How do I correctly check for castling in chess AI? - c

I have a chess AI that doesn't always know if it can castle or not. The rooks and kings have move counters that only allow them to participate in a castle when the value of the move counter equals zero. A problem occurs when the move counters are zero and there are no pieces blocking the castle, but an enemy piece has the ability to block the castle from afar.
For example, imagine that you are white and you want to make a queen side castle. The move counters are zero, so your pieces have made zero moves, and your white knight, bishop, and queen are gone. The you thinks that you can castle. But you actually cannot castle because there is an enemy rook with a clear line of attack that extends all the way down to the first row where you have your white rook and white king. If you castled, the king would have to cross the black rook's line of attack. You are the AI and this situation messed you up.
Now you [the human] might know a way to make you [the AI] smarter when it comes to castling. How would you, as a programmer, fix this problem such that the AI doesn't make this mistake anymore?
Here's some more information...
My board representation is int board[8][8]. I have an array that holds all possible white pieces [max 2 queens, 17 pieces total], int whitePieces[17], and array that holds all possible black pieces, int blackPieces[17]. Also, to keep track of movement, there is a moveTo[] array and a moveFrom[] array that contains, for each ply, a copy of the moving piece after it moved and before it moved. The rightmost bit of the piece integer is the y value and the 4 bit hexadecimal value one over from that is the x value. The integer piece also contains byte data representing the piece type, the piece color, the pieces location in the whitePieces array or the blackPieces array, and a movement counter that keeps track of the number of moves and is used to determine if a king or rook has moved and thus cannot castle.

Your AI should have some sort of 0-ply "threat grid" that shows where every enemy piece can move next turn. Use this info to see if the squares between the king and rook(s)the final castling location(s) are either occupied or under threat.

Had same problem long time ago (1978 - in fortran).
Aside from the tests you all ready mentioned (had select rook moved, had king move, is row between them empty) you need to insure:
The king is not currently in check.
With the code that determines if the King is in check, that same code can be use to see if a king would be in check in the 2 squares of interest. So "pretend" to move the king, 1 space at a time 2 spaces left (or right) and run the test.
2 other pedantic thoughts:
The flag that sets when a rook is "moved" also needs to be set is the rook is taken. Testing to see if a rook is in the corner is not enough as it could be another rook.
A pawn promoted to a rook and then not moved cannot be used for castling. castling on a file
Rather than 17 pieces, consider staying at 16. (You can have 0-9 queens, 0-10 rooks, 0-10 bishops, 0-8 pawns, 1 kg, etc.)
The space the rook is on or passes through may be threatened from the other side.


Game playing AI, how to find a good board evaluation function?

I'm working on an AI to play a fairly simple game, using minimax and genetic algorithms to find weights to score board states with.
The game resembles 4x4 tictactoe, but a turn can be spent to move a piece to an adjacent space, pieces come in different sizes, and larger pieces can cover up smaller pieces.
I want to score the board by looking at a variety of factors, such as how close they are to completing a 4 in a row, and how many adjacent enemy pieces could potentially be moved onto, but I have no idea what these factors should specifically be.
My ideas:
For each line, making a scoring expression based on number of friendly pieces, number of empty spaces, and number of enemy pieces, but I can't think of a simple expression to score that with weights, since the value probably won't be a linear function.
For each line, making a piecewise scoring expression split based on the number of enemy pieces in the row, and an expression based on the number of allies. Hence having 1 piece in an empty row might be worth more than having 1 piece in a row full of enemies, thus blocking them off, and the inverse would be true for having 3 in a row in a row that is already blocked.
Some complications I've noticed:
Having 3 pieces in a row, but then one of the enemy large pieces also in the row, is virtually worthless for anything except preventing their piece's movement.
Having 3 pieces in a row, with a small enemy piece in that row is almost a win, if you can place a large piece adjacent to their small piece to move onto it. This seems particularly hard to detect. It's also possible if this is worked into a factor, the above "number of adjacent enemies that can be moved onto" won't be necessary.
Thanks for any help. I have no clue how to proceed.

