How to UPLOAD a file into my JS application? - extjs

I am working on extjs 4.2 application. Trying to create a menu toolbar where I can add and delete files. For example:
When I press Open, I want to see the file browser window. And when I finish choosing the file and click "open", I will see something like this:
I know that I need to use onItemClick() function to open the browser. But I have no idea how to call that window. Also how can you program so only certain file extensions can be chosen.
I am guessing that once you press "open" on the file browser window, the file tree in the left panel will dynamically add that file. But have no idea how can I connect "open" to my tree.
Just to clarify - this is going to be user based app, it is not going to be a webapp. This will be opened in user's browser and that is it. No need to get some info from server or send something to client.
EDIT: I have been able to solve the part where you click on Open the file browser dialog pops up. Then when I select a file and press "open", it displays a message box with file's name.
Here is the code for that part:
var item = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.File', {
buttonOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Open',
hideLabel: true,
listeners: {
'change': function(fb, v){
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', v);
var mainmenu = Ext.create('', {
width: 200,
margin: '0 0 10 0',
items: [item]
Now the problem is that I need to get the FULL PATH of the file. This message only shows file's name. Any help?

Using files on the web can be tricky, so you're going to have to be patient, diligent, and be prepared for some self-learning.
A. If you want to be compatible with all browsers, you need to upload the file to a server, and have the server return info about the file. Or you can try Sencha Desktop Packager, flash, or signed Java Applets.
If you are okay with only modern browsers, you will need to read and learn the HTML5 File API. Here's a start:
B. Start with a filefield button for now, and add it as a menuitem later, just to keep things simple. You will want to listen to the filefield's change event if you want to read the file.
C. To restrict file types (only modern browsers allow this), you'll need to do something like this (audio/* is just an example):
D. After you get the file, you will want to add it's info to the tree's TreeStore.


How to pass model to Office 365 Dialog from Word 2016?

I was playing with Office 365 add-in for MS word. I have a dialog to manipulate selected word image. I need to pass that image (maybe a Base64 value of that) to my dialog so that I can play with the image before replacing back to the word(same location).
I am using below code to show the popup:
Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync("https://" + + "/Views/ImageManager.html", { width: 64, height: 55, requireHTTPS: true }, function (asyncResult) {
dialog = asyncResult.value;
dialog.addEventHandler(Office.EventType.DialogMessageReceived, processMessage);
if (asyncResult.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
Thing I wanted to do?
When the user selects an image to play with that in a word document and click ribbon button to open this dialog, I need to pass that image to the dialog to show in the dialog.
How can I pass my Image model to the dialog?
There are at least two ways to pass things to the dialog:
Pass it as a query parameter on the URL that you pass to displayDialogAsync()
Store it in window.localStorage in the host script and retrieve it from there in script on the dialog page.
UPDATE: You can vote up this Office Dev User Voice request for better communication between the dialog and its host:

angular $sce trustAsResourceUrl from node

im trying to make a streaming service where i stream the content of a file (in this case a video) into a video element.
for this purpose i have downloaded and installed videogular and is now trying to set it up however im sure how to do it.
According to the documentation on videogular to load a video you would need a syntax like this:
sources: [
{src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(myMp4Resource), type: "video/mp4"}
Which is fine for when you want to load the content in without streaming.
But say for instance you have a node server running at port 8105 and the file you wish to collect had an id of 1 then the result might look something like this:
sources: [
{src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl('http://localhost:8105/loadvideo/1'), type: "video/mp4"}
However in my attempt to do so it would just tell me that the resource is not an actual resource.
My question is how do you stream to a video content (preferably with videogular) and does anyone know of examples where people have made this possible?
Server side code
Okay so my initial idea (and i know this is a change for the code above) was to create a route that took at path:
.post(function (request, response) {
var path = '../' +;
var file = fs.createReadStream(path);
And then piped the output of the file.
Then use this to stream the file
If you have video files on your harddrive and you want to serve them all with their filenames, you should just use Express Static to serve them just like any other resource
You can add a path prefix '/videos' to differentiate them from regular resources.
app.use('/videos', express.static('videos'));
Then a video file ./videos/myvid.mp4 would be available as http://localhost:8000/videos/myvid.mp4
To have a file available as a file, you need to set the appropriate headers before piping
And to load the file you'd put this code in your router, and where you're using post, if you don't have a strong reason I'd just use get or all
You might also wanna be able to end the transmission if client decides to disconnect mid-stream
Alternatively you might want to go with instead of streams, which which case appropriate headers and interruptions are automatically handled.
So the whole code might look like this:
.all(function(req, res){
res.header('content-disposition', 'filename="video.mp4"')
var stream = fs.createReadStream('./resources/video.mp4');
require('on-finished')(res, stream.abort.bind(stream));
// or simply'/path'))
Then you can use http://localhost:8000/path/to/video.mp4 to either directly load the video into your browser, it'll play it if it can or simply offer to download. Or you can use this URL in your videgular
sources: [ {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl('http://localhost:8000/path/to/video.mp4'), type: "video/mp4"} ]

ng-flow - no destination directory option

I am using ng-flow in my application and it works pretty well. Currently, the destination directory for the files being uploaded is set in my web.config and used within my webapi controller method.
What I want to do is allow the user to specify the destination, rather than it come from config. However, looking at the docs, I don't see an option that I can add to the below appconfig for this:
function appConfig(flowFactoryProvider) {
flowFactoryProvider.defaults = {
target: 'api/upload',
permanentErrors: [404, 500, 501],
maxChunkRetries: 1,
chunkRetryInterval: 5000,
simultaneousUploads: 4
flowFactoryProvider.on('catchAll', function (event) {
console.log('catchAll', arguments);
Am i missing something or do I need to handle this myself?
You should see a clear separation between your front end and you back end. That is why you are not able to set in flow-js or any other framework.
What you can do, is let the user specify it in a form field and leave the handling to the server side. This way it is also possible to filter on allowed locations. You don't want your client to add files to your system directories.

ExtJS show "processing download" when downloading a file

I have my ExtJS 4.2.1 Application, where I have a reports section for generating and downloading PDF reports.
Right now in my controller I have this for downloading a file:
onPrint: function() {
Ext.core.DomHelper.append(document.body, {
tag: 'iframe',
id: 'downloadIframe',
frameBorder: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
css: 'display:none;visibility:hidden;height:0px;',
src: '/api/report/GenerateReport'
Is working fine, but there are reports that take 5 to 10 seconds to generate, so the user might click several times the Print button because he doesn't know that a file it's being generated.
How can I show a mask "processing download" or something so I block the UI until the file is downloaded.
The parent panel that contains the Print button should have the attribute
waitMsgTarget: true,
and on the button's handler function, before you call onPrint(), add the line:
waitMsg: 'Processing download...',
Hope it helps.
The solution that I ended with is the following:
A. Call using Ajax a server method that will generate the file but will be stored temporarily on the server. Here I show a wait message
the name of the file is a Guid.
B. Once the file is created on server I responde the client with a the file name.
C. The client on success response creates an IFrame that it's src property points to the just created file URL.
D. The file is downloaded.

how to clear the file name list after fineUploader (3.5) uploads file

I download fine uploader 3.5, created http handler for a file upload function in my little website . the website is done by ajax and jquery. it runs at IE9. every time I upload a file, there is a list of file names shown below the load button. if I don't want thme, what should I do?
my code is like this:
html: ...
'<tr><td><div id="jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader"></div></td></tr>...
'request: { endpoint: 'xxx.ashx' }
'function (event, id, fileName, responseJSON) {
' alert("UPLOAD SUCCESS");
' $.ajax({some ajax calls here});
' })
// WHERE TO PUT this TO CLEAR the UPLOADED FILE LIST??? $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset');
'... public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
'do some http request work..
'context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
My question is:
I want to completely remove the uploaded file list which shows automatically in green color ( or red if they fail), in order to clear them, I tried to put: $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset'); right after .on('complete'), it's not working, also #jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader seems cached all the time. please help on this.
If you don't want to see the file list at all, you should be using FineUploaderBasic mode instead of using FineUploader mode and then removing all elements in the pre-built UI. FineUploaderBasic mode gives you access to the API, options, and callbacks, but assumes you will be creating your own UI. In other words, FineUploaderBasic mode does not create any DOM elements (except the opaque file input element as a child of your button container, if you supply one). This is all explained (in a great amount of detail) in the documentation.
Start here:
