angular wizard ng-view and angularui modal - angularjs

I am building a wizard in angular using the angular-ui bootstrap modal component.
In my main page, I am already using ng-views for navigation.
The goal is to create a modal wizard on one of these pages. As far as I can see,
nested ng-views are not supported. If possible, I would like to keep each step of
the wizard as an external resource.
A terrible way to accomplish this at the moment is something to this effect:
<div id="wizardModal" class="modal hide">
<div class="modal-header">
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(1)">
<p>Step1 header</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(2)">
<p>Step2 header</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(3)">
<p>Step3 header</p>
<div class="modal-body">
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(1)">
<p>Step1 body</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(2)">
<p>Step2 body</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(3)">
<p>Step3 body</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(1)">
<p>Step1 footer</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(2)">
<p>Step2 footer</p>
<div ng-show="isCurrentStep(3)">
<p>Step3 footer</p>
Obviously, the above is unacceptable and will create maintenance nightmares.
Is there a clean approach to accomplishing the same effect?

Using ng-include worked like a charm, thanks.

You can find a tutorial about creating a wizard-style app using ng-view and ngRouter here.
I believe this approach is much better since you can have individual controllers per step that inherit the scope from the host form thus keeping all the data but separating the logic.


Ng-repeat and Native scrolling creating issue with scope loading

I am creating hybrid application and i am facing issue in ng-repeat with native scrolling.
Below are my template file code
<ion-view align-title="center">
<ion-content class="ionic headerWithNav" overflow-scroll='true'>
<li ng-repeat="lessondata in AllLessonComing" ng-class="{true: 'showBg', false: ''}[(AllLessonComing).length>0]" ng-click="lessondetailsPage('{{}}')">
<div class="lesson-wrap">
<div class="lesson-img">
<div class="lession-price"> <span>{{lessondata.price}}</span> </div>
<div class="lessonImg-wrap"><img image-lazy-src="{{lessondata.image}}" lazy-scroll-resize="true" image-lazy-loader="bubbles" class="ink" on-finish-render="ngRepeatFinished"/></div>
<div class="lessonInfo">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-67">
<div class="lesson-status">{{lessondata.category_name}}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col lesson-location">{{lessondata.City}}</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="lesson-rating"><img src="img/start-rating.jpg"></div>
<div class="col padr-none">
<div class="trainnerImg-wrap">
<div class="trainee-img"> <img src="{{lessondata.coach_image}}"> </div>
<div class="trainee-name">{{lessondata.coach_name}}</div>
<li ng-show="(AllLessonComing).length == 0">
<div class="inner-container"><div class="no-results">No Lesson Found</div></div>
As you can see i am using "overflow-scroll='true'" for native scrolling and ng-repeat for the showing my lessons.
This is an image when scope data render first time--
when scope data render first time
And this is an image when i scroll speedily when i scroll speedily
ISSUE:- I don't know why these images and text are reloading or flickering when i scroll speedily
My Code is correct.
ng-repeat was creating issue with the ionic 1.0. Now ionic released new version that is ionic 1.2 and you will see that this issue has been resolved by ionic's developers.
you can update your ionic version easily.
If you are using NPM then use this command
ionic lib update
Check brower.JSON file in www/lib/ionic/ folder. if brower.JSON exists then remove this file.
you will see the mazik of ionic 1.2.
This issue happens on hybrid app. The longer list (and images) the more lag it has. As I can see you are using Ionic, try to use ion-list instead. It could help create a better list view.
p/s: sorry I was not able to made a comment (not enought rep point). So I post it here. Hope it help!
Two more suggestion:
Use angular bindonce to reduce $watchers and faster render
If you are building your app using ionic build for Android, you could use built-in Crosswalk for a stronger webview of your app

Angular Bootstrap Collapsible Column

I was looking for a angular/bootstrap non javascript solution to have a collapsible bootstrap column..
Here's what I came up with when I couldn't find another solution online.
It was important to me to not use jquery (don't want to clutter up my controller with UI stuff)
It's not rocket science, but I spent a while looking for a bootstrap solution and came up dry.
<button ng-click="showAddDiv = !showAddDiv">Show</button>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="material-color-primary-1 col-xs-12" ng-class="{true:'col-lg-8', false:'col-lg-12'}[showAddDiv]" ng-init="showAddDiv = false">
<div class="material-color-secondary-1" ng-class="{true:'col-xs-12 col-lg-4', false:'hidden'}[showAddDiv]">
'add div'

How can I call an angular controller function from my custom polymer web component?

I've seen this question and seen it answered but not in any way I can use or understand. The question is very specific and simple but somehow the answers are a bit over my head.
All I want to do is have a very simple menu work. when i menu item is clicked, I need it to of course use my angular controller function to handle it. I want all of that on the angular side. It actually does work when I simply use the elements directly without declaratively making my own.
So this works just fine and my ng-click is successfuly calling my acceptedSelect() in my controller:
<div ng-repeat="order in acceptedOrders" ng-click="acceptedSelect(order)">
<paper-item class="my-paper-item" >
<div class="order-list-item">
<div class="order-number">{{order.Order}}</div>
<div class="order-date"> {{order.Date}} </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div class="order-address">
But i do the same thing by wrapping the paper element in a polymer-element, it doesn't work. So this will not work:
<polymer-element name="my-app" attributes="refresh">
<div ng-repeat="order in acceptedOrders" ng-click="acceptedSelect(order)">
<paper-item class="my-paper-item" >
<div class="order-list-item">
<div class="order-number">{{order.Order}}</div>
<div class="order-date"> {{order.Date}} </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div class="order-address">
Polymer('my-app', {
I'm just not sure what I can do to make this work. Any help is greatly appreciated.

How can I render two angular.js views on the same page?

If I have two <div ng-view></div> elements on the same page, angular.js only uses the first one. I am looking to have two templates (with two controllers and two partials) rendered on the same page, how do I do that? The code below does not work but I'd like to have something along these lines.
<div class="row">
<div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
<div ng-controller="SitesHomeCtrl" >
<div ng-view>
<div class="large-6 small-12 columns">
<div ng-controller="UsersMeetCtrl" >
ui-router is the best option but if you are going with $routeProvider, you could use ng-include (with ng-show/ng-hide) or ng-switch to achieve the same.
I imagine you're probably going to want to look at ui-router in place of angular's router at this point, as angular's router does not support multiple ng-view elements.

AngularJS: data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show

My index.html page is like as follows:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="addwidget">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view></div>
for this data-ng-view i have another page recordlist.html in that i have following code:
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<ul class="design">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<div data-ng-switch data-on="record.category">
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting1">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-show="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting2">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-hide="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
My question is i want to show the first div when i check the checkbox & when i uncheck it i want to show the second div.When both of the data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show are on the same page then it works fine but in my case it present on two different pages.
Is it correct ? How can i implement this. Need Help.Thanks.
The problem is that you are setting addwidget in the first controller, but is trying to use it in the second. Controllers are not singletons.
So, in this situation:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view>
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
You got two separated controllers and scopes. And you are setting addwidget in the first trying to read in the second.
You can either bind it to the root scope $root.addwidget or use a service share to the states.
As you have many records, binding directly to root is a problem, as all of them are going to share the same state. So you gonna need an object in the rootScope and bind the option by id $root.addwidget[]. Made a pretty simplified modification here.
