How to update tile in every seconds using Windows 8 metro style apps - winrt-async

In my Windows 8 metro style app, I want to update tile in every second. Is it Possible in WinRt apps? Please give me a solution for this issue

The rate at which app tiles are refreshed is determined by the OS and cannot be influenced by the app. Background tasks are limited to running once every 15 minutes and the BadgeUpdater can only be scheduled every 30 minutes.
See for more information.

This might be closer to what you are expecting to do.
Here's a solution for every minute (not second):
Tile Update every minute


Ionic - App-wide countdown timer

I am creating an app which should have an internal clock of about 12 hours. Once the clock reaches 0 a button will become enabled in the bottom menu bar. I would also like to display this clock as it is counting down.
I am not sure how I can implement this. I would have to run some kind of background task that keeps checking to see if 12 hours is over, probably using the Date object's getTime() function. What I'm stuck on is I don't know how to run this task in the background. How do I run an asynchronous task throughout the whole app?

ThreadPoolTimer not run when app is suspended

I create a ThreadPoolTimer to refresh my token(which will expire in 12 hours), and the timer is expected to be ticked in 12 hours. However, I put my UWP app in background over 12 hours, and then resume the app, the timer is not ticked even though the token is expired. Seems that when the app is background, the ThreadPoolTimer is also suspended. I tried DispatcherTimer, which is not suspended when the app is in background, however it's only available in UI thread. Is there any replacement Timer in UWP can meet my requirement?
This is normal behavior - when the app is suspended, all it's processes are being stopped - take a look at App's Lifecycle.
Your scenario - to run code in 12h interval, fits BackgroundTask with TimeTrigger. Take a look at MSDN and there is also a sample.
Once I've also written a blog post about running such task - maybe will help. Also take a look at this answer at SO.

How I get a background location every n seconds?

Is there any way to listen background location every n seconds? I need to get the location every 5 minutes to not drain the device battery.
PS I have a pro account.
There is a new background locationlistener implemented recently, I haven't test it personally, but I believe it will help you.
There is blog about it here and a sample usage could be found here.
Although there's an issue posted on codename one forum about it killing the app, but Steve mentioned he was working on fixing it.

How to update my WP8 Silverlight app tile every one minute?

In my app, I've created the mechanism to create a custom tile. Lets say, CreateTile() this is the function which will create live tile and also will update the value.
But I want to update the live tile automatically every one minute. I have heard of Background Task Agent and Scheduled Notifications. But I don't know how to use them.
Can anyone help me out, assuming that there is already a function CreateTile() which updates my tile information?
Periodic background agents run at roughly 30 minutes interval. You cannot configure this interval.
Here are the details for background agents: Background agents for Windows Phone 8

app-icon of no-gui-app bounces a few minutes in the dock

I’m about to deploy an application without a GUI or console-output. It works flawless but the application icon bounces for like 5 minutes after launching in the dock.
I want to keep the dock-icon (so no LSUIElement=1) but get rid of the bouncing.
Any ideas?
If you your application to appear in the Dock, it will need to have a Cocoa event loop and some amount of GUI (I believe it'll need at a menu bar, at a minimum, and should be able to at least handle a quit event).
Depending on what your application is and how it works, this may or may not be feasible. You'll have to provide more information for us to provide more specific advice.
