Virtual Memory and Relocatable Code - c

In a 32 bit system, each process virtually has 2^32 bytes of CONTIGUOUS address space. So why the final executable code generated by a linker needs to be relocatable. What is the requirement since all addresses generated would be virtual addresses in the process's own address space and other process CANNOT use the same.
Hence the process can be placed in anywhere it wants to be. Why relocatable?

Some operating systems make the executable code relocatable (this is definitely not universal to all operating systems) to allow for address space layout randomization. This helps mitigate certain attacks.
In the past when stacks were executable a buffer overflow could be exploited by writing executable code directly on the overflowed stack or heap. As operating systems became smarter and started preventing execution of the stack and the heap, attacks became more sophisticated and started using known code sequences in memory by doing return oriented programming. The mitigation to that class of attacks was first done by randomizing the memory layout for shared libraries (since those were easier to exploit) and then when attackers switched to attacking the main executable, by randomizing the memory position of the executable. To make it possible the main executable needs to be relocatable.

Executable code does not always contain relative addresses. On Windows, for example, addressing is often absolute (e.g. for global data).
Consider two different dynamic libraries. Both were compiled for a fixed base address of 0x00100000. Your program tries to load both of them. Where is the loader to place the 2nd DLL? Its preferred base address is already used by the other DLL.
In this case relocatable code helps placing the 2nd DLL at a different address and patching its internal pointers to the new location. With fixed base addresses, loading the 2nd DLL would just fail.

It needs to be relocatable because in order to execute your process needs to be put into the actual main memory in a ready queue. Now where in the main memory it shall be placed is not fixed (it is placed wherever sufficient space is available) so the actual addresses of the instructions varies from its virtual address .
Hence statements making calls to functions ,returns etc need to be updated accordingly pointing to the actual address of those functions


Does a compiler have consider the kernel memory space when laying out memory?

I'm trying to reconcile a few concepts.
I know of virtual memory is shared (mapped) between the kernel and all user processes, which I read here. I also know that when the compiler generates addresses for code + data, the kernel must load them at the correct virtual addresses for that process.
To constrain the scope of the question, I'll just mean gcc when I mention 'the compiler'.
So does the compiler need to be compliant each new release of an OS, to know not to place code or data at the high memory addresses reserved for the kernel? As in, someone writing that piece of the compiler must know those details of how the kernel plans to load the program (lest the compiler put executable code in high memory)?
Or am I confusing different concepts? I got a bit confused when going through this tutorial, especially at the very bottom where it has OS code in low memory addresses, because I thought Linux uses high memory for the kernel.
The compiler doesn't determine the address ranges in memory at which things are placed. That's handled by the OS.
When the program is first executed, the loader places the various portions of the program and its libraries in memory. For memory that's allocated dynamically, large chunks are allocated from the OS and then sometimes divided into smaller chunks.
The OS loader knows where to load things. And the OS's virtual memory allocation logic how to find safe, empty spaces in the address space the process uses.
I'm not sure what you mean by the "high memory addresses reserved for the kernel". If you're talking about a 2G/2G or 3G/1G split on a 32-bit operating system, that is a fundamental design element of those OSes that use it. It doesn't change with versions.
If you're talking about high physical memory, then no. Compilers don't care about physical memory.
Linux gives each application its own memory space, distinct from the kernel. The page table contains the translations between this memory space and physical RAM, and the kernel sets up the page table so there's no interference.
That said, the compiler usually doesn't even care where the program is loaded in memory. Why would it?

