Forking two processes results in multiple processes - c

I wish to design a function called from main that will fork off any process to sleep and then update the "process array" containing all forked pids and a counter of them. It seems to work, only there's other processes being forked as well (here with pid -1 and 11957) that I'm not sure where comes from. The test run gives:
Parent 11954 forks off children..
Children started: 2
Proc 11955 started
Proc 11956 started
Children started: 1
Child -1 terminated with status 0
Children started: 1
Proc 11957 started
Children started: 0
Child 11957 terminated with status 0
Child 11955 terminated with status 0
Child 11956 terminated with status 0
The code:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define MAXPROC 100
void fork_off(int * proc_t, int * proc_i) {
int f = fork();
if (f == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Proc %d started\n", getpid());
} else {
proc_t[*proc_i] = f;
int main(void) {
int proc_table[MAXPROC], proc_index, status, i;
proc_index = status = i = 0;
printf("Parent %d forks off children..\n", getpid());
fork_off(proc_table, &proc_index);
fork_off(proc_table, &proc_index);
printf("Children started: %d\n", proc_index);
for (i = 0; i < proc_index; i++) {
printf("Child %d terminated with status %d\n",
waitpid(proc_table[i], &status, 0), status);
return 0;
I wish only to fork off two processes, not more. What's causing this behaviour?

The problem with your code is that after the child processes have slept, they return from fork_off and repeat everything the parent is doing.
void fork_off(int * proc_t, int * proc_i) {
int f = fork();
if (f == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Proc %d started\n", getpid());
exit (0); /* exit() closes the entire child process
* instead of simply return from the function
} else if (f > 0) { /* Make sure there isn't an error being returned.
* Even though I've never seen it happen with fork(2),
* it's a good habit to get into
proc_t[*proc_i] = f;
} else { /* Adding to the aforementioned point, consider changing
* the return type to int - so that you can return -1
* and check for error.


How can I get my C Shell to recognize that this is a command?

I am very new at C but am currently working on creating a C program to serve as a shell interface. It is supposed to accept commands and then execute each command in a separate process. I am currently stuck trying to get C to recognize that it is a command. I am unsure how to do this, and can't seem to find any useful examples.
Here is my code, it is saying that everything is not a valid command ("no cmd"). Does anyone have any idea why this would be occurring? Is C not able to recognize it is a command in the execvp() function or do I need to implement something for that specific purpose?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80
/* 80 chars per line per command */
int main(void) {
//char *args[MAX_LINE/2 + 1];
char *args = calloc(MAX_LINE, (MAX_LINE/2 +1));
const size_t sz = MAX_LINE;
pid_t pid;
/* command line (of 80) has max of 40 arguments*/
int should_run = 1;
while (should_run) {
printf("osh>"); //beginning of command line
fgets(args, sz, stdin); //gets the stdin
char *token = strtok(args, " \n"); //supposed to break str if it has a space or line and recognize there are 2 commands
printf("%s\n", token);
token = strtok(NULL," \n");
printf("%s\n", token);
pid_t parent = getpid();
pid = fork(); //forking child
if(pid == 0){ //if forking occurred
int status = execvp(&args[0], &args); //status of input, is it a command?
printf("%d", status);
if(status == -1) { //if cmd err, print
printf("no cmd");
return 1;
} else {
printf("line will be printed");
return 0;
fflush(stdout); //flush
* After reading user input, the steps are :
* 1: fork a child process
* 2: the child process will invoke execvp()
* 3: parent process waits for the child to exit before
return to the operating system:
-exit this process
-flush all
If you look at the documentation for the exec family of functions, you'll note that the functions only return if the exec failed. That's because exec, when successful, completely replaces the calling process with the invoked program.
What you need to do is, from the parent process (i.e., the one that got a positive value returned from fork), wait on the child process via waitpid.
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if ( pid < 0 ) {
// Handle the error.
else if ( pid == 0 ) {
execvp(&args[0], &args);
// The fact that we've reached this line means that execvp failed.
else {
int status;
while ( waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid ) {} // We need this loop in case waitpid gets interrupted by a signal.
// status doesn't equal the return value of the child process. We need to extract that with macros.
if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) {
printf("Child process exited with code %i\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
else {
printf("Child process was terminated by signal number %i\n", WTERMSIG(status));

fork() in C. I need explanation on this code

So, i have this piece of C code
I can't grasp what the second 'for' segment is about. When does it get terminated abnormally?
Can someone enlighten me on that?
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define N 30
int main() {
pid_t pid[N];
int i;
int child_status;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
pid[i] = fork();
if (pid[i] == 0) {
sleep(60 - 2 * i);
exit(100 + i);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
pid_t wpid = waitpid(pid[i], & child_status, 0);
if (WIFEXITED(child_status)) {
printf("Child%d terminated with exit status %d\n", wpid, WEXITSTATUS(child_status));
} else {
printf("Child%d terminated abnormally\n", wpid);
return (0);
When child is terminate ,to be able to find with which value the child was terminated (either with exit or with return) i have to pash the second parametre in waitpid() with pointer to an integer.So in that integer on return from the call it will include 2 types of information
a) if child was terminated well with return or exit or stoped unexpectedly
b)the second type will be having the termination value.
If i want to know the information from (a) i need to use the macro WIFEXITED(), if this give me true the (b) emerged from macro WEXITSTATUS().This is a simple example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* For exit() */
#include <unistd.h> /* For fork(), getpid() */
#include <sys/wait.h> /* For waitpid() */
void delay() { /* Just delay */
int i, sum=0;
for (i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
sum += i;
printf("child (%d) exits...\n", getpid());
exit(5); /* Child exits with 5 */
int main() {
int pid, status;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) /* child */
printf("parent (%d) waits for child (%d)...\n", getpid(), pid);
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (WIFEXITED(status)) /* Terminated OK? */
printf("child exited normally with value %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
printf("child was terminated abnormaly.\n");
return 0;
SOS The macro WEXITSTATUS() return only the 8 least important bits of the value when the child is terminate.So if the child wants to "say" something to his parent through exit/waitpid it must be a number up to 255.

Processes in C for Linux(Ubuntu)

