Override delete method of custom object - salesforce

we have an custom object in our instance that effectively is a junction object. Right now, if a relationship is removed, the record in the junction object is deleted.
We want to change this behavior to such that the junction object is marked as deleted, but not physically deleted (please understand that I cannot go into details of why, there are good business reasons to do so). Since we have multiple clients accessing our instance through SOAP and REST APIs I would like to implement a solution whereby I override the standard delete functionality of the custom object to just check a custom field is_deleted, instead of deleting the record.
Is this possible?

I suppose you can't just put an on-delete trigger on the object?
If you can, then just add the trigger code to update the field, and then attach an error to the record being deleted (so the deletion doesn't go through). There are plenty of examples in the official docs for how to do this.
Remember to keep everything bulkified (process all the records being deleted at once, from a list)...
On a side note, the deleted records in SalesForce are kept in the Recycle Bin on the org for 15 days after deletion. So you can also select them from the object, by using the SELECT... ALL ROWS query form.

I don't think you can really override delete action. You could override a button (with a Visualforce page) but that won't help you in any way if delete is fired from API.
I suspect you want to pretend to API (SOAP, REST etc) users that record was deleted while in reality retaining it somewhere? Smells like some shady business practice to be honest but whatever, let's assume it really is legit... For sure you can't suddenly throw errors at the operation because your end users will notice.
I think I'd go with a hidden 1-to-1 matching "shadow" object and sync each action to it. You'd need a trigger on insert/update/delete/undelete of your junction that would replicate the action (difference being this custom "soft delete" flag). This has lots of concerns like storage usage but well.
One thing that comes to mind is that (if I recall correctly) the triggers on junction object don't fire if you delete one of masters. So if it's a real junction object (you wrote "acts like") you'd have to deal with this scenario too and put logic into master objects' triggers.
If it's not a real junction object (i.e. it has OwnerId field visible) and your sharing rules permit - maybe you could transfer the ownership of record to some special user/queue outside of roles hierarchy so it becomes invisible... But I doubt it'll work, in the end the delete should appear to complete succesfully, right? Maybe in combination with some #future that'd immediately undelete them & transfer... Still - messy!


How do I do a batch operation with RIA?

Most of the operations in my silverlight client are things that add/update/insert/delete multiple entities in one go.
CreateStandardCustomer adds a Customer, Address, Person and Contract record.
CreateEnterpriseCustomer adds a Customer, Address, 2x Person and a CreditLimit record.
It looks like with a DomainService you can only do one thing at a time, e.g. add a customer record, add an address etc. How can I do a batch operation?
You might say to simply add the relevant records from the Silverlight client and call the SubmitChanges() method. However this is difficult to validate against (server side) because only certain groups of records can be added/update/deleted at a time. E.g. in the example above, an Address record added alone would not be valid in this system.
Another example would be something like Renew which updates a Customer record and adds a Renewal. These operations aren't valid individually.
Thanks for your help,
EDIT: The server side validation needs to check that the correct operations in the batch has taken place. E.g. From the example above we Renew then a Renewal should be created and a Customer should have been updated (one without the other is invalid).
I may be missing something here, but you update a batch of entities the same way you do individual entities: namely perform all the operations on your context and then call SubmitChanges on that context. At the server your insert/delete/update methods for the types will be called as appropriate for all the changes you're submitting.
We use RIA/EF in Silverlight to do exactly that. It doesn't matter if you just create a single entity in your client context (complete with graph) or 100, because as soon as you submit those changes the complete changeset for that context is operated upon.
EDIT: Failing setting up your entity metadata with Required and Composition attributes on the appropriate properties, you can also use the DomainService.ChangeSet object to inspect what has been submitted and make decisions on what changes you want to accept or not.

Winforms DevExpress UnitOfWork - Check if the values to save from UnitOfWork aren't already in the database

In an application we inherited (Winforms) based on DevExpress, an object of type UnitOfWork is used to keep track and save multiples records in the database.
Usually around 100 objects can be saved in the database on a button click using the method UnitOfWork.CommitChanges();
The table where the records are inserted has an unique constraint on a column.
It might happen that different users try to treat the same entities and to try to enter in that table the same value in the unique column.
So definitively before using UnitOfWork.CommitChanges() we should test if one or more values do not exist already in the database.
What would be the best approach to test if one or more objects are not already in the database before calling UnitOfWork.CommitChanges(), so that we can surely warn the user on his validation?
Thank you
It's not really the DevExpress way of working, see the help topic on auto-generated keys.
However, since you have inherited the code, you could use UnitOfWork.GetObjectsToSave() to obtain an ICollection of the IXPObjects you are about to commit. From this collection you could generate a list of potential key conflicts. Then you could use UnitOfWork.ExecuteScalar() to run a direct SQL command to determine if there are conflicts and resolve them.
The UnitOfWork.CommitChanges() calls CommitTransaction, so you could perform this check in one of the UnitOfWork events such as UnitOfWork.BeforeCommitTransaction.
As with everything DevExpress, your best support option is the DevExpress Support Center.
The functionality you ask for is not possible to implement in a multiuser system. As every user (necessarily) works in his own database transaction, there is always a chance for a user to insert a datarow with a key that another user inserted right before. You could only avoid this by employing database mechanisms like autogenerated keys. But I think this is not applicable for you.
So I suggest to catch the exception thrown by commitChanges and act upon it.

Delete data or just flag it as deleted?

I'm building a website that lets people create vocabulary lessons. When a lesson is created, a news items is created that references the lesson. When another user practices the lesson, the user also stores a reference to it together with the practice result.
My question is what to do when a user decides to remove the lesson?
The options I've considered are:
Actually delete the lesson from
the database and remove all
referencing news items, practise
results etc.
Just flag it as deleted and
exclude the link from referencing
news items, results etc.
What are your thoughts? Should data never be removed, ala Facebook? Should references be avoided all together?
By the way, I'm using Google App Engine (python/datastore). A db.ReferenceProperty is not set to None when the referenced object is deleted as far as I can see?
Where changes to data need to be audited, marking data as deleted (aka "soft deletes") helps greatly particularly if you record the user that actioned the delete and the time when it occurred. It also allows data to be "un-deleted" very easily.
Having said that there is no reason to prevent "hard deletes" (where data is actually deleted) as an administrative function to help tidy up mistakes.
Marking the data as "deleted" is simplest. If you currently have no use for it, this keeps everything in your database very tidy and makes it easy to add new functionality.
On the other hand, if you're doing something like showing the user where their "vocabulary points" came from, or how many lessons they've completed, then the reference to soft deleted items might be necessary.
I'd start with the first one and change it later if you need to. Here's why:
If you're not using soft deletes, assume they won't work in the way that future requests actually want them to. You'll have to rewrite them anyway.
If you are using them, assume that nobody is using the feature which uses them. Now you've done a lot of work and tied yourself into maintenance of something nobody cares about.
If you create them, you'll find yourself creating a feature to use them. See the above.
If you don't create them, you can always create them later, once you have better knowledge about what the users of your system really want.
Not creating soft deletes gives you more options going forward. Options have value. Options expire. Never commit early unless you know why.

Unit of Work - What is the best approach to temporary object storage on a web farm?

I need to design and implement something similar to what Martin Fowler calls the "Unit of Work" pattern. I have heard others refer to it as a "Shopping Cart" pattern, but I'm not convinced the needs are the same.
The specific problem is that users (and our UI team) want to be able to create and assign child objects (with referential integrity constraints in the database) before the parent object is created. I met with another of our designers today and we came up with two alternative approaches.
a) First, create a dummy parent object in the database, and then create dummy children and dummy assignments. We could use negative keys (our normal keys are all positive) to distinguish between the sheep and the goats in the database. Then when the user submits the entire transaction we have to update data and get the real keys added and aligned.
I see several drawbacks to this one.
It causes perturbations to the indexes.
We still need to come up with something to satisfy unique constraints on columns that have them.
We have to modify a lot of existing SQL and code that generates SQL to add yet another predicate to a lot of WHERE clauses.
Altering the primary keys in Oracle can be done, but its a challenge.
b) Create Transient tables for objects and assignments that need to be able to participate in these reverse transactions. When the user hits Submit, we generate the real entries and purge the old.
I think this is cleaner than the first alternative, but still involves increased levels of database activity.
Both methods require that I have some way to expire transient data if the session is lost before the user executes submit or cancel requests.
Has anyone solved this problem in a different way?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I don't understand why these objects need to be created in the database before the transaction is committed, so you might want to clarify with your UI team before proceeding with a solution. You may find that all they want to do is read information previously saved by the user on another page.
So, assuming that the objects don't need to be stored in the database before the commit, I give you plan C:
Store initialized business objects in the session. You can then create all the children you want, and only touch the database (and set up references) when the transaction needs to be committed. If the session data is going to be large (either individually or collectively), store the session information in the database (you may already be doing this).

Creating a Notifications type feed in GAE Objectify

I'm working on a notification feed for my mobile app and am looking for some help on an issue.
The app is a Twitter/Facebook like app where users can post statuses and other users can like, comment, or subscribe to them.
One thing I want to have in my app is to have a notifications feed where users can see who liked/comment on their post or subscribed to them.
The first part of this system I have figured out, when a user likes/comments/subscribes, a Notification entity will be written to the datastore with details about the event. To show a users Notification's all I have to do is query for all Notification's for that user, sort by date created desc and we have a nice little feed of actions other users took on a specific users account.
The issue I have is what to do when someone unlikes a post, unsubscribes or deletes a comment. Currently, if I were to query for that specific notification, it is possible that nothing would return from the datastore because of eventual consistency. We could imagine someone liking, then immediate unliking a post (b/c who hasn't done that? =P). The query to find that Notification might return null and nothing would get deleted when calling ofy().delete().entity(notification).now(); And now the user has a notification in their feed saying Sally liked his post when in reality she liked then quickly unliked it!
A wrench in this whole system is that I cannot delete by Key<Notification>, because I don't really have a way to know id of the Notification when trying to delete it.
A potential solution I am experimenting with is to not delete any Notifications. Instead I would always write Notification's and simply indicate if the notification was positive or negative. Then in my query to display notifications to a specific user, I could somehow only display the sum-positive Notification's. This would save some money on datastore too because deleting entities is expensive.
There are three main ways I've solved this problem before:
deterministic key
for example
{user-Id}-{post-id}-{liked-by} for likes
{user-id}-{post-id}-{comment-by}-{comment-index} for comments
This will work for most basic use cases for the problem you defined, but you'll have some hairy edge cases to figure out (like managing indexes of comments as they get edited and deleted). This will allow get and delete by key
parallel data structures
The idea here is to create more than one entity at a time in a transaction, but to make sure they have related keys. For example, when someone comments on a feed item, create a Comment entity, then create a CommentedOn entity which has the same ID, but make it have a parent key of the commenter user.
Then, you can make a strongly consistent query for the CommentedOn, and use the same id to do a get by key on the Comment. You can also just store a key, rather than having matching IDs if that's too hard. Having matching IDs in practice was easier each time I did this.
The main limitation of this approach is that you're effectively creating an index yourself out of entities, and while this can give you strongly consistent queries where you need them the throughput limitations of transactional writes can become harder to understand. You also need to manage state changes (like deletes) carefully.
State flags on entities
Assuming the Notification object just shows the user that something happened but links to another entity for the actual data, you could store a state flag (deleted, hidden, private etc) on that entity. Then listing your notifications would be a matter of loading the entities server side and filtering in code (or possibly subsequent filtered queries).
At the end of the day, the complexity of the solution should mirror the complexity of the problem. I would start with approach 3 then migrate to approach 2 when the fuller set of requirements is understood. It is a more robust and flexible approach, but complexity of XG transaction limitations will rear its head - but ultimately a distributed feed like this is a hard problem.
What I ended up doing and what worked for my specific model was that before creating a Notification Entity I would first allocate and ID for it:
// Allocate an ID for a Notification
final Key<Notification> notificationKey = factory().allocateId(Notification.class);
final Long notificationId = notificationKey.getId();
Then when creating my Like or Follow Entity, I would set the property Like.notificationId = notificationId; or Follow.notificationId = notificationId;
Then I would save both Entities.
Later, when I want to delete the Like or Follow I can do so and at the same time get the Id of the Notification, load the Notification by key (which is strongly consistent to do so), and delete it too.
Just another approach that may help someone =D
