How to create and upload a file in google Drive using Salesforce APEX and Drive APIs? - salesforce

I want to create and upload a document (txt) to google Drive with the help of APEX code and Google Drive APIs.
Do anybody has idea?

Yes, you can.
Since Google Drive SDK is basically HTTP request and there is HttpRequest Class in Apex, you can use Google Drive SDK with Apex. However, there is no official support for Apex in Google Drive, and you should build your own library for it. Here is documentation about Drive API having some detail of requests and responses you will have with Drive SDK.


How do I call Google Drive API v3 in codename one?

I try to find ways to read and write Google drive described in.
Codenameone Connect to Google Drive
But The Google Sign-In JavaScript platform library for Web is deprecated, and unavailable for download after March 31, 2023.
I also find the document but need to call Google Identity Services authorization API. I think I can't use this API in cn1.
Any advices for Google Drive read/write for my cn1 app user?

How to download a video file stored in google cloud storage on my web page?

I am planning to use google app engine and host my web site. Users should be able to upload video files to google cloud storage and also download from it.
Is there any java script library with which browser can download the video file directly bypassing the app engine?
If it cant be done directly, what are some other approaches?
Thanks in advance.
Are the videos publicly visible? If so, you can simply have users download the objects directly from GCS by having them fetch the URL "".
If the objects are private, you can sign the URL to accomplish the same goal.

Best JavaScript Client Libraries to do OAuth2.0(Google) and access Google CloudEndPoints in phonegap?

I have been developing an online accounting software which is a web application. We use Secured Google Cloud Endpoints in our project. Now I would like to securely access those endpoints in phonegap. So, for that I would like to do OAuth2.0(google) and access my API securely. I have been struggling for a while to find good JavaScript Client Libraries to access my Secured API in phoneGap.
Please help me...
Any replies would be appreciated.
Finally After some struggle I have figured out the solution. If we are trying to do Google OAuth in phone gap its better to use normal JQuery and for calling the Secured Google Cloud Endpoints we can go with Google JavaScript Client Libraries. I have found a sample project oauth-google-api-gapi-phonegap-childbrowser-jquery which is a very good start for the beginners.

Is it possible to create a google app engine end point which can upload a photo in a blobstore?

I would like to know if is it possible to upload a photo in a appengine blobstore by using an end point ?
If yes, please tell how or redirect to any available resource.
If not, can you please expose any simple alternative :
Using another library ?
Using a standard servlet with other libraries ?
This post should be useful : serving blobstore image through app-engine endpoints api
Please see another approach The Photofeed sample Java app. There is also a sample code . This app uses datastore to store photo metadata and comments about the photos and google cloud storage to store the actual photo.
Also check this post on Image Upload in Google App Engine which mentions about storage using Blobstore

Cloud apps and Google Drive

I have an a application running on top of AppEngine, and all the data is on the cloud. For the user's point of view, it is like a Google Spreadsheet. The user can "open" a "file" representing his data, update and share. All data is stored at datastore, and not on a file itself. Is more like a google spreadsheet or google document than a jpg or dwg file. Is it possible to integrate with google drive and do some actions from drive interface, like delete, share or rename, making drive call my application? If no, are there any plans to do this kind of integration?
Check the Google Drive SDK to integrate your app with Drive:
The Java sample app is also running on App Engine:
is this what you are looking for?
the gdata to connect other google services?
the "Google Documents List Data API" might be what you are after.