Here is what I am trying to do:
Write a C program that takes an integer command line argument n,
spawns n processes that will each generate a random numbers between
-100 and 100, and then computes and prints out the sum of these random numbers. Each process needs to print out the random number it
This is what I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int command,processCheck; // processCheck: to check if fork was successful or not and to
char * strNumProcess = NULL;// check the status of child process
while((command = getopt(argc, argv, "n:"))!=-1){
if(command == 'n'){
strNumProcess = optarg;
int numProcess = atoi(strNumProcess);
int pipes[numProcess][2];
int randomNum; // Variable to store the random number
int randomNumSum=0; // Initialized variable to store the sum of random number
/** A loop that creates specified number of processes**/
for(int i=0; i<numProcess; i++){
processCheck = fork(); // creates a child process. Usually fork() = 2^n processes
if(processCheck < 0){ // Checks for the error in fork()
exit(1); // Terminates with error
else if(processCheck == 0){
/** Child process**/
srand(time(NULL)+getpid()); // sets the randomness of the number associted with process id
randomNum = rand()% 201 + (-100); // sets the range of random number from -100 to 100 and stores the random number in randomNum
printf("%d\n" , randomNum); // Prints out the random number
write(pipes[i][1], &randomNum, sizeof randomNum);
exit(0);// Terminates successfully
if(wait(NULL)){ // Waits for the child process to end and directs to parent process
int v;
if(read(pipes[i][0], &v, sizeof v)==sizeof(v)){
printf("%d\n", randomNumSum); // Prints the sum of the random number
return 0;
The program goes in infinite loop after second process.
The OP has made significant changes to the question, it's not the same question as it was yesterday. This answer might henceforth make no sense any more.
end edit
The reason for this is that fork() creates a new independent process with its
own virtual memory. It only inherits the values from the parent, the forked process do not share variables
with the parents. So randomNumSum is for every child a unique variable and
changing it does not affect the randomNumSum of the parent.
You need to use for example pipes for communication between parents and
children, the children write the results in the pipe, the parent reads from the
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s num_of_children\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
int noc = atoi(argv[1]);
if(noc <= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of children\n");
return 1;
int pipes[noc][2];
pid_t pids[noc];
for(size_t i = 0; i < noc; ++i)
if(pipe(pipes[i]) == -1)
pids[i] = -2; // used later for error checking
pids[i] = fork();
if(pids[i] == -1)
if(pids[i] == 0)
// closing reading end
int r = rand()% 201 + (-100);
printf("Child %zu: r = %d\n", i, r);
// sending value to parent
write(pipes[i][1], &r, sizeof r);
return 0;
// closing writing end
int sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < noc; ++i)
if(pids[i] == -2)
fprintf(stderr, "Pipe could not be created for child %zu\n", i);
if(pids[i] == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Child %zu was not started\n", i);
int status;
if(waitpid(pids[i], &status, 0) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not wait for child %zu\n", i);
if(WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
int v;
if(read(pipes[i][0], &v, sizeof v) != sizeof(v))
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from child %zu\n", i);
sum += v;
} else
printf("Child %zu did not exit normally\n", i);
printf("The sum is: %d\n", sum);
return 0;
Gives me the output:
Child 0: r = -6
Child 1: r = 63
Child 3: r = 78
Child 2: r = 77
Child 4: r = -47
The sum is: 165
So the technique here is the creation of the pipes with the pipe. A pipe
is a unidirectional data channel that can be used for interprocess communicationcite.
With a pipe two processes can communicate with each other, but the pipe has only
one direction. In this example the child process will write into the pipe and
the parent will read from the pipe.
That's why before doing the fork, the parent creates the pipe, does the fork
and then closes the it's writing end of the pipe. The child closes it's reading