Virtual/Logical Memory and Program relocation

Virtual memory along with logical memory helps to make sure programs do not corrupt each others data.
Program relocation does an almost similar thing of making sure that multiple programs does not corrupt each other.Relocation modifies object program so that it can be loaded at a new, alternate address.
How are virtual memory, logical memory and program relocation related ? Are they similar ?
If they are same/similar, then why do we need program relocation ?
Relocatable programs, or said another way position-independent code, is traditionally used in two circumstances:
systems without virtual memory (or too basic virtual memory, e.g. classic MacOS), for any code
for dynamic libraries, even on systems with virtual memory, given that a dynamic library could find itself lodaded on an address that is not its preferred one if other code is already at that space in the address space of the host program.
However, today even main executable programs on systems with virtual memory tend to be position-independent (e.g. the PIE* build flag on Mac OS X) so that they can be loaded at a randomized address to protect against exploits, e.g. those using ROP**.
* Position Independent Executable
** Return-Oriented Programming
Virtual memory does not prevent programs from interfering with out other. It is logical memory that does so. Unfortunately, it is common for the two concepts to be conflated to "virtual memory."
There are two types of relocation and it is not clear which you are referring to. However, they are connected. On the other hand, the concept is not really related to virtual memory.
The first concept of relocatable code. This is critical for shared libraries that usually have to be mapped to different addresses.
Relocatable code uses offsets rather than absolute addresses. When a program results in an instruction sequence something like:
. . .
The computer or assembler encodes this as
JUMP the-number-of-bytes-to-SOMELABEL
rather than
JUMP to-the-address-of-somelabel.
By using offsets the code works the same way no matter where the JMP instruction is located.
The second type of relocation uses the first. In the past relocation was mostly used for libraries. Now, some OS's will load program segments at different places in memory. That is intended for security. It is designed to keep malicious cracks that depend upon the application being loaded at a specific address.
Both of these concepts work with or without virtual memory.
Note that generally the program is not modified to relocated it. I generally, because an executable file will usually have some addresses that need to be fixed up at run time.

does the starting address of the section in linker script is applicable to only virtual memory

I have read the linker script.
i have got one confusion regarding allocating memory.
when we define section with starting where we want to load the file.
1) does the memory locations what we have specified are applicable to virtual memory like ( . = 0x10000 ).
in your linker script (and the resulting binary), addresses are just addresses.
Whether these are meant virtual or physical solely depends on your loader (which might be a tiny bootloader at early system init that doesn't know about virtual addresses or a full blown OS that provides a sophisticated virtual environment).
So it's the program that brings your binary into memory that decides whether addresses are interpreted virtually or physically, not the linker script.
Unless you tell us about your specific environment, we can't tell you more.

How does OS execute binary files in virtual memory?

