Combining LBP and Adaboost - face-detection

I want to train a dataset for face detection.
I'm gonna use LBP as weak classifiers and Adaboost for boosting them to one strong classifier.
I have positive and negative samples. Their size is 18x18 pixels. I'm dividing each picture to 9 sub-regions. In each block i am calculating each pixels LBP value. And count their frequency in block. So each block have 256 values as frequencies.
My question is, how can i use LBP in Adaboost? Adaboost expects a weak classifier, but LBP by itself cant classify an image. How can i modify Adaboost to select most important values from each block?

You need to turn LBP into something that returns a boolean, or maybe a +1/-1, or maybe a floating point number, depending on the flavor of AdaBoost that you are using. People usually accomplish this by applying a threshold to a floating point value. Then you can use it as a weak classifier in AB. I can tell you more if describe your LBP computation in more detail.


How to obtain the derivative of Rodrigues vector and perform update in nonlinear least square?

I am now interested in the bundle adjustment in SLAM, where the Rodrigues vectors $R$ of dimension 3 are used as part of variables. Assume, without loss of generality, we use Gauss-Newton method to solve it, then in each step we need to solve the following linear least square problem:
$$J(x_k)\Delta x = -F(x_k),$$
where $J$ is the Jacobi of $F$.
Here I am wondering how to calculate the derivative $\frac{\partial F}{\partial R}$. Is it just like the ordinary Jacobi in mathematic analysis? I have this wondering because when I look for papers, I find many other concepts like exponential map, quaternions, Lie group and Lie algebra. So I suspect if there is any misunderstanding.
This is not an answer, but is too long for a comment.
I think you need to give more information about how the Rodrigues vector appears in your F.
First off, is the vector assumed to be of unit length.? If so that presents some difficulties as now it doesn't have 3 independent components. If you know that the vector will lie in some region (eg that it's z component will always be positive), you can work round this.
If instead the vector is normalised before use, then while you could then compute the derivatives, the resulting Jacobian will be singular.
Another approach is to use the length of the vector as the angle through which you rotate. However this means you need a special case to get a rotation through 0, and the resulting function is not differentiable at 0. Of course if this can never occur, you may be ok.

how to specify the threshold of weak classifier for adaboost method of face detector

I have read Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple
Features. In part 3, it defines a weak classifier like this:
My question is: how to specify the threshold theta_j?
And for strong classfier, my question is like this:
The parameter theta_j is calculated for each feature by the weak learner. Viola and Jones' approach was better documented in their 2004 version of their paper, and, IMHO, is very similar to a ROC analysis. You must test each one of your weak classifiers against the training set looking for the theta_j that causes the smallest weighted error. We say "weighted" because we use the w_t,i values associated with each training sample to weight a misclassification.
For an intuitive answer about the strong classifier threshold, consider that all alpha_t = 1. This means that you should have at least half of weak classifiers output 1 for x for the strong classifier output 1 for x. Remember that the weak classifiers output 1 if they think that x is a face and 0 otherwise.
In Adaboost, alpha_t can be thought of as a measure of the weak qualifier quality, i.e. the fewer mistakes the weak classifier makes, the higher its alpha will be. Since some weak classifiers are better than others, it seems to be a good idea to weight their votes according to their quality. The right hand of the strong classifier inequality reflects that if the weights add up to at least 50% of all the weights, classify x as 1 (face).
You need to determine theta_j for each feature. This is the training step for the weak classifier. In general, finding the best theta_j depend on the model of your weak classifier. In this particular case, you need to check all values that this particular feature takes on your training data, and see which of those values would lead to the lowest misclassification rate. This will be your theta_j.

