Drupal 7 intergrating with alfresco - drupal-7

Am having problems with integrating drupal and alfresco 4.2 and the cmis drupal modules.
what i have done up to now is .
1.Have a drupal 7.22 installed and running have the cmis modules installed and alfresco running in port 8000.
In the drupal settings.php i have this
$conf['cmis_repositories'] = array( 'default' => array( 'user' => 'admin', 'password' => 'nais',
'url' => 'http://localhost:8000/alfresco/service/cmis', ), );
2. On the browser tis this downloads a cmis.xml file
that also contains the url within the xml file. this ->
3. Moving to http://localhost/cmis/browser gives a 404 error
4 My drupal folder is called Tuna
5 Following the Readme.txt instruction to access the repository while both alfresco and drupal are
running and the module cmis is installed on the drupal by going to
http://localhost/cmis/browser or
http://localhost/Tuna/cmis/browser gives a 404 error .
6 how to i make it work and view the repository using drupal ?
7 how does the cmis view module work or does it work when the repository is able to viewed on the drupal part ?
.Please guide me am yet to be pro on drupal so a few guides and baby steps explanation would really help

as you can see the above url it is assuming that you have installed in DOC_ROOT of your apache .. if you have created the drupal folder in docroot ... for example
Then it doesn't work
You need to set the browser URL in cmis settings


Problem with Database connection in laravel 7

I am using Laravel 7 and I am also new to Laravel.
I'm trying to create a user Authentication after installing the following :
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan migrate
I tried registering by going but anytime I clicked Register it was telling me "that Illuminate\Database\QueryException
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'laravel' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from users where email = olaoyesunday#yahoo.com)"
but I changed DB_DATABASE=ecomm3laravel in .env file.
I wouldn't know the reason why is still seeing Laravel in my DB-DATABASE instead of ecomm3laravel. Please, help me out.

Pantheon Drupal 7 setup issue with clean url

On my site under admin section node view (node/xxx) is working fine but when I am trying to edit a node (node/xxx/edit) give me following error
This issue is only on Pantheon when I do it on my local server it is working fine.
I already checked .htaccess and web.config file. The same configuration is working for me with another setup
Finally i got solution. Actually i installed ThemeKey module and the ThemeKey Debug creating redirection issue on Pantheon only i disabled it and site is working.

cakePHP without domain name

I've set up my Raspberry Pi 2 with a nginx, php, mysql environment and installed cakePHP with composer.
Now the cakePHP landing page looks weird. I'm assuming that this issue is related to my nginx vhost configuration. (Conf with vhost works, CSS files loading)
The question is: is it possible to use cake without vhost conf?
The route is set to the respective folder:
$routes->connect('/test/', ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home']);
With best regards,
Solved the problem by adding these lines into my /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default conf-file:
location /test/ {
alias /usr/share/nginx/www/test/webroot/;

Laravel: view not found

I'm developing an internal site using Laravel 4, I have everyone working on my laptop (Windows & Apache).
I've now moved the site to a Turnkey Linux 13 VM for beta testing and have encountered the following problem:
The home page loads fine.
When I come to load the About page (or any other page) I get "requested URL /internal/about not found".
The Laravel config is exactly the same.
Apache's document root is set to: /var/laravel/public.
Apache gives the following error in the logs:
"File does not exist: /var/laravel/public/internal"
Yet the Laravel config is specifying the default view directory and the home page loads fine.
It was an Apache config issue, mod_rewrite wasn't enabled (it was on my Windows laptop), simply enabling this resolved the issue.

CSS and JavaScript Files Not Linking in CakePHP Website

I'm running my test sites off my local host using MAMP on PHP v5.2.4. Ive made quite a few attempts to take backups of two websites configured in CakePHP v1.2, along with transferring the databases and putting in the correct credentials for the database. How the websites connect to the database is through the database.php file in the app/config folder, putting in the credentials below:
var $default = array(
'driver' => 'mysqli',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'user',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'nameofdatabase',
'prefix' => '',
I had the database configurations put in correctly after inputting the username and password.
On the homepage, it looks like the following:
But, when I click on one of the links, it looks like the normal page, reading in the CSS and JavaScript files out of the webroot folder.
I tried following #EoinMurphy's answer and writing in the RewriteBase / code on all of the .htaccess files with no luck. Even though I have the wrong version of CakePHP, I still used these instructions on configuring the website because it had clearer instructions then this set of instructions that confused me.
I don't understand why it seems the CSS and JavaScript is being read on all of the internal pages, but not the homepage of the website? The only way I can figure out how to link the CSS and JavaScript files is using the <link src="" ... /> on the file to output the index page content.
The only other earlier issue was the output of the links like (http://...) after the links, but it was simply the following in the CSS that make it output:
a:link:after, a:visited:after {
content:" (" attr(href) ")"; /*the content CSS made it spill out the links*/
This is relating to my latest findings with moving CakePHP websites from a live environment to a development environment.
When CakePHP is put into a sub-folder of the webroot, the Apache config, RewriteBase must be used.
So if you've installed WAMP, enabled the MOD_REWRITE extension, and moved the 'live' website into C:\wamp\www\live
Open the .htaccess files in \live.htaccess, \live\app.htaccess, \live\app\webroot.htaccess
and add the line 'RewriteBase \live'.
As seen here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritebase
Just to recap a few things to remember:
Enable mod_rewrite
RewriteBase if in a subfolder
Ensure database base settings are CORRECT.