Better Heuristic function for a game (AI Minimax)

There is a game that I've programmed in java. The game is simple (refer to the figure below). There are 4 birds and 1 larva. It is a 2 player game (AI vs Human).
Larva can move diagonally forward AND diagonally backward
Birds can ONLY move diagonally forward
Larva wins if it can get to line 1 (fence)
Larva also wins if birds have no moves left
Birds CANNOT "eat" the larva.
Birds win if Larva has NO move left (cannot move at all)
When the game starts, Larva begins, then ONE bird can move (any one), then Larva, etc...
I have implemented a MiniMax (Alpha Beta Pruning) and I'm using the following evaluate() function (heuristic function).
Let us give the following numbers to each square on the board.
Therefore, our evaluation function will be
h(n) = value of position of larva - value of position of bird 1 - value of position of bird 2 - value of position of bird 3 - value of position of bird 4
the Larva will try to MAXIMIZE the heuristic value whereas the Birds will try to MINIMIZe it
However, this is a simple and naive heuristic. It does not act in a smart manner. I am a beginner in AI and I would like to know what can I do to IMPROVE this heuristic function?
What would be a good/informed heuristic?
How about this :
Maximum :larva
Minimum :birds
H(t)=Σmin_distance(bird_n,larva) - min_distance(larva,line_1)
max_distance(larva,line_8): to reflect the condition that larva is closer to the line 1.
Σmin_distance(bird_n,larva): to reflect the condition that birds are closer to the larva(to block it).
I believe there are still many thing could be considered ,for example ,the bird closest to the larva should have high priority to be chosen to move, but the direction about the function above make sense , and many details can be thought to improve it easily.
There is 1 simple way to improve your heuristic considerably. In your current heuristic, the values of square A1 is 8 less than the value of square A8. This makes the Birds inclined to move towards the left side of the game board, as a move to the left will always be higher than a move to the right. This is nit accurate. All squares on row 1 should have the same value. Thus assign all squares in row 1 a 1, in row 2 a 2, etc. This way the birds and larva won't be inclined to move to the left, and instead can focus on making a good move.
You could take into account the fact that birds will have a positional advantage over the larva when the larva is on the sides of the board, so if Larva is MAX then change the side tile values of the board to be smaller.

Proper Heuristic Mechanism For Hill Climbing

The following problem is an exam exercise I found from an Artificial Intelligence course.
"Suggest a heuristic mechanism that allows this problem to be solved, using the Hill-Climbing algorithm. (S=Start point, F=Final point/goal). No diagonal movement is allowed."
Since it's obvious that Manhattan Distance or Euclidean Distance will send the robot at (3,4) and no backtracking is allowed, what is a possible solution (heuristic mechanism) to this problem?
EDIT: To make the problem clearer, I've marked some of the Manhattan distances on the board:
It would be obvious that, using Manhattan distance, the robot's next move would be at (3,4) since it has a heuristic value of 2 - HC will choose that and get stuck forever. The aim is try and never go that path by finding the proper heuristic algorithm.
I thought of the obstructions as being hot, and that heat rises. I make the net cost of a cell the sum of the Manhattan metric distance to F plus a heat-penalty. Thus there is an attractive force drawing the robot towards F as well as a repelling force which forces it away from the obstructions.
There are two types of heat penalties:
1) It is very bad to touch an obstruction. Look at the 2 or 3 cells neighboring cells in the row immediately below a given cell. Add 15 for every obstruction cell which is directly below the given cell and 10 for every diagonal neighbor which is directly below
2) For cells not in direct contact with the instructions -- the heat is more diffuse. I calculate it as 6 times the average number of obstruction blocks below the cell both in its column and in its neighboring columns.
The following shows the result of combining this all, as well as the path taken from S to F:
A crucial point it the way that the averaging causes the robot to turn left rather than right when it hits the top row. The unheated columns towards the left make that the cooler direction. It is interesting to note how all cells (with the possible exception of the two at the upper-right corner) are drawn to F by this heuristic.

