How to draw a line between two WPF controls using dependency properties? - wpf

I need to draw a line connecting two WPF controls. I have defined a dependency property in my Node objects so if the Node is moved the line still connect the objects.
I have the following example but I'm unable to get it working.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Node node1 = new Node(myCanvas) { Width = 50, Height = 50 };
Node node2 = new Node(myCanvas) { Width = 50, Height = 50 };
Canvas.SetLeft(node1, 0);
Canvas.SetLeft(node2, 200);
Canvas.SetTop(node1, 0);
Canvas.SetTop(node2, 0);
Connector conn = new Connector();
conn.Source = node1.AnchorPoint;
conn.Destination = node2.AnchorPoint;
class Node : Control
public static readonly DependencyProperty AnchorPointProperty =
"AnchorPoint", typeof(Point), typeof(Node),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Point(0, 0),
public Point AnchorPoint
get { return (Point)GetValue(AnchorPointProperty); }
set { SetValue(AnchorPointProperty, value); }
private Canvas mCanvas;
public Node(Canvas canvas)
mCanvas = canvas;
this.LayoutUpdated += Node_LayoutUpdated;
void Node_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
Size size = RenderSize;
Point ofs = new Point(size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2);
AnchorPoint = TransformToVisual(this.mCanvas).Transform(ofs);
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
new Point(Width / 2, Height / 2), Width / 2, Height / 2);
public sealed class Connector : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty =
"Source", typeof(Point), typeof(Connector),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(default(Point)));
public Point Source {
get { return (Point)this.GetValue(SourceProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(SourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty DestinationProperty =
"Destination", typeof(Point), typeof(Connector),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(default(Point)));
public Point Destination {
get { return (Point)this.GetValue(DestinationProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(DestinationProperty, value); }
public Connector()
LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(default(Point), true);
PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(default(Point), new[] { segment }, false);
PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry(new[] { figure });
BindingBase sourceBinding =
new Binding { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath(SourceProperty) };
BindingBase destinationBinding =
new Binding { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath(DestinationProperty) };
figure, PathFigure.StartPointProperty, sourceBinding);
segment, LineSegment.PointProperty, destinationBinding);
Content = new Path
Data = geometry,
StrokeThickness = 5,
Stroke = Brushes.White,
MinWidth = 1,
MinHeight = 1

All you have to do to make your example work is to bind conn.Source and .Destination to the nodes' AnchorPoints, or else the Connector just get the AnchorPoints' initial values (0,0), and doesn't listen for further changes:
Connector conn = new Connector();
//conn.Source = node1.AnchorPoint;
new Binding()
Source = node1,
Path = new PropertyPath(Node.AnchorPointProperty)
//conn.Destination = node2.AnchorPoint;
new Binding()
Source = node2,
Path = new PropertyPath(Node.AnchorPointProperty)