Algorithm for voice comparison

Given two recorded voices in digital format, is there an algorithm to compare the two and return a coefficient of similarity?
I recommend to take a look into the HTK toolkit for speech recognition, especially the part on feature extraction.
Features that I would assume to be good indicators:
Mel-Cepstrum coefficients (general timbre)
LPC (for the harmonics)
Given your clarification I think what you are looking for falls under speech recognition algorithms.
Even though you are only looking for the measure of similarity and not trying to turn speech into text, still the concepts are the same and I would not be surprised if a large part of the algorithms would be quite useful.
However, you will have to define this coefficient of similarity more formally and precisely to get anywhere.
I believe speech recognition algorithms would be useful because they do abstraction of the sound and comparison to some known forms. Conceptually this might not be that different from taking two recordings, abstracting them and comparing them.
From wikipedia article on HMM
"In speech recognition, the hidden
Markov model would output a sequence
of n-dimensional real-valued vectors
(with n being a small integer, such as
10), outputting one of these every 10
milliseconds. The vectors would
consist of cepstral coefficients,
which are obtained by taking a Fourier
transform of a short time window of
speech and decorrelating the spectrum
using a cosine transform, then taking
the first (most significant)
So if you run such an algorithm on both recordings you would end up with coefficients that represent the recordings and it might be far easier to measure and establish similarities between the two.
But again now you come to the question of defining the 'similarity coefficient' and introducing dogs and horses did not really help.
(Well it does a bit, but in terms of evaluating algorithms and choosing one over another, you will have to do better).
There are many different algorithms - the general name for this task is Speaker Identification - start with this Wikipedia page and work from there:
I'm not sure this will work for soundfiles, but it gives you an idea how to proceed i hope. That is a basic way how to find a pattern (image) in another image.
You first have to calculate the fft of both the soundfiles and then do a correlation. In formular it would look like (pseudocode):
fftSoundFile1 = fft(soundFile1);
fftConjSoundFile2 = conj(fft(soundFile2));
result_corr = real(ifft(soundFile1.*soundFile2));
Where fft= fast Fourier transform, ifft = inverse, conj = conjugate complex.
The fft is performed on the sample values of the soundfiles.
The peaks in the result_corr vector will then give you the positions of high correlation.
Note that both soundfiles must in this case be of the same size-otherwise you have to place the shorter one into a file of max(soundFileLength) vector.
Edit: .* means (in matlab style) a component wise mult, you must not do a vector mult!
Next Edit: Note that you have to operate with complex numbers - but there are several Complex classes out there so I think you don't have to bother about this.

How to convert the output of an artificial neural network into probabilities?

I've read about neural network a little while ago and I understand how an ANN (especially a multilayer perceptron that learns via backpropagation) can learn to classify an event as true or false.
I think there are two ways :
1) You get one output neuron. It it's value is > 0.5 the events is likely true, if it's value is <=0.5 the event is likely to be false.
2) You get two output neurons, if the value of the first is > than the value of the second the event is likely true and vice versa.
In these case, the ANN tells you if an event is likely true or likely false. It does not tell how likely it is.
Is there a way to convert this value to some odds or to directly get odds out of the ANN. I'd like to get an output like "The event has a 84% probability to be true"
Once a NN has been trained, for eg. using backprogation as mentioned in the question (whereby the backprogation logic has "nudged" the weights in ways that minimize the error function) the weights associated with all individual inputs ("outside" inputs or intra-NN inputs) are fixed. The NN can then be used for classifying purposes.
Whereby the math (and the "options") during the learning phase can get a bit thick, it is relatively simple and straightfoward when operating as a classifier. The main algorithm is to compute an activation value for each neuron, as the sum of the input x weight for that neuron. This value is then fed to an activation function which purpose's is to normalize it and convert it to a boolean (in typical cases, as some networks do not have an all-or-nothing rule for some of their layers). The activation function can be more complex than you indicated, in particular it needn't be linear, but whatever its shape, typically sigmoid, it operate in the same fashion: figuring out where the activation fits on the curve, and if applicable, above or below a threshold. The basic algorithm then processes all neurons at a given layer before proceeding to the next.
With this in mind, the question of using the perceptron's ability to qualify its guess (or indeed guesses - plural) with a percentage value, finds an easy answer: you bet it can, its output(s) is real-valued (if anything in need of normalizing) before we convert it to a discrete value (a boolean or a category ID in the case of several categories), using the activation functions and the threshold/comparison methods described in the question.
So... How and Where do I get "my percentages"?... All depends on the NN implementation, and more importantly, the implementation dictates the type of normalization functions that can be used to bring activation values in the 0-1 range and in a fashion that the sum of all percentages "add up" to 1. In its simplest form, the activation function can be used to normalize the value and the weights of the input to the output layer can be used as factors to ensure the "add up" to 1 question (provided that these weights are indeed so normalized themselves).
Et voilà!
Claritication: (following Mathieu's note)
One doesn't need to change anything in the way the Neural Network itself works; the only thing needed is to somehow "hook into" the logic of output neurons to access the [real-valued] activation value they computed, or, possibly better, to access the real-valued output of the activation function, prior its boolean conversion (which is typically based on a threshold value or on some stochastic function).
In other words, the NN works as previously, neither its training nor recognition logic are altered, the inputs to the NN stay the same, as do the connections between various layers etc. We only get a copy of the real-valued activation of the neurons in the output layer, and we use this to compute a percentage. The actual formula for the percentage calculation depends on the nature of the activation value and its associated function (its scale, its range relative to other neurons' output etc.).
Here are a few simple cases (taken from the question's suggested output rules)
1) If there is a single output neuron: the ratio of the value provided by the activation function relative to the range of that function should do.
2) If there are two (or more output neurons), as with classifiers for example: If all output neurons have the same activation function, the percentage for a given neuron is that of its activation function value divided by the sum of all activation function values. If the activation functions vary, it becomes a case by case situation because the distinct activation functions may be indicative of a purposeful desire to give more weight to some of the neurons, and the percentage should respect this.
What you can do is to use a sigmoid transfer function on the output layer nodes (that accepts data ranges (-inf,inf) and outputs a value in [-1,1]).
Then by using the 1-of-n output encoding (one node for each class), you can map the range [-1,1] to [0,1] and use it as probability for each class value (note that this works naturally for more than just two classes).
The activation value of a single output neuron is a linearly weighted sum, and may be directly interpreted as an approximate probability if the network is trained to give outputs a range from 0 to 1. This would tend to be the case if the transfer function (or output function) in both the preceding stage and providing the final output is in the 0 to 1 range too (typically the sigmoidal logistic function). However, there is no guarantee that it will but repairs are possible. Moreover unless the sigmoids are logistic and the weights are constrained to be positive and sum to 1, it is unlikely. Generally a neural network will train in a more balanced way using the tanh sigmoid and weights and activations that range positive and negative (due to the symmetry of this model). Another factor is the prevalence of the class - if it is 50% then a 0.5 threshold is likely to be effective for logistic and a 0.0 threshold for tanh. The sigmoid is designed to push things towards the centre of the range (on backpropogation) and constrain it from going out of the range (in feedforward). The significance of the performance (with respect to the Bernoulli distribution) can also be interpreted as a probability that the neuron is making real predictions rather than guessing. Ideally the bias of the predictor to positives should match the prevalence of positives in the real world (which may vary at different times and places, e.g. bull vs bear markets, e.g. credit worthiness of people applying for loans vs people who fail to make loan payments) - calibrating to probabilities has the advantage that any desired bias can be set easily.
If you have two neurons for two classes, each can be interpreted independently as above, and the halved difference between them can also be. It is like flipping the negative class neuron and averaging. The differences can also give rise to a probability of significance estimate (using the T-test).
The Brier score and its Murphy decomposition give a more direct estimate of the probability that an average answer is correct, while Informedness gives the probability the classifier is making an informed decision rather than a guess, ROC AUC gives the probability a positive class will be ranked higher than a negative class (by a positive predictor), and Kappa will give a similar number that matches Informedness when prevalence = bias.
What you normally want is both a significance probability for the overall classifier (to ensure that you are playing on a real field, and not in an imaginary framework of guestimates) and a probability estimate for a specific example. There are various ways to calibrate, including doing a regression (linear or nonlinear) versus probability and using its inverse function to remap to a more accurate probability estimate. This can be seen by the Brier score improving, with the calibration component reducing towards 0, but the discrimination component remaining the same, as should ROC AUC and Informedness (Kappa is subject to bias and may worsen).
A simple non-linear way to calibrate to probabilities is to use the ROC curve - as the threshold changes for the output of a single neuron or the difference between two competing neurons, we plot the results true and false positive rates on a ROC curve (the false and true negative rates are naturally the complements, as what isn't really a positive is a negative). Then you scan the ROC curve (polyline) point by point (each time the gradient changes) sample by sample and the proportion of positive samples gives you a probability estimate for positives corresponding to the neural threshold that produced that point. Values between points on the curve can be linearly interpolated between those that are represented in the calibration set - and in fact any bad points in the ROC curve, represented by deconvexities (dents) can be smoothed over by the convex hull - probabilistically interpolating between the endpoints of the hull segment. Flach and Wu propose a technique that actually flips the segment, but this depends on information being used the wrong way round and although it could be used repeatedly for arbitrary improvement on the calibration set, it will be increasingly unlikely to generalize to a test situation.
(I came here looking for papers I'd seen ages ago on these ROC-based approaches - so this is from memory and without these lost references.)
I will be very prudent in interpreting the outputs of a neural networks (in fact any machine learning classifier) as a probability. The machine is trained to discriminate between classes, not to estimate the probability density. In fact, we don't have this information in the data, we have to infer it. For my experience I din't advice anyone to interpret directly the outputs as probabilities.
did you try prof. Hinton's suggestion of training the network with softmax activation function and cross entropy error?
as an example create a three layer network with the following:
linear neurons [ number of features ]
sigmoid neurons [ 3 x number of features ]
linear neurons [ number of classes ]
then train them with cross entropy error softmax transfer with your favourite optimizer stochastic descent/iprop plus/ grad descent. After training the output neurons should be normalized to sum of 1.
Please see for details. Shark Machine Learning framework does provide Softmax feature through combining two models. And prof. Hinton an excellent online course # regarding the details.
I can remember I saw an example of Neural network trained with back propagation to approximate the probability of an outcome in the book Introduction to the theory of neural computation (hertz krogh palmer). I think the key to the example was a special learning rule so that you didn't have to convert the output of a unit to probability, but instead you got automatically the probability as output.
If you have the opportunity, try to check that book.
(by the way, "boltzman machines", although less famous, are neural networks designed specifically to learn probability distributions, you may want to check them as well)
When using ANN for 2-class classification and logistic sigmoid activation function is used in the output layer, the output values could be interpreted as probabilities.
So if you choosing between 2 classes, you train using 1-of-C encoding, where 2 ANN outputs will have training values (1,0) and (0,1) for each of classes respectively.
To get probability of first class in percent, just multiply first ANN output to 100. To get probability of other class use the second output.
This could be generalized for multi-class classification using softmax activation function.
You can read more, including proofs of probabilistic interpretation here:
[1] Bishop, Christopher M. Neural networks for pattern recognition. Oxford university press, 1995.

