File being simultaneously written, read and removed - file

I'm wondering if there is an mechanism that reads a file while it is being written and remove the content that has been read simultaneously. The purpose for doing this is because the file is stored in memory (ramdisk) and as the file size increases, we need to remove the part that has already being processed.
Thanks a lot!!!
PS: I'm using Linux and Java for this. :)

Data cannot be removed from the beginning or middle of a file. Process the data using multiple files and erase them as they are consumed.

Reading from a file while it is being written to is no big deal, this is the purpose of every tail program, however deleting already read content of an opened file... I don't think it is possible.
You may want to think of a work around. For example you can have a number of files {0,n} with the same limit of bytes to write to. Start writing the file_i where i is the highest available number out of {0,n} and go up to limit. Reading starts from the lowest available file_i, reads up to limit and when done deletes the file just consumed.

We still haven't heard what OS our friend user2386567 is using, but as a counterpoint to the other answers declaring that it's impossible to delete data from the middle of a file, I'd like to point out that Linux has FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE for that exact purpose.


Removing bytes from File in (C) without creating new File

I have a file let's log. I need to remove some bytes let's n bytes from starting of file only. Issue is, this file referenced by some other file pointers in other programs and may these pointer write to this file log any time. I can't re-create new file otherwise file-pointer would malfunction(i am not sure about it too).
I tried to google it but all suggestion for only to re-write to new files.
Is there any solution for it?
I can suggest two options:
Ring bufferUse a memory mapped file as your logging medium, and use it as a ring buffer. You will need to manually manage where the last written byte is, and wrap around your ring appropriately as you step over the end of the ring. This way, your logging file stays a constant size, but you can't tail it like a regular file. Instead, you will need to write a special program that knows how to walk the ring buffer when you want to display the log.
Multiple number of small log filesUse some number of smaller log files that you log to, and remove the oldest file as the collection of files grow beyond the size of logs you want to maintain. If the most recent log file is always named the same, you can use the standard tail -F utility to follow the log contents perpetually. To avoid issues of multiple programs manipulating the same file, your logging code can send logs as messages to a single logging daemon.
So... you want to change the file, but you cannot. The reason you cannot is that other programs are using the file. In general terms, you appear to need to:
stop all the other programs messing with the file while you change it -- to chop now unwanted stuff off the front;
inform the other programs that you have changed it -- so they can re-establish their file-pointers.
I guess there must be a mechanism to allow the other programs to change the file without tripping over each other... so perhaps you can extend that ? [If all the other programs are children of the main program, then if the children all O_APPEND, you have a fighting chance of doing this, perhaps with the help of a file-lock or a semaphore (which may already exist ?). But if the programs are this intimately related, then #jxh has other, probably better, suggestions.]
But, if you cannot change the other programs in any way, you appear to be stuck, except...
...perhaps you could try 'sparse' files ? On (recent-ish) Linux (at least) you can fallocate() with FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE, to remove the stuff you don't want without affecting the other programs file-pointers. Of course, sooner or later the other programs may overflow the file-pointer, but that may be a more theoretical than practical issue.

How does fwite/putc write to Disk?

Suppose we have an already existing file, say <File>. This file has been opened by a C program for update (r+b). We use fseek to navigate to a point inside <File>, other than the end of it. Now we start writing data using fwrite/fputc. Note that we don't delete any data previously existing in <File>...
How does the system handle those writes? Does it rewrite the whole file to another position in the Disk, now containing the new data? Does it fragment the file and write only the new data in another position (and just remember that in the middle there is some free space)? Does it actually overwrite in place only the part that has changed?
There is a good reason for asking: In the first case, if you continuously update a file, the system can get slow. In the second case, it could be faster but will mess up the File System if done to many files. In the third case, especially if you have a solid state Disk, updating the same spot of a File over and over again may render that part of the Disk useless.
Actually, that's where my question originates from. I've read that, to save Disk Sectors from overuse, Solid State Disks move Data to less used sectors, using different techniques. But how exactly does the stdio functions handle such situations?
Thanks in advance for your time! :D
The fileystem handler creates a kind of dicationary writing to sectors on the disc, so when you update the content of the file, the filesystem looks up the dictionary on the disc, which tells it, in which sector on the disc the file data is located. Then it spins (or waits until the disc arrives there) and updates the appropriate sectors on the disc.
That's the short version.
So in case, of updating the file, the file is normally not moved to a new place. When you write new data to the file, appending to it, and the data doesn't fit into the existing sector, then additional sectors are allocated and the data is written there.
If you delete a file, then usually the sectors are marked as free and are reused. So only if you open a new file and rewrite it, it can happen that the file is put in different sectors than before.
But the details can vary, depending on the hardware. AFAIK if you overwrite data on a CD, then the data is newly written (as long as the session is not finalized), because you can not update data on a CD, once it is written.
Your understanding is incorrect: "Note that we don't delete any data previously existing in File"
If you seek into the middle of a file and start writing it will write over whatever was at that position before.
How this is done under the covers probably depends on how computer in the hard disk implements it. It's supposed to be invisible outside the hard disk and shouldn't matter.