How to draw dropshadow effect in a geometry in WPF

I'm drawing the following Shape in a Canvas.
I would like to highlight it when it's selected by changing its color (the easy part) and drawing an small halo around it:
This is how I did using SASS:
How coud I draw in WPF? Remember that I'm drawing using the Shape's OnRender method.
Set some defaults in constructor.
One of these defaults is Shape.Effect, as it will be animated on MouseEnter event.
Construct VisualStates for Normal , and MouseEnter scenarios.
Change the VisualState of the element using VisualStateManager.GoToElementState() in MouseEnter and MouseLeave event handlers.
You can expose various properties using DPs for customization.
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
namespace WpfStackOverflow.NewShape
public class CNewShape : Shape
public CNewShape()
// setting the defaults
this.Width = 40;
this.Height = 40;
this.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush() { Color = Colors.Red };
this.StrokeThickness = 5;
this.Effect = new DropShadowEffect() {
Color = Colors.Transparent,
BlurRadius = 1,
Direction = -150,
ShadowDepth = 1
// constructing the VisualStates
// event handlers
this.MouseEnter += CNewShape_MouseEnter;
this.MouseLeave += CNewShape_MouseLeave;
#region EventHandlers
void CNewShape_MouseLeave(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
VisualStateManager.GoToElementState(this, "VSNormal", false);
void CNewShape_MouseEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
VisualStateManager.GoToElementState(this, "VSMouseEnter", false);
#region Overrides
// This needs to be implemented as it is abstract in base class
GeometryGroup geo = new GeometryGroup();
protected override Geometry DefiningGeometry
get { return geo; }
protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
Pen pen = new Pen(this.Stroke, StrokeThickness);
drawingContext.DrawEllipse(Brushes.Transparent, pen, new Point(Width/2, Height/2), 40, 40);
drawingContext.DrawEllipse(Stroke, null, new Point(Width / 2, Height / 2), 30, 30);
#region Helpers
private void _constructVisualStates()
VisualStateGroup vsg1 = new VisualStateGroup();
#region VSNormal (Normal Visual State)
VisualState stateVSNormal = new VisualState() { Name = "VSNormal" };
Storyboard sbVSNormal = new Storyboard();
ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames oa = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(oa, new PropertyPath("Effect"));
DiscreteObjectKeyFrame dokf = new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(null);
stateVSNormal.Storyboard = sbVSNormal;
#region VSMouseEnter (MouseEnter Visual State)
VisualState stateVSMouseEnter = new VisualState() { Name = "VSMouseEnter" };
Storyboard sbVSMouseEnter = new Storyboard();
ColorAnimation caStrokeColor = new ColorAnimation();
caStrokeColor.To = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FF24BCDE");
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(caStrokeColor, new PropertyPath("(Shape.Stroke).(SolidColorBrush.Color)"));
ColorAnimation caEffectColor = new ColorAnimation();
caEffectColor.To = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFA4E1F3");
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(caEffectColor, new PropertyPath("(Shape.Effect).(Color)"));
DoubleAnimation daBlurRadius = new DoubleAnimation();
daBlurRadius.To = 10;
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(daBlurRadius, new PropertyPath("(Shape.Effect).(BlurRadius)"));
DoubleAnimation daDirection = new DoubleAnimation();
daDirection.To = -190;
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(daDirection, new PropertyPath("(Shape.Effect).(Direction)"));
stateVSMouseEnter.Storyboard = sbVSMouseEnter;
<local:CNewShape Canvas.Left="70" Canvas.Top="52" Stroke="#FF374095" StrokeThickness="10" Width="100" Height="100" />
Quality of the image is bad. On screen actual output looks good.
Whatever your trigger is that your control enters the Highlighted state, in that trigger just set the Effect property. For my test the "trigger" is a property:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowShadowProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register ("ShowShadow", typeof (bool), typeof (TestShape), new PropertyMetadata (false, ShowShadowChanged));
public bool ShowShadow
get { return (bool)GetValue (ShowShadowProperty); }
set { SetValue (ShowShadowProperty, value); }
private static void ShowShadowChanged (DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
((TestShape)d).OnShowShadow ();
private void OnShowShadow ()
if (ShowShadow)
Effect = new DropShadowEffect { Direction = 0, ShadowDepth = 20, BlurRadius = 33, Opacity = 1, Color = Colors.Black};
Effect = null;
Which means you don't need to do anything in OnRender.

How to set a dependency property from InLine event of a textblock?

I'm trying to set the dependency property "WordPad" from within the Inline event of MouseEnter from a CustomTextBlock. But this error results:
An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'WpfCustomControlLibrary.CustomTextBlock.WordPad.get'
How can I achieve this?
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Given the following class:
public class CustomTextBlock : TextBlock
public string InLineText
get { return (string)GetValue(InLineTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(InLineTextProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty InLineTextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("InLineText", typeof(string), typeof(CustomTextBlock),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty,
(o, e) =>
CustomTextBlock tb = (CustomTextBlock)o;
string text = (string)e.NewValue;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
List<Inline> inlines = new List<Inline>();
string[] words = Regex.Split(text, #"(\s+)");
Inline inline = null;
foreach (string s in words)
Run run = new Run(s);
inline = run;
inline.MouseEnter += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(inline_MouseEnter);
inline.MouseLeave += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(inline_MouseLeave);
public WritingPad WordPad
get { return (WritingPad)GetValue(WordPadProperty); }
set { SetValue(WordPadProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty WordPadProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("WordPad", typeof(WritingPad), typeof(CustomTextBlock), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));
static void inline_MouseEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
Run Sender = sender as Run;
TextPointer tp0 = Sender.ContentStart;
TextPointer tp1 = Sender.ContentEnd;
Rect StartRect = tp0.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);
Rect EndRect = tp1.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Backward);
WordPad = new WritingPad(); <--**THIS FAILS ????
Make the inline_MouseEnter and inline_MouseLeave methods non-static and attach them to your Runs like this:
inline.MouseEnter += tb.inline_MouseEnter;
inline.MouseLeave += tb.inline_MouseLeave;
Even better would be to make the whole PropertyChangedCallback non-static and then write the dependency property declaration like this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty InLineTextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("InLineText", typeof(string), typeof(CustomTextBlock),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty,
(o, e) => ((CustomTextBlock)o).InlineTextChanged((string)e.NewValue)));
private void InlineTextChanged(string text)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
foreach (string s in Regex.Split(text, #"(\s+)"))
var run = new Run(s);
run.MouseEnter += inline_MouseEnter;
run.MouseLeave += inline_MouseLeave;
I'm hopeful a guru can give a better solution.
It should be noted that Run has a "Parent" property which resolved to this instance of CustomTextBlock. Hence, this seems to work,
CustomTextBlock ctb = Sender.Parent as CustomTextBlock;
ctb.WordPad = new WritingPad
WordBounds = StartRect,
WritingPadMode = Enumerations.WritingPadModes.EditingByWord