Generate unique identifier for chess board

I'm looking for something like a checksum for a chess board with pieces in specific places. I'm looking to see if a dynamic programming or memoized solution is viable for an AI chess player. The unique identifier would be used to easily check if two boards are equal or to use as indices in the arrays. Thanks for the help.
An extensively used checksum for board positions is the Zobrist signature.
It's an almost unique index number for any chess position, with the requirement that two similar positions generate entirely different indices. These index numbers are used for faster and space efficient transposition tables / opening books.
You need a set of randomly generated bitstrings:
one for each piece at each square;
one to indicate the side to move;
four for castling rights;
eight for the file of a valid en-passant square (if any).
If you want to get the Zobrist hash code of a certain position, you have to xor all random numbers linked to the given feature (details: here and Correctly Implementing Zobrist Hashing).
E.g the starting position:
[Hash for White Rook on a1] xor [White Knight on b1] xor ... ( all pieces )
... xor [White castling long] xor ... ( all castling rights )
XOR allows a fast incremental update of the hash key during make / unmake of moves.
Usually 64bit are used as a standard size in modern chess programs (see The Effect of Hash Signature Collisions in a Chess Program).
You can expect to encounter a collision in a 32 bit hash when you have evaluated √ 232 == 216. With a 64 bit hash, you can expect a collision after about 232 or 4 billion positions (birthday paradox).
If you're looking for a checksum, the usual solution is Zobrist Hashing.
If you're looking for a true unique-identifier, the usual human-readable solution is Forsyth notation.
For a non-human-readable unique-identifier, you can store the type/color of the piece on each square using four-bits. Throw in another 3-bits for en-passant square, 4-bits for which castlings are still allowed, and one-bit for whose turn it is, and you end up with exactly 33 bytes for each board-setup.
You can use a checksum like md5, sha, just pass your chessboard cells as text, like:
And get the checksum for generated text.
The checksum between one to other board will be different without any related value, at this point may be create a unique string (or array of bits) is the best way:
Because it will be unique too and is easily compare with others.
If two games achieve the same configuration through different moves or move orders, they should still be "equal". e.g. You shouldn't have to distinguish between which pawn is in a particular location, as long as the location is the same. You don't seem to really want to hash, but to uniquely and correctly distinguish between these board states.
One method is to use a 64x12 square-by-piecetype membership matrix. You can store this as a bit vector and then compare vectors for the check. e.g. the first 64 addresses in the vector might show which locations on the board contain pawns. The next 64 show locations which contain knights. You could let the first 6 sections show membership of white pieces and the final 6 show membership of black pieces.
Binary membership matrix pseudocode:
bool[] memberships = zeros(64*12);
def move(piece,location,oldlocation):
memberships(pawn,location) = 1;
memberships(pawn,oldlocation) = 0;
This is cumbersome because you have to be careful how you implement it. e.g. make sure there is only one king maximum for each player. The advantage is that it only takes 768 bits to store a state.
Another way is a length-64 integer vector representing vectorized addresses for the board locations. In this case, the first 8 addresses might represent the state of the first row of the board.
Non-binary membership matrix pseudocode:
half[] memberships = zeros(64);
memberships[8] = 1; // white pawn at location a2
memberships[0] = 2; // white rook at location a1
memberships[63] = 11; // black knight at location g8
memberships[64] = 12; // black rook at location h8
The nice thing about the non-binary vector is you don't have as much freedom to accidently assign multiple pieces to one location. The downside is that it is now larger to store each state. Larger representations will be slower to do equality comparisons on. (in my example, assume each vector location stores a 16-bit half-word, we get 64*16=1014 bits to store one state compared to the 768 bits for the binary vector)
Either way, you'd probably want to enumerate each piece and board location.
enumerate piece {
empty = 0;
white_pawn = 1;
white_rook = 2;
black_knight = 11;
black_rook = 12;
enumerate location {
a1 = 0;
And testing for equality is just comparing two vectors together.
There are 64 squares. There are twelve different figures in chess that can occupy a square plus the possibility of no figure occupying it. Makes 13. You need 4 bits to represent those 13 (2^4 = 16). So you end up with 32 bytes to unambiguously store a chess board.
If you want to ease handling you can store 64 bytes instead, one byte per square, as bytes are easier to read and write.
EDIT: I've read some more on chess and have come to the following conclusion: Two boards are only the same, if all previous boards since last capture or pawn move are also the same. This is because of the threefold repetition rule. If for the third time the board looks exactly the same in a game, a draw can be claimed. So in spite of seeing the same board in two matches, it may be considered unfortunate in one match to make a certain move, so as to avoid a draw, whereas in the other match there is no such danger.
It is up to you, how you want to go about it. You would need a unique identifyer of variable length due to the variable number of previous boards to store. Well, maybe you take it easy, turn a blind eye to this and just store the last five moves to detect directly repetetive moves that could lead to a third repetion of positions, this being the most often occuring reason.
If you want to store moves with the board: There are 64x63=4032 thinkable moves (12 bits necessary), but many of them illegal of course. If I count correctly there are 1728 legal moves (A1->A2 = legal, A1->D2 illegal for instance), which would fit in 11 bits. I would still go for the 12 bits, however, as to make interpretion as easy as possible by storing 0/1 for A1->A2 and 62/63 for H7->H8.
Then there is the 50 moves rule. You don't have to store moves here. Only the number of moves since last capture or pawn move from 0 to 50 (that's enough; it doesn't matter whether it's 50, 51 or more). So another six bits for this.
At last: Black's or white's move? Enpassantable pawn? Castlingable rook? Some additional bits for this (or extension of the 13 occupancies to save some bits).
EDIT again: So if you want to use the board to compare with other matches, then "two boards are only the same, if all previous boards since last capture or pawn move are also the same" applies. If you only want to detect repetion of positions in the same game, however, then you should be fine by just using the 15 occupancies x 64 squares plus one bit for who's move it is.

