Open a Windows 7 notification balloon from batch file - command line - batch-file

I have simple one-line batch script that loads a wlan profile (xml) to make it easier for our users to connect to our secure wireless network. I still need the users to login, so the profile does not contain user credentials. When the profile is loaded, a Windows notification balloon pops up from the task bar (lower right corner) that says "Additional Information is needed to connect..." as expected. When you click on the balloon, you're given the login credentials pop-up. The title bar of the window is "Windows Security" and the inner title is "Network Authentication. Please enter user credentials". I have seemingly looked everywhere for a way to just open this credentials box instead of the user having to click the balloon. I've run process monitor and I can't find where it adds that balloon to the notification bar. I also cannot find what happens when I click on the balloon and the login prompt comes up. I figured I would be able to add a line to my script that will just skip the click on the notification balloon and bring up the login pop-up. Is it possible to trigger this box? I know I could create my own login box and pass the variables, but I would rather use the native feature if possible. Thank you.


dsquery.dll doesn't show all settings for admin user

I'm trying to make a shortcut in windows Server 2016 DC Server. The frequent work is finding users and resetting their passwords. And I want to do it quickly and simply with a shortcut.
I've found a run command that triggers the search window. But there are not all settings in the context menu (right click menu).
The command is:
rundll32 dsquery.dll openquerywindow
It has no "reset password" option in the context menu.(only/ Open Home Page, Send Mail, Properties).
Is there a better way to do this?
Unfortunately, there's no a keyboard shortcut in AD Users and Computers app. Or i'm missing something?

SecureAuth Sign in Popup - ROBOT Framework

Hi Robot Framework experts.
Using Robot Framework I had automated a portal which uses secureAuth for sign in and I'm able to execute the tests in local desktop no Single sign on issue as I'm already signed into company portal, so scripts automatically sign into the application.
But I have to run these tests in a remote server and when the script clicks on Login in button Secureauth displays a pop up as seen in the attached screenshot. I am unable to enter text in the pop up or do anything with script.
Sending ID and password in URL( https://ID:Password#uri ) did not work.
Tried Alert keywords did not work. I guess it is not a alert at all.
Can someone point me in right direction Please.
Thank you for your timeā€¦Login screen shot

Kik Reset user permissions

I wanna do some testing regarding the acception of user permissions.
I am testing via Genymotion and made a Kik Account for my testing purposes. The only problem is that I already gave my app permission to my userdata and I cant find a way to reset this. I don`t want to make a new account everytime I am testing this function.
Is there a way to reset the permission so that I will have to accept again?
Yes, there is functionality for this
Open Kik and go to settings (the cog icon in the top bar)
Click on Help -> Developers
Turn on "Developer mode"
Open the webapp you're trying to debug
In the sidebar, long press the entry and select "Enable debug mode"
From here on out you can longpress the entry and choose "reset" which will reset the permissions

UI credential popup is hiding behind the Services windows

i m sunil i have created a application that is written in visual studio in C language that i installed in my system , so it run as service .. but i want to put restriction to stop the service by popup a UI credential box , to stop seervice you need to fill the user name and password only then u can stop the services.. but the box is comming in back ground . so i am not able to see that popup box.i am using windows API ..CredUIPromptForCredentials().
can u please suggest that how to take that UI popUP in front so that user could able to pass the credentials. or any other API.
you can check in which session the popup is running from the Taskbar. If it's in session 0 (the default session for system services)then you won't be able to see it. To get the UI in front you need run the popup with current desktop's loggedon user's session.
Read this article how you can invoke the process as user
The code is in c# but you'll get the idea how it works.

Cannot create database/run other commands in DB2 Command Line Processor

I'm unable to create database using DB2 Command Line Processor (DB2 Express C). I wrote a simple operation to create a database :
db2=> create database wiki
It's showing me an error :
SQL1092N The requested command or operation failed because the user
ID does not have the authority to perform the requested command or
operation. User ID: "VINAYAKP".
I've never worked on DB2 before. Also, from First Steps; it is just opening a prompt and it displays nothing. I'm using a thin client. Kindly tell me about this error and how to resolve it. Also, need to know any alternate way other than using the command line processor.
Note: I'm using Windows OS
As the above answer didn't seem to work for me, I'm adding my solution. (command line only) [windows]
I simply launched db2cmd as the db2admin user (default).
To achieve this, execute the following command in command prompt:
runas /noprofile /user:db2admin db2cmd
This will launch a new cmd window logged in as the admin user. You can now execute any db2 commands from this window.
To resolve this issue you need to have the DB2 services started as Domain account, not a local account. In order to change the DB2 services to a Domain account do the following:
1.) Go to Start->Control Panel->Administration Tools->Services.
2.) Find the DB2-0 process right click on it and pick "Properties".
3.) Pick the "Log On" tab.
4.) Then choose "This account" radial button, then "Browse".
5.) A window will pop up called Select User click the Advanced button, then click "Find Now".
6.) A list of all users on the machine will be shown, choose the domain user and select "OK".
7.) To save the change click "Apply" then "OK".
8.) Restart the service/instance.