For example in my program I called a function foo(). The compiler and assembler would eventually write jmp someaddr in the binary. I know the concept of virtual memory. The program would think that it has the whole memory at disposal, and the start position is 0x000. In this way the assembler can calculate the position of foo().
But in fact this is not decided until runtime right? I have to run the program to know where I loaded the program into, hence the address of the jmp. But when the program actually runs, how does the OS come in and change the address of the jmp? These are direct CPU instructions right?
This question can't be answered in general because it's totally hardware and OS dependent. However a typical answer is that the initially loaded program can be compiled as you say: Because the VM hardware gives each program its own address space, all addresses can be fixed when the program is linked. No recalculation of addresses at load time is needed.
Things get much more interesting with dynamically loaded libraries because two used by the same initially loaded program might be compiled with the same base address, so their address spaces overlap.
One approach to this problem is to require Position Independent Code in DLLs. In such code all addresses are relative to the code itself. Jumps are usually relative to the PC (though a code segment register can also be used). Data are also relative to some data segment or base register. To choose the runtime location, the PIC code itself needs no change. Only the segment or base register(s) need(s) be set whenever in the prelude of every DLL routine.
PIC tends to be a bit slower than position dependent code because there's additional address arithmetic and the PC and/or base registers can bottleneck the processor's instruction pipeline.
So the other approach is for the loader to rebase the DLL code when necessary to eliminate address space overlaps. For this the DLL must include a table of all the absolute addresses in the code. The loader computes an offset between the assumed code and data base addresses and actual, then traverses the table, adding the offset to each absolute address as the program is copied into VM.
DLLs also have a table of entry points so that the calling program knows where the library procedures start. These must be adjusted as well.
Rebasing is not great for performance either. It slows down loading. Moreover, it defeats sharing of DLL code. You need at least one copy per rebase offset.
For these reasons, DLLs that are part of Windows are deliberately compiled with non-overlapping VM address spaces. This speeds loading and allows sharing. If you ever notice that a 3rd party DLL crunches the disk and loads slowly, while MS DLLs like the C runtime library load quickly, you are seeing the effects of rebasing in Windows.
You can infer more about this topic by reading about object file formats. Here is one example.
Position-independent code is code that you can run from any address. If you have a jmp instruction in position-independent code, it will often be a relative jump, which jumps to an offset from the current location. When you copy the code, it won't change the offsets between parts of the code so it will still work.
Relocatable code is code that you can run from any address, but you might have to modify the code first (maybe you can't just copy it). The code will contain a relocation table which tells how it needs to be modified.
Non-relocatable code is code that must be loaded at a certain address or it will not work.
Each program is different, it depends on how the program was written, or the compiler settings, or other various factors.
Shared libraries are usually compiled as position-independent code, which allows the same library to be loaded at different locations in different processes, without having to load multiple copies into memory. The same copy can be shared between processes, even though it is at a different address in each process.
Executables are often non-relocatable, but they can be position-independent. Virtual memory allows each program to have the entire address space (minus some overhead) to itself, so each executable can choose the address at which it's loaded without worrying about collisions with other executables. Some executables are position-independent, which can be used to increase security (ASLR).
Object files and static libraries are usually relocatable code. The linker will relocate them when combining them to create a shared library, executable, or other image.
Boot loaders and operating system kernels are almost always non-relocatable.
Yes, it is at runtime. The operating system, the part managing starting and switching tasks is ideally at a different protection level, it has more power. It knows what memory is in use and allocates some for the new task. It configures the mmu so that the new task has a virtual address space starting at zero or whatever the rule is for that operating system and processor. How you get into user mode at that starting address, is very processor specific.
One method for example is the hardware might save some state not just address but mode or virtual id or something when an interrupt occurs, lets say on the stack. And the return from interrupt instruction as defined by that processor takes the address, and state/mode, off of the stack and switches there (causing lets assume the mmu to react to its next fetch based on the new mode not the old). For a processor that works like that then you may be able to fake an interrupt return by placing the right items on the stack such that when you kick the interrupt return instruction it basically does a jump with additional features of mode switching, etc.
The ARM family for example (not cortex-m) has a processor state register for what you are running now (in the case of an interrupt or service call) and a second state register for where you came from, the state that was interrupted, when you do the proper return you give it the address and it switches back to that mode using the other register. You can directly access that register from the non-users modes so you can manipulate the state of the return. There is no return instruction in arm, just flavors of jump (modifications to the program counter), so it is a special kind of jump.
The short answer is that it is very specific to the processor as to what your choices are for jumping to the first time or returning to after a task switch to a running task in an application mode in a virtual address space. Either directly or indirectly the processor documentation will describe these modes and how you change them. If not explicitly described then you have to figure out on your own from the instructions and the mmu protections and such how to switch tasks.

How are the different segments like heap, stack, text related to the physical memory?