end of the pipe. Then the child calculates the value and writes into the pipe
the value it calculated and exists with the status 0.
After creating the children the parent waits for the children to terminate. If
the children terminate normally and with exit status 0, the parent reads from
the pipe and gets the calculated value of the child.
Btw, as David C. Rankin points out in the comments, your method of getting
a random value in the range [-100, 100] is incorrect. rand()% 201 + (-100)
would give you values between -100 and 100, because rand()%201 gives you a
value between 0 and 200.
OP asked in the comments
based on my understanding can I just return randonNum instead of exit(0) and do the computation where I calling wait(NULL) and call wait(randomNum)?
Yes, you can use the exit status of a process to send information back to the
parent without the need of creating a pipe. But I think this is not a particular
good solution for these reasons:
the exit status in Unix/POSIX is a unsigned 8-bit value, meaning the exit
codes are in the range [0, 255]. So if your random value is let's say -1, the
parent process will see 255. In your case that wouldn't be such a problem,
because you for values greater than 127, you can subtract 256 to get the
negative value.
You can only return an (unsigned) 8-bit value. If your child process has to
send something more "complex" like a 16-bit value, a float, double, or a
struct, you cannot use the exit status, so you
are limiting what you can return to the parent. When you want to return
something more "complex" than a 8-bit value, then a pipe is perfect tool for that.
I consider it as a hack to use the exit status to send other information
that is not an error value. The purpose of the exit status is that a process
can tell it's parent that it exited without an error by returning 0, or that it
exited with an error and the exit status has the error code. That's why I
consider it a hack, for me it's like using a screwdriver instead of a hammer for
nailing nails.
Your wait call would be invalid though, because wait expects a pointer to
int and you would need to use the macros WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS to get
the exit status. But the problem of using wait in this case is that wait
returns -1 on error and you wouldn't be able to tell for which child it returned
-1 and how many waits you have to
call to wait for the rest of the children. The children don't end in the same order as you
forked them, so you would need to keep track which child has been wait()ed.
It's much more simpler to use waitpid. With waitpid you can wait for a
particular child. I personally prefer waitpid here.
So, changing the code to do the same without pipes and using the exit status:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s num_of_children\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
int noc = atoi(argv[1]);
if(noc <= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of children\n");
return 1;
pid_t pids[noc];
for(size_t i = 0; i < noc; ++i)
pids[i] = fork();
if(pids[i] == -1)
if(pids[i] == 0)
int r = rand()% 201 + (-100);
printf("Child %zu: r = %d\n", i, r);
int sum = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < noc; ++i)
if(pids[i] == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Child %zu was not started\n", i);
int status;
if(waitpid(pids[i], &status, 0) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not wait for child %zu\n", i);
int v = WEXITSTATUS(status);
// checking if the child wrote a 8-bit negative value
// in 2-complement format
if(v > 127)
v -= 256;
printf("Parent: child %zu returned %d\n", i, v);
sum += v;
} else
fprintf(stderr, "Child %zu did exit abnormally, ignoring\n", i);
printf("The sum is: %d\n", sum);
return 0;
Gives me the output for 10 children:
Child 0: r = -59
Child 1: r = 73
Child 2: r = 61
Child 3: r = 98
Child 4: r = 18
Child 6: r = 31
Child 5: r = -88
Parent: child 0 returned -59
Parent: child 1 returned 73
Parent: child 2 returned 61
Child 8: r = 58
Parent: child 3 returned 98
Parent: child 4 returned 18
Parent: child 5 returned -88
Child 7: r = 53
Parent: child 6 returned 31
Child 9: r = -43
Parent: child 7 returned 53
Parent: child 8 returned 58
Parent: child 9 returned -43
The sum is: 202