Bind dependency Property to Child Element in Code behind

I basically got a ContentControl that has Border as content witch also has TextBlock as content. What i want is that e.g. the Foreground Brush of the TextBlock is bound to a dependency property of the parent ContentControl... I am stuck right here i don't know how to solve this.
public class NumberRollItem : ContentControl
public int Index { get; set; }
public int AnimationIndex { get; set; }
public Brush ItemForeground
get { return (Brush)GetValue(ItemForegroundProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemForegroundProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemForegroundProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemForeground", typeof(Brush), typeof(NumberRollItem), new PropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White)));
public Brush ItemBackground
get { return (Brush)GetValue(ItemBackgroundProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemBackgroundProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemBackgroundProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemBackground", typeof(Brush), typeof(NumberRollItem), new PropertyMetadata(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)));
public double ItemFontSize
get { return (double)GetValue(ItemFontSizeProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemFontSizeProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemFontSizeProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemFontSize", typeof(double), typeof(NumberRollItem), new PropertyMetadata(45d));
public NumberRollItem(char c, int index)
this.Index = index;
string text = ""; text += c;
HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
Content = new Border()
Background = ItemBackground, // Background bound to ItemBackground but how??
HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
Child = new TextBlock()
FontSize = 45,
Text = text,
Foreground = ItemForeground,
Updated for WP
Well if you're doing everything via code, you can create the Binding in code too,
Something like:
public NumberRollItem(char c, int index)
this.Index = index;
string text = ""; text += c;
// Giving This control a Name to later use for Binding
string thisControlName = "NumberItem";
Name = thisControlName;
HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
var tBlock = new TextBlock()
FontSize = 45,
Text = text
var binding = new Binding
ElementName = thisControlName,
Path = new PropertyPath("ItemForeground")
tBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty, binding);
Content = new Border()
Background = ItemBackground,
HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
Child = tBlock,
What you're doing with this code is:
In the constructor of NumberRollItem you create a Binding with ElementName pointing to NumberRollItem class and assign the Binding to the TextBlock.ForegroundProperty. This will thus have them bound to allow for any future changes to ItemForeground to affect the TextBlock.Foreground as well.
Not sure why you've taken this approach and not the xaml Style route but whatever works for ya :)

Is a dashed border around a selected text/image element possible in Silverlight?

I have an image editor I'm developing in silverlight which has multiple text and image elements on one canvas, that are draggable etc. I need feedback for the user to highlight the selected element when it is clicked on by the user and highlight a different element instead if another is clicked. I think I should do this with a dashed border around the element, but I don't know if it's possible.
Below is my code relating to the elements -
namespace ImageEditor.Client.BLL
public class Project : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int numberOfElements;
#region Properties
private ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> elements;
public ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> Elements
get { return elements; }
elements = value;
private FrameworkElement selectedElement;
public FrameworkElement SelectedElement
get { return selectedElement; }
selectedElement = value;
private TextBlock selectedTextElement;
public TextBlock SelectedTextElement
get { return selectedTextElement; }
selectedTextElement = value;
private Image selectedImageElement;
public Image SelectedImageElement
get { return selectedImageElement; }
selectedImageElement = value;
#region Methods
private void AddTextElement(object param)
TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.Text = "New Text";
textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
textBlock.FontSize = 25;
textBlock.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial");
textBlock.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
textBlock.Tag = null;
textBlock.MouseLeftButtonUp += element_MouseLeftButtonUp;
this.SelectedElement = textBlock;
this.selectedTextElement = textBlock;
private BitmapImage GetImageFromLocalMachine(out bool? success, out string fileName)
OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog()
Filter = "Image Files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;",
Multiselect = false
success = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (success == true)
fileName = dialog.File.Name;
FileStream stream = dialog.File.OpenRead();
byte[] data;
BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage();
using (FileStream fileStream = stream)
data = new byte[fileStream.Length];
fileStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
return imageSource;
fileName = string.Empty;
return new BitmapImage();
private void AddImageElement(object param)
bool? gotImage;
string fileName;
BitmapImage imageSource = GetImageFromLocalMachine(out gotImage, out fileName);
if (gotImage == true)
Image image = new Image();
image.Name = fileName;
image.Source = imageSource;
image.Height = imageSource.PixelHeight;
image.Width = imageSource.PixelWidth;
image.MaxHeight = imageSource.PixelHeight;
image.MaxWidth = imageSource.PixelWidth;
image.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
image.Tag = null;
image.MouseLeftButtonUp += element_MouseLeftButtonUp;
this.SelectedElement = image;
this.SelectedImageElement = image;
private void OrderElements()
var elList = (from element in this.Elements
orderby element.GetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty)
select element).ToList<FrameworkElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < elList.Count; i++)
FrameworkElement fe = elList[i];
fe.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, i);
this.Elements = new ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement>(elList);
public void element_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
this.SelectedElement = sender as FrameworkElement;
if (sender is TextBlock)
this.SelectedTextElement = sender as TextBlock;
else if (sender is Image)
this.SelectedImageElement = sender as Image;
More than needed there but you get a good idea of how it all works from that. How might I go about it? I'm still pretty new to silverlight
This is my start attempt at a DashBorder Method, wherein I'm trying to make a rectangle the same dimensions as the selected element which will go around the element
public static void DashBorder(FrameworkElement element)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
rect.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
rect.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 2, 2 };
It appears to do nothing and isn't what I want to do anyway. Is there no way to make a dash border on a FrameworkElement directly?
I don't know how, but google does.
You can use the StrokeDashArray to achieve the desired effect,
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10" Width="100" Height="100"
Stroke="Black" StrokeDashArray="10, 2"/>
The first number in StrokeDashArray is the length of the dash, the
second number is the length of the gap. You can repeat the dash gap
pairs to generate different patterns.
To do this in code create a rectangle and set it's StrokeDashArray property like this (code untested):
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
rect.StrokeThickness = 1;
double[] dashArray = new double[2];
dashArray[0] = 2;
dashArray[1] = 4;
rect.StrokeDashArray = dashArray;

