I'm trying to create a SQL backing store for Azman using the MMC snap-in. The tool asks for a URL-style connection string for connecting to the back end:
I have a URL-style connection string that works just fine for SQLExpress on the local machine:
mssql://Driver={SQL Server};Server={NL-089\SQLEXPRESS};Trusted_Connection={Yes};/AzManDB/MyTestStore
I'm currently trying the following for a full SQL Server backing store:
mssql://Driver={SQL Server};Server={dev-rtd-sql02};User Id=myUser;Password=myPassword;/AzManDB/MyTestStore
But the error I get back is simply "The parameter is incorrect". Sigh. Does anyone know how to correctly form this string?
check this blog post
the issue is the User Id & Password vs. UID and PWD.
I'm working on an SSIS package to extract data from one old database and move to a SQL database. The only way to connect to the source database is using ODBC. I set up an ADO.NET connection manager and project parameters to store the username and password. Then I went to the connection and chose "Parameterize...". I selected username and password and linked to the project parameters I set up. The connection continues to fail. The only way I've been able to get it to work is to allow the package to save sensitive data and to save the password in the connection manager (going to edit, typing in username and password, then saving). If I rely on the parameters it does not work. I also tried deploying to the SSIS catalog, then executing by going to the package and entering the credentials under the Connections Managers tab. The only way I've been able to get this to work is to allow it to save sensitive data, enter credentials directly in the package and then save.
I cannot figure out why it will not pass the username and password from parameters or with the connection manager when executing in SSMS. The error I get back is that it's missing the password.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm not new to SSIS, but have tried everything and can't seem to make this one work. I'm stuck using ADO.NET and ODBC.
Few things to do:
Set the SSIS package ProtectionLevel to SaveNoSensitive.
Go to the connection and chose "Parameterize..." and select the
entire connection string.
Assign proper values to Project level parameter that is used to parameterize the enire connection string.
I have an old Microsoft Access program for old client in my company and they forget the connection string. I have linked tables to SQL server database using ODBC - can I retrieve username and password? I already tried to get the connection string using the property In the Design view but the username and password are hidden. Please help me. Thanks.
It's only hidden in the UI for linked tables. The actual connect string is readily available in VBA, e.g. in the Immediate window:
Debug.Print CurrentDb.TableDefs("MyLinkedTable").Connect
I have an Excel file with a SQL query to retrieve information from our SQL Server database. I want this Excel file to be available to anyone on the network.
I tested this a couple of times and it is not creating the connection on any PC but mine. I found a few answers that I thought would resolve the problem but whenever I attempt to change the connection string in Excel it reverts back to the original string.
Here is the current connection string:
DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=SERVER\SQLEXPRESS;UID=<My User ID>;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=2007 Microsoft Office system;WSID=<My WS ID>;DATABASE=<Database Name>
The main person I would like to have access to this file also has permissions to access the database from SQL Server Management Studio. What I found from searching said I should set the security to Windows Authentication and change the connection string to something along these lines:
However when I attempt to change the connection settings in my Excel file it reverts back to the original string. What would be causing it to revert back to the original connection string after I change it and is the second example correct?
Thanks in advance
I'll leave the question open since it could help someone else down the road. I got this to work by changing the connection string inside of the connection file to:
The line Integrated Security=SSPI took care of the sharing issues between computers.
I don't know much about databases - Sorry if the question seems silly.
I have sql server 2012 on my machine and i create simple database table.
I want to connect to this database table thru C# code.
So, I need to know my ConnectionString.
I don't understand the parameters of the ConnectionString.
I try to google it - but still didn't find any good explanation.
Anyone can please explain the connectionString fields ?
How to define the connectionString that i will be able to connect the local database ?
Your connection string should be as simple as like below
Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DB_NAME;Integrated Security=True"
Data Source=. means local database
Initial Catalog=DB_NAME means the database it will connect to
Integrated Security=True means it will use windows authentication (no user name and password needed; it will use logged in credential)
Take a look Here
Search in Google with key term sqlconncectionstring which will fetch you many help.
You are getting exception cause Initial Catalog=DB_Name\Table_001. It should be Initial Catalog=DB_Name (only database name). Provide the table name in sql query to execute. Check some online tutorial to get more idea on the same.