How to send a kill signal to multiple child processes in case of failure doing a task?

I'm trying to make a program that creates up to 4 child processes. Each child will use a search function to find a certain word in a desired file:
bool search(char *file,char *word,int section)
P.S: You can ignore the search function and what does it exactly do as the main quest here is to send a signal to multiple child processes upon the success of a certain child process.
Each child process will search in a certain section of the file. i.e a file named "foo" that containts:
the child processes are looking for the string "bar".
If a child process succeeds in finding the string, it will exit with value 0(exit(0)), otherwise if it finished its whole section with no sucess of finding the string it will exit with value 1(exit(1)).
Once a child exists with value 0(succeded in finding the string). The parent will send a kill signal to the other child processes.
Consider the following code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
pid_t p;
int i;
int storage[4];
What I did in this code is using an array of 4 integers, it contains the ids of the child processes. The case of the child that succeded is changed to 1. Afterwards I sent a kill signal to the other processes except for that specific process.
Is the code I wrote correct? If so How do I use the exit values to send the signal without using the array?
You can run a unix command to get the list of child process IDs using cmd() if you don't want to use the arrays.
Also fork() returns the child process ID to the parent. The parent can store it in the array.
You could try to store the child's pids in the array in shared memory, to do that you probably should create separate .h file with the following content.
struct shared_arr {
int is_full;
int pids_arr[4];
You could access that shared structure using the following snippet:
int shm_id = shmget((key_t) 12345, sizeof(struct shared_arr), 0666| IPC_CREAT);
//get the shared data
struct shared_arr *shared_data;
void* shared_memory = (void*) 0;
shared_memory = shmat(shm_id, (void*)0,0);
if(shared_memory == (void *) -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "shmat FAILED\n");
shared_data = (struct shared_arr *) shared_memory;
//init shared data with zeros
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARED_ARR_SIZE; i++) {
shared_data->pids_arr[i] = 0;
Also, consider setting process group id and send a signal to all processes in the same process group, using just one kill call.
details about set group id:
about kill:
Your last approach (in the comment) is better, but still has bugs.
For one, the wait is outside of the loop (it's executed only once)
and the exitstatus variable is undefined in the first iteration - it's assigned only when control reaches the while(...).
I propose something similar to this:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
pid_t p, pids[4];
// Why did you want to fork here?
int i;
int finder = 1; // Which process can find 'bar'
int status;
char signal_name[256];
printf("[Parent] pid=%d\n", getpid());
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
p=fork(); // fork makes a new process, for a new thread use clone
if (p==0) {
printf("[Child %d] ppid=%d, pid=%d\n", i, getppid(), getpid());
usleep(((random() % 1000) + 500) * 1000); /* microseconds */
printf("[Child %d] %s\n", i, finder==i ? "found" : "not found");
if (finder==i) /* the pseudosearch result */
} else {
pids[i] = p;
printf("[Parent] childpid=%d\n", p);
while (pids[0]>0 || pids[1]>0 || pids[2]>0 || pids[3]>0) {
printf("[Parent] something happened\n");
p = wait(&status);
if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) {
printf("[Parent] child with pid=%d exited with code 0\n", p);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
if (pids[i] > 0 && pids[i] != p) {
printf("[Parent] killing child %d (with pid=%d)\n", i, pids[i]);
kill(pids[i], SIGTERM);
} else if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
if (WIFEXITED(status))
printf("[Parent] child with pid=%d exited with code %d\n", p, WEXITSTATUS(status));
else {
dprintf(2, "[Parent] child with pid=%d was terminated by signal %d: ", p, WTERMSIG(status));
psignal(WTERMSIG(status), "");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
if (pids[i] == p)
pids[i] = 0;
Example output:
[Parent] pid=28375
[Parent] childpid=28376
[Parent] childpid=28377
[Child 0] ppid=28375, pid=28376
[Parent] childpid=28378
[Child 1] ppid=28375, pid=28377
[Parent] childpid=28379
[Parent] event received
[Child 2] ppid=28375, pid=28378
[Child 3] ppid=28375, pid=28379
[Child 0] not found
[Child 1] found
[Parent] child with pid=28376 exited with code 1
[Child 2] not found
[Parent] event received
[Parent] child with pid=28377 exited with code 0
[Parent] killing child 2 (with pid=28378)
[Parent] killing child 3 (with pid=28379)