GridLength animation using keyframes?

I want to know are there any classes that I can animate a GridLength value using KeyFrames? I have seen the following sites, but none of them were with KeyFrames:
Any advice?
Create an attached behavior and animate it instead.
Sure, GridLength clearly is not a numeric type and as such it's not clear how it can be animated. To compnesate that I can create an attached behavior like:
public class AnimatableProperties
public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(-1, (o, e) =>
AnimatableProperties.OnWidthChanged((Grid)o, (double)e.NewValue);
public static void SetWidth(DependencyObject o,
double e)
o.SetValue(AnimatableProperties.WidthProperty, e);
public static double GetWidth(DependencyObject o)
return (double)o.GetValue(AnimatableProperties.WidthProperty);
private static void OnWidthChanged(DependencyObject target,
double e)
target.SetValue(Grid.WidthProperty, new GridLength(e));
That will re-inroduce Grid width as numeric property of double type. Having that in place you can freely animate it.
P.S. Obviously it doesn't make much sense to use Grid's Width as it's already double. any other GridLength based properties can be wrpapped with double wrappers as per the sample above and then animated via that wrappers.
It is fairly straight forward but you need to use an adapter because you can't directly animate Width on the ColumnDefinition class with a DoubleAnimator because ColumnDefinition is not a double. Here's my code:
public class ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter : Control
#region Dependency Properties
public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Width), typeof(double), typeof(ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter), new PropertyMetadata((double)0, WidthChanged));
private static void WidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var columnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter = (ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter)d;
columnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter.Width = (double)e.NewValue;
#region Fields
private ColumnDefinition _ColumnDefinition;
#region Constructor
public ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter(ColumnDefinition columnDefinition)
_ColumnDefinition = columnDefinition;
#region Public Properties
public double Width
return (double)GetValue(WidthProperty);
SetValue(WidthProperty, value);
_ColumnDefinition.Width = new GridLength(value);
Unfortunately the above is pretty inefficient because it creates a GridLength again and again because ColumnDefinition.Width.Value should be read only.
Here is a method to do the animation. It's important that it uses Task based async because otherwise the storyboard will go out of scope and cause bad behaviour. This is good practice anyway so you can await the animation if you need to:
public async static Task AnimateColumnWidth(ColumnDefinition columnDefinition, double from, double to, TimeSpan duration, IEasingFunction ease)
var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
var storyboard = new Storyboard();
var animation = new DoubleAnimation();
animation.EasingFunction = ease;
animation.Duration = new Duration(duration);
animation.From = from;
animation.To = to;
var columnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter = new ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter(columnDefinition);
Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, columnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new PropertyPath(ColumnDefinitionDoubleAnimationAdapter.WidthProperty));
storyboard.Completed += (a, b) =>
await taskCompletionSource.Task;
And an example usage:
private async void TheMenu_HamburgerToggled(object sender, EventArgs e)
TheMenu.IsOpen = !TheMenu.IsOpen;
var twoSeconds = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(120);
var ease = new CircleEase { EasingMode = TheMenu.IsOpen ? EasingMode.EaseIn : EasingMode.EaseOut };
if (TheMenu.IsOpen)
await UIUtilities.AnimateColumnWidth(MenuColumn, 40, 320, twoSeconds, ease);
await UIUtilities.AnimateColumnWidth(MenuColumn, 320, 40, twoSeconds, ease);
