Expanding square control [duplicate] - wpf

Does anyone have an idea how to keep the Height/Width Ratio 1:1 of a UserControl?
E.g. if Height > Width, Width & Height will have the same size and vice versa.

I'm not sure this will work, but if you register a handler for the SizeChanged event and in there put in your code keep the aspect ratio 1:1.
The SizeChangedEventArgs argument has the old size and the new size so you can check which has changed and update the other accordingly.
You might need to introduce a guard variable so that you don't get a cascade of SizeChanged events as a result of updating the Height or Width.

Another alternative:
<local:MyControl Width="{Binding ActualHeight, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"/>

Try using a ViewBox and setting its Stretch property to Uniform

i used this code for keeping aspect ratio
inside usercontrol globally define org_width, org_height, org_ratio :
private static double org_width = 77.6;//desired width
private static double org_height = 81.4;//desired height
private static double org_ratio = org_width / org_height;
use this code inside usercontrol in SizeChanged event:
FrameworkElement UCborder = this;
UCborder.Width = UCborder.Height*org_ratio;
and finally your user control code should looks like this:
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace yournamespace
public partial class YourUserControl : UserControl
private static double org_width = 77.6;//desired width
private static double org_height = 81.4;//desired height
private static double org_ratio = org_width / org_height; // width/height
public YourUserControl()
private void UserControl_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
FrameworkElement UCborder = this;
UCborder.Width = UCborder.Height*org_ratio;
good luck

private bool isSizeChangeDefered;
private void uiElement_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
//Keep Acpect Ratio
const double factor = 1.8;
isSizeChangeDefered = true;
if (e.WidthChanged)
driverPan.Height = e.NewSize.Width * factor;
if (e.HeightChanged)
driverPan.Height = e.NewSize.Width / factor;
// e.Handled = true;
isSizeChangeDefered = false;
maybe this helps... cheers


How to change a three steps operation into a command in WPF?

I'm learning MVVM design pattern so I'm trying to change some operation into Command.
Here's an example, MainWindow has a Canvas as the container, and the user can draw rectangle through dragging. So I write the code as below
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
StartPoint = e.GetPosition(this);
shape = new Rectangle();
shape.Fill = Brushes.Transparent;
shape.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
shape.StrokeThickness = 1;
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Point endpoint = e.GetPosition(this);
double left = Math.Min(endpoint.X, StartPoint.X);
double top = Math.Min(endpoint.Y, StartPoint.Y);
shape.Margin = new Thickness(left, top, 0, 0);
shape.Width = Math.Abs(endpoint.X - StartPoint.X);
shape.Height = Math.Abs(endpoint.Y - StartPoint.Y);
shape.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
shape.StrokeThickness = 2;
protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Since maybe I wanna add Undo function so that the rectangle will disappear after Undo invoked, so I want to make these 3 steps into one command. How should I do this? Thanks.
Microsoft's Expression Blend Behaviors does this. To implement and use your own behaviors you do not need Expression Blend, just the SDK which is available for download.
The way it works is you implement Behavior where T : DependencyObject. The class has two overrideable methods OnAttach() and OnDetach() which you wire and unwire to your events, and put the above logic inside the behavior. If you were to name your class DrawRectangleBehavior, then, all you need to do is this:
<myBlend:DrawRectangleBehavior />
And the behavior (I did not test this)
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace MyCompany.Common.Behaviors
public class DrawRectangleBehavior : Behavior<Canvas>
Point StartPoint;
Shape shape;
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += OnMouseLeftButtonDown;
AssociatedObject.PreviewMouseMove += OnMouseMove;
AssociatedObject.MouseLeave += OnMouseLeave;
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= OnMouseLeftButtonDown;
AssociatedObject.PreviewMouseMove -= OnMouseMove;
AssociatedObject.MouseLeave -= OnMouseLeave;
protected void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object o, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
StartPoint = e.GetPosition(AssociatedObject);
shape = new Rectangle();
shape.Fill = Brushes.Transparent;
shape.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
shape.StrokeThickness = 1;
protected void OnMouseMove(object o, MouseEventArgs e)
Point endpoint = e.GetPosition(AssociatedObject);
double left = Math.Min(endpoint.X, StartPoint.X);
double top = Math.Min(endpoint.Y, StartPoint.Y);
shape.Margin = new Thickness(left, top, 0, 0);
shape.Width = Math.Abs(endpoint.X - StartPoint.X);
shape.Height = Math.Abs(endpoint.Y - StartPoint.Y);
shape.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
shape.StrokeThickness = 2;
protected void OnMouseLeave(object o, MouseEventArgs e)
And you have a reusable piece of code.
Please see the following tutorial WPF Tutorial | Blend Behaviors
And the following download link Expression Blend SDK

