breeze - how to subscribe to changes on a many-to-many relationship - angularjs

I've got a many-to-many relationship in Breeze:
Product *---1 ProductWidgets 1----* Widgets
Product needs to know when any of it's Widgets changes. Widgets can be added or removed from Products at any time.
Ideally, I'd want to do something like:
product.widgets.on('change', function () {});
...but I'm imagining I need something like:
var handleWidgetChange = function (changes) {
console.log("here are the changes", changes);
for(var i = 0; i < product.productWidgets.length; i++) {
// make sure we're getting events for the current set of widgets
// if any of the current set of product widgets gets pointed elsewhere, catch that
product.productWidgets[i].entityAspect.propertyChanged.subscribe(function (change) {
if (change.propertyName === "widget") {
// handle new product widgets and removal of product widgets
product.productWidgets.arrayChanged.subscribe(function (change) {
if (change.added) {
} else if (change.removed) {
Is there a recommended way to achieve this?
(Note: I'm using angular, and would love to just $watch('product.productWidgets', function () {}, true) but that gives a circular reference error.)

Memory leaks are a huge risk in JavaScript, in part because there are no weak references. You must be careful with events. You really don't want to iterate over entities adding and removing subscriptions.
You also do not want to use Angular watches for monitoring model changes because you'll drive UI performance into the ground. There are too many entities with too many properties and you'll surely make a mistake by leaving watches in place long after you should have stopped watching.
Fortunately, Breeze provides a central entity change monitoring facility. A Breeze EntityManager listens for changes to any of the entities it holds in cache.
var widgetType = manager.metadataStore.getEntityType('Widget');
var productWidgetType = manager.metadataStore.getEntityType('ProductWidget');
function entityChanged(changeArgs) {
var entity = changeArgs.entity;
if (entity.entityType === productWidgetType ||
entity.entityType === widgetType) {
// do what you do when someone does something to an entity of this type
// perhaps call back into a method on that instance that knows what to do
This one event notifies you of any change to any entity in the manager's cache. It will be called frequently so be crisp in your evaluation. For example, consider deactivating your event handler during queries.
The changeArgs.entityAction tells you what just happened to the entity. There are many actions that trigger this event: a property could change, its EntityState could change (add/modify/delete/detach), etc.
You don't have to worry about the product.productWidgets array. When a ProductWidget is added or removed from that array, the ProductWidget.productId foreign key will change ... and you're picking that up in this entityChanged handler.
There is no need to worry about a memory leak because the EntityManager already holds a reference to the entity and will continue to do so until you detach the entity or dispose of the EntityManager instance (and all of your own or the UI's references to the entity). That, to my mind, is appropriate lifetime management.


An approach to deal with dependency resolution and optimistic updates in react applications

In an architecture where objects have many complex relationships, what are some maintainable approaches to dealing with
Resolving Dependencies
Optimistic Updates
in react applications?
For example, given this type of schema:
type Foo {
otherFooID: String,
bars: List<Bar>
type Bar {
bizID: String,
type Biz {
A user might want to save the following ->
firstBiz = Biz();
secondBiz = Biz();
firstFoo = Foo({bars: [Bar({biz: firstBiz})]
secondFoo = Foo({bars: [Bar({biz: secondBiz})] otherFooId:})
First Problem: Choosing real ids
The first problem with above is having the correct id. i.e in order for secondFoo to save, it needs to know the actual id of firstFoo.
To solve this, we could make the tradeoff, of letting the client choose the id, using something like a uuid. I don't see anything terribly wrong this this, so we can say this can work
Second Problem: Saving in order
Even if we determine id's from the frontend, the server still needs to receive these save requests in order.
- save firstFoo
// okay. now is valid
- save secondFoo
// okay, it was able to resolve otherFooID to firstFoo
The reasoning here is that the backend must guarantee that any id that is being referenced is valid.
- save secondFoo
// backend throws an error otherFooId is invalid
- save firstfoo
// okay
I am unsure what the best way to attack this problem is
The current approaches that come to mind
Have custom actions, that do the coordination via promises
save(biz).then(_ => save(Bar).then(_ => save(firstFoo)).then(_ => save(second)
The downside here is that it is quite complex, and the number of these kinds of combinations will continue to grow
Create a pending / resolve helper
const pending = {}
const resolve = (obj, refFn) => {
return Promise.all(obj, refFn(obj));
const fooRefs = (foo) => {
return =>;
pending[firstFoo].id = resolve(firstFoo, fooRefs).then(_ => save(firstFoo))
The problem with 2. is that it can cause a bunch of errors easily, if we forget to resolve or to add to pending.
Potential Solutions
It seems like Relay or Om next can solve these issues, but i would like something less high power. Perhaps something that can work in with redux, or maybe it's some concept I am missing.
Thoughts much appreciated
I have a JS/PHP implementation of such a system
My approach is to serialize records both on the client and server using a reference system
For example unsaved Foo1 has GUID eeffa3, and a second Foo references its id key as {otherFooId: '#Foo#eeffa3[id]' }
Similarily you can reference a whole object like this
Foo#eefa3:{bars['#Baz#ffg4', '#Baz#ffg5']}
Now the client-side serializer would build a tree of relations and model attributes like this
attribs:{name:'John', title:'Mr.'},
As you can see in this example I have described circular relations between unsaved objects in pure JSON.
The key here is to hold these "record" objects in client-side memory and never mutate their GUID
The server can figure out the order of saving by saving first records without "parent" dependencies, then records which depend on those parents
After saving, the server wil return the same reference map, but now the attribs will also include primary keys and foreign keys
JS walks the received map twice (first pass just update server-received attributes, second pass substitute record references and attribute references to real records and attributes).
So there are 2 mechanisms for referencing a record, a client-side GUID and a server-side PK
When receiving a server JSON, you match your GUID with the server primary key

