Pushing a pointer into the eax and ebx registers in GCC - c

I need to push a pointer into the eax and another into the ebx register. I first solved this with:
register int eax asm("eax");
register int ebx asm("ebx");
int main()
eax = ptr1;
ebx = ptr2;
Which worked like a charm. However, when I added this into my other code, I got some strange errors about gcc being unable to find a register to spill in class AREG, in totally unrelated part of the code. I googled, and it turns out to actually be a bug in gcc -.-. So, I need an other way, to push two pointers, into the eax and ebx registers. Anyone any ideas?
Since people have been asking what I am trying to accomplish here, I thought I'd explain a bit.
I need to change the eax and ebx for some assembly code I'm trying to run in my program. I need to execute this assembly code, and give a pointer to the parameter via the eax and ebx register. I execute the assembly code by pushing a pointer to it in ebx and that call ebx. When I don't call the register stuff globally, but locally, the assembly code crashes. If I call it globally, I get this weird error at the end of a random function. When I remove that functions, it throws the same error at another random function. Until I ran out of functions, then it works, but then I miss the rest of the code :P

If you have (inline) assembly code that requires specific parameters in EAX/EBX, the way to do this in gcc is to use the following:
__asm__("transmogrify %0, %1\n" : "+a"(val_for_eax), "+b"(val_for_ebx));
This uses what gcc calls inline assembly constraints which tell the compiler that the assembly code - whatever it is - expects val_for_eax/val_for_ebx in EAX/EBX (that's the a/b part) as well as that it will return potentially modified versions of these variables (that's the +) in these registers as well.
Beyond that, the actual code within the asm() statement doesn't matter to the compiler - it'll only need/want to know where the parameters %0 and %1 live. The above example will, due to a transmogrify instruction not existing in the current x86 instruction set, fail when the assembler runs; just substitute it with something valid.
The explanations why gcc behaves this way and exactly what you can tell it to do is in the GCC manual, at:
Extended Assembly - Assembler Instructions with C operands
Constraints for asm operands, in particular the Intel/386 section of the Machine-specific Constraints list for what to say if you need to pass/retrieve a value in a specific register, and the Modifiers section about the meaning of things like the + (to both pass and return a value; there are other such "modifiers" to the constraints)
You can specify a specific register for a variable but due to the way gcc works / the way inline assembly is implemented in gcc, doing so does not mean (!) the register is from then on reserved (out of scope) for gcc to use for its own purposes. That can only be achieved through constraints, for a specific, single asm() block - the constraints tells gcc what to write into those registers before the placement of the actual assembly code, and what to read from them afterwards.

Since the eax register is need all over the place in a valid program on your architecture, your strategy can't work with global variables that are bound to the specific registers. Don't do that, reserving a register globally is not a good idea.
Place the variables that are bound to registers in the particular function, as close as possible to their use.


Why we need Clobbered registers list in Inline Assembly?