Similarity between line strings

I have a number of tracks recorded by a GPS, which more formally can be described as a number of line strings.
Now, some of the recorded tracks might be recordings of the same route, but because of inaccurasies in the GPS system, the fact that the recordings were made on separate occasions and that they might have been recorded travelling at different speeds, they won't match up perfectly, but still look close enough when viewed on a map by a human to determine that it's actually the same route that has been recorded.
I want to find an algorithm that calculates the similarity between two line strings. I have come up with some home grown methods to do this, but would like to know if this is a problem that's already has good algorithms to solve it.
How would you calculate the similarity, given that similar means represents the same path on a map?
Edit: For those unsure of what I'm talking about, please look at this link for a definition of what a line string is: - I'm not asking about character strings.
Compute the Fréchet distance on each pair of tracks. The distance can be used to gauge the similarity of your tracks.
Math alert: Fréchet was a pioneer in the field of metric space which is relevant to your problem.
I would add a buffer around the first line based on the estimated probable error, and then determine if the second line fits entirely within the buffer.
To determine "same route," create the minimal set of normalized path vectors, calculate the total power differences and compare the total to a quality measure.
Normalize the GPS waypoints on total path length,
walk the vectors of the paths together, creating a new set of path vectors for each path based upon the shortest vector at each waypoint,
calculate the total power differences between endpoints of each vector in the normalized paths weighting for vector length, and
compare against a quality measure.
Tune the power of the differences (start with, say, squared differences) and the quality measure (say as a percent of the total power differences) visually. This algorithm produces a continuous quality measure of the path match as well as a binary result (Are the paths the same?)
Paul Tomblin said: I would add a buffer
around the first line based on the
estimated probable error, and then
determine if the second line fits
entirely within the buffer.
You could modify the algorithm as the normalized vector endpoints are compared. You could determine if any endpoint difference was above a certain size (implementing Paul's buffer idea) or perhaps, if the endpoints were outside the "buffer," use that fact to ignore that endpoint difference, allowing a comparison ignoring side trips.
You could walk along each point (Pa) of LineString A and measure the distance from Pa to the nearest line-segment of LineString B, averaging each of these distances.
This is not a quick or perfect method, but should be able to give use a useful number and is pretty quick to implement.
Do the line strings start and finish at similar points, or are they of very different extents?
If you consider a single line string to be a sequence of [x,y] points (or [x,y,z] points), then you could compute the similarity between each pair of line strings using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. As described in the referenced Wikipedia article, the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm requires a "similarity matrix" which defines the distance between a pair of points. However, it would be easy to use a function instead of a matrix. In your case you could simply use the 2D Euclidean distance function (or a 3D Euclidean function if your points have elevation) to provide the distance between each pair of points.
I actually side with the person (Aaron F) who said that you might be interested in the Levenshtein distance problem (and cited this). His answer seems to me to be the best so far.
More specifically, Levenshtein distance (also called edit distance), does not measure strictly the character-by-character distance, but also allows you to perform insertions and deletions. The best algorithm for this distance measure can be computed in quadratic time (pretty slow if your strings are long), but the computational biologists have pretty good heuristics for this, that might be of interest to you on their own. Check out BLAST and FASTA.
In your problem, it seems that you are dealing with differences between strings of numbers, and you care about the numbers. If you give more information, I might be able to direct you to the right variant of BLAST/FASTA/etc for your purposes. In any case, you might consider adapting BLAST and FASTA for your needs. They're quite simple.
