Does the Couchbase REST API support NON-JSON data (binary data) - c

I am storing c structures to couchbase, I am doing so so that I can read back these structures later and process directly, I am avoiding the steps of
1 )C structure - > JSON while storing
2 )JSON -> C structure while retrieving.
This is working well when I use lcb_get() and lcb_set()
But I also need have a requirement for making hits to views using the REST model and lcb_make_http_request () call.
So I was wondering how the lcb_make_http_request () will handle my non-JSON C structure , which is hex data and may have nulls in between.
Will I still be able to extract and populate my C - structure with the data that I get as HTTP response after calling lcb_make_http_request () ?

As WiredPrairie said in his comment you aren't forced to use JSON and can store C structs, but keep in mind byte order and field alignment when you are doing so.
When server detects that your data isn't in JSON format it will encode it using base64 and set meta.type to "json" when the document comes to map function.
And you will be able to emit your complete document as a value if you'd like to get the value in the HTTP stream. In case of this simple map function:
function (doc, meta) {
if (meta.type == "base64") {
You will get response like this one (I've formatted it for clarity):
"total_rows": 1,
"rows": [
"id": "foo",
"key": "foo",
"value": "4KwuAgAAAAA="
It does mean that you must use some json parser to extract "value" attribute from result, decode it and you will get exactly the same bytestream, you have sent it with SET command.


HTTP Request logic app - parse values from array name, value pair

I am POSTing valid JSON to a logic app and the request body is a simple set of name/value pairs in JSON format. I use parse JSON action to turn the JSON into a variable. (I am not sure if this is absolutely required, or if I can reference the http body directly without a JSON object).
"name": "fullname",
"value": "joe schmoe"
"name": "email",
"value": ""
All I need to do (and this is driving me nuts) is create two variables, one containing the value of the email field and one containing the value of the fullname field.
As soon as I try to use the output value value, the logic app replaces my action with a For Each action, and then I try to to assign item().value[0] or item().value[1] to a variable without luck.
I have read dozens of examples online, but of course they all seem to be parsing JSON where there is largely unique elements in the name:value pairs.
While this is a bit of a newb question, I'm confused and need advice.
Thank you.
I used a parseJSON action to ensure I have a varaible containing the JSON array.
I then referenced the array value with (explained):
"from the body of the output from the Parse JSON action, refernce the first record in the set (fullname) and then the value of that record, the value 'joe schmoe'"
#{body('Parse_JSON')[0]['value']} (returns fullname)
Email is similar, just 2nd record in the collection:
#{body('Parse_JSON')[1]['value']} (returns email address)

Does Flask map JSON Array object to a Python string?

In my Flask server I am receiving a JSON-encoded parameter which is being sent via an HTTP POST from the client application.
Here is an example of what the JSON object looks like. For simplicity, I have kept only the first 2 entries, but the full object contains many more such entries.
"id": 1,
"start": 7.85,
"end": 9.813,
"text": "Θέλω να",
"words": [
"isBeingEditedByUser": false,
"translatedText": "I want to"
"id": 2,
"start": 9.898,
"end": 13.055,
"text": "Από κάτι το πήραν πολύ άσχημα ο οπαδός του Ολυμπιακού",
"words": [
"isBeingEditedByUser": false,
"translatedText": "Something very bad for Olympiacos fan"
My understanding is that this JSON structure corresponds to an Array (in Javascript) or a List in Python. In this case, it is an array containing two elements, where each element is itself an object.
However, when I try to use the object on the Flask side, it seems that it has been mapped to a string (rather than a List). Is this normal behavior? I have not been able to find any documentation which states that this is the normal mapping. I would have expected the JSON object to be mapped to a Python List object instead, but this is not happening.
I know that I can use python.loads() myself to convert the string into the appropriate List structure, but I did not expect to have to do this and want to make sure that I am not misunderstanding something here.
Here is a snippet of code which shows the relevant portion in my Flask function:
#app.route('/update_SRT_file', methods=['POST'])
def update_SRT_file():
# Validate the request body contains JSON
if request.is_json:
json_obj = request.get_json()
eprint("update_SRT_file: received JSON object: ")
eprint("Type of received object is", type(json_obj));
eprint("update_SRT_file: Request was not JSON ")
Here is what gets printed out:
23:12:12.771824 update_SRT_file: received JSON object:
23:12:12.771878 Type of received object is **<class 'str'>**
After more investigation, the problem was occuring because the client was JSON encoding the data twice. Upcon removing the additional encoding, it was found that now Flask correctly maps the incoming JSON Array to a python List structure.
Your POST request is sending the JSON as raw text. Flask then receives it as raw text in the request body. Some web application frameworks might automatically parse the text into a JSON-like object or data structure, but Flask does not, at least not out of the box.

