Scrollable HTML Timeline Item - google-mirror-api

I want to insert TimelineItem that might have more text than could be fit onto Glass' screen.
Is it possible to create "scrollable" html like in "View Licenses" on Glass?

There is no way to display smooth scrolling content like you see on the 'View Licenses' card, but you can insert content that is larger than a single card with paging.
If the contents of your text attribute exceeds the capacity of a single card, a 'Read More' menu item is automatically added to your card. Selecting this menu item allows your user to page through the rest of the text.
Alternatively, if you'd like to display html content, you can break the content into pages yourself using the htmlPages property.


Material Table - is it possible to move row selection text from toolbar to the bottom of page

I'm using Material Table at the moment and am having difficulty customizing the position of the selection text (presented when one or more rows are selected via the checkbox).
Looking at the documents, I can see that the toolbar is overridable (, however the examples show simpler changes e.g. how to change the background color. I wonder if it's possible to separate the selection text from the toolbar and render it in a different location, like the below picture demonstrates.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
In the end, I turned off the row selection text in the toolbar by using showTextRowsSelected: false
I then made a custom footer using the row data presented by the onSelectionChange handler.

Creating select event on text component and creating custom view upon text

My aim is create custom event on Text Component. When I choose one word or when I highlight couple of words, event should fire to open a "buble view" upon, below or near that specific text.
I have found this package here react-native-selectable-text but it does not provide the functionality that I want.
Two steps
1) How to create that selectable action. I am not talking about Text prop selectable which only opens a menu of copy, paste, select all options. I want to open a view like that menu. A view which will contain information about highlighted text.
2) How I can render a small box(View comp.) with specific coordinates. Like when I choose that text, box has to be rendered upon or below of the text.
I know direct manipulation. But hard part is how am I going to give that select&highlight action to text component?

Text and Image in RadRibbonBar Right Panel Start Menu Telerik

How can I insert only text and image in RadRibbonBar Right Panel Start Menu? Or How Can I make a custom form to be shown in RadRibbonBar Right Panel Start Menu?
It seems currently I can only insert separator, menu item, button and some other limited controls which are clickable and I can not insert simple label and image.
On the left side of the backstage you can add two types of items:
- buttons, which trigger some action, such as Save, Exit, Open
- tab item, which show a content area on the right side
In the example above, Save & Send is a tab item. On its right side, you can see a RadPageView control with couple pages/tabs (Send using email, Save to web, etc). And each of these tabs, show some content (controls) - Save using email, shows some buttons and labels.
So to answer your question, if you place a tab item on the left, on the right side you can place any controls you like - buttons, labels, grids, charts, anything.

Is it possible to have class or ids on the grid drop down filter?

Can you have HTML ids or classes for the drop down filter/sort widget in extjs Grids?
What I mean is this component :
It's needed for test automation purposes. However we can probably live with it if its not possible, using some fancy CSS selectors instead.
Grid column menu can be quite tricky to test. The main problem that I see is that its html markup does not exist before you click on the column menu button (down arrow). When you click it the main menu with sort, columns and optionally filters is rendered (html markup is created), however, columns submenu html still does not exist. It is created when you move mouse over Columns item of main menu when the submenu is rendered and shown.
From that point on it exists for all columns because only one menu is use for all.
Thus, for testing, you would either need to simulate mouse clicks/moves or manually render the menu/submenu.
You can find out CSS classes involved (after the menu is rendered) by using developer tools to inspect the html markup.

complex grid layout in AngularJS

Am a newbie to AngularJS. I want to create a gridview layout where each item in the grid is a bit complex layout. For example, an item may have a text, an image and a button. This has to repeat several times over the entire data fetched from the DB & displayed as a grid. A rough sketch of what am saying :
in the above image, each item in the grid has an image & a text. Imagine each item also having two or three more buttons.
Google+ layout is also similar :
I can use ng-repeat, but I want a more nice solution (similar to GridView in the Android world). Also, I want to be able to change a specific item in the grid & reload only that item without reloading the entire grid.
Can someone please help?
