large update statement with case and multiple insert / updates in each case - sql-server

I am not sure how to ask this question but here goes. I am trying to write a procedure to run each night that checks all unpaid invoices for a business and then adds service charge if needed. I need to query unpaid invoices, then check datediff() between creation and current date and then at certain values like 15 or 30 days I need to do several insert and updates to other tables to add the service charge and update balances. From what I read a loop is not the way to go but I am not sure how to keep track of current invoice or how to do inserts while I am inside a large update statement. Here is some psuedocode of what I need
select * from invoice where ispaid = 0
set days = currentdate - invoicecreationdate
switch (days)
case 30
insert servicecharge
update invoice
update balance
case 60
insert servicecharge
update invoice
update balance due
case 90
insert servicecharge
update invoice
update balance
I know this isn't much to go on but I will take any help I can get. I am not sure how this can work without a loop because I have several statements to run within each case that need to know what invoice we are currently dealing with

A loop wouldn't be so bad in your case. Each pass through the loop adds 30 days to the "past due" window and it appears that you intend to process all of the applicable rows for each window as a set. That's goodness.
Alternatively, you could use something like this to generate the appropriate date ranges:
declare #Today as Date = GetDate();
select DateAdd( day, -( AgingDays + 30 ), #Today ) as StartDate,
DateAdd( day, -( AgingDays + 1 ), #Today ) as EndDate, PenaltyPercent
from ( values ( 30, 2 ), ( 60, 5 ), ( 90, 10 ) ) as PastDueIntervals( AgingDays, PenaltyPercent )
It can be easily extended to carry additional data for each range. By JOINing this with your Invoice table you can process all the applicable invoices at once.
Depending on the size of you tables it may make sense to generate a temporary table that contains the invoice id, past due interval and any other applicable data. That table can then be used to supply the information used to update all three tables.
A useful trick is to include a CASE in UPDATE statements, e.g.:
update I
set WatchList = case when Aging >= 60 then 1 else WatchList end,
from Invoices as I inner join
#PastDueInvoices as PDI on PDI.InvoiceId = I.InvoiceId
This will set the watch list flag if the temporary table indicates that the invoice is 60 days or more past due, otherwise leave it unchanged.


Update multiple running totals when past items change

I have a table (in SQL Server 2014) including multiple running totals (by different dates) - not an ideal design but imagine a very large number of rows and users able to pick a specified time period - we don't want to calculate SUMs from the start of time to get the running total to that period every time.
I am looking for an elegant way to update those running totals when multiple rows are updated.
The actual scenario is an account reconciliation - the table stores money transactions for which we have the event date (e.g. when a thing was sold), the transaction date (e.g. the invoice date) and the payment date (when the invoice was paid). For each of these there is a running total, e.g. (much simplified)
CREATE TABLE MyTransaction (
TransactionDate DATETIME,
PaymentDate DATETIME,
Amount INT, -- assume whole numbers for sake of it
RunningTotalByEventDate INT,
RunningTotalByTransactionDate INT,
RunningTotalByPaymentDate INT,
IsCancelled BIT DEFAULT (0)
... with indexes on dates as needed, etc. and assume for sake of example that the date/times are unique (in practice there are uniqueifiers and other stuff).
Inserting a transaction is fine(ish) - best I have come up with is three separate queries, each updating the running total by the relevant date... or one query with logic... so after inserting a new row (with obviously-named variables passed inot a stored proc)...
UPDATE MyTransaction SET RunningTotalByEventDate += #Amount
WHERE EventDate > #EventDate
and so on for the other two running totals, or a single query like...
UPDATE MyTransaction
SET RunningTotalByEventDate += CASE WHEN EventDate > #EventDate THEN #Amount ELSE 0 END,
RunningTotalByTransactionDate += CASE WHEN TransactionDate > #TransactionDate THEN #Amount ELSE 0 END,
RunningTotalByPaymentDate += CASE WHEN PaymentDate > #PaymentDate THEN #Amount ELSE 0 END
WHERE EventDate > #EventDate
OR TransactionDate > #TransactionDate
OR PaymentDate > #PaymentDate
Now I need to cancel transactions, e.g. an invoice is written off - the requirement is to leave the row in, but remove the effect - so the row stays with its Amount, but the cancelled flag is set and the row has no effect on the running totals. Unfortunately an invoice may have multiple transactions (e.g. several part payments), so there could be several transaction rows to update.
My best option so far for updating the multiple running totals is to loop/cursor around the (expected to be few) updated rows and reduce the subsequent running totals much as we increased them when adding a row - so for each time around the loop we have the three update queries (or one with logic) to update the three running totals.
A single UPDATE won't work, since it will only update a target row once (and if two part payments are being cancelled, we need to update it twice to take off each amount). I've played variously with windowed functions but cannot see a way to do this neatly with a single query set-wise.
So given a list of MyTransaction.Id values to cancel (e.g. in a table, table variable or CSV string list), what's the best way to update the various running totals?
Any ideas (and apologies for the rambling question) are very welcome.

Running concurrent /parallel update statements (T-SQL)

I have a table that is basically records of items, with columns for each day of the month. So basically each row is ITEM , Day1, Day2, Day3, ....I have to run update statements that basically trawl through each row day by day with the current day information requiring some info from the previous day.
Basically, we have required daily quantities. Because the order goes out in boxes (which are a fixed size) and the calculated quantities are in pieces, the system has to calculate the next largest number of boxes. Any "extra quantity" is carried over to the next day to reduce boxes.
For example, for ONE of those records in the table described earlier (the box size is 100)
My current code is basically getting the record, calculate the requirements for that day, increment by one and repeat. I have to do this for each record. It's very inefficient especially since it's being run sequentially for each record.
Is there anyway to parallel-ize this on SQL Server Standard? I'm thinking of something like a buffer where I will submit each row as a job and the system basically manages the resources and runs the query
If the buffer idea is not feasible, is there anyway to 'chunk' these rows and run the chunks in parallel?
Not sure if this helps, but I played around with your data and was able to calculate the figures without row-by-row handling as such. I transposed the figures with unpivot and calculated the values using running total + lag, so this requires SQL Server 2012 or newer:
declare #BOX int = 100
; with C1 as (
Day, Quantity
(SELECT * from Table1 where Type = 'Quantity') T1
(Quantity FOR Day IN (Day1, Day2, Day3, Day4)) AS up
C2 as (
select Day, Quantity,
sum(ceiling(convert(numeric(5,2), Quantity) / #BOX) * #BOX - Quantity)
over (order by Day asc) % #BOX as Extra
from C1
C3 as (
Day, Quantity,
Quantity - isnull(Lag(Extra) over (order by Day asc),0) as Required,
from C2
Day, Quantity, Required,
ceiling(convert(numeric(5,2), Required) / #BOX) as Boxes, Extra
from C3
Example in SQL Fiddle

Factoring public holidays in to a SQL code

Apologies if this is a simple one. I'm looking for some help with the following:
RIGHT (CONVERT (VARCHAR, CompletedDate, 108), 8) AS Time,
FROM Table
WHERE WorkType = 'WorkType1'
OR DATEPART (DW, CompletedDate) IN ('7','1')
AND WorkType = 'WorkType2'
ORDER BY CompletedDate DESC) Table
ORDER BY CompletedDate ASC
Multiple events run every day, and the above searches for the last one scheduled to run each day, and pulls the time from it for the past 7 days. This time marks the end of the day's events, and is the value I'm after.
Events run at a different order on weekends, so I search for a different WorkType. WorkType 1 is unique to weekdays. WorkType2 is run both at weekdays and weekends, however it is not the final event on a weekday, so I don't search for it then.
However, this kind of falls apart when public holidays such as bank holidays come into play, as they use the weekend timings. I still need to capture these times, but the above skips over them. If I were to remove or expand the DATEPART, I would end up with duplicate values for each day that don't mark the final job of the day.
What changes can I make to this to capture these lost holiday timings, without manually going through and checking every holiday? Is there a way that I can return a value for JobType2, if JobType1 does not appear on a day?
I suggest a materialized calendar table with one row per date along with the desired WorkType for that day. That will allow you to simply join on to the calendar table to determine the proper WorkType value without embedding the logic in the query itself.
With this table loaded with all dates for your reporting domain:
CREATE TABLE dbo.WorkTypeCalendar(
CalendarDate date NOT NULL
, WorkType varchar(10) NOT NULL
The query can be refactored as below:
RIGHT(CONVERT (varchar, CompletedDate, 108), 8) AS Time
, WorkType
FROM Table1 AS t
JOIN WorkTypeCalendar AS c ON t.WorkType = c.WorkType
AND t.CompletedDate >= c.CalendarDate
AND t.CompletedDate < DATEADD(DAY,
ORDER BY CompletedDate DESC
) Table1
ORDER BY CompletedDate ASC
You also might consider making this a generalized utility calendar table. See for an complete example of such a table and script to load US holidays you can adjust for your needs and locale.

sql server procedure to update table on conditions

I am trying to write a stored procedure that will run every day and check invoices for past due or not. I want to pull all invoices from table that are not paid then I want to go through them and find the difference between todays date and the date the order was placed. From there I want to check what the account terms for that order are( basically how long they have to pay) and if they have gone over the terms then I will calculate a service charge and update balancedue. I have a basic idea of what to do but I don't know how to go through the selected records without looping through each one. I thought there was a better way to do it in sql server.
The invoice table has an accountid, ispaid, and creationdate. The account table as the terms for the account. Then I have an accountbalance table with several fields I would update if needed.
Accountbalance fields
The accountid can get me from invoice to account and accountbalance and the date can give me how long it has been, I then would just update the accountbalance accordingly to terms and how long it has been past due. I know its a little hard to understand without seeing it.
This is what I am basically trying to do I am just not sure how to do it for each record
select * from invoice where ispaid = 0
days = currentdate - invoicecreationdate
switch (days)
case 30
update balance
case 60
update balance
case 90
update balance
if(days > terms)
update balance add servicecharge
Your additions help, but I'm still a little unsure on what's going on here (for example, what are the pastdueXX fields in Accountbalance and how do they relate to the balancedue field?). Also, can one account have multiple past due invoices?
It sounds like you're looking for something similar to the following:
update ab set balancedue =
(case when datediff(i.creationdate,getdate()) > 90 then balance due + ...
when datediff(i.creationdate,getdate()) > 60 then balance due + ...
from accountbalance ab
join account a
on ab.accountid = a.accountid
join invoice i
on a.accountid = i.accountid
Sorry for the vagueness, but again, still have some questions.

SQL Server Retrieving Recurring Appointments By Date

I'm working on a system to store appointments and recurring appointments. My schema looks like this
I've keeped the Recurring Types simple and only support
Week Days,
4 Weekly,
52 Weekly
If RecurringType is null then that appointment does not recur, RecurringEnd is also nullable and if its null but RecurringType is a value then it will recur indefinatly. I'm trying to write a stored procedure to return all appointments and their dates for a given date range.
I've got the stored procedure working for non recurring meetings but am struggling to work out the best way to return the recurrences this is what I have so far
#StartDate DATETIME,
Start >= #StartDate AND
[End] <= #EndDate
I now need to add in the where clauses to also pick up the recurrences and alter what is returned in the select to return the Start and End Dates for normal meetings and the calculated start/end dates for the recurrences.
Any pointers on the best way to handle this would be great. I'm using SQL Server 2005
you need to store the recurring dates as each individual row in the schedule. that is, you need to expand the recurring dates on the initial save. Without doing this it is impossible to (or extremely difficult) to expand them on the fly when you need to see them, check for conflicts, etc. this will make all appointments work the same, since they will all actually have a row in the table to load, etc. I would suggest that when a user specifies their recurring date, you make them pick an actual number of recurring occurrences. When you go to save that recurring appointment, expand them all out as individual rows in the table. You could use a FK to a parent appointment row and link them like a linked list:
RecurringParentID FK to ID
sample data:
ID .... RecurringParentID
1 .... null
2 .... 1
3 .... 2
4 .... 3
5 .... 4
if in the middle of the recurring appointments schedule run, say ID=3, they decide to cancel them, you can follow the chain and delete the remaining ID=3,4,5.
as for expanding the dates, you could use a CTE, numbers table, while loop, etc. if you need help doing that, just ask. the key is to save them as regular rows in the table so you don't need to expand them on the fly every time you need to display or evaluate them.
I ended up doing this by creating a temp table of everyday between the start and end date along with their respective day of the week. I limited the recurrence intervals to weekdays and a set amount of weeks and added where clauses like this
--Check Week Days Reoccurrence
mrm_booking.repeat_type_id = 1 AND
#ValidWeeklyDayOfWeeks.dow IN (1,2,3,4,5)
) OR
--Check Weekly Reoccurrence
mrm_booking.repeat_type_id = 2 AND
DATEPART(WEEKDAY, mrm_booking.start_date) = #ValidWeeklyDayOfWeeks.dow
) OR
--Check 4 Weekly Reoccurences
mrm_booking.repeat_type_id = 3 AND
DATEDIFF(d,#ValidWeeklyDayOfWeeks.[Date],mrm_booking.start_date) % (7*4) = 0
) OR
--Check 52 Weekly Reoccurences
mrm_booking.repeat_type_id = 4 AND
DATEDIFF(d,#ValidWeeklyDayOfWeeks.[Date],mrm_booking.start_date) % (7*52) = 0
In case your interested I built up a table of the days between the start and end date using this
INSERT INTO #ValidWeeklyDayOfWeeks
--Get Valid Reoccurence Dates For Week Day Reoccurences
DATEADD(d, offset - 1, #StartDate) AS [Date],
DATEPART(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(d, offset - 1, #StartDate)) AS Dow
FROM syscolumns s1, syscolumns s2
) a WHERE offset <= DATEDIFF(d, #StartDate, DATEADD(d,1,#EndDate))
Its not very elegant and probably very specific to my needs but it does the job I needed it to do.
