Backbone.js documentation sources [closed] - backbone.js

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any good documentation for backbone.js? I am trying to learn it, however reading the official page is not convenient for me because it is not structured well.
For example reading about Models has some explanation considering the Collections, which are described later. So if there is a well structured documentation which describe everything in a convenient for understanding order, please suggest it.

I can tell you what are the resources that I used to get a grasp of Backbone (I am a backend developer turned frontend for necessity on a personal project).
This website has nice examples, from basic to advanced, and was pretty easy for me to follow them. Also these videos are exceptional and proved to be useful for me. Needless to say I am not affiliated to the owners of these resources, I am only bringing my own experience.
Having said that, my current resources for Backbone, now that I "got" it (and delivered a non-trivial project based on it) are the official website and the source code. It is true that the website is non-linear but that will not be a problem when you have digested all its pieces (you will find yourself go there just for a reference). Another story are the little caveats and details that are not written anywhere (official or unofficial docs). For that you need the source code that is well documented. Backbone, at least for me, had a steep learning curve. All the concepts are known if you did development before, but getting them right with Backbone and JS has been another story. The single most important resource to learn it has been starting to play with it! Seriously, you start with a small UI and try to play with events and collections (I used Chrome dev tools directly, no need to set up a real project). Then you grow organically from there.
But I agree that you kinda have to go and look for informations on multiple places...


Real world React.js And Vue.js applications / tutorial [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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can somebody suggest real world tutorials / example on react.js vue.js applications. The ones I find on youtube are too basic and lack logic. A real-world application consists of an admin dashboard and frontend. The tutorials you find on youtube are just basic crud applications.
is it just me or the kind of tutorials you find youtube are too basic and they lack logic ? because of this I find it really hard to learn and master new technologies. I struggled to learn and master web development even, coz there was too much basic tutorials out there but none of them were based on real world applications. It took me some time, and combining information from different sources to be able to build real world applications in php and be job ready.
Like when you work as a web developer you won't be building crud applications. You'll be building real applications with admin backend and frontend with business logic. I'm not roasting what programming channels do though. I think they they are doing a wonderful job and they still help us in a way. But I feel like there're few tutorials online that are based on real world projects. I'd like to hear somebody's opinion on this.
I'm even thinking of starting my own youtube channel that will strictly be based on real world applications like e-commerce stores, Item ordering sites, classifieds sites, property listing sites etc
The React website has a few good examples listed, the University of Helsinki also released a pretty solid introduction to web development website.
However, with those two basic examples listed, that's exactly what they are: basic. They're very simple examples to get people started with React (there are a ton of equivalents for Vue as well) and React alone. I think the issue you may be facing here is that the scope of the projects you're looking to see is a bit out of scale for what a basic React or Vue tutorial would have. This could even just be a problem with the specific wording that you're using, as there are a ton of great full stack projects utilizing React or Vue that you can find online. Examples of that may include looking through resources like Awesome Open Source's full stack open source projects list or some projects like Free Code Camp's full stack blog may be up your alley if you're looking for something to take you through piece by piece.

What are the alternatives to angular js? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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New to front end development here. Discovered Yeoman, seems like a great tool. I worked through a tutorial and then completed a small project using Angular JS with a Node JS backend. To assist in looking at things from my perspective: at this point I don't know enough web development to abstract my approach, I just know the set of tools I can use to get something working. I know if I want to make a new web site I can generate a project using Yeoman, fiddle with the HTML/CSS, and make the content dynamic with Angular. It actually works pretty well.
However, I am curious as to what the other approaches to web development are. What are the alternatives to Angular JS? Is Angular.js the standard/common approach?
There are tons of Javascript frameworks out there. AngularJS is quite popular, but by no means the standard or common practice. Other popular frameworks you may want to look into are Meteor for full stack apps, ReactJS, Backbone, Ember, and many many more for front-end Javascript frameworks. Also, taking a step back, there are tons of other approaches to web development other than just considering what's on the front end (HTML, CSS and JS). For example, you can build whole websites without even touching javascript using Ruby on Rails. Other big frameworks are Python's Django, PHP with Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, etc., and .NET / C# just to mention a few. Hope that gets your research started.

