How do I iterate a Backbone Firebase Collection? - backbone.js

I currently started using Firebase as my backend solution for persistance.
I found it easy to create new objects and persist it to Firebase with Backfire with a simple
The issue comes when I try to get a Firebase collection from the server.
For example when i try
I get this output:
=> {length: 0, models: Array[0], _byId: Object, _events: Object, constructor: function…}
Which result in an empty models array
=> []
After some searching, I figured out that Backbone Collections aren't yet loaded at the time I try to log it to the console (see this previous question).
I also tried using
model: Todo,
firebase: new Backbone.Firebase("https://<your-namespace>")
To explicitly call fetch from the server and use success callback with no success either.
My question is: How can I get the Firebase Collection and populate the DOM from it?

When you call Backbone.Firebase.Collection.add, it does not get added to the collection synchronously. Rather, it sends the request to Firebase and then waits for the return event. See the code here
Thus, if you immediately try to read the collection, you will see zero elements. However, if you try something like this:
collection.once('add', function() { console.log(collection.length); });
You'll see the element you have added.
Remember that we're dealing with real-time data here, so when you want to populate the DOM, you shouldn't think in terms of a single transaction, but instead rely on events and take everything as you get it (in real time).
So to populate the DOM, do something like this in your view:
render: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.rowAdded);
rowAdded: function(m) {
/* use `m` here to create your new DOM element */
Additionally, you'll probably want to check out a nice binding library like ModelBinder to help you deal with the constantly changing DOM, so you don't have to re-invent any wheels.

It seems you have to use a Backbone.Firebase.Collection and not a Backbone.Collection which will tell you that your calls to fetch or sync are silently ignored.
Also, Backbone.Firebase's got a read and a readall methods that should get you started. It seems Backbone.Firebase.Collection doesn't inherit this method, but I'm not sure though.
As Kato stated in his comment, it seems you don't have to do anything. Just use Backbone.Backfire.Collection and Backbone.Backfire.Model.


Backbone sync not updating collection

I thought this would update my model with the response from the server (the call works fine and returns the expected values) but my collection and its models are not being updated. What's wrong with this? Its using create because it posts the the collection which is then returned with changes. As I mentioned the changes come back but the console.log shows that the collection has not changed.
test: function(){
Backbone.sync('create', this.importCollection, {
success : _.bind(function(e) {
If you look at Backbone.Sync method in the annotated source, you can see that nowhere does it ever manipulate the model/collection directly, it only makes the ajax call using the model/collection instance.
If you want to call the Backbone.Sync method manually, you're gonna have to populate your collection manually after the ajax call is done. If you want to see how Backbone does it, you can take a look at the Backbone.Collection fetch method. and don't update client

I want to call save on a Backbone model and have it write data to the server, but not update the client. How do I do this?
To clarify: when Backbone saves a model, it sends all the data to the server, and then retrieves the data from the server and updates it on the client. This second step is what I want not to happen.
To clarify further: The model ('parent' model) has an attribute which is itself a model ('child' model); when it's saved to the server, this child model is converted to JSON. When the parent model updates after the save, the attribute that previously contained a reference to the child model is replaced with the parsed JSON object of the child model that was saved. This is what I need not to happen.
When the data is initially pulled from the server, the parent model "reconstitutes" that object into an appropriate child model, but this is an expensive process and there is no reason to re-do it every time save fires on the parent model, since the child model will never change.
It sounds like you do not want to parse your model when you receive the response from the server on a
You can try something such as:,{
success: function() { ... },
parse : false // This will be passed to your parse function as an option
You would have to set-up your parse function in your corresponding model as follows:
parse: function(resp,options) {
// don't update model with the server response if {parse:false} is passed to save
if (options && !options.parse) return;
/ ... rest of your parse code ... /
Backbone currently defaults options.parse to true. Here is a short-discussion on the topic.
As discussed in that thread, perhaps you want to consider why you do not want want to update the server response to the client. There may be a cleaner way to achieve the results you desire.
Depending on how/what your server setup is, all you really have to do is issue a regular AJAX request. This is exactly what backbone does in the background so you'll just bypass the client side logic.
You could do this with native JavaScript, but I'm fairly sure you have some other library in use that can make things much easier.
For the completeness of this answer, I'll give an example with jQuery:
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: { "the" : "model" },
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(){
// once the request has returned
The $.ajax function also has some additional functionality, and you can read about it in the jQuery docs.
On client you mean Views? If you want to save your model but not render your views which happens since save will trigger a change event, you should call save with option silent:true, or set a custom option like dontchange:true when calling save and check it in when handling change. I prefer the custom option, because silent has side effects (at least in my version of backbone 1.0.0)
a little code:
when you save:{},{dontchange: true});
you install your event listeners in the view:
this.listenTo(model, 'change', function(model, options){
if (options.dontchange)
I ran into same problem.,{patch:true, parse:false}) really did not invoke parse method but model was still merged with server response.
It is not elegant, but this worked for me:
I believe it's best to avoid this situation by clean REST api design.

