Tool for manipulating results of large set of computational experiments - pivot-table

I am a researcher and my primary interest is improving sparse kernels for high performance computing. I investigate large number of parameters on many sparse matrices. I wonder whether there is a tool to manage these results. The problems that I encounter are:
Combine results of several experiments for each matrix
Version the results
Taking average, finding minimum/maximum/standard deviation of results
There are hundreds of metrics that describe the performance improvement. I want to select a couple of the metrics easily and try to find which metric correlates with the performance improvement.
Here I gave a sample small instance of my huge problem. There are three types of parameters and two values for each parameter: Row/Column, Cyclic/Block, HeuristicA/HeuristicB. So there must 8 files for the combination of these parameters. Contents of two of them:
Contents of the file RowCyclicHeuristicA.txt
Contents of the file ColumnCyclicHeuristicA.txt
I have a scheme file to describe the contents of these files. This file has a line describing type and meaning of each column in the result files:
str MatrixName
int Speedup
double Time
int RepetationCount
double Imbalance
str Parameter1
str Parameter2
str Parameter3
int ExperimentId
I need to display average Time and two types of parameters as follows: (numbers in the following table are random)
Parameter1 Parameter2
Matrix row col cyclic block
a.mtx 4.3 5.2 4.2 5.4
b.mtx 2.1 6.3 8.4 3.3
Is there an advanced and sophisticated tool that gets the scheme of the table above and generates this table automatically? Currently I have a tool written in Java to process raw files and Latex code to manipulate and display the table using pgfplotstable. However, I need one tool that is more professional. I do not want pivot tables of MS Excel.
A similar question is here.

Manipulating large amounts of data in an unknown format is...challenging for a generic program. Your best bet is probably similar to what you're doing already. Use a custom program to reformat your results into something easier to handle (backend), and a visualisation program of your choice to let you view and play around with the data (frontend).
For your problem I'd suggest a relational database (e.g.Mysql). Has a longer setup time than other options, but if this is an ongoing problem it should be worthwhile, as it allows you to easily pull fields of interest.
SELECT AVG(Speedup) FROM results WHERE Parameter1="column" AND Parameter2="cyclic" for example. You'll then still need a simple script to insert your data in the first place, and then to pull the results of interest in a useful format you can stick into your viewer. Or if you so desire you can just run queries directly against the db.
Alternatively, what I usually use is just Python or Perl. Read in your data files, strip the data you don't want, rearrange into the desire structure, and write out to some standard format your frontend and use. Replace Python/Perl with the language of your choice.
Personally, I almost always use Excel. The backend does most of the heavy lifting, so I get a csv file with the results I care about all nicely ordered already. Excel then lets me play around with the data, doing stuff like taking averages, plotting, reordering, etc fairly simply.
Other tools I use to display stuff which are probably not useful for you, but included for completeness include:
Weka - Mostly machine learning targetted, but provides tools for searching for trends or correlations. Useful to play around with data looking for things of interest.
Python/IDL/etc - For when I need data that can't be represented by a spreadsheet. These programs can, in addition to doing the backend's job of extracting and bulk manipulations, generate difference images, complicated graphs, or whatever else I need.


What type of database for storing ML experiments

So I'm thinking to write some small piece of software, which to run/execute ML experiments on a cluster or arbitrary abstracted executor and then save them such that I can view them in real time efficiently. The executor software will have access for writing to the database and will push metrics live. Now, I have not worked too much with databases, thus I'm not sure what is the correct approach for this. Here is a description of what the system should store:
Each experiment will consist of a single piece of code/archive of code such that it can be executed on the remote machine. For now we will assume allow dependencies and etc are installed there. The code will accept command line arguments. The experiment also will consists of a YAML scheme defining the command line arguments. In the code byitself will specify what will be logged in (e.g. I will provide a library in the language for registering channels). Now in terms of logging, you can log numerical values, arrays, text, etc so quite a few types. Each channel will be allowed a single specification (e.g. 2 columns, first int iteration, second float error). The code will also provide special copy of parameters at the end of the experiments.
When one submit an experiments, it will need to provide its unique group name + parameters for execution. This will launch the experiment and log everything.
Implementing this for me is easiest to do with a flat file system. Each project will have a unique name. Each new experiment gets a unique id and folder inside the project. I can store the code there. Each channel gets a file, which for simplicity can be an csv delimeter, with a special schema file describing what type of values are stored there so I can load them there. The final parameters can also be copied in the folder.
However, because of the variety of ways I can do this, and the fact that this might require a separate "table" for each experiment, I have no idea if this is possible in any database systems? Additionally, maybe I'm overseeing something very obvious or maybe not, if you had any experience with this any suggestions/advices are most welcome. The main goal is at the end to be able to serve this to a web interface. Maybe noSQL could accommodate this maybe not (I don't know exactly how those work)?
The data for ML primarily would be unstructured data. That kind of data will not naturally fit into a RDBMS. Essentially a document database like mongodb is far better suited....for such cases.

