML;
Indexed DB and Web Storage ar available in some browsers but you need to make sure the targeted browsers have it. Their features aren't quite as complete and flexible as SQL RDBMSs but they may fit the bill if your application doesn't need all that flexibility.
XML files can contain the data you want to be shown to the user and they can be updated manually (not by the user) or dynamically (by a server script).
For dynamic updating the content of the XML is kept in JavaScript and manipulated / altered (using the XML DOM) and when the session is over the XML content is sent to the server to entirely replace the previous XML file. This works OK if the individual users have a file each and they never write to each other's files.
Reading local files:
Normal file access is prohibited (for security reasons) to all local (JavaScript) code, which means that "having" a file locally implies either downloading it from a known source (a server) or asking the user to offer access to a local file.
Asking the user to offer access to a local file which implies offering the user a "file input" -- like for uploads but without actually uploading the file.
After a file has been selected using FileAPI to read that file should be fairly simple.
This workflow would involve the user "giving" you the database on every page refresh -- but since it's a one page thing it would mean giving you the data on every session as long as your script does not refresh the page.
You can use localstorage but you can run a server from your own computer. You can use Wamp or Xampp. Which use Apache and mysql.
What i'm looking for is a little more robust than a cookie. I am making a web application for a friend that will be 1 page, and have a list of names on the page. The person wants to be able to add names to the list, however they do not want to use a web server. Just want the files locally on a computer so a folder called test-app , with index.html, and possibly a database file that can be stored in the web browser or a way to save information to the web browser for repeated use.

How to sync offline database with Firebase when device is online?

I'm currently using angularJS and phonegap to build a test application for Android / iOS.
The app use only text data stored in a Firebase database. I want the app to have its own local database (used when the device is offline) and sometime (when the device is online)
sync with a Firebase database.
The offline mode uses the storage API of phonegap/cordova. Could I just check the device's online state and backup the online database periodically ?
Any clues on how I can achieve this ? Last time a similar question was asked, the answer was "not yet"... (here)... because it focused on a hypothetical Firebase feature.
If Firebase is online at the start and loses its connection temporarily, then reconnects later, it will sync the local data then. So in many cases, once Firebase is online, you can simply keep pushing to Firebase during an outage.
For true offline usage, you will probably want to monitor the device's state, and also watch .info/connected to know when Firebase connects.
new Firebase('URL/.info/connected').on('value', function(ss) {
if( ss.val() === null ) /* firebase disconnected */
else /* firebase reconnected */
The way to achieve this with the current Firebase toolset, until it supports true offline storage, would
keep the local data simple and small
when the device comes online, convert the locally stored data to JSON
use set() to save the data into Firebase at the appropriate path
Additionally, if the app loads while the device is offline, for some reason, you can "prime" Firebase by calling set() to "initialize" the data. Then you can use Firebase as normal (just as if it were online) until it comes online at some point in the future (you would also want to store your local copy to handle the case where it never does).
Obviously, the simpler the better. Concurrent modifications, limits of local storage size, and many other factors will quickly accumulate to make any offline storage solution complex and time consuming.
After some time, I would like to add $0.03 to #Kato's answer:
Opt to call snapshot.exists() instead of calling snapshot.val() === null. As the documentation points out, exists() is slightly more efficient than comparing snapshot.val() to null.
And if you want to update data prefer to use the update() method rather then set(), as the last will overwrite your Firebase data. You can read more here.

Google App Engine: keep state of an object between HTTP-requests (Java)

User makes HTTP-request to the server. This request is processed with an object of some class, let's call it "Processor". Then the same user in two minutes makes another HTTP request. And I want it to be processed with the same instance of Processor as the first one. So basically I want to keep the state of some object among several requests.
I know that I can save it each time to the datastore and then load back, but this approach seems to be very slow. Is there a way to store objects in some RAM place?
How about using memcache?
You can't ensure that consecutive requests to your app will go to the same instance, but memcache can help reduce or eliminate the overhead of accessing the datastore for each request.
It sounds like you are describing is a session.
I am not sure which language runtime and web framework you are using, but it is sure to include support for a sessions. (If you are using Java you will need to enable it.)
The standard session mechanism puts a small ID in a cookie that is stored in the user's browser. On every request, each of which could be go to a different application server, this ID is used as a key to read and write persistent information from the data store.
If the datastore accesses are too slow for you I would suggest not using memcache for this session storage, because memcache is by design unreliable, so the user's session information could disappear at any time, which would be a bad experience for them.
If the amount of data you want to store is less than about a few kilobytes, then I recommend doing what Play Framework does, which is to encrypt your session data and store it directly in a cookie stored in the user's browser. This is fast and truly stateless.
If you have more data than can be stored in a cookie, and you don't want to use the data store, you could could use JavaScript local storage on the browser, and use AJAX calls to communicate with the server. (If you want to support older browsers you may need to use the jStorage wrapper library.)
If memcache isn't enough, you could use backends to maintain state. Use a resident backend (or a set of them) and route incoming requests from the frontend to the backend machine that has the state.
Docs: Python Java
