Is it possibile change date format in Piwik? - matomo

is there a way to show another format date in piwik dashboard ? For example like this dd-mm-YYYY ? Thanks and excuse for my english.

It is currently not possible to modify it. We might allow you to do it in the future (or even use the default date format for you language setting).
Feel free to add a new ticket to to request this feature.
Disclosure: I'm a Piwik dev.


How to use Custom Fields data Instead of react-stripe-elements

I am trying to Use my Custom Fields Data which I have taken from the User such as ,Card Number and expiry year, expiry Month and CVC .I have googled every where but everyone seems to be using react-stripe-elements for the payment process but i want to use my Custom Fields ,I have tried many way's to achieve that but since i am new to react I can't seem solve it on my own so if anyone Knows about it .your help would be appreciated.
It looks like you asked more or less this same question yesterday, and it was answered in detail.
While it is not the recommended approach unless you have a deep need, you can send card details to the API to create a payment method, but this carries an additional PCI compliance burden for you (click "API Direct" on that page).

users and expiration date

I have a question that I hope someone can help me with, I would like to be able to search for how many paying members my website has at a specific date.
They belong to their own role "members" and there is an expiration date for each member. If they do not have an expiration date, they should also be listed.
Should I be able to use 2sxc module for this and would anyone tell me how to do?
You would need to have an intermediate understanding of SQL and the tables/fields related to the results you are trying to achieve. Though it is possible to get done in 2sxc, I would recommend starting the effort the DNN Reports module. That should let you focus on getting the results you need in the SQL Query first (since the display part is auto/default. Then, once you have the right query, you could move it over to 2sxc (or any module that allows data to be queried and returned as a result (set)) and do something more useful.

What version of angular.js support European date formatting DD/MM/YYYY?

Which version of angularjs datepicker support European date formatting (DD/MM/YYYY)?
Well angular in itself does not have any special support for date formats. Its the javascript in which you can change date formats. You can refer to Javascript change date into format of (dd/mm/yyyy) on tips or just google around.
Be aware that locale of system and browser used by user can affect output. Ensure that you test your solution on multiple browsers.
By including one of these locale-files, you may set the default date to your prefered (instead of having to format the dates every time you use it):

Wordpress stores user nickname only if it is in English

I have a problem in my Wordpress. if i save a user nickname with any language other than English, like Persian, it will store it as empty value in DB
And then the URLs won't work anymore. Is this a problem of mine or it's something global and it should be the way it is?!
if there is a solution for it, i will be thankful.
Maybe installing Wordpress in Farsi and having a language plugin of some sort will fix your issue as of stated in the official documentation.
This is also probably due to the tables not being set to support the language special encoding.

how to change timezone setting in Lucid Work Enterprises

I have installed Lucid Work Enterprises and notice that its displaying time of UTC zone. But my system timezone is UTC+05:30. so there is always a difference in my database last_modified field value for delta query for indexing (as there is 5:30 Hrs difference in Lucid admin timezone and my database timezone).
I tried to change a setting in start.bat file from
"set MISC_OPTS2=-Duser.language=en -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
"set MISC_OPTS2=-Duser.language=en -Duser.timezone=UTC+05:30 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
But it doesn't make any difference.
I am unable to find a way to change timezone setting in Lucid admin area. Even there was no option to select timezone in installation wizard.
Please help me that how i can change this timezone setting for Lucid.
Thanks in advance
I had a similar issue using lucen/solr (without LWE). At solr ther is (also) no way to configure the timezone. Asking an Partner from "Lucid imagination" how to handle time-zones with lucene/solr, i get the answer: change timezone-settings at your J2EE servlet container options.
But as you said:
But it doesn't make any difference.
My workaround is realized by the application, which handles the "time-zone-difference" between lucene- and database timestamp. Not sure, which programming language you are using. PHP for example provides nice build-in functionality for handling dateTime objects and different timezones.