When a C program is compiled and the object file(ELF) is created. the object file contains different sections such as bss, data, text and other segments. I understood that these sections of the ELF are part of virtual memory address space. Am I right? Please correct me if I am wrong.
Also, there will be a virtual memory and page table associated with the compiled program. Page table associates the virtual memory address present in ELF to the real physical memory address when loading the program. Is my understanding correct?
I read that in the created ELF file, bss sections just keeps the reference of the uninitialised global variables. Here uninitialised global variable means, the variables that are not intialised during declaration?
Also, I read that the local variables will be allocated space at run time (i.e., in stack). Then how they will be referenced in the object file?
If in the program, there is particular section of code available to allocate memory dynamically. How these variables will be referenced in object file?
I am confused that these different segments of object file (like text, rodata, data, bss, stack and heap) are part of the physical memory (RAM), where all the programs are executed.
But I feel that my understanding is wrong. How are these different segments related to the physical memory when a process or a program is in execution?
1. Correct, the ELF file lays out the absolute or relative locations in the virtual address space of a process that the operating system should copy the ELF file contents into. (The bss is just a location and a size, since its supposed to be all zeros, there is no need to actually have the zeros in the ELF file). Note that locations can be absolute locations (like virtual address 0x100000 or relative locations like 4096 bytes after the end of text.)
2. The virtual memory definition (which is kept in page tables and maps virtual addresses to physical addresses) is not associated with a compiled program, but with a "process" (or "task" or whatever your OS calls it) that represents a running instance of that program. For example, a single ELF file can be loaded into two different processes, at different virtual addresses (if the ELF file is relocatable).
3. The programming language you're using defines which uninitialized state goes in the bss, and which gets explicitly initialized. Note that the bss does not contain "references" to these variables, it is the storage backing those variables.
4. Stack variables are referenced implicitly from the generated code. There is nothing explicit about them (or even the stack) in the ELF file.
5. Like stack references, heap references are implicit in the generated code in the ELF file. (They're all stored in memory created by changing the virtual address space via a call to sbrk or its equivalent.)
The ELF file explains to an OS how to setup a virtual address space for an instance of a program. The different sections describe different needs. For example ".rodata" says I'd like to store read-only data (as opposed to executable code). The ".text" section means executable code. The "bss" is a region used to store state that should be zeroed by the OS. The virtual address space means the program can (optionally) rely on things being where it expects when it starts up. (For example, if it asks for the .bss to be at address 0x4000, then either the OS will refuse to start it, or it will be there.)
Note that these virtual addresses are mapped to physical addresses by the page tables managed by the OS. The instance of the ELF file doesn't need to know any of the details involved in which physical pages are used.
I am not sure if 1, 2 and 3 are correct but I can explain 4 and 5.
4: They are referenced by offset from the top of the stack. When executing a function, the top of the stack is increased to allocate space for local variables. Compiler determines the order of local variables in the stack so the compiler nows what is the offset of the variables from the top of the stack.
Stack in physical memory is positioned upside down. Beginning of stack usually has highest memory address available. As programs runs and allocates space for local variables the address of the top of the stack decrements (and can potentially lead to stack overflow - overlapping with segments on lower addresses :-) )
5: Using pointers - Address of dynamically allocated variable is stored in (local) variable. This corresponds to using pointers in C.
I have found nice explanation here:
All the addresses of the different sections (.text, .bss, .data, etc.) you see when you inspect an ELF with the size command:
$ size -A -x my_elf_binary
are virtual addresses. The MMU with the operating system performs the translation from the virtual addresses to the RAM physical addresses.
If you want to know these things, learn about the OS, with source code ( if possible.
You need to realize that the OS kernel is actually running the CPU and managing the memory resource. And C code is just a light weight script to drive the OS and to run only simple operation with registers.
Virtual memory and Physical memory is about CPU's TLB letting the user space process to use contiguous memory virtually through the power of TLB (using page table) hardware.
So the actual physical memory, mapped to the contiguous virtual memory can be scattered to anywhere on the RAM.
Compiled program doesn't know about this TLB stuff and physical memory address stuff. They are managed in the OS kernel space.
BSS is a section which OS prepares as zero filled memory addresses, because they were not initialized in the c/c++ source code, thus marked as bss by the compiler/linker.
Stack is something prepared only a small amount of memory at first by the OS, and every time function call has been made, address will be pushed down, so that there is more space to place the local variables, and pop when you want to return from the function.
New physical memory will be allocated to the virtual address when the first small amount of memory is full and reached to the bottom, and page fault exception would occur, and the OS kernel will prepare a new physical memory and the user process can continue working.
No magic. In object code, every operation done to the pointer returned from malloc is handled as offsets to the register value returned from malloc function call.
Actually malloc is doing quite complex things. There are various implementations (jemalloc/ptmalloc/dlmalloc/googlemalloc/...) for improving dynamic allocations, but actually they are all getting new memory region from the OS using sbrk or mmap(/dev/zero), which is called anonymous memory.
Just do a man on the command readelf to find out the starting addresses of the different segments of your program.
Regarding the first question you are absolutely right. Since most of today's systems use run-time binding it is only during execution that the actual physical addresses are known. Moreover, it's the compiler and the loader that divide the program into different segments after linking the different libraries during compile and load time. Hence, the virtual addresses.
Coming to the second question it is at the run-time due to runtime binding. The third question is true. All uninitialized global variables and static variables go into BSS. Also note the special case: they go into BSS even if they are initialized to 0.
If you look at a assembler code generated by gcc you can see that memory local variables is allocated in stack through command push or through changing value of the register ESP. Then they are initiated with command mov or something like that.