In my guide book it says:
In inline assembly, Clobbered registers list is used to tell the
compiler which registers we are using (So it can empty them before
Which I totally don't understand, why the compiler needs to know so? what's the problem of leaving those registers as is? did they meant instead to back them up and restore them after the assembly code.
Hope someone can provide an example as I spent hours reading about Clobbered registers list with no clear answers to this problem.
The problems you'd see from failing to tell the compiler about registers you modify would be exactly the same as if you wrote a function in asm that modified some call-preserved registers1. See more explanation and a partial example in Why should certain registers be saved? What could go wrong if not?
In GNU inline-asm, all registers are assumed preserved, except for ones the compiler picks for "=r" / "+r" or other output operands. The compiler might be keeping a loop counter in any register, or anything else that it's going to read later and expect it to still have the value it put there before the instructions from the asm template. (With optimization disabled, the compiler won't keep variables in registers across statements, but it will when you use -O1 or higher.)
Same for all memory except for locations that are part of an "=m" or "+m" memory output operand. (Unless you use a "memory" clobber.) See How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used? for more details.
Footnote 1:
Unlike for a function, you should not save/restore any registers with your own instructions inside the asm template. Just tell the compiler about it so it can save/restore at the start/end of the whole function after inlining, and avoid having any values it needs in them. In fact, in ABIs with a red-zone (like x86-64 System V) using push/pop inside the asm would be destructive: Using base pointer register in C++ inline asm
The design philosophy of GNU C inline asm is that it uses the same syntax as the compiler internal machine-description files. The standard use-case is for wrapping a single instruction, which is why you need early-clobber declarations if the asm code in the template string doesn't read all its inputs before it writes some registers.
The template is a black box to the compiler; it's up to you to accurately describe it to the optimizing compiler. Any mistake is effectively undefined behaviour, and leaves room for the compiler to mess up other variables in the surrounding code, potentially even in functions that call this one if you modify a call-preserved register that the compiler wasn't otherwise using.
That makes it impossible to verify correctness just by testing. You can't distinguish "correct" from "happens to work with this surrounding code and set of compiler options". This is one reason why you should avoid inline asm unless the benefits outweigh the downsides and risk of bugs. https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DontUseInlineAsm
GCC just does a string substitution into the template string, very much like printf, and sends the whole result (including the compiler-generated instructions for the pure C code) to the assembler as a single file. Have a look on https://godbolt.org/ sometime; even if you have invalid instructions in the inline asm, the compiler itself doesn't notice. Only when you actually assemble will there be a problem. ("binary" mode on the compiler-explorer site.)
See also https://stackoverflow.com/tags/inline-assembly/info for more links to guides.

How does inline (x86) assembly affect the program flow?

I'm trying to understand how such snippets are invoked during run time:
//... More x86 assembly
Won't tweaking the registers corrupt the program flow execution?
For example: If CX above holds some value, wouldn't this mean that this register value will no longer be valid?
Does the compiler take care of these dependencies or does the execution of the snippet happens under special circumstances?
On which compilers the usage of inline assembly is not transparent?
In GCC you have to specify the affected registers explicitly to prevent corruption of the exectution flow:
asm [volatile] ( AssemblerTemplate
: OutputOperands
[ : InputOperands
[ : Clobbers ] ])
While the compiler is aware of changes to entries listed in the output
operands, the inline asm code may modify more than just the
outputs.[...] calculations may require additional registers, [...]
list them in the clobber list.
Please use the "memory" clobber argument if your code performs reads or writes to other items, than already listed.
The "memory" clobber tells the compiler that the assembly code
performs memory reads or writes to items other than those listed in
the input and output operands
Reference: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Extended-Asm.html
In MSVC on the other hand, you don't need to preserve the general purpose registers:
When using __asm to write assembly language in C/C++ functions, you
don't need to preserve the EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, or EDI registers. [...]
You should preserve other registers you use (such as DS, SS, SP, BP,
and flags registers) for the scope of the __asm block. You should
preserve the ESP and EBP registers unless you have some reason to
change them.
Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k1a8ss06.aspx
EDITS: changed should to have to for gcc and added note about the "memory" clobber argument, follwing Olafs suggestions.
There are some additional flags that can be passed to the inline assembly code. One of them is the "clobber list", that indicates to the C/C++ compiler the list of registers that will be modified by the bloc of assembly code.
Note that the way to specify these additional flags is dependent on the compiler (it is completely different in Microsoft Visual C++, GCC etc...)
For GCC, see for instance:

Is the Global Offset Table (GOT) pointer available from C/C++?

I'm trying to track down an issues that a handful of users are reporting. I cannot reproduce it at the moment, but I suspect the issue is related to the use of PIC and inline assembly.
PIC uses the Global Offset Table (GOT), and the inline assembly must preserve EBX and RBX according to the ABI. I've audited the code, and it appears to preserve EBX and RBX as required. But that does not mean the generated code is consistent with expectations because GCC will interleave instructions as it sees fit. All GCC guarantees is consecutiveness (i.e., my ASM will not be reordered).
I want to instrument debug builds with code similar to the following:
volatile void* got1 = GlobalOffsetTablePointer();
// Call a routine that uses inline assembly
volatile void* got2 = GlobalOffsetTablePointer();
assert(got1 = got2);
The problem I am experiencing is I cannot locate the function GlobalOffsetTablePointer. I already have a suspicion for bad interactions with inline assembly, so I am trying to avoid more inline assembly to fetch the GOT pointer.
Is the Global Offset Table (GOT) pointer available from C/C++? If so, how do I access it?