How can I find UIElements in a rectangle in WPF?

I need to find UIElements in (rectangle/area/bounds).
MainWindow I'm doing the following:
I register the mouse down as the start position.
I regsiter the mouse up position.
Now I need to find ll (buttons, textboxes, etc) in the rectangle between start
postion and the end position.
I found in the msdn the HitTest approach but it is only for one point. I think, walking through all points in the founded
rectangle it is a performance disaster.
My code based on MVVM pattern:
private ObservableCollection<UIElementViewModel> wells;
private Point stratPoint; // Mouse down
public ICommand MouseUpRightCommand
if (this.mouseUpRightCommand == null)
this.mouseUpRightCommand = new RelayCommands(
param =>
if (param is MouseButtonEventArgs)
var e = (param as MouseButtonEventArgs);
//Set the end point
endPosition = e.GetPosition(((ItemsControl)e.Source));
// for example, here I want to find all controls(UIElements) in the
// founded rectangle of stratPoint and endPosition.
return this.mouseUpRightCommand;
Any other idea or a better approach?
I would use FrameworkElement (which extends UIElement) instead of UIElement, in order to use ActualWidth and ActualHeight properties
Then create a static class which does some math MouseUtils
with those static fields
private static double _dContainerTop;
private static double _dContainerBottom;
private static double _dContainerLeft;
private static double _dContainerRight;
private static double _dCursorTop;
private static double _dCursorLeft;
private static double _dCursorRight;
private static double _dCursorBottom;
and those static methods
private static void FindValues(FrameworkElement element, Visual rootVisual)
var containerTopLeft = container.TransformToAncestor(rootVisual).Transform(new Point(0, 0));
_dContainerTop = containerTopLeft.Y;
_dContainerBottom = _dContainerTop + container.ActualHeight;
_dContainerLeft = containerTopLeft.X;
_dContainerRight = _dContainerLeft + container.ActualWidth;
public static bool IsElementUnderRectCursor(FrameworkElement element, Point startPoint, Point endPoint, Visual rootVisual)
_dCursorTop=Math.Min(startPoint.Y, endPoint.Y);
_dCursorBottom=Math.Max(startPoint.Y, endPoint.Y);
_dCursorLeft=Math.Min(startPoint.X, endPoint.X);
_dCursorRight=Math.Max(startPoint.X, endPoint.X);
FindValues(container, rootVisual);
if (_dContainerTop < _dCursorTop|| _dCursorBottom< _dContainerBottom )
return false;
if (_dContainerLeft < _dCursorLeft|| _dContainerRight < _dCursorRight)
return false;
return true;
Rootvisual being your window for example;
Then loop over ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> wells and call that function IsElementUnderRectCursor.
This is inspired from:
Kinecting the Dots
Astreal thanks again for your answer. It's done. I just moved the selection code from modelView to view. The selection done only in the UI.
private void SelectWells(RectangleGeometry selectionRectangle, FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
var items = GetItemsControl(frameworkElement);
foreach (var item in items.Items)
var viusalItem = (ContentPresenter)items.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
var wellControl = this.GetWellControl(viusalItem);
var relativePoint = wellControl.TransformToAncestor(items).Transform(new Point(0, 0));
var controlRectangle =
new RectangleGeometry(
new Rect(relativePoint.X, relativePoint.Y, wellControl.ActualWidth, wellControl.ActualHeight));
var intersectionGeometry = Geometry.Combine(
selectionRectangle, controlRectangle, GeometryCombineMode.Intersect, null);
if (intersectionGeometry.GetArea() > 0)
usefull link for u:
When an user clicks on a node in the tree we need to let the ViewModel node know that the selection has changed. We like to route the event as a command to the ViewModel

RibbonApplicationMenu: getting rid of the AuxiliaryPane

It so happened that the application I'm working on doesn't operate on documents, so there's no need in displaying the recently opened documents list in the application menu.
But - annoyingly - there are no properties readily available in the RibbonApplicationMenu class to hide the unused AuxiliaryPane (for which, curiously, the property does exist, but is marked as "internal").
Of course, I can just leave it there - but that's... untidy.
So, here's the solution I came up with.
Hope it will be helpful for anyone else :-)
The general idea is to subclass the RibbonApplicationMenu, find the template child corresponding to the menu's Popup, and overrule its Width (after a number of frustrating experiments it became evident that doing that neither for PART_AuxiliaryPaneContentPresenter nor for PART_FooterPaneContentPresenter - nor for the both - could achieve anything).
Well, without further ado, here's the code:
public class SlimRibbonApplicationMenu : RibbonApplicationMenu
private const double DefaultPopupWidth = 180;
public double PopupWidth
get { return (double)GetValue(PopupWidthProperty); }
set { SetValue(PopupWidthProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty PopupWidthProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("PopupWidth", typeof(double),
typeof(SlimRibbonApplicationMenu), new UIPropertyMetadata(DefaultPopupWidth));
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
this.DropDownOpened +=
new System.EventHandler(SlimRibbonApplicationMenu_DropDownOpened);
void SlimRibbonApplicationMenu_DropDownOpened(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
DependencyObject popupObj = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_Popup");
Popup popupPanel = (Popup)popupObj;
popupPanel.Width = (double)GetValue(PopupWidthProperty);
As a side note, I tried to find any way to resolve the desired width based on the max width of the ApplicationMenu's Items (rather than setting it explicitly through the DependencyProperty in XAML) - but to no avail.
Given my despise to "magic numbers", any suggestion on that will be deeply appreciated.
I know this has been a while, but I've got another solution to this. This one does not provide the Popup width property, instead a ShowAuxilaryPanel boolean. It then goes to Bind the width of the Popup, to the width of the menu item area of the menu.
public class SlimRibbonApplicationMenu : RibbonApplicationMenu
public bool ShowAuxilaryPanel
get { return (bool)GetValue(ShowAuxilaryPanelProperty); }
set { SetValue(ShowAuxilaryPanelProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowAuxilaryPanelProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ShowAuxilaryPanel", typeof(bool),
typeof(SlimRibbonApplicationMenu), new UIPropertyMetadata(true));
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
this.DropDownOpened += SlimRibbonApplicationMenu_DropDownOpened;
void SlimRibbonApplicationMenu_DropDownOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
DependencyObject popupObj = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_Popup");
Popup panel = (Popup)popupObj;
var exp = panel.GetBindingExpression(Popup.WidthProperty);
if (!this.ShowAuxilaryPanel && exp == null)
DependencyObject panelArea = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_SubMenuScrollViewer");
var panelBinding = new Binding("ActualWidth")
Source = panelArea,
Mode = BindingMode.OneWay
panel.SetBinding(Popup.WidthProperty, panelBinding);
else if (this.ShowAuxilaryPanel && exp != null)
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(panel, Popup.WidthProperty);
worked for me
<telerik:ApplicationMenu RightPaneVisibility="Collapsed" >