How does the hashlife alg go on forever in Golly?

In hashlife the field is typically treated as a theoretically infinite grid, with the pattern in question centered near the origin. A quadtree is used to represent the field. Given a square of 2^(2k) cells, 2k on a side, at the kth level of the tree, the hash table stores the 2^(k-1) by 2^(k-1) square of cells in the center, 2^(k-2) generations in the future. For example, for a 4x4 square it stores the 2x2 center, 1 generation forward; and for an 8x8 square it stores the 4x4 center, 2 generations forward.
So given a 8x8 initial configuration we get a 4x4 square 1 generation forward centered w.r.t. the 8x8 square and a 2x2 square 2 generations forward (1 generation forward w.r.t the 4x4 square) centered w.r.t the 8x8 square. With every new generation our view of the grid reduces, in-turn we get the next state of the automata. We canot go any further after getting the inner most 2x2 square 2^(k-2) generations forward.
So how does the hashlife in Golly go on forever? Also its view of the field never seems to reduce. It seems to show the state of the whole automata after 2^(k-2) generations. More so given a starting configuration which expands with time, the view of the algorithm seems to increase. The view of the grid zooms out to show the expanding automata?
There's a good article on Dr. Dobb's which goes into detail about how HashLife works. The basic answer is that you don't merely run the algorithm on the existing nodes, you also use new shifted nodes to get the next generation.
To be clear (because your ^ symbols were missing), you are asking:
Given a square of 2^(2k) cells, 2^k on a side, at the kth level of the
tree, the hash table stores the 2^(k-1)-by-2^(k-1) square of cells in
the center, 2^(k-2) generations in the future. [...]
So given a 8x8 initial configuration [...] With every new generation
our view of the grid reduces, in-turn we get the next state of the
automata. We canot go any further after getting the inner most 2x2
square 2^k-2 generations forward.
So how does the hashlife in Golly go on forever? Also its view of the
field never seems to reduce.
Instead of starting with your 8x8 pattern, imagine instead that you start with a bigger pattern that happens to contain your 8x8 pattern inside it. For example, you could start with a 16x16 pattern that has your 8x8 pattern in the center, and a 4-row margin of blank cells all around the edges. Such a pattern is easy to construct, by assembling blank 4x4 nodes with the 4x4 subnodes of your 8x8 start pattern.
Given such a 16x16 pattern, the HashLife algorithm can give you an 8x8 answer, 4 generations in the future.
You want more? Okay, start with a 32x32 pattern that contains mostly blank space, with the 8x8 pattern in the center. With this you can get a 16x16 answer that is 8 generations into the future.
What if your pattern contains moving objects that move fast enough that they go outside that 16x16 area after 8 generations? Simple -- start with a 64x64 start pattern, but instead of trying to run it for a whole 16 generations, just run it for 8 generations.
In general, all cases of arbitrarily large, possibly expanding patterns, over arbitrarily long periods of time, can be handled (and in fact are handled in Golly) by adding as much blank space as needed around the outside of the pattern.
The centered squares are only the precomputed stuff. The algorithm indeed keeps the whole universe at all times and updates all parts of it, not just the centers.