how to create two processes from a single Parent

I know I'm going to need to use fork(), but this just creates a single child process. Do i simply call fork again from within the child process? Also, I need them to communicate through a signal or pipe, which is easier to implement and what do i need to know for doing that (functions, etc..)
To create a second process, call fork() again - either within the parent or the child (but not both!). Which you choose depends on whether you want this process to be a child of the original parent or a child of the first child process (it is usual for it to be a child of the original parent).
Communicating through a pipe is much simpler and more reliable than using signals. pipe(), close(), read(), write() and select() are the key functions here.
For example, to have the parent create two child processes, you would do something like:
pid_t child_a, child_b;
child_a = fork();
if (child_a == 0) {
/* Child A code */
} else {
child_b = fork();
if (child_b == 0) {
/* Child B code */
} else {
/* Parent Code */
Another fancy code using && operator:
pid_t c1_pid, c2_pid;
(c1_pid = fork()) && (c2_pid = fork()); // Creates two children
if (c1_pid == 0) {
/* Child 1 code goes here */
} else if (c2_pid == 0) {
/* Child 2 code goes here */
} else {
/* Parent code goes here */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void main(){
int pi_d ;
int pid ;
pi_d = fork();
if(pi_d == 0){
printf("Child Process B:\npid :%d\nppid:%d\n",getpid(),getppid());
if(pi_d > 0){
pid = fork();
if(pid > 0){
printf("\nParent Process:\npid:%d\nppid :%d\n",getpid(),getppid());
else if(pid == 0){
printf("Child Process A:\npid :%d\nppid:%d\n",getpid(),getppid());
output :
Parent Process:
ppid :2379
Child Process B:
pid :3649
Child Process A:
pid :3650
You can put the fork in a loop and generate as many child processes as you need.
I did that on a project recently.
for(nSon=0; nSon < nSonsAsked; nSon++) {
Log_Print("Setup son #%.2u ", nSon+1);
if((pid = fork()) == 0) {
/* Do child stuff init, like connect the pipes, close shared handles */
return iTMInChild(...); /* A specific function of the child work */
/* The life of the child should not go beyond that point, i.e. the loop is over
or else the child will spawn even more processes. */
else if(pid > 0) {
/* Father process stuff. Here I initialise an array with the pid of the forked */
/* processes, this way I can index with the number of processes.*/
pid[nSon] = pid;
return Err_Print(ERR_FORK_FAILED, "fork failed. errno=%d \"%s\"\n", errno, strerror(errno));
Log_Print() and Err_Print() are internal functions but quite obvious so I let them like they are.
There is one aspect with the variables that has to be explained. nSon and nSonAsked should be declared as globals not as stack variables. This way, their value persists in the forked process. This means that the nSon variable will have a different value in each of the children. This allows it to have a simpler numbering scheme than the ownpid() number.
To get it completely right, there are a lot of details to get right. You will have to set signal handlers in the father process to detect the death of a child, likewise the other way round (only possible on Linux, other Unix (at least Solaris) do not support parent death signals).
You have to be aware that open file descriptors in the father process will be also open in the child after fork and it will be the same one. This opens a lot of concurrency problems if you're not aware of it (the solution is using dup() and close() in the right places).
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main()
system ("clear");
int i ;
pid_t childa,childb,childa1,childa2,childb1,childb2;
printf("\n \t \t I am the parent process with ID %d \n",getpid());
if (childa == 0 )
printf("\nI am a child A with PID %d and my parent ID is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());
childb = fork();
if (childb == 0)
printf("\nI am Child B with ID %d and my parent ID is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());
In this example they are just sleeping for a few random sec. It also has all the pid, so we can send SIGNAL to communicate... Most of the #includes are commented cause they were useless where I compiled.
#include <stdlib.h> // exit() ...
#include <stdio.h> // printf() ...
// Compile with -lrt -> cc file_name.c -lrt
//#include <fcntl.h>
//#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <sys/wait.h> // may need this for wait()
//#include <time.h>
//#include <unistd.h> // and this one for fork()
// In the start function you can do whatever you want.
void start (const int azon) {
// For children processes
srand( time(NULL) );
unsigned t = rand()%5; // printf("%d\n", t);
printf("%d. process reached the end.\n", azon);
int main() {
const int N = 5;
pid_t pids[N];
int i;
// The 'for' loop make 'N' process with 'fork()'.
// The children processes will call the start function.
// Since after fork() you will get 2 process. One Parent, and One Child
// The returning value from fork() is saved in "pids" which is an
// integer AND it is (<0) IF something went wrong.
// it is (>0) IF 'we are' in the Parent process,
// because this number is the Child process' ID (pid).
// and Last it is (==0) IF 'we are' in the Child process.
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
pids[i] = fork();
if (pids[i] == 0) start(i+1); // ... OR you can make a switch(..)
// This 'for' loop in the wait(NULL) statement ONLY move on when a
// process ended, so it waits until 'N' proc ends.
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
printf("Partent process reached the end\n");
return 0;
Just a little contribution, if you want to create 2 childs from the same parent you could use this code below. In which one father create 2 child processes (lazy and active).
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main (){
pid_t lazy_child;
lazy_child = fork();
if(lazy_child == 0){ // This is the lazy child process.
printf("LAZY CHILD:%d\n", getpid());
else if(lazy_child > 0){ // This is the father process.
pid_t active_child = fork();
if(active_child == 0){ // This is the active child process.
printf("ACTIVE CHILD:%d\n", getpid());
else if(active_child > 0){ // This is the father process.
printf("FATHER:%d\n", getpid());
else{ // Fork doesnt work.
printf("fork error\n");
else{ // Fork doesnt work.
printf("fork error\n");
return 0;
If you run this code, you should get a similar output:
$ ./a.out
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
pid_t AliceID, BobID;
double n=0;
int i1 =0;
/* fork a child process */
AliceID = fork();
if (AliceID < 0) { /* error occurred */
fprintf(stderr, "Fork Failed");
return 1;
else if (AliceID == 0) { /* child Alice code */
for(int i=1; i<11; i++)
{n = n+i;
i1++; }
double avg1 = n/i1;
printf("From Alice: the average of 1,2, …, 10 is the-average-she-calculated");
printf(" sum = %.2f and avg = %.2f \n",n, avg1);
else {
BobID = fork();
if (BobID == 0) { /* Child Bob code */
printf("From Bob: I am born to print this and then die.\n");
} else { /* Parent Code */
/* parent will wait for the child to complete */
printf("From parent: AliceID is %d \n", AliceID);
printf("From parent: Bob is %d \n", BobID);
printf("Parent ID %d \n", getpid());
return 0;