Looking for instructions on how to structure a single page application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are a team of developers that have been doing web application programming for a few years. We are now starting over with a new project and we are aiming at making it a single page application. For the front end we are using angular. We are relatively familiar with angular, we know how to create services, directives, controllers ect. We know how to use built in services like $http and $resource and how to user routes (or states with ui-router) but we are stuck at a pretty early state on how to structure the application.
We are having a hard time finding good resources (blogs, videos, books) that tackle this general issue. Many posts have a very simple approach like:
"To build a SPA you need to use $http, this is how you do it, easy isn't it?"
They can be very good to understand the basics of each component but they do not explain hos to couple it all together. Questions we have are of the following type:
Do we build a central js object to represent the application state? If the application would be a back end for a web shop then the central object would probably be a company which has a list of products, each having a list of orders and each of them has a reference to the customer. Or do we split the representation of the application state in different objects? If so, how do we keep them in sync?
To display a form which edits an entity we create a route that loads a partial into a view and we populate the scope with the entity to edit. Do we fetch the entity from the back end? Or if we already have it in our js model, do we simply fetch it from there so that we don't need to make an http request?
There is a lot more that is unclear and I realize that there will not be a simple answer to any question, rather it is likely to be different design patterns with pros and cons. I do not expect the answers to all my questions as a response to this post, but rather I'd like to find some resource (like I said blog, video, book) that discuss these issues on an application-wide level. Some questions are angular-specific and some are more general around single page applications. Are there such resources?
I am relatively new to AngularJS myself, and I agree it is hard to find info that goes beyond the basics. So far, the most useful tutorials I have found are from Dan Wahlin.
The 60-ish minute tutorial was excellent, and his other stuff is good for getting you past the Hello World stage. I've also watch a couple presentations from Misko Hevery, the creator of Angular, and he is very good too.

Are there any good documents or websites that show design guidelines for XAML GUIs? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for some guidelines or standards for XAML GUI design... or even a very good set of examples that show nice GUI that I can use as a starting point.
Over the years I have grown into a very good Battleship Grey Dialog designer, but those are old, and ugly now... and I need to revamp a couple of product GUIs.
I know with XAML I can do a lot more, easily, than I could have done with WInForms.. so it is more dangerous now. I would rather my application blend with latest applications that are done right, rather than stand out like an old WinAMP skin.
Any suggestions?
Nice comment w/the WinAmp skin...
I'm not sure if you've come across this resource, but MSFT has put together a pretty comprehensive set of UX guidelines here.
This includes a downloadable PDF, if you're into that sort of leisure reading. While most of the guidelines apply to LOB (Line of Business) applications, you'll find some good information there about what not to do w/WPF (i.e. just because you can doesn't mean you should).
As far as having full-blown showcase GUIs, it's a little light -- it's mostly context-specific screen caps. However, I've found some good example UIs from the patterns libraries that Yahoo offers, and Infragistics has a neat site called Quince which has alot of the same information, but with a Silverlight presentation.
One of the sites I love to browse is It's aimed at web designers, not WPF or Silverlight specifically. But it has many articles that showcase a lot of great ideas for all sorts of things like search boxes, breadcrumb controls, free icon sets, etc.
There are some nice samples
The WPF Application Quality Guide has been indispensible for me; here's a link:
Didn't see that you were referring to visual design; in that case i'd probably be using many of the numerous resources for web design, since the two areas map quite closely.
There is always Quince of course. This is primarily focussed on Silverlight but it's useful anyway. Especially when you're thinking of your design in terms of UI/UX patterns.
HTH, Stimul8d

Best Versioning Tools to use for Photoshop/Illustrator and related binary files? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I previously asked about Version Cue 3 vs Subversion. I think this is a better question and someone suggested I hope this question will allow others to join in and suggest other tools or give specific recommendation to using Version Que versus other tools.
PixelNovel's Timeline is a SVN plugin for Photoshop. They have standalone and hosted versions.
Take a look at this article comparing Subversion, Mercurial, Git and Bazaar for managing the files in a home directory, including image files and large Photoshop files that are being edited and versioned.
EDIT: The link is dead and I can't find the article, however the information in the article is now severely outdated anyway. Today I would strongly recommend using Git-LFS (Large File System), with the file locking mechanism that was added in 2017, I believe. This is the solution I currently use, as it solves both the problem of needed to lock binary files, and avoids the inefficiencies of git when it comes to storing large files - which was one of the main points of that article.
I'd like to suggest
It was made for designers with designer's needs in mind. Other solutions (GIT, SVN, etc.) cannot give you proper usability, and as well, your clients would be not able to comment, review and browse design milestones in an easy way.
Other way is to use but they are struggling with some security issues. Also the usability is not really great.
Take a look at Perforce (, particularly if you are managing these files in the context of development projects. It is a code-oriented system, but it supports binary files well and has a Photoshop plugin. P4 isn't free, but it is worth every penny if you need professional-grade SCM - it is solid, fast, flexible and easy to use. (I am a very satisfied customer.)
For my game development I found this: Evolphin Zoom . It's pretty fast and it is compatible with all Adobe products. I like the Visual Asset Browser because it has a lot of ways to find things. It also has a web dashboard, which is useful if you have a team.
They are advertising it as a 'more than a replacement for version cue'. So if you're coming from that, you might find that a nice perk, too.
