Windows 8 tablet running regular exe. How to make things bigger? - winforms

We want to run our regular forms applications on Windows 8 Pro tablets. They actually run without any problem, but they look very very small on tablet' s screen. The tablet runs under 1024x768 or 1280x800 screen resolutions and that' s all it supports.
1) A solution might be to run our exe application inside another third party exe, so that it becomes possible to pinch(in order to zoom in/out) Is it possible and do you know any software like this?
2) In Android, there exists LCDDensity like apps, so that people can change the screen resolutions freely. Is there any Windows 8 application that does the same?
3) Any other ideas to achieve this?

Try to play with Form property AutoScaleMode, set it to DPI.


To open same responsive page on different platform like mobile, desktop and tab

If I have to open same responsive page on different platform like mobile, desktop and tab with different control size using selenium then how can I achieve this?
As I understand, your query is regarding a compatibility test for a webpage on devices with different screen sizes and OS platforms. For this, you may use Appium for testing on mobile devices and TestNG for orchestrating parallel testing. Additionally, you will have to set up an array of all the test devices where you need to run tests or create emulators for those devices.
Here's an article that explains exactly that. I would like to point out that this is a rather tedious process.
As a suggestion, another easier way without selenium is to use one of the code-less automated testing tools on the cloud that removes the hassle of setting up the test devices.

Codename one Simulators sizes do not fit within the window

While developing app with codename one with Netbeans IDE, I was running into this issue where the simulators were not usable except iphone 3. If I choose the simulator to be iPhone 5 or 6 or 6 plus, the simulator is so huge and only part of it appears on the screen and I couldn't even scroll.
Is there anyway to make the simulator to fit within the window sizes? I tried on Mac and Windows and I experienced the same result.
Please advise.
Uncheck the Scrollable option under the Simulalator menu. It's on by default since some artifacts might appear during scaling but for large skins there is no alternative.

Visual Studio Windows Emulator

I'm trying to emulate a high resolution screen for development purposes; however, from looking around, it looks like the VS emulator will only work with Store Apps / UWP. Is there a way to trick / configure VS into using the emulator for a WPF desktop application?
Alternatively, has anyone found any other, imaginative solution to this kind of issue?
My fallback is to set-up a Hyper-V VM for this, but this feels like overkill for what I need (I'm also not sure I'll be able to set this to the screen ratio that I need).
Having looked into Hyper-V, I can't see any way to configure the display to the desired (portrait) resolution of 2160x3840.
You don't want the emulators for this. You want the simulator.
The Windows Simulator creates an RDP session back to the current machine. It simulates the input and output to the session, but it does not emulate the actual code: that's still running on the same machine.
While VS only launches the simulator for you for UWP apps, once it's running you can run other apps such as your WPF app, Visual Studio, remote debugger hosts, etc.
You can also run the simulator explicitly. It should be installed somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Simulator\15.0\Microsoft.Windows.Simulator.exe
The emulators are Hyper-V images of the target OS (e.g. Windows 10 Mobile) and won't run your WPF app.
If getting a 4k monitor is not an option you need to use something like this.

Silverlight on Windows 8

I'm running my SL5 application (that has been working well so far) on Windows 8, and it is not going well. I have a background picture which usually does not render correctly, almost everytime I navigate my background (including the controls over it) just goes white till I resize IE, then it re-paints (what makes it stranger is that the parts that goes white is outside of the navigation frame, why is it getting repainted). (Chrome renders fine)
When I run my application out-of-browser my login screen pops up and works correctly but after the login screen closes it looks like the gray background of the login screen remains behind and I cannot click on anything, resizing makes no difference, it looks like every control has been disabled.
I have updated my NVidia Drivers to the latest, don't think its a display driver issue though.
Anyone else had these issues? Anyone else running SL5 fine on windows 8?
(Looks like I'll be downgrading back to windows 7 soon)
Silverlight should run great on any desktop browser in Windows 8, just like it does on Windows 7, Vista, and Mac. The underlying runtime is 100% the same. That does not mean you may not find a glitch with a graphics driver, but it means you shouldn't - and likely won't.
I did want to make a clarifying point, however, that Silverlight is not part of the Modern Internet Explorer (the Metro Internet Explorer). Only a subset of Flash is supported and that is only supported on white-listed sites.
This means Silverlight solutions that you might have expected to run on the Surface RT (running Windows RT - or Windows on Arm) will not run (as there is no SL runtime). And, I think we can all have a collective moan and ask, together, "Why not?" To which there is no acceptable answer.
The theoretical goal, of course, is to write native Windows 8 apps. If you want to write something web based you should write it in HTML5. That's the official word. I think we all know that HTML5 has a ways to go in order to catch Silverlight, but it is what it is. Can't change some things.
I have had no issues with any of my Silverlight 5 apps running on Windows 8 - I focus mainly on line of business apps but have some graphical and otherwise apps that run fine as well.
I'm only marking this as the answer to close the case, what the actual answer was to the problem we will never know. The solution: automatic updates. After much hassles with getting automatic updates to actually go through, my machine is now working well.

App runs very slow on ios6 devices

I have an app with deployment target iOS 3.0. It runs smooth as silk on all devices that haven't been upgraded to iOS6. However, on iOS6, animations are laggy, scrolling tableviews is slow (doesn't matter if they contain a lot of data or not, very inconsistent).
I have been going through the code and can't seem to find anything that causes this laggyness. ARC is disabled for this project (because it still supports iOS3.0), I have changed the deployment target to iOS6 to see if that'd make any change but it didn't.
Any developers with a similar problem? I'm starting to think it may be a setting in my Xcode project, as the laggyness is very inconsistent; Some screen work smooth on iPhone 5, while the same screens lag on iPhone 4 (and vice versa!)
I found the problem: there was a background image "stripe.png" that was repeated via
[bgView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"stripe.png"]]];
The stripe.png file was 3x3 in size. A #2x version was provided, but it had the same size (3x3). When I made a 6x6 version of it, everything runs smooth again.
Always make your #2x images double the size!