Silverlight LineDataPoint Increase Size on MouseOver

I am using a custom style in a resource dictionary for the LineDataPoint available with the toolkit.
I want the datapoint to increase in size on the mouseover event and the revert back to its original size once the mouse leaves. What's the best way to implement this?
I haven't found a better solution then using an extended class with necessary functionality:
public class ExtendedLineSeries : LineSeries
//I assume that all points have the same size
private double _originalDataPointWidth;
private double _originalDataPointHeight;
protected override DataPoint CreateDataPoint()
var dp = base.CreateDataPoint();
if (this.IncreaseDataPointSizeTo != null)
dp.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(OnDataPointMouseEnter);
dp.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(OnDataPointMouseLeave);
return dp;
/// <summary>
/// The width and height to which the point is increased in size
/// </summary>
public double? IncreaseDataPointSizeTo { get; set; }
void OnDataPointMouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var dp = sender as DataPoint;
if (dp != null)
//return to the original size
dp.Width = _originalDataPointWidth;
dp.Height = _originalDataPointHeight;
void OnDataPointMouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var dp = sender as DataPoint;
if (dp != null)
//remember the original size and enlarge the data point
_originalDataPointWidth = dp.ActualWidth;
_originalDataPointHeight = dp.ActualHeight;
dp.Width = dp.Height = IncreaseDataPointSizeTo.Value;
This class can be used everywhere where you use the common LineSeries class. It has the additional property IncreaseDataPointSizeTo which contains the final size in width and height of the hovered datapoint.
Example of xaml code:
<ext:ExtendedLineSeries IsSelectionEnabled="True"
IncreaseDataPointSizeTo="16" ...

WPF: Color under the pointer

I have a control with a gradiant background. On the MouseDown or MouseUp event I want to capture what color the pixel is immeidately under the mouse pointer. How would I do that?
I created a behavior that can be attached to an Image object to grab the color, which is 100% WPF. Here is the behavior; it could be tweaked to work with any "Visual", not just an Image.
[Note: I hardcoded 96dpi for the creation of RenderTargetBitmap... your milage may vary]
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace Company.Solution.Project.Utilities.Behaviors
[Description("Used to sample the color under mouse for the image when the mouse is pressed. ")]
public class ImageBehaviorMouseDownPointSampleToColor : Behavior<Image>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedColorProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedColor", typeof(Color),
new UIPropertyMetadata(Colors.White));
public Color SelectedColor
get { return (Color)GetValue(SelectedColorProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedColorProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.MouseMove += AssociatedObject_MouseMove;
AssociatedObject.MouseDown += AssociatedObject_MouseDown;
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.MouseMove -= AssociatedObject_MouseMove;
AssociatedObject.MouseDown -= AssociatedObject_MouseDown;
private void AssociatedObject_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void AssociatedObject_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
private void SamplePixelForColor()
// Retrieve the coordinate of the mouse position in relation to the supplied image.
Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(AssociatedObject);
// Use RenderTargetBitmap to get the visual, in case the image has been transformed.
var renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)AssociatedObject.ActualWidth,
96, 96, PixelFormats.Default);
// Make sure that the point is within the dimensions of the image.
if ((point.X <= renderTargetBitmap.PixelWidth) && (point.Y <= renderTargetBitmap.PixelHeight))
// Create a cropped image at the supplied point coordinates.
var croppedBitmap = new CroppedBitmap(renderTargetBitmap,
new Int32Rect((int)point.X, (int)point.Y, 1, 1));
// Copy the sampled pixel to a byte array.
var pixels = new byte[4];
croppedBitmap.CopyPixels(pixels, 4, 0);
// Assign the sampled color to a SolidColorBrush and return as conversion.
SelectedColor = Color.FromArgb(255, pixels[2], pixels[1], pixels[0]);
