ImportError: No module named pydevd_vm_type - google-app-engine

I'm using PyCharm 2.6.3 and Python 2.7.5 for my Google Application Engine project.
Today occurred strange error when I was trying to debug my GAE project:
ImportError: No module named pydevd_vm_type
Module exists but doesn't want to be imported somewhere in debug tools.
When I trying to type "import pydevd_vm_type", autocomplete tool gives me right path to that module. How can I solve this issue?

Problem solved!
File Path_on_disk\PyCharm 2.6.3\helpers\pydev\
Error occurs in class
class PyDBCommandThread(PyDBDaemonThread)
in method
def OnRun(self)
import pydevd_vm_type
if pydevd_vm_type.GetVmType() == pydevd_vm_type.PydevdVmType.JYTHON and sys.hexversion <= 0x020201f0:
# a lot of comments about Jython bug
run_traced = False
and next in
import pydevd_tracing
if run_traced:
pydevd_tracing.SetTrace(None) # no debugging on this thread
I've deleted those two imports. PROFIT!!!


Observing error while running Gatling project 'object gatling is not a member of package io'

I m seeing the following error while running Engine.scala
object gatling is not a member of package io import
Below is the code that is used
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingPropertiesBuilder
object Engine extends App {
val props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder()
I tried changing the Gatling version in mvn file, but no luck. could someone please help
It means the Gatling jars are not properly imported in your classpath.
No idea how to help you though as you're not describing exactly what you're doing and how you're getting this error: when running maven from the command line? when running from IntelliJ? or another IDE?
Note: if you're struggling with properly setting up a development environment for Scala, you should probably consider using Gatling with Java instead, where the set up is way more simple.

Trouble getting react-suite to work within Gatsby project

I'm just starting out developing with Gatsby (or doing frontend in general) and I wanted to add a Navigation bar to my website using React Suite. However, when importing the corresponding stylesheet in my index.js:
import 'rsuite/lib/styles/index.less';
I get the following message when running gatsby develop:
Generating development JavaScript bundle failed
Can't resolve 'rsuite/lib/styles/index.less' in '/Users/.../src/pages'
If you're trying to use a package make sure that 'rsuite/lib/styles/index.less' is installed. If you're trying to use a local file make sure that the path is correct.
File: src/pages/index.js:14:0
failed Building development bundle - 7.237s
ERROR in ./src/pages/index.js 14:0-38
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'rsuite/lib/styles/index.less' in '/Users/.../src/pages'
# ./.cache/_this_is_virtual_fs_path_/$virtual/async-requires.js 31:11-33:5
# ./.cache/app.js 17:0-52 28:0-70 30:27-40 28:0-70
webpack compiled with 1 error
I tried so many things already: installing and reinstalling rsuite, installing and reinstalling gatsby-plugin-less and less, clearing the cache, trying all kinds of configurations in gatsby-config.js, but I'm out of options really.
Meanwhile, installing react-bootstrap and importing the stylesheet similarly through
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
does not produce the error and the stylesheet gets applied.
Would greatly appreciate your help!
I think you should be using:
import '~rsuite/lib/styles/index.less';
Notice the ~, as it is inferred from the docs.
You can try this:
import "rsuite/src/styles/themes/default/index.less"

object johnsnowlabs is not a member of package com

I am very new to Zeppelin/spark and couldn't get an accurate description of steps to configure new dependencies like that of NLP libraries.
Found similar issue here.
I was trying to use Johnsnowlabs NLP library in Zeppelin notebook (spark version2.2.1).
Setup included :
In Zeppelin's Interpreters configurations for Spark, include the following artifact:
Then, in conf/, setup SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS.
export SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS=” — packages JohnSnowLabs:spark-nlp:2.2.2". Then restarted Zeppelin.
But the below program gives the error :
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotator._
<console>:26: error: object johnsnowlabs is not a member of package com
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base._
<console>:27: error: object johnsnowlabs is not a member of package com
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotator._
Can someone please share how this can be done? I referred this link .
you don't need to edit the conf/ (anyway you're using it incorrectly, as you're specifying completely different version), you can make all changes via Zeppelin UI. Go to the Spark interpreter configuration, and put com.johnsnowlabs.nlp:spark-nlp_2.11:2.5.4 into spark.jars.packages configuration property (or add it if it doesn't exist), and into the Dependencies at the end of configuration (for some reason, it isn't automatically pulled into driver classpath).

How to import existing Java.class Files to Android Studio Project

I need to know how I can properly add existing Java.class files to an Android Studio Project. My goal is to use these classes in an Android Project.
The Class Files are already written in Eclipse for another Java Project.
I've already tried File->New->New Module->selecting Java Library->Finish but that doesn't work properly.
As you probably all know it makes the MyClass Class by default.
For testing I imported com.example.* in my MainActivity and tried to build an Object of that Class inside the onCreate() Method.
The problem is it can't compile the Project. I got the following Errors:
Error:(7, 1) error: package com.example does not exist
Error:(16, 9) error: cannot find symbol class MyClass
Note: C:\Users\...\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJava'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Can anybody explain how to import my Java.class files correctly so that I can use them in my project?
You can add as a local library package to your project in Android Studio.
In android Project window, right click on app and select New -> Module.
In the Create New Module window, select Java Library and click next. Then give the module name, for example HttpClient in Library Name field. Then give Java package name as same as your existing package Then give one existing class file name AnyFileName in Java Class Name field.
Now new module is created with the name HttpClient and the package name is With an empty class file
Now copy all your .java files to the HttpClient folder created inside your android project. Now it would have overwritten the empty file also.
After copying all .java files would have automatically added to the library module.
And you will get 3rd build.gradle file for your module. Already you might be having 2 build.gradle for your android project.
In your app's build.gradle file, include local library dependency compile project(":HttpClient"). Now you can import java files in HttpClient module to android app's java files.
Note : Above information is given based on Android Studio 2.3.3

bulkloader not importing ndb.model

I am still new to Python and GAE. I have an application on local server that is running just fine. I can add entity to my datastore, I can view my website, etc: everything is fine.
Now I am trying to use bulkloader to add entities to my datastore. I followed the tutorial at My loader is below:
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from import bulkloader
import my_model
class ArticleLoader(bulkloader.Loader):
def __init__(self):
bulkloader.Loader.__init__(self, 'Article',
[('title', str),
('author', str)
loaders = [ArticleLoader]
I am getting the error:
No module named my_model
Does anyone have a fix for this?
Note: I am only using one directory. So my loader is in the same location as the other file that imports the my_model module.
This can also happen if your PYTHONPATH is not properly set up. If you're on Linux, try running this before you run the Bulkloader:
This appends your current directory to your PYTHONPATH and should make your my_model module visible. Since my memory is terrible and I always forget to do it, I've ended up using a simple shell script that includes this at the beginning and then the bulkload command itself.
If you're on Windows, you should be able to modify your path by using sys.path.append. Haven't tested this, but you could try adding this to your script (note that this should work on Linux as well):
import sys
# ...
Your code should be located in a file named You are getting that error because there is no module named my_module. Might be worth a read of the Python module and package docs.