Backbone - Using fetched data inside the view

I have fatched the data to Collection variable, but I am not sure what should I do next. How to use this data and to fill the template with it? Here is my code from the render function inside the View.
Collection.url = "../data";
var compiled = _.template(;
self.$el.prepend(compiled(/*MY JSON SHOULD GO HERE*/));
I am a newbie to backbone, so every help is appreaciated.
Here is a Collection definition:
var MainCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: MainModel,
//localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("kitchen"),
initialize: function (models,options) { }
}), Collection = new MainCollection;
Here is a log of Collection and Collection coverted to JSON:
Assuming Collection is your collection's name (that's pretty confusing I have to say), this is what you're looking for:
Don't forget you're fetching the data asynchronously. So when you're evaluating your template, the data hasn't come back yet, and your collection's still empty. Listen to the end of the request ('sync' event I think) or some other events so you know when the collection's populated OR use the success option of the fetch method to specify a callback :)
As for your logs. When you log an object, it will be automatically updated until you check the details. So you logged it while it was empty, but checked it after it was populated (a few ms afterwards).

Repopulating forms from in backbone

ive got a problem which im not sure how to bite.
Ive got a search form with a lots of filters. I store all current fitlers
in global namespage ie: window.NM.CurrentSearchParams = {} and i update the hash from filters. Each time the hash is updated, updating uri event is fired to
replate the with current params. Everything is workin here fine.
Now ive got a problem after entering page to deserialize and
update CurrentSearchParams with parameters. Thats fine also, but i would like
to forms to repopulate based on those params.
Ive got a little mess in code and not sure the best way to do it.
How to bind form population in different views to the parameters?
make the CurrentSearchParams a Backbone.Model so you can subscribe to change events on it.
NM.CurrentSearchParams = new Backbone.Model();
MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
NM.CurrentSearchParams.on("change", this.doStuff, this);
doStuff: function(){
// do stuff here
close: function(){"change", this.doStuff, this);
Note the "close" method that I added. This is very important and you need to call this when your view is done and ready to be closed, or you will end up with a lot of memory leaks and events triggering on zombie view instances:

Cleanest way to destroy every Model in a Collection in Backbone?

On the first attempt I wrote
This does not work, because it's similar to ConcurrentModificationException in Java where every other elements are removed.
I tried binding "remove" event at the model to destroy itself as suggested Destroying a Backbone Model in a Collection in one step?, but this will fire 2 delete requests if I call destroy on a model that belongs to a collection.
I looked at underscore doc and can't see a each() variant that loops backwards, which would solve the removing every element problem.
What would you suggest as the cleanest way to destroy a collection of models?
You could also use a good, ol'-fashioned pop destroy-in-place:
var model;
while (model = this.collection.first()) {
I recently ran into this problem as well. It looks like you resolved it, but I think a more detailed explanation might also be useful for others that are wondering exactly why this is occurring.
So what's really happening?
Suppose we have a collection (library) of models (books).
For example:
console.log(library.models); // [object, object, object, object]
Now, lets go through and delete all the books using your initial approach:
library.each(function(model) {
each is an underscore method that's mixed into the Backbone collection. It uses the collections reference to its models (library.models) as a default argument for these various underscore collection methods. Okay, sure. That sounds reasonable.
Now, when model calls destroy, it triggers a "destroy" event on the collection as well, which will then remove its reference to the model. Inside remove, you'll notice this:
this.models.splice(index, 1);
If you're not familiar with splice, see the doc. If you are, you can might see why this is problematic.
Just to demonstrate:
var list = [1,2];
list.splice(0,1); // list is now [2]
This will then cause the each loop to skip elements because the its reference to the model objects via models is being modified dynamically!
Now, if you're using JavaScript < 1.6 then you may run into this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'destroy' of undefined
This is because in the underscore implementation of each, it falls back on its own implementation if the native forEach is missing. It complains if you delete an element mid-iteration because it still tries to access non-existent elements.
If the native forEach did exist, then it would be used instead and you would not get an error at all!
Why? According to the doc:
If existing elements of the array are changed, or deleted, their value as passed to callback will be the value at the time forEach visits them; elements that are deleted are not visited.
So what's the solution?
Don't use collection.each if you're deleting models from the collection. Use a method that will allow you to work on a new array containing the references to the models. One way is to use the underscore clone method.
_.each(_.clone(collection.models), function(model) {
I'm a bit late here, but I think this is a pretty succinct solution, too:
_.invoke(this.collection.toArray(), 'destroy');
Piggybacking on Sean Anderson answer.
There is a direct access to backbone collection array, so you could do it like this.
_.invoke(this.collection.models, 'destroy');
Or just call reset() on the collection with no parameters, destroy metod on the models in that collection will bi triggered.
This works, kind of surprised that I can't use underscore for this.
for (var i = this.collection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--);
I prefer this method, especially if you need to call destroy on each model, clear the collection, and not call the DELETE to the server. Removing the id or whatever idAttribute is set to is what allows that.
var myCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
var models = myCollection.remove(myCollection.models);
_.each(models, function(model) {
model.set('id', null); // hack to ensure no DELETE is sent to server
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
You don't need underscore and for loop for this.
this.collection.slice().forEach(element => element.destroy());