Big Data Database

I am collecting a large amount of data which is most likely going to be a format as follows:
User 1: (a,o,x,y,z,t,h,u)
Where all the variables dynamically change with respect to time, except u - this is used to store the user name. What I am trying to understand since my background is not very intense in "big data", is when I end up with my array, it will be very large, something like 108000 x 3500, since I will be preforming analysis on each timestep, and graphing it, what would be an appropriate database to manage this in is what I am trying to determine. Since this is for scientific research I was looking at CDF and HDF5, and based on what I read here NASA I think I will want to use CDF. But is this the correct way to manage such data for speed and efficiency?
The final data set will have all the users as columns, and the rows will be timestamped, so my analysis program would read row by row to interpret the data. And make entries into the dataset. Maybe I should be looking at things like CouchDB and RDBMS, I just don't know a good place to start. Advice would be appreciated.
This is an extended comment rather than a comprehensive answer ...
With respect, a dataset of size 108000*3500 doesn't really qualify as big data these days, not unless you've omitted a unit such as GB. If it's just 108000*3500 bytes, that's only 3GB plus change. Any of the technologies you mention will cope with that with ease. I think you ought to make your choice on the basis of which approach will speed your development rather than speeding your execution.
But if you want further suggestions to consider, I suggest:
Rasdaman, and
Monet DB
all of which have some traction in the academic big data community and are beginning to be used outside that community too.
I have been using CDF for some similarly sized data and I think it should work nicely. You will need to keep a few things in mind though. Considering I don't really know the details of your project, this may or may not be helpful...
3GB of data is right around the file size limit for the older version of CDF, so make sure you are using an up-to-date library.
While 3GB isn't that much data, depending on how you read and write it, things may be slow going. Make sure you use the hyper read/write functions whenever possible.
CDF supports meta-data (called global/variable attributes) that can hold information such as username and data descriptions.
It is easy to break data up into multiple files. I would recommend using one file per user. This will mean that you can write the user name just once for the whole file as an attribute, rather than in each record.
You will need to create an extra variable called epoch. This is well defined timestamp for each record. I am not sure if the time stamp you have now would be appropriate, or if you will need to process it some, but it is something you need to think about. Also, the epoch variable needs to have a specific type assigned to it (epoch, epoch16, or TT2000). TT2000 is the most recent version which gives nanosecond precision and handles leap seconds, but most CDF readers that I have run into don't handle it well yet. If you don't need that kind of precision, I recommend epoch16 as that has been the standard for a while.
Hope this helps, if you go with CDF, feel free to bug me with any issues you hit.

Achieving high-performance transactions when extending PostgreSQL with C-functions

My goal is to achieve the highest performance available for copying a block of data from the database into a C-function to be processed and returned as the result of a query.
I am new to PostgreSQL and I am currently researching possible ways to move the data. Specifically, I am looking for nuances or keywords related specifically to PostgreSQL to move big data fast.
My ultimate goal is speed, so I am willing to accept answers outside of the exact question I have posed as long as it gets big performance results. For example, I have come across the COPY keyword (PostgreSQL only), which moves data from tables to files quickly; and vice versa. I am trying to stay away from processing that is external to the database, but if it provides a performance improvement that out-weighs the obvious drawback of external processing, then so be it.
It sounds like you probably want to use the server programming interface (SPI) to implement a stored procedure as a C language function running inside the PostgreSQL back-end.
Use SPI_connect to set up the SPI.
Now SPI_prepare_cursor a query, then SPI_cursor_open it. SPI_cursor_fetch rows from it and SPI_cursor_close it when done. Note that SPI_cursor_fetch allows you to fetch batches of rows.
SPI_finish to clean up when done.
You can return the result rows into a tuplestore as you generate them, avoiding the need to build the whole table in memory. See examples in any of the set-returning functions in the PostgreSQL source code. You might also want to look at the SPI_returntuple helper function.
See also: C language functions and extending SQL.
If maximum speed is of interest, your client may want to use the libpq binary protocol via libpqtypes so it receives the data produced by your server-side SPI-using procedure with minimal overhead.