Marionette Regions and routing

I'm using a LayoutView to display a collection in table form. When a user clicks on a tr I swap the CompositeView for an ItemView that shows the details using the same region. It all works except the functionality of the back button is broken. Is there a way to trap the back event and switch views?
Or should I use two Views and pass the model id and then refetch the model? The problem with that though is the extra request and I lose the filter and sort values of the table unless I use local storage.
Including more code would be better, but in any case I will try to give some guidance for your problem.
To avoid fetching the data twice, you can keep a common object in a "parent" component, for example in the Router.
var theObject;
var router = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
routes: {
"routeA/:id": "goToRouteA",
"routeB/:id": "goToRouteB"
goToRouteA: function(id) { myLayout({
model: this._getCommonObject(id)
goToRouteB: function(id) { myLayout({
model: this._getCommonObject(id)
/*Return the common object for the views*/
_getCommonObject: function(id) {
theObject = (theObject && theObject.get('id') == id) ? theObject : MyApp.request('getTheObject');
return theObject;
In this way, you can keep the reference to the same object without loosing information.
You just have to make sure to delete the object when it is not needed to avoid keeping old information, for example on the Region close event.

How to handle save states in React/Flux?

I've been working with react/flux for a few weeks now and while I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on everything from async loading to updating props/states/etc, one thing that is still bothering me is how to handle save states.
For example, when loading data, I just have an isLoading boolean parameter in my store that gets passed to my components. But when I try and post an updated object to the server, it's trivial to:
fire the update action
display a "save in progress" state
but figuring out the result of the update action seems to be way more difficult.
Probably the most applicable post I've seen on this is in Fluxxor's async data guide, but their solution (adding/modifying a status property on the object) feels error-prone to me.
onAddBuzz: function(payload) {
var word = {id:, word: payload.word, status: "ADDING"};
this.words[] = word;
onAddBuzzSuccess: function(payload) {
this.words[].status = "OK";
onAddBuzzFail: function(payload) {
this.words[].status = "ERROR";
this.words[].error = payload.error;
Is there a better way to manage save states or is adding a status property to the object the best way?
I recommend keeping your "model stores" and "ui stores" separate, or at least accessed via different cursor positions in the same store. So, in your case you'd have one store or branch for your "word model" and then another store or branch for "word status."
While this adds some complexity in the form of breaking up logic across stores and reacting twice to the AddBuzz action, it ends up reducing (more) complexity by confining model store updates to true changes in model data and managing ui states separately.
This is what Relay will more-or-less be doing, keeping persisted data in a separate self-managed store, leaving custom stores for nothing but ui state. Some other libraries like also recommend this approach. The idea is that these are fundamentally different kinds of state. One is domain-specific persisted data and the other is ui-specific ephemeral application state.
It might look something like this:
onAddBuzz: function(payload) {
var word = {id:, word: payload.word};
this.words[] = word;
onAddBuzz: function(payload) {
this.wordStates[] = 'ADDING';
// listen to both stores and pass down both words and wordStates to your views
render: function() {
var word = this.props.word,
wordState = this.props.wordState;
If you don't want to emit two change events, have one waitFor the other and emit the change only from the second one.