Read JSON from rest API as is with Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to get Azure Data Factory to read my REST API and put it in SQL Server. The source is a REST API and the sink is a SQL Server table.
I tried to do something like:
"translator": {
"type": "TabularTranslator",
"schemaMapping": {
"$": "json"
"collectionReference": "$.tickets"
The source looks like:
{ "tickets": [ {... }, {...} ] }
Because of the poor mapping capabilities I'm choosing this path. I'll then split the data with a query. Preferbly I'd like to store each object inside tickets as a row with JSON of that object.
In short, how can I get the JSON output from the RestSource to a SqlSink single column text/nvarchar(max) column?
I managed to solve the same issue by modifying mapping manually.
ADF anyway tries to parse json, but from the Advanced mode you can edit json paths. Ex., this is the original schema parsed automatically by ADF
Once opened in Advanced mode it will show full paths by adding indexes of the elements, something similar to $tickets[0][] etc
Try to delete all other columns and keep the only one $tickets (the highest level one), in my case it was $value As the result the entire json will be written into the destination column.
If there are pagination rules in place, each page will be written as a single row.

Angular alphabetizes GET response

I am currently trying to make an interactive table in Angular that reflects table information from a SQL database.
The stack I am using is MSSQL, Express.js, and AngularJS. When I log the response in Node, the data is in the desired order. However, when I log the data from .success(function(data)), the fields are alphabetized and the rows are put in random order).
I am sending a JSON object (an array of rows EX. {"b":"blah","a":"aye"}). However the row is received in Angular as {"a":"aye","b":"blah"}.
Desired affect -> Use column and row ordering from SQL query in client view. Remove "magic" angular is using to order information.
In Javascript, the properties of an object do not have guaranteed order. You need to send a JSON array instead:
["blah", "aye"]
If you need the column names as well you can send down an array of objects:
[{ "col":"b", "value":"blah" }, { "col":"a", "value":"aye" }]
Or alternatively, an object of arrays:
{ "col": ["b", "a"], "value": ["blah", "aye"] }
Edit: After some more thought, you're ideal JSON structure would probably look like this:
"col": ["b","a"],
"row": [
["and","so on"]
Now instead of getting "blah" from accessing table[0]['b'] like you would've before, you'll need to do something like table.row[0][table.col.indexOf('b')]

CouchDB JSon response customization

I'm storing addresses data in Couchdb, and am looking for a way to get an array of just the values, instead of key: value for every record.
This is the current response:
{"total rows": 2438, "offset": 0, "rows":[
{"id": "ec5de6de2cf7bcac9a2a2a76de5738e4", "key": "user_298774", "value": {"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"id": "a2a2a76de573ae4ec5de6de2cf7bcac9", "key": "user_276341", "value": {"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"}
... (etc).
I only really need:
[{"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"},
I really need to minimize the usage of bandwidth that a JSON response consumes. I can't seem to find a way to transform the view into a simple array. Suggestions?
The response you are getting conforms to the Couch's REST based protocol. To reformat it two methods are provided: show functions and list functions. Basic idea is the same, but the first is suitable for retrieval documents and the list function is for you!
The list function runs the query inside the server and send the output arbitrary transformed with your JS code. API you will need is simple:
Fetch each record from the view with the getRow() function.
Export to the string (containing JSON) your JS object obj with toJSON(obj).
Send the output to the client with send(json).
If the map/reduce view URL with data is /mydb/_design/myapp/_view/mydocs-by-user and the list function name is mylist get the reformatted result to the client with the URL /mydb/_design/myapp/_list/mylist/mydocs-by-user.
Please refer to the list function documentation cited above and the chapter in the Guide for the longed tutorial.