database vs flat file, which is a faster structure for "regex" matching with many simultaneous requests

which structure returns faster result and/or less taxing on the host server, flat file or database (mysql)?
Assume many users (100 users) are simultaneously query the file/db.
Searches involve pattern matching against a static file/db.
File has 50,000 unique lines (same data type).
There could be many matches.
There is no writing to the file/db, just read.
Is it possible to have a duplicate the file/db and write a logic switch to use the backup file/db if the main file is in use?
Which language is best for the type of structure? Perl for flat and PHP for db?
Addition info:
If I want to find all the cities have the pattern "cis" in their names.
Which is better/faster, using regex or string functions?
Please recommend a strategy
I am a huge fan of simple solutions, and thus prefer -- for simple tasks -- flat file storage. A relational DB with its indexing capabilities won't help you much with arbitrary regex patterns at all, and the filesystem's caching ensures that this rather small file is in memory anyway. I would go the flat file + perl route.
Edit: (taking your new information into account) If it's really just about finding a substring in one known attribute, then using a fulltext index (which a DB provides) will help you a bit (depending on the type of index applied) and might provide an easy and reasonably fast solution that fits your requirements. Of course, you could implement an index yourself on the file system, e.g. using a variation of a Suffix Tree, which is hard to be beaten speed-wise.
Still, I would go the flat file route (and if it fits your purpose, have a look at awk), because if you had started implementing it, you'd be finished already ;) Further I suspect that the amount of users you talk about won't make the system feel the difference (your CPU will be bored most of the time anyway).
If you are uncertain, just try it! Implement that regex+perl solution, it takes a few minutes if you know perl, loop 100 times and measure with time. If it is sufficiently fast, use it, if not, consider another solution. You have to keep in mind that your 50,000 unique lines are really a low number in terms of modern computing. (compare with this: Optimizing Mysql Table Indexing for Substring Queries )
Depending on how your queries and your data look like a full text search engine like Lucene or Sphinx could be a good idea.

Evaluating HDF5: What limitations/features does HDF5 provide for modelling data?

We are in evaluating technologies that we'll use to store data that we gather during the analysis of C/C++ code. In the case of C++, the amount of data can be relatively large, ~20Mb per TU.
After reading the following SO answer it made me consider that HDF5 might be a suitable technology for us to use. I was wondering if people here could help me answer a few initial questions that I have:
Performance. The general usage for the data will be write once and read "several" times, similar to the lifetime of a '.o' file generated by a compiler. How does HDF5 compare against using something like an SQLite DB? Is that even a reasonable comparison to make?
Over time we will add to the information that we are storing, but will not necessarily want to re-distribute a completely new set of "readers" to support a new format. After reading the user guide I understand that HDF5 is similar to XML or a DB, in that information is associated with a tag/column and so a tool built to read an older structure will just ignore the fields that it is not concerned with? Is my understanding on this correct?
A significant chunk of the information that we wish to write out will be a tree type of structure: scope hierarchy, type hierarchy etc. Ideally we would model scopes as having parents, children etc. Is it possible to have one HDF5 object "point" to another? If not, is there a standard technique to solve this problem using HDF5? Or, as is required in a DB, do we need a unique key that would "link" one object to another with appropriate lookups when searching for the data?
Many thanks!
How does HDF5 compare against using something like an SQLite DB?
Is that even a reasonable comparison to make?
Sort of similar but not really. They're both structured files. SQLite has features to support database queries using SQL. HDF5 has features to support large scientific datasets.
They're both meant to be high performance.
Over time we will add to the information that we are storing, but will not necessarily want to re-distribute a completely new set of "readers" to support a new format.
If you store data in structured form, the data types of those structures are also stored in the HDF5 file. I'm a bit rusty as to how this works (e.g. if it includes innate backwards compatibility), but I do know that if you design your "reader" correctly it should be able to handle types that are changed in the future.
Is it possible to have one HDF5 object "point" to another?
Absolutely! You'll want to use attributes. Each object has one or more strings describing the path to reach that object. HDF5 groups are analogous to folders/directories, except that folders/directories are hierarchical = a unique path describes each one's location (in filesystems w/o hard links at least), whereas groups form a directed graph which can include cycles. I'm not sure whether you can store a "pointer" to an object directly as an attribute, but you can always store an absolute/relative path as a string attribute. (or anywhere else as a string; you could have lookup tables galore if you wanted.)
We produce HDF5 data on my project, but I don't directly deal with it usually. I can take a stab at the first two questions:
We use a write once, read many times model and the format seems to handle this well. I know a project that used to write both to an Oracle database and HDF5. Eventually they removed the Oracle output since performance suffered and no one was using it. Obviously, SQLite is not Oracle, but the HDF5 format was better suited for the task. Based on that one data point, a RDBMS may be better tuned for multiple inserts and updates.
The readers our customers use are robust when we add new data types. Some of the changes are anticipated, but we don't have to worry about breaking thing when adding more data fields. Our DBA recently wrote a Python program to read HDF5 data and populate KMZ files for visualization in Google Earth. Since it was a project he used to learn Python, I'd say it's not hard to build readers.
On the third question, I'll bow to Jason S's superior knowledge.
I'd say HDF5 is a completely reasonable choice, especially if you are already interested in it or plan to produce something for the scientific community.