Reading and piping large files with C

I am interested in writing a utility that modifies PostScript files. It needs to traverse the file, make certain decisions about the page count and dimensions, and then write the output to a file or stdout making certain modifications to the PostScript code.
What would be a good way to handle file processing on a *NIX system in this case? I'm fairly new to pipes and forking in C, and it is my understanding that, in case of reading a file directly, I could probably seek back and forth around the input file, but if input is directly piped into the program, I can't simply rewind to the beginning of an input as the input could be a network stream for example, correct?
Rather than store the entire PS file into memory, which can grow huge, it seems like it would make more sense to buffer the input to disk while doing my first pass of page analysis, then re-read from the temporary file, produce output, and remove the temporary file. If that's a viable solution, where would be a good place to store such a file on a *NIX system? I'm not sure how safe such code would be either: the program could potentially be used by multiple users on the same server. It sounds like I would have make sure to save the file somewhere in a temporary directory unique to a given user account as well as give the temporary file on disk a fairly unique name.
Would appreciate any tips and pointers on this crazy puzzling world of file processing.
Use mkstemp(3) to create your temporary file. It will handle concurrency issues for you. mmap(2) will let you move around in the file with abandon.
if input is directly piped into the program, I can't simply rewind to the beginning of an input as the input could be a network stream for example, correct?
That's correct. You can only perform random access on a file.
If you read the file, perhaps you could build a table of metadata, which you can use to seek specific portions of the file later, without keeping the file itself in memory.
/tmp is the temporary directory on unix systems. It's specified by FHS. It's cleaned out when the system is rebooted.
If you need more persistent data storage than that there's /var/tmp which is not cleaned out after reboots. Also FHS.

How exactly is a file opened for reading/writing by applications like msword/pdf?

I want are the steps that an application takes inorder to open the file and allow user to read. File is nothing more than sequence of bits on the disk. What steps does it take to show show the contents of the file?
I want to programatically do this in C. I don't want to begin with complex formats like word/pdf but something simpler. So, which format is best?
If you want to investigate this, start with plain ASCII text. It's just one byte per character, very straightforward, and you can open it in Notepad or any one of its much more capable replacements.
As for what actually happens when a program reads a file... basically it involves making a system call to open the file, which gives you a file handle (just a number that the operating system maps to a record in the filesystem). You then make a system call to read some data from the file, and the OS fetches it from the disk and copies it into some region of RAM that you specify (that would be a character/byte array in your program). Repeat reading as necessary. And when you're done, you issue yet another system call to close the file, which simply tells the OS that you're done with it. So the sequence, in C-like pseudocode, is
int f = fopen(...);
while (...) {
byte foo[BLOCK_SIZE];
fread(f, foo, BLOCK_SIZE);
do something with foo
If you're interested in what the OS actually does behind the scenes to get data from the disk to RAM, well... that's a whole other can of worms ;-)
Start with plain text files

Writing data to a restricted size text file in C

I need to write some system log data (usually not more than 100 characters at a time) into a log file based on particular events. But the size of this log file is small (say around 4KB), and I need to wrap around the logs when the file size hits the limit. While wrapping around, I need to preserve the latest info, and later on present it in chronological order as it was written to the file. What is the best way to do this? I want to avoid making copies of the file to do this.
To write to a restricted file:
call ftell to find out where you are in the file
call fwrite to write as much as you can, with respect to restricted size
if you couldn't write the whole message
call fseek to return to the start of the file
call fwrite to write the remainder of the message
To meet your modified requirements, you will need to use a record-based file. Choose arecord size slightly bigger than the largest message and give each message a timestamp. The algorithm I described still works, except that you go back to the start if you can't write the whole message. You will also need to write a small application to read the file and present the contents in chronological order.
Alternatively, investigate using an existing logging library like log4c.