Save Backbone.js Model and update entire Collection

I would like to be able to call save() on a backbone model and have the backend return the entire collection of this model instead of only the changed attributes of the model. I would then like backbone to update the entire returned collection. The use case for this is the following:
A user has multiple addresses and can choose a shipping address from this collection. If she chooses a different shipping address from the collection the previous shipping address should be updated to the state of 'just another plain address'. For this the entire collection has to be updated instead of only the changed model.
Is this somehow possible in backbone.js?
Thanks a lot in advance!
models that are bound to collections, contain their collection parent as a property. Also, since your returning a list of models, we can assume that it is always in a list.
mymodel = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function (data) {
if(this.collection && typeof(data) === 'array') {
return data;
I do not think that overriding sync or breaking the expectations of what save returns is necessary here.
It would be simpler I guess to override save on the model, something on the lines of:
save: function (key, value, options) {
var p =, key, value, options),
if (this.collection) {
p.done(function () { self.collection.fetch(); });
return p;
which will save using the normal save obtaining its promise, and then if saving was successful and the model is part of a collection, it will fetch the collection from the server.
Another way would be to bind to the model's change event, check if it belongs to a collection and fetch, but that would also happen on set.
Yep, it's possible. You'll need to override the sync function on the model
MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
sync: function(method, model) {
if (method === 'create') {
//perform save logic and update the model's collection
} else if (method === 'update') {
//perform save logic and update the model's collection
} else if (method === 'read') {
} else if (method === 'destroy') {
Take a look at the Backbone.sync function for more information.
What your use case actually calls for is the updating of two models, not the updating of an entire collection. (Other than fetching, collections don't interact with the server in Backbone.) Assuming you have addresses A, B, and C, with A as the current shipping address and C as the new shipping address, your code can simply:
Update C to be the new shipping address.
Update A to be 'just another address.'
If your problem is that you don't know which address is the current address (i.e., address A), then you can just search inside your collection for it (i.e., "give me the current shipping address"), update C, and then update the returned address (address A).
If you absolutely need to update an entire collection (you don't), cycle through collection.models and update each one individually. There simply is no concept in Backbone of a collection being acted upon RESTfully.
Edit: I may have misread your question. If you meant update the collection on the client (i.e., you didn't intend to update the collection on the server), then the code is still similar, you just update both the old model and the new one.

merge backbone collection with server response

TL;DR: If I'm polling the entire collection of models from the server, how can I merge the changed attributes into each model and add/remove added/removed models from the collection?
In my backbone app, I am polling for the entire collection of models. I have a Backbone.Collection that I am basically calling reset on each time I get the array of models, so:
The only problem with this is that it gets rid of the old models, kind of eliminating the benefit of events on a model. This is reset's purpose of course, but what I want to do is only modify the changed attributes of the models, and remove models not in the response, and add models that were in the response but not the collection.
Essentially I want a sort of merge of the data.
For models that are in the response and in the collection already, I believe I can just do model.set(attributes) and it takes care of seting only the ones that actually changed, triggering the change events in the process. This is great.
But how do I handle the cases where the models were in the response but not in the collection already, and vice versa, not in the response but in the collection?
My Proposed Solution
I don't know if backbone already has a way of doing this, and I may be overcomplicating which is why I'm asking, but I was thinking then of creating a method on my collection which gets passed the server_response.
It would get all of the id attributes of the server_response, and all of the id attributes of the models already in the collection.
The difference of the id's in response - collection would = added models, and vice versa would be removed models. Add and remove those models respectively from the collection.
The intersection of both sets of id's would be the modified models, so iterate through these id's and simply do a collection.get(id).set(attributes).
In pseudocoffeescript:
merge: (server_response) =>
response_ids = _.pluck(server_response, 'id')
collection_ids = #pluck('id')
added = _.difference(response_ids, collection_ids)
for add in added
#add(_.find(server_response, (model) ->
return == add
removed = _.difference(collection_ids, response_ids)
for remove in removed
changed = _.intersection(response_ids, collection_ids)
for change in changed
#get(change).set(_.find(server_response, (model) ->
return == change
This technique is useful sometimes. We extend Collection with the following method. This should do what you're looking for. It's not in coffee, but you could easily port it. Enjoy!
// Take an array of raw objects
// If the ID matches a model in the collection, set that model
// If the ID is not found in the collection, add it
// If a model in the collection is no longer available, remove it
freshen: function (objects) {
var model;
// Mark all for removal
this.each(function (m) {
m._remove = true;
// Apply each object
_(objects).each(function (attrs) {
model = this.get(;
if (model) {
model.set(attrs); // existing model
delete model._remove
} else {
this.add(attrs); // new model
}, this);
// Now check for any that are still marked for removal
var toRemove = this.filter(function (m) {
return m._remove;
_(toRemove).each(function (m) {
}, this);
this.trigger('freshen', this);
This just went into Backbone master 3 days ago:
