How would you dim a container/panel like a modal Msg? - extjs

I'm trying to implement a view that requires a response from the server to update itself, so I'd like to 'dim' the container and show a spinner while it's asynchronously loading information from the server and then 'undim' when it's finished.
I've seen the same effect from the background of a Msg/Panel and would like to implement exactly the same thing with a spinner in the middle.

I think you want to use the regular extjs loadMask, let us know if you need help using it.

If you are looking for how to create a modal window in Sencha touch, then this is the best example.
You can mask the panel using loadmask configuration


Is it possible to show SimpleDialog internally?

I didn't really find any way to show SimpleDialog internally in MetroWindow. Is it possible?
Note: SimpleDialog has been renamed with CustomDialog.
Have you seen the documentation for dialogs? I also recommend to have a look at the sample application.
I was just looking at this myself. To show the dialog internally you use the ShowMetroDialogAsync Method on the MetroWindow:
From a user control:
And you can close it from inside the dialog using the MetroWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync:

how to change the position of textfield in adf forms?

Hi friends i am using jdev 11g release2 ( want to create a registration form from dragging datas from data control and my question was how to change or move the position of textfield in that form into different areas?
You should be using various layout components to achieve the layout you want, and remember that layout components can be nested to create more complex layouts.
See some examples here:
You can use the view source menu to see how they achieved that.
Please be a bit more clear in your query. From what I was able to make out:
You can either use the "code view" of the JDev to move the code which represents the component to a different location or use the "Design view" to drag and move the component.
I would recommend the first approach as it makes it easier to manage the code/layout
You can change the position of the fields within the form or you can drag them out. However for this you should try out some tests and see which suits you best. I think if you surround each attribute with "Panel label and message" you will have a better view of your page.

"angular way" for dynamically adding directives

I’m very impressed with Josh's answer about ‘angular way’ and declarative style in client-side.
But can you help me to understand, how to do that:
I have a single-page app with the menubar in the left side, and div container on the right-side.
When user clicking the menu item in the left menubar, on the right side I must to open the new tab with some grid,like this:
In angular I realized the <grid> directive.
When user click menuitem, I must add dynamically this grid directive with params on the right side.
What is the angular way for doing this functionality?
I found article about dynamic tabs, and this is example how I use it in my case
Since you asked a general question, let me give you a general answer. It should be helpful :)
AngularJS is model/data driven, and if you want to make any change to the UI, the first thing you may think is how to achieve it by changing data. Given this idea, we can implement it like this:
Define a ng-repeater, which should render tabs for a list of Tab objects called MyTabs, for instance.
When you want to add a new tab, then create a tab object and add/push it to MyTabs.
AngularJS will magically render it on the UI, thanks to the 2-way data binding.

Normal links with ExtJS callbacks?

In a renderer I'm generating links, which I want to map to my controllers functions.
The ActionColumn does this with images somehow, but I don't get the mechanism behind it.
I would like to have buttons there, but ExtJS only lets me render strings in a grid.
Well.. the question is bit confused.
If you want to implement an ActionColumn with a callback, you will only have to implement the "handler" property which is the callback. See in!/api/Ext.grid.column.Action
Real buttons aren't possible out of the box (and note: you should not), but you can render a button on your own.
I would suggest a bunch of icons (with the ActionColumn). No buttons required.

Windows show/hide toggle control

I'm trying to create a window control where you can toggle the state from hidden to shown, that hides/shows some stuff when not hidden.
Something like this:
Is there any built in control to handle this? Or do I have to implement it myself?
And what would be the best method to implement something like this?
Thanks in advance..
(Also is there a name for this? I have no idea what to call it)
You'll have to implement it yourself, but it's just a button with an icon on it that changes when you click it! Should be a breeze :-) Another way to do it is have 2 buttons in the same position and they hide one another when clicked - can be simpler to do.