__fastcall vs register syntax?

Currently I have a small function which gets called very very very often (looped multiple times), taking one argument. Thus, it's a good case for a __fastcall.
I wonder though.
Is there a difference between these two syntaxes:
void __fastcall func(CTarget *pCt);
void func(register CTarget *pCt);
After all, those two syntaxes basically tell the compiler to pass the argument in registers right?
__fastcall defines a particular convention.
It was first added by Microsoft to define a convention in which the first two arguments that fit in the ECX and EDX registers are placed in them (on x86, on x86-64 the keyword is ignored though the convention that is used already makes an even heavier use of registers anyway).
Some other compilers also have a __fastcall or fastcall. GCC's is much as Microsofts. Borland uses EAX, EDX & ECX.
Watcom recognises the keyword for compatibility, but ignores it and uses EAX, EDX, EBX & ECX regardless. Indeed, it was the belief that this convention was behind Watcom beating Microsoft on several benchmarks a long time ago that led to the invention of __fastcall in the first place. (So MS could produce a similar effect, while the default would remain compatible with older code).
_mregparam can also be used with some compilers to change the number of registers used (some builds of the Linux kernel are on Intel or GCC but with _mregparam 3 so as to result in a similar result as that of __fastcall on Borland.
It's worth noting that the state of the art having moved on in many regards, (the caching that happens in CPUs being particularly relevant) __fastcall may in fact be slower than some other conventions in some cases.
None of the above is standard.
Meanwhile, register is a standard keyword originally defined as "please put this in a register if possible" but more generally meaning "The address of this automatic variable or parameter will never be used. Please make use of this in optimising, in whatever way you can". This may mean en-registering the value, it may be ignored, or it may be used in some other compiler optimisation (e.g. the fact that the address cannot be taken means certain types of aliasing error can't happen with certain optimisations).
As a rule, it's largely ignored because compilers can tell if you took an address or not and just use that information (or indeed have a memory location, copy into a register for a bunch or work, then copy back before the address is used). Conversely, it may be ignored in function signatures just to allow conventions to remain conventions (especially if exported, then it would either have to be ignored, or have to be considered part of the signature; as a rule, it's ignored by most compilers).
And all of this becomes irrelevant if the compiler decides to inline, as there is then no real "argument passing" at all.
register is enforced, so it can serve as an assertion that you won't take the address; any attempt to do so is then a compile error.
Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft documentation regarding the register keyword:
The compiler does not accept user requests for register variables; instead, it makes its own register choices when global register-allocation optimization (/Oe option) is on. However, all other semantics associated with the register keyword are honored.
Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft documentation regarding the __fastcall keyword:
The __fastcall calling convention specifies that arguments to functions are to be passed in registers, when possible. The following list shows the implementation of this calling convention.
You can still have a look at the assembler code created by the compiler to check what actually happens.
register is essentially meaningless in modern C/C++. Compilers ignore it, putting whichever variables in registers they want (and note that a given variable will often be in a register some of the time, and in the stack some of the time, during the function's execution). It has some minor utility in hinting non-aliasing, but using restrict (or a given compiler's equivalent to restrict) is a better way to achieve that.
__fastcall does improve performance slightly, though not as much as you'd expect. If you have a small function which is called often, the number one thing to do to improve performance is to inline it.
In short, it depends on your architecture and your compiler.
The main difference between these two syntaxes is that register is standardized and __fastcall isn't, but they are both calling conventions.
The default calling convention in C is the cdecl, where parameters are pushed into the stack in reverse order, and return value is stored on EAX register. Every data register can be used in the function, before the call they are caller-saved.
There is another convention, the fastcall, which is indicated by the register keyword. It passes arguments into EAX, ECX and EDX registers (the remaining args are pushed into the stack).
And __fastcall keyword isn't conventionned, it totaly depends on your compiler. With cl (Visual Studio), it seems to store the four first arguments of your function to registers, except on x86-64 and ARM archs. With gcc, the two first arguments are stored on register, regardless of the arch.
But keep in mind that compilers are able by themselves to optimize your code to greatly improve its speed. And I bet that for your function there is a better way to optimize your code.
But you need to disable optimisation to use these keywords (volatile as well). Which is a thing I totaly not recommend.

Arbitrary code execution using existing code only

Let's say I want to execute an arbitrary mov instruction. I can write the following function (using GCC inline assembly):
void mov_value_to_eax()
asm volatile("movl %0, %%eax"::"m"(function_parameter):"%eax");
// will move the value of the variable function_parameter to register eax
And I can make functions like this one that will work on every possible register.
I mean -
void movl_value_to_ebx() { asm volatile("movl %0, %%ebx"::"m"(function_parameter):"%ebx"); }
void movl_value_to_ecx() { asm volatile("movl %0, %%ecx"::"m"(function_parameter):"%ecx"); }
In a similar way I can write functions that will move memory in arbitrary addresses into specific registers, and specific registers to arbitrary addresses in memory. (mov eax, [memory_address] and mov [memory_address],eax)
Now, I can perform these basic instructions whenever I want, so I can create other instructions. For example, to move a register to another register:
function_parameter = 0x028FC;
mov_eax_to_memory(); // parameter is a pointer to some temporary memory address
mov_memory_to_ebx(); // same parameter
So I can parse an assembly instruction and decide what functions to use based on it, like this:
if (sourceRegister == ECX) mov_ecx_to_memory();
if (sourceRegister == EAX) mov_eax_to_memory();
if (destRegister == EBX) mov_memory_to_ebx();
if (destRegister == EDX) mov_memory_to_edx();
If it can work, It allows you to execute arbitrary mov instructions.
Another option is to make a list of functions to call and then loop through the list and call each function. Maybe it requires more tricks for making equivalent instructions like these.
So my question is this: Is is possible to make such things for all (or some) of the possible opcodes? It probably requires a lot of functions to write, but is it possible to make a parser, that will build code somehow based on given assembly instructions ,and than execute it, or that's impossible?
EDIT: You cannot change memory protections or write to executable memory locations.
It is really unclear to me why you're asking this question. First of all, this function...
void mov_value_to_eax()
asm volatile("movl %0, %%eax"::"m"(function_parameter):"%eax");
// will move the value of the variable function_parameter to register eax
...uses GCC inline assembly, but the function itself is not inline, meaning that there will be prologue & epilogue code wrapping it, which will probably affect your intended result. You may instead want to use GCC inline assembly functions (as opposed to functions that contain GCC inline assembly), which may get you closer to what you want, but there are still problems with that.....
OK, so supposing you write a GCC inline assembly function for every possible x86 opcode (at least the ones that the GCC assembler knows about). Now supposing you want to invoke those functions in arbitrary order to accomplish whatever you might wish to accomplish (taking into account which opcodes are legal to execute at ring 3 (or in whatever ring you're coding for)). Your example shows you using C statements to encode logic for determining whether to call an inline assembly function or not. Guess what: Those C statements are using processor registers (perhaps even EAX!) to accomplish their tasks. Whatever you wanted to do by calling these arbitrary inline assembly functions is being stomped on by the compiler-emitted assembly code for the logic (if (...), etc). And vice-versa: Your inline assembly function arbitrary instructions are stomping on the registers that the compiler-emitted instructions expect to not be stomped-on. The result is not likely to run without crashing.
If you want to write code in assembly, I suggest you simply write it in assembly & use the GCC assembler to assemble it. Alternatively, you can write whole C-callable assembly functions within an asm() statement, and call them from your C code, if you like. But the C-callable assembly functions you write need to operate within the rules of the calling convention (ABI) you're using: If your assembly functions use a callee-saved register, your function will need to save the original value in that register (generally on the stack), and then restore it before returning to the caller.
...OK, based on your comment Because if it's working it can be a way to execute code if you can't write it to memory. (the OS may prevent it)....
Of course you can execute arbitrary instructions (as long as they're legal for whatever ring you're running in). How else would JIT work? You just need to call the OS system call(s) for setting the permissions of the memory page(s) in which your instructions reside... change them to "executable" and then call 'em!
