WinForms - change name of form file name - winforms

I have a project that I've been working on, and I need to import an existing form that someone else has created. The file name of the form I need to import is Form2.vb. However, there is already a Form2.vb in my current project. How do I add the other Form2.vb file in VS without replacing the Form2.vb that's already in my project?

Don't leave your files with the default name like FormN.vb. Rename the existing file to match its function. Once you do that, you could import the other form without a naming conflict. Once you import it, give it a good name that matches its function.


Dynamically import images in ReactJS with variables

I'm creating a game with sprays but I can't put all the sprays in the same folder because at least 50/ 100 and more are comming and I want to import all the images from a folder, the problem is that the name is variable.
Example :
import * as JhonImgs from "../images/Jhon/"
import * as JhonImgs from "../images/Lucas/"
Or something like that. All the images have the same extension, .png.
The problem is require.context() doesn't allow me use variables. And I can't call one by one, or use a cdn server.

Why is my import statement looking for '.\src\components\Form\Components'

Full error code is:
Cannot find file: 'Form.js' does not match the corresponding name on disk: '.\src\components\Form\Components'.
Attached is a screenshot of my folder setup and App.js file
You need to be careful with file or folder name with its uppercase and lower case, here you need to change '.\src\components\Form\Components' to '.\src\Components\Form\Form' also need to change '.\src\Components\Posts\Posts'.

Where to place a static file to be able to reference it?

vmsg requires a URL link to a .wasm file that it requires in order to work. Their sample code (which does work) looks as follows:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import vmsg from 'vmsg';
const test = new vmsg.Recorder({wasmURL: ""});
But I would like to have that file refer to a directory in my app rather than this external URL and I'm not certain:
Where I should place this file (assets/public/node_modules folder)?
What I would do to make this work (do I do an import or do I reference it directly somehow)?
I've tried placing the file in my assets folder and changing the line of code to many things along the lines of:
const test = new vmsg.Recorder({wasmURL: '../../assets/vmsg.wasm'});
But nothing seems to be working, which, after some reading, makes sense. But I'm still not sure what the right way to add a file like this should be instead.
I've seen some people run into something like this specifically when trying to import photo assets. One solution that I've found to work for that is to include .default at the end.
const test = new vsmg.Recorder({wasmURL: require('../../assets/vmsg.wasm').default});

Is it possible to override BakeTasks in a plugin

I want Bake to add a custom TimestampBehavior to every table which has the fields created_at, modified_at, proved_at. I also want to remove the Validators for these fields.
Whether a model is added the TimestampBehavior is programmed in Bake/src/Shell/Task/ModelTask.php. I don't want to edit the file in the vendor folder, because my file might be overridden by an update.
Moving the file to my plugins folder doesn't work since i get the error message "class ModelTask is already defined".
Is it possible to extend the ModelTask somehow or to use a custom ModelTask.php in my plugins folder for bake to achieve my goal?
Thanks for your help!
Moving the file to my plugins folder doesn't work since i get the error message "class ModelTask is already defined".
It doesn't work because you probably haven't changed the namespace. Fix the namespace to the one the plugin uses and you're done. You can even extend classes of the same name by using uses Foo as Bar and then Foo extends Bar.

Can Not Refactor Class Name in XCode

I am trying to rename the class name for a view controller (which has an associated .xib file) via XCode's refactoring tool. After entering a new name, I get this error message (no preview of changes):
The selection is not a type that can be renamed.
Make a different selection and try again.
I have tried all the suggestions in this SO thread, but no luck.
What could prevent XCode from being able to refactor a class (and related file names), when other classes and variables can be refactored without any problem?
I think you tried to change the classname by selecting the file and press refactor or you select it in the #import "classname".
Instead try to select "classname" in the interface definition after #interface
I also met this problem
Here is my solution
Move the whole Project to another place Then it works(to me)
