Radiobuttons with Ext JS - extjs

I have following code that makes two radio buttons to form. Problem is that both radio buttons can be selected same time. How to fix my code?
xtype: 'radio',
checked: true,
fieldLabel: '<?= $this->fail_select ?>',
boxLabel: '<?= $this->i_am_not ?>',
name: 'option1',
inputValue: 'option1',
}, {
xtype: 'radio',
fieldLabel: '',
labelSeparator: '',
boxLabel: '<?= $this->something_else ?>',
name: 'option2',
inputValue: 'option2',

Here is good example of radiogroup
Sencha example


EXTJS5 Binding Radiogroup

There are some days that I'm trying to build a code that allows binding a radiogroup.
However, despite efforts, I have not succeed.
What is missing in my code?
Can you help me, please?
You'll need to inspect the radio group once the value has change and in a ViewModel formula you need to find the first checked value and return is boxLabel.
See your altered fiddle here
I got below less codes.
In this method, two components are connected with less codes.
xtype: 'radiogroup',
reference: 'startTimerEndType',
publishes: 'value',
fieldLabel: 'Test',
columns: 1,
vertical: true,
items: [
{boxLabel: 'One', name: 'box', inputValue: '1', checked: true},
{boxLabel: 'Two', name: 'box', inputValue: '2'},
{boxLabel: 'Three', name: 'box', inputValue: '3'},
xtype: 'numberfield',
hidden: true,
bind: {
visible: "{}"

How to set dynamic inputValue and boxlabel for radio button in radio group in extjs4.1

can anybody tell How to set dynamic inputValue and boxlabel for radio button in radio group in extjs4.1
Maybe you could use a listener like this example on sencha wiki.
Panel with radio group:
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'RadioGroup Example',
width: 300,
height: 125,
bodyPadding: 10,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'radiogroup',
fieldLabel: 'Two Columns',
// Arrange radio buttons into two columns, distributed vertically
columns: 2,
vertical: true,
items: [
{ boxLabel: 'Item 1', name: 'rb', inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
change: function (e, t, eOpts) {
{ boxLabel: 'Item 2', name: 'rb', inputValue: '2' checked: true},
{ boxLabel: 'Item 3', name: 'rb', inputValue: '3' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 4', name: 'rb', inputValue: '4' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 5', name: 'rb', inputValue: '5' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 6', name: 'rb', inputValue: '6' }
Little example: on stackoverflow

ExtJS 3.4 checkboxgroup doesn't set value

I get checked data string: "box0,box15,box30,box45"
Sencha docs says, I can set the value this way (checkboxes id and name are same like above)
// use comma separated string to set items with name to true (checked)
I want to set true my boxes this way, but can't. Have you any idea about this?
This should work :
cbxName: true,
cbxDescription: false
//cbxDescription: (condition) //you can always specify an condition here.
NOTE: cbxName, cbxDescription are the id's of checkboxes under MyCheckboxGroup, eg:
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
fieldLabel: 'MyCheckboxGroup',
name: 'mycbxgrp',
columns: 2,
items: [
{ id: 'cbxName', boxLabel: 'Name', name: 'mycbxgrp', inputValue: 1 },
{ id: 'cbxDescription', boxLabel: 'Description', name: 'mycbxgrp', inputValue: 2 }
I'm not at work so i can't check my sources but i recall that it should be
cb-col-1 = Ext.getCmp(cb-col-1)
cb-col-3 = Ext.getCmp(cb-col-3)
myCheckboxGroup.setValue(cb-col-1 true);
myCheckboxGroup.setValue(cb-col-3, true);
if it is a component, and
Ext.get('cb-col-1').dom.value = true;
Ext.get('cb-col-3').dom.value = true;
if it is an element
When using setValue with a checkboxgroup you need to pass the checkbox field name:
Ext.create('Ext.form.CheckboxGroup', {
id: 'MyGroup',
items: [{
name: 'check1'
xtype: 'checkbox',
name: 'check2'
xtype: 'checkbox',
name: 'checkset',
inputValue: 'val1'
xtype: 'checkbox',
name: 'checkset',
inputValue: 'val2'
check1: true,
check2: false,
checkset: ['val1', 'val2']
Literally lifted from the Sencha Docs

Ext JS 4: Reusing radiogroup class in Ext JS 4

I'm trying to reuse a radiogroup class that I've created, but I can't seem to get it working. Here's my code:
enabled: true
name: 'Test',
appFolder: 'app',
controllers: ['RadioController'],
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
items: [{
xtype: 'panel',
region: 'center',
title: 'buttons',
items: [{
xtype: 'form',
items: [{
xtype: 'radiobuttons',
fieldLabel: 'group 1',
//name: '1',
defaults: {
name: 'button1'
}, {
xtype: 'radiobuttons',
fieldLabel: 'group 2',
//name: '2',
defaults: {
name: 'button2'
Ext.define('Test.controller.RadioController', {
extend: '',
models: [],
stores: [],
views: ['RadioButtons'],
init: function() {
Ext.define('Test.view.RadioButtons', {
extend: 'Ext.form.RadioGroup',
alias: 'widget.radiobuttons',
items: [{
boxLabel: 'radio 1',
inputValue: 'radio 1'
}, {
boxLabel: 'radio 2',
inputValue: 'radio 2'
What happens is, the page gets loaded, and everything looks right. However, when I click a radio button in 'group 1' and then click a radio button in 'group 2', I lose the clicked button in 'group 1'. I thought radio buttons worked off of the 'name' property, and if they had a different name property, they'd basically be in a different group... thus, I shouldn't lose group 1's clicked button. Basically, I'm trying to create this jsfiddle code by reusing a class I've made. Is this possible?
It's good to note that if I use the class's code in place of using the class, I can get my results, but this isn't good practice because that's what classes try to eliminate.
This works for me... thanks to bizcasfri on the Sencha forums.
Ext.define('RadioButtons', {
extend : 'Ext.form.RadioGroup',
alias : 'widget.radiobuttons',
constructor: function (config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
defaults: {
xtype: 'radio',
items: [
boxLabel: 'Radio 1',
inputValue: '1'
boxLabel: 'Radio 2',
inputValue: '2'
enabled: true
name: 'Test',
appFolder: 'app',
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
items: [{
xtype: 'panel',
region: 'center',
title: 'buttons',
items: [{
xtype: 'form',
items: [{
xtype: 'radiobuttons',
fieldLabel: 'group 1',
name: 'radiogroup1'
}, {
xtype: 'radiobuttons',
fieldLabel: 'group 2',
name: 'radiogroup2'
Take note of the constructor method in the RadioButtons class... that's the trick to it all!

extjs 4.1 converting a dynamic combobox into dynamic radiogroup

After loading in a store of user roles [id, name] I can easily make the following form field which dynamically populates a drop down list of roles (User, Admin, ...)
xtype: 'combobox',
name: 'roleIds',
queryMode: 'local',
pinList: false,
fieldLabel: 'Role',
store: 'Roles',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'id',
allowBlank: false
This works fine but what are the proper steps required to turn this into a radiogroup? How do I make sure the proper radio button is selected when editing a record? How do I specify the default when the form is empty and making a new user?
It's basically very similar thing. At the end you need to have something like this:
xtype: 'radiogroup',
fieldLabel: 'Two Columns',
// Arrange radio buttons into two columns, distributed vertically
columns: 2,
vertical: true,
items: [
{ boxLabel: 'Item 1', name: 'rb', inputValue: '1' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 2', name: 'rb', inputValue: '2', checked: true},
{ boxLabel: 'Item 3', name: 'rb', inputValue: '3' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 4', name: 'rb', inputValue: '4' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 5', name: 'rb', inputValue: '5' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 6', name: 'rb', inputValue: '6' }
So after you receive data from the server, do a simple loop and create array of items (each items is Ext.form.field.Radio and then create a radio group and pass this array in.