You use . in data source only when you are connecting to local machine database and to the default SQL Server instance. Else if you are using different server and named SQL Server instance then your connection string should look like
using(SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection())
sqlConnection.ConnectionString =
#"Data Source=Actual_server_name\actual_sqlserver_instance_name;
Initial Catalog=actual_database_name_Name;
Integrated Security=True;";
In case you are using local machine but named SQL Server instance then use
Data Source=.\actual_sqlserver_instance_name;
Initial Catalog=Actual_Database_NAME;Integrated Security=True"
using System.Data.SqlClient;
Then create a SqlConnection and specifying the connection string.
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("user id=username;" +
"password=password;server=serverurl;" +
"Trusted_Connection=yes;" +
"database=database; " +
"connection timeout=30");
Note: line break in connection string is for formatting purposes only
The connection string is simply a compilation of options and values to specify how and what to connect to. Upon investigating the Visual Studio .NET help files I discovered that several fields had multiple names that worked the same, like Password and Pwd work interchangeably.
User ID
The User ID is used when you are using SQL Authentication. In my experience this is ignored when using a Trusted_Connection, or Windows Authentication. If the username is associated with a password Password or Pwd will be used.
"user id=userid;"
Password or Pwd
The password field is to be used with the User ID, it just wouldn't make sense to log in without a username, just a password. Both Password and Pwd are completely interchangeable.
Data Source or Server or Address or Addr or Network Address
Upon looking in the MSDN documentation I found that there are several ways to specify the network address. The documentation mentions no differences between them and they appear to be interchangeable. The address is an valid network address, for brevity I am only using the localhost address in the examples.
"Data Source=localhost;"
-or-"Network Address=localhost;"
Integrated Sercurity or Trusted_Connection
Integrated Security and Trusted_Connection are used to specify wheter the connnection is secure, such as Windows Authentication or SSPI. The recognized values are true, false, and sspi. According to the MSDN documentation sspi is equivalent to true. Note: I do not know how SSPI works, or affects the connection.
Connect Timeout or Connection Timeout
These specify the time, in seconds, to wait for the server to respond before generating an error. The default value is 15 (seconds).
"Connect Timeout=10;"-or-
"Connection Timeout=10;"
Initial Catalog or Database
Initial Catalog and Database are simply two ways of selecting the database associated with the connection.
"Inital Catalog=main;"
I'm trying to build a connection string for a test environment that will connect to the local SQL Server instance on different machines. The purpose of this is so that a developer can checkout the code from TFS, build it, and run the testcases, connecting to his local DB. The problem is that different developer's machines may have different SQL Server setups. In particular, some may be running the full server, others may be running SQL Server Express.
I'm trying to right a utility routine that will take template connection string (e.g., Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog= myDB; Integrated Security=SSPI;) and modify the Data Source to work with the local server.
I've tried using SmoApplication.EnumAvailableServers() (returns an empty table, regardless of whether I user true or false parameters), and SqlDataSourceEnumerator.GetDataSources() (returns 2888 servers from the network, but none on the local machine), SQLCMD -L (returns nothing).
Any suggestions?
In the alternative, is there an easy way to tell whether a particular connection string will connect to a server (without waiting for it to timeout if it doesn't). If I could find the answer to that, I could try the likely suspects until I got one to work.
you might try to get the connection string as following:
Create a new blank file and name it test.udl.
Double click on it, and a "Data Link Properties" dialog should appear.
On "Providers" tab, select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" or "SQL Native Client"
On "Connections" tab, try various settings and use the "Test Connection" button to test them. Click "Ok" when it works.
Open the test.udl file in Notepad and copy the line that starts with "Provider=" into your Web.config "ConnectionString" value, BUT delete the little part that says "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;"
If you want each developer to work with their own local SQL server, then the ADO connection string should have the Data Source set to localhost
... ; Data Source=localhost; ...
Additionally, to get a list of current servers, go to the command line and run
osql -L
You can look in the registry to find all local SQL Server instances. This key contains the list: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL.
Each named instance will have a value in this key. For named instances the name of the value is the same as the name of the instance. For the default instance the value will be named MSSQLSERVER.
This will do the trick:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS